General Information of Drug Off-Target (DOT) (ID: OTOY7C26)

DOT Name Late cornified envelope protein 2C (LCE2C)
Synonyms Late envelope protein 11
Gene Name LCE2C
UniProt ID
3D Structure
2D Sequence (FASTA)
3D Structure (PDB)
Pfam ID
Function Precursors of the cornified envelope of the stratum.
Tissue Specificity Skin-specific. Expression was readily detected in adult trunk skin, adult arm skin, fetal skin, penal skin, vulva, esophagus and tongue. Not expressed in the cervix, rectum, lung, colon, or placenta.
Reactome Pathway
Formation of the cornified envelope (R-HSA-6809371 )

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This DOT

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) Jump to Detail Molecular Interaction Atlas of This DOT
3 Drug(s) Affected the Gene/Protein Processing of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Acetaminophen DMUIE76 Approved Acetaminophen increases the expression of Late cornified envelope protein 2C (LCE2C). [1]
Cupric Sulfate DMP0NFQ Approved Cupric Sulfate increases the expression of Late cornified envelope protein 2C (LCE2C). [2]
Milchsaure DM462BT Investigative Milchsaure decreases the expression of Late cornified envelope protein 2C (LCE2C). [4]
1 Drug(s) Affected the Post-Translational Modifications of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Benzo(a)pyrene DMN7J43 Phase 1 Benzo(a)pyrene increases the methylation of Late cornified envelope protein 2C (LCE2C). [3]


1 Blood transcript immune signatures distinguish a subset of people with elevated serum ALT from others given acetaminophen. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Apr;99(4):432-41.
2 Physiological and toxicological transcriptome changes in HepG2 cells exposed to copper. Physiol Genomics. 2009 Aug 7;38(3):386-401.
3 Air pollution and DNA methylation alterations in lung cancer: A systematic and comparative study. Oncotarget. 2017 Jan 3;8(1):1369-1391. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.13622.
4 Transcriptional profiling of lactic acid treated reconstructed human epidermis reveals pathways underlying stinging and itch. Toxicol In Vitro. 2019 Jun;57:164-173.