General Information of Drug (ID: DM9CV6S)

Drug Name
Synonyms 4-fluorohexahydrosiladifenidol; p-pluorohexahydrosiladyphenidol; pFHHSiD
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [1]
Drug Type
Small molecular drug
3D MOL is unavailable 2D MOL
#Ro5 Violations (Lipinski):
Molecular Weight 349.6
Topological Polar Surface Area Not Available
Rotatable Bond Count 6
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 1
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 3
Chemical Identifiers
Canonical SMILES
Cross-matching ID
PubChem CID
CAS Number

Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Drug Therapeutic Target (DTT)
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (CHRM) TTOXS3C NOUNIPROTAC Antagonist [2]
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 (CHRM3) TTQ13Z5 ACM3_HUMAN Antagonist [2]
Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) Jump to Detail Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Molecular Expression Atlas of This Drug

The Studied Disease Discovery agent
ICD Disease Classification N.A.
Molecule Name Molecule Type Gene Name p-value Fold-Change Z-score
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 (CHRM3) DTT CHRM3 4.61E-07 -0.59 -0.73
Molecular Expression Atlas (MEA) Jump to Detail Molecular Expression Atlas of This Drug


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