General Information of Drug Therapeutic Target (DTT) (ID: TT8QVJO)

DTT Name CCCH tandem zinc finger protein ZFP36L1 (ERF-1)
Synonyms mRNA decay activator protein ZFP36L1; Zinc finger protein 36, C3H1 type-like 1; ZFP36-like 1; TPA-induced sequence 11b; ERF-1; EGF-response factor 1; Butyrate response factor 1; BERG36
Gene Name ZFP36L1
DTT Type
Literature-reported target
UniProt ID
3D Structure
2D Sequence (FASTA)
3D Structure (PDB)
Zinc-finger RNA-binding protein that destabilizes several cytoplasmic AU-rich element (ARE)-containing mRNA transcripts by promoting their poly(A) tail removal or deadenylation, and hence provide a mechanism for attenuating protein synthesis. Acts as a 3'-untranslated region (UTR) ARE mRNA-binding adapter protein to communicate signaling events to the mRNA decay machinery. Functions by recruiting the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex and components of the cytoplasmic RNA decay machinery to the bound ARE-containing mRNAs, and hence promotes ARE-mediated mRNA deadenylation and decay processes. Induces also the degradation of ARE-containing mRNAs even in absence of poly(A) tail (By similarity). Binds to 3'-UTR ARE of numerous mRNAs. Positively regulates early adipogenesis by promoting ARE-mediated mRNA decay of immediate early genes (IEGs) (By similarity). Promotes ARE-mediated mRNA decay of mineralocorticoid receptor NR3C2 mRNA in response to hypertonic stress. Negatively regulates hematopoietic/erythroid cell differentiation by promoting ARE-mediated mRNA decay of the transcription factor STAT5B mRNA. Positively regulates monocyte/macrophage cell differentiation by promoting ARE-mediated mRNA decay of the cyclin-dependent kinase CDK6 mRNA. Promotes degradation of ARE-containing pluripotency-associated mRNAs in embryonic stem cells (ESCs), such as NANOG, through a fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-induced MAPK-dependent signaling pathway, and hence attenuates ESC self-renewal and positively regulates mesendoderm differentiation (By similarity). May play a role in mediating pro-apoptotic effects in malignant B-cells by promoting ARE-mediated mRNA decay of BCL2 mRNA. In association with ZFP36L2 maintains quiescence on developing B lymphocytes by promoting ARE-mediated decay of several mRNAs encoding cell cycle regulators that help B cells progress through the cell cycle, and hence ensuring accurate variable-diversity-joining (VDJ) recombination and functional immune cell formation (By similarity). Together with ZFP36L2 is also necessary for thymocyte development and prevention of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) transformation by promoting ARE-mediated mRNA decay of the oncogenic transcription factor NOTCH1 mRNA (By similarity). Participates in the delivery of target ARE-mRNAs to processing bodies (PBs). In addition to its cytosolic mRNA-decay function, plays a role in the regulation of nuclear mRNA 3'-end processing; modulates mRNA 3'-end maturation efficiency of the DLL4 mRNA through binding with an ARE embedded in a weak noncanonical polyadenylation (poly(A)) signal in endothelial cells. Also involved in the regulation of stress granule (SG) and P-body (PB) formation and fusion. Plays a role in vasculogenesis and endocardial development (By similarity). Plays a role in the regulation of keratinocyte proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Plays a role in myoblast cell differentiation (By similarity).
KEGG Pathway
Cellular senescence (hsa04218 )
Reactome Pathway
Butyrate Response Factor 1 (BRF1) binds and destabilizes mRNA (R-HSA-450385 )


1 ZFP36L1 negatively regulates erythroid differentiation of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells by interfering with the Stat5b pathway. Mol Biol Cell. 2010 Oct 1;21(19):3340-51.