General Information of This Drug (ID: DMRMS0L)

Drug Name
Morphine   DMRMS0L
Synonyms Avinza; Kadian; Morphine Sulfate; Depodur; Astramorph Pf; Duramorph Pf; Infumorph; Ms Contin; Oramorph Sr
Therapeutic Class
Drug Type
Small molecular drug

Information on Drug Reposition of This Drug

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
2 Approved Indication(s)
Indication Name Indication ID ICD-11 Status REF
Advanced cancer DISAT1Z9 2A00-2F9Z Approved [1]
Pain DIS4RWOW MG30-MG3Z Approved [1]
1 Discontinued in Phase 2 Indication(s)
Indication Name Indication ID ICD-11 Status REF
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease DISQCIRF CA22 Discontinued in Phase 2 [2]
2 Investigative Indication(s)
Indication Name Indication ID ICD-11 Status REF
Diarrhea DISWTJQL ME05.1 Investigative [1]
Chronic pain DISXRS8Y MG30 Investigative [3]


1 Morphine FDA Label
2 Methylnaltrexone vs Erythromycin for Facilitating Gastric Emptying Time in Critically Ill Patients
3 Drugs@FDA. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 2015