General Information of Drug (ID: DM6ECN9)

Drug Name
Aluminium Drug Info
ALUMINUM; Adom; Aluminio; Metana; AO Al; Al alloy; Alaun [German]; Allbri aluminum paste and powder; Alumina fibre; Aluminium bronze; Aluminium flake; Aluminum alloy; Aluminum dehydrated; Aluminum dust; Aluminum metal; Aluminum powder; Aluminum production; Aluminum pyro powders; Aluminum soluble salts; Aluminum welding fumes; Emanay atomized aluminum powder; Metana aluminum paste; Noral Extra Fine Lining Grade; Noral Ink Grade Aluminum; Noral aluminium; Noral aluminum; Noral ink grade aluminium; A 00; A 95; A 99; A 995; A 999; AA 1099; AA1199; AD 1; AD1M; AO A1; AV00; AV000; Aa1193; Aluminum 27; Aluminum A00; Aluminum hydride [UN2463] [Dangerous when wet]; JISC 3108; JISC 3110; L16; NA9260; Pigment metal 1; ALUMINUM, ATOMIZED; Al(0); Aluminium(0); Aluminium, elementar; Aluminum (dust or fume); Aluminum (fume or dust); Aluminum (metal); Aluminum metal, alkyls; Aluminum metal, pyro powders; Aluminum metal, respirable fraction; Aluminum metal, soluble salts; Aluminum metal, total dust; Aluminum metal, welding fumes; Aluminum powder, coated [UN1309] [Flammable solid]; Aluminum powder, uncoated [UN1396] [Dangerous when wet]; Aluminum, elemental; Aluminum, molten [NA9260] [Class 9]; Aluminum, pyro powders; Aluminum, soluble salts; Aluminum, welding fumes; C-Pigment 1; C-Pigment 1 [German]; Noral non-leafing grade; Aluminum, pyro powders/welding fumes; C.I. 77000; ALUMINUM (SEE ALSO ALUMINUM OXIDE 1344-28-1); ALUMINUM, 99.999%; AQUANAL-plus aluminum (Al) 0.02-0.2 mg/L; AQUANAL(R)-plus aluminum (Al) 0.02-0.2 mg/L; 11008_ALDRICH; 11008_RIEDEL; 11009_ALDRICH; 11009_RIEDEL; 11010_ALDRICH; 11010_RIEDEL; 13Al
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Hyperhidrosis EE00 Approved [1]
Therapeutic Class
Antiinflammatory Agents
Cross-matching ID
PubChem CID
CAS Number
CAS 7429-90-5

Molecule(s) Related to This Drug

Drug Therapeutic Target (DTT)
Sodium pump subunit alpha-1 (ATP1A1) TTWK8D0 AT1A1_HUMAN Binder [2]

The Expression Level of Molecule(s) in Normal Tissue of Major ADME-Related Organs

Molecule Molecule Type Gene Name Liver Colon Kidney Small Intestine
Sodium pump subunit alpha-1 (ATP1A1) DTT ATP1A1 7.891 11.257 11.348 10.906
Molecule Expression Atlas in Normal Tissue of Major ADME-related organs

The Expression Level of Molecule(s) between Disease Section and Healthy Individual Tissue

The Studied Disease Hyperhidrosis
ICD Disease Classification EE00
Molecule Name Molecule Type Gene Name p-value Fold-Change Z-score
Sodium pump subunit alpha-1 (ATP1A1) DTT ATP1A1 4.66E-01 1.00E-02 0.06
Sodium pump subunit alpha-1 (ATP1A1) DTT ATP1A1 3.31E-01 -0.03 -0.19
Molecular Expression Atlas between Disease Section and Healthy Individual Tissue


1 Drug information of Cocculin, 2008. eduDrugs.
2 The inhibitory effect of aluminium on the (Na+/K+)ATPase activity of rat brain cortex synaptosomes. J Inorg Biochem. 2003 Sep 15;97(1):143-50.