General Information of DTT (ID: TTGPJ0U)

DTT Name DNA polymerase alpha catalytic p180 (POLA1) DTT Info
Gene Name POLA1

Molecule-Related Drug & Molecule List

Molecule-Related Drug List
Molecule Type:
Drug Status:
Discontinued Drug(s)
1 Discontinued Drug(s) Transported by This DTP
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
HO-221 DMQOW8H Virus infection 1A24-1D9Z Discontinued in Phase 1 [1]
Molecule Interaction Atlas


1 Effect of novel benzoylphenylurea derivatives on DNA polymerase alpha activity using the synthesome-based in vitro model system. Invest New Drugs. 2003 Nov;21(4):421-8.