General Information of Drug (ID: DMZYQOB)

Drug Name
DSM2 Drug Info
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Malaria 1F40-1F45 Investigative [1]
Cross-matching ID

Molecule-Related Drug Atlas

Molecule-Related Drug Atlas
Molecule Type:
Drug Status:
Approved Drug(s)
Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Investigative Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Artemisinin DMOY7W3 Malaria 1F40-1F45 Approved [2]
Leflunomide DMR8ONJ Arthritis FA20 Approved [3]
Teriflunomide DMQ2FKJ Hyperlipidaemia 5C80 Approved [4]
Atovaquone DMY4UMW Fungal infection 1F29-1F2F Approved [5]
Avastin+/-Tarceva DMA86FL Non-small-cell lung cancer 2C25.Y Phase 3 [6]
Acetate Ion DMD08RH Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [7]
B-Octylglucoside DMMO75G Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [7]
Orotate DMMB29S Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [8]
Lauryl Dimethylamine-N-Oxide DM3W2OE Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [7]
1,4-Naphthoquinone DMTCMH7 Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [6]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)

Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Molecular Interaction Atlas

Drug Therapeutic Target (DTT)
Plasmodium Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (Malaria DHOdehase) TT3PQ2Y PYRD_PLAF7 Inhibitor [1]


1 Plasmodium dihydroorotate dehydrogenase: a promising target for novel anti-malarial chemotherapy. Infect Disord Drug Targets. 2010 Jun;10(3):226-39.
2 The fight against drug-resistant malaria: novel plasmodial targets and antimalarial drugs. Curr Med Chem. 2008;15(2):161-71.
3 Identification and characterization of potential new therapeutic targets in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Eur J Biochem. 1999 Dec;266(3):1184-91.
4 Expression and characterization of E. coli-produced soluble, functional human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase: a potential target for immunosuppression. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol. 1999 Aug;1(1):183-8.
5 Inhibitor binding in a class 2 dihydroorotate dehydrogenase causes variations in the membrane-associated N-terminal domain. Protein Sci. 2004 Apr;13(4):1031-42.
6 Kinetics of inhibition of human and rat dihydroorotate dehydrogenase by atovaquone, lawsone derivatives, brequinar sodium and polyporic acid. Chem Biol Interact. 2000 Jan 3;124(1):61-76.
7 How many drug targets are there Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2006 Dec;5(12):993-6.
8 Antimalarial activity of orotate analogs that inhibit dihydroorotase and dihydroorotate dehydrogenase. Biochem Pharmacol. 1992 Mar 17;43(6):1295-301.