General Information of This Drug (ID: DMJYTUQ)

Drug Name
Kappa opioid agonist (intravenous, pain), Cara/Ferring; Kappa opioid agonist (oral, pain), Cara/Ferring; Kappa opioid agonist (subcutaneous, pain), Cara/Ferring; CR-845 (iv infusion, pain), Cara/Ferring; CR-845 (oral capsule, pain), Cara/Ferring; CR-845 (subcutaneous, pain), Cara/Ferring; FE-202845 (iv, pain), Cara/Ferring; FE-202845 (oral, pain), Cara/Ferring; FE-202845 (sc, pain), Cara/Ferring

Information on Drug Reposition of This Drug

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
1 Phase 2/3 Indication(s)
Indication Name Indication ID ICD-11 Status REF
Pain DIS4RWOW MG30-MG3Z Phase 2/3 [1]
1 Phase 2 Indication(s)
Indication Name Indication ID ICD-11 Status REF
Chronic pain DISXRS8Y MG30 Phase 2 [2]


1 (NCT02542384) A Study Evaluating the Overall Pain Relief and Safety of Intravenous (IV) CR845 in Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery.
2 Clinical pipeline report, company report or official report of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)