General Information of DTP (ID: DTN7X5J)

DTP Name Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) DTP Info
Gene Name SCAMC2

Molecule-Related Drug & Molecule List

Molecule-Related Drug List
Molecule Type:
Drug Status:
Approved Drug(s)
1 Approved Drug(s) Transported by This DTP
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Phosphate DMUXQG7 Constipation DD91.1 Approved [1]
Molecule Interaction Atlas


1 Ketogenic diet induces expression of the muscle circadian gene Slc25a25 via neural pathway that might be involved in muscle thermogenesis. Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 6;7(1):2885.