General Information of DTT (ID: TTH7UO3)

DTT Name Inward rectifier potassium channel Kir2.1 (KCNJ2) DTT Info
Gene Name KCNJ2

Molecule-Related Drug & Molecule List

Molecule-Related Drug List
Molecule Type:
Drug Status:
Investigative Drug(s)
2 Investigative Drug(s) Transported by This DTP
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
oleoyl-CoA DMJ1VRU Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [1]
PIP2 DMOZV7N Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [2]
Molecule Interaction Atlas


1 Cytoplasmic accumulation of long-chain coenzyme A esters activates KATP and inhibits Kir2.1 channels. J Physiol. 2006 Sep 1;575(Pt 2):433-42.
2 Multiple PIP2 binding sites in Kir2.1 inwardly rectifying potassium channels. FEBS Lett. 2001 Feb 9;490(1-2):49-53.