General Information of Drug (ID: )

Drug Name
#Ro5 Violations (Lipinski): 1 Molecular Weight (mw)
Logarithm of the Partition Coefficient (xlogp)
Rotatable Bond Count (rotbonds)
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count (hbonddonor)
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count (hbondacc)
ADMET Property
Absorption Tmax
The time to maximum plasma concentration (Tmax) is 1.7-6.1 h [1]
The clearance of drug is 0.39-0.708 L/h/kg [1]
In radiolabeling studies, approximately 30% of the radioactivity is excreted in the urine following a single oral administration of 14C-labelled haloperidol, while 18% is excreted in the urine as haloperidol glucuronide, demonstrating that haloperidol glucuronide is a major metabolite in the urine as well as in plasma in humans [1]
The concentration or amount of drug in body reduced by one-half in 14.5 - 36.7 hours [1]
The drug is metabolized via the liver [1]
The volume of distribution (Vd) of drug is 9.5-21.7 L/kg [1]
Cross-matching ID


1 Pharmacokinetics of haloperidol: an update. Clin Pharmacokinet. 1999 Dec;37(6):435-56. doi: 10.2165/00003088-199937060-00001.