General Information of Drug Inactive Ingredient (DIG) (ID: E00702)

DIG Name
Cellulose acetate
DIG Function
Coating agent; Modified-release agent; Diluent

Full List of Drug(s) Co-administrated with This DIG

1 Approved Drug(s) Co-administrated with This DIG
Drug Name Drug ID Indication Formulation Name Formulation ID
Tofacitinib DMBS370 Rheumatoid arthritis [FA20] Tofacitinib Citrate eq 22mg base extended release tablet F23570
1 Investigative Drug(s) Co-administrated with This DIG
Drug Name Drug ID Indication Formulation Name Formulation ID
Oxybutynine DMJPBAX Obsolete neurogenic bladder [] Oxybutynin 5mg extended release tablet F23499