General Information of Drug Off-Target (DOT) (ID: OTMWVECC)

DOT Name Lipid droplet-regulating VLDL assembly factor AUP1 (AUP1)
Synonyms Ancient ubiquitous protein 1
Gene Name AUP1
UniProt ID
3D Structure
2D Sequence (FASTA)
3D Structure (PDB)
Pfam ID
Plays a role in the translocation of terminally misfolded proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum lumen to the cytoplasm and their degradation by the proteasome. Plays a role in lipid droplet formation. Induces lipid droplet clustering. Recruits ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2G2 to lipid droplets which facilitates its interaction with ubiquitin ligases AMFR/gp78 and RNF139/TRC8, leading to sterol-induced ubiquitination of HMGCR and its subsequent proteasomal degradation. Also required for the degradation of INSIG1, SREBF1 and SREBF2. Plays a role in regulating assembly and secretion of very low density lipoprotein particles and stability of apolipoprotein APOB ; (Microbial infection) Following Dengue virus infection, required for induction of lipophagy which facilitates production of virus progeny particles.
Tissue Specificity Detected in blood platelets and leukocytes (at protein level). Ubiquitous. Highly expressed in placenta, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, heart and brain.

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This DOT

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) Jump to Detail Molecular Interaction Atlas of This DOT
5 Drug(s) Affected the Gene/Protein Processing of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Valproate DMCFE9I Approved Valproate increases the expression of Lipid droplet-regulating VLDL assembly factor AUP1 (AUP1). [1]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Approved Ciclosporin increases the expression of Lipid droplet-regulating VLDL assembly factor AUP1 (AUP1). [2]
Estradiol DMUNTE3 Approved Estradiol affects the expression of Lipid droplet-regulating VLDL assembly factor AUP1 (AUP1). [3]
PMID28460551-Compound-2 DM4DOUB Patented PMID28460551-Compound-2 increases the expression of Lipid droplet-regulating VLDL assembly factor AUP1 (AUP1). [4]
Bisphenol A DM2ZLD7 Investigative Bisphenol A increases the expression of Lipid droplet-regulating VLDL assembly factor AUP1 (AUP1). [6]
1 Drug(s) Affected the Post-Translational Modifications of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
PMID28870136-Compound-52 DMFDERP Patented PMID28870136-Compound-52 decreases the phosphorylation of Lipid droplet-regulating VLDL assembly factor AUP1 (AUP1). [5]


1 Human embryonic stem cell-derived test systems for developmental neurotoxicity: a transcriptomics approach. Arch Toxicol. 2013 Jan;87(1):123-43.
2 Integrating multiple omics to unravel mechanisms of Cyclosporin A induced hepatotoxicity in vitro. Toxicol In Vitro. 2015 Apr;29(3):489-501.
3 Identification of novel low-dose bisphenol a targets in human foreskin fibroblast cells derived from hypospadias patients. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e36711. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036711. Epub 2012 May 4.
4 Cell-based two-dimensional morphological assessment system to predict cancer drug-induced cardiotoxicity using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2019 Nov 15;383:114761. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2019.114761. Epub 2019 Sep 15.
5 Quantitative phosphoproteomics reveal cellular responses from caffeine, coumarin and quercetin in treated HepG2 cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2022 Aug 15;449:116110. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2022.116110. Epub 2022 Jun 7.
6 Alternatives for the worse: Molecular insights into adverse effects of bisphenol a and substitutes during human adipocyte differentiation. Environ Int. 2021 Nov;156:106730. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106730. Epub 2021 Jun 27.