General Information of Disease (ID: DIS4W83X)

Disease Name Minimally invasive lung adenocarcinoma
bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma; bronchioloalveolar lung adenocarcinoma; bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinoma of lung; bronchioalveolar adenocarcinoma of lung; carcinoma, bronchioloalveolar, malignant; bronchiolo-alveolar lung carcinoma; bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinoma of the lung; bronchioloalveolar carcinoma; bronchioalveolar adenocarcinoma of the lung; bac; bronchioalveolar lung carcinoma; bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma of lung; bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma of the lung; minimally invasive lung adenocarcinoma
A solitary adenocarcinoma arising from the lung measuring 3 cm or less. It is characterized by a predominantly lepidic pattern and 5 mm or less invasion in greatest dimension. It is usually a non-mucinous adenocarcinoma, but rarely may be mucinous.
Disease Hierarchy
DISD51WR: Lung adenocarcinoma
DIS4W83X: Minimally invasive lung adenocarcinoma
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 1 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Bortezomib DMNO38U Approved Small molecular drug [1]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 9 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ASPH TT2KHP7 Limited Genetic Variation [2]
CLDN18 TT6PKBX Limited Altered Expression [3]
DYRK2 TT84OS6 Limited Altered Expression [4]
EML4 TT92GY4 Limited Biomarker [5]
IL31 TT1RJXK Limited Altered Expression [6]
MUC17 TTVO0JU Limited Altered Expression [7]
SLC38A1 TT1YE9Z moderate Altered Expression [8]
TMBIM6 TT7QSMG moderate Altered Expression [9]
KRAS TTM8FR7 Strong Biomarker [10]
⏷ Show the Full List of 9 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 2 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC26A1 DTJ785O moderate Altered Expression [8]
SLC2A10 DT3BI6S Strong Altered Expression [11]
This Disease Is Related to 20 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
EMX2 OT0V8OYK Limited Biomarker [12]
HYAL2 OTTVINXW Limited Biomarker [13]
LOXL1 OTA0NEJU Limited Biomarker [14]
MDH2 OT7364GY Limited Altered Expression [15]
MUC3A OTI4XUDY Limited Altered Expression [7]
MUC6 OTPVL723 Limited Altered Expression [16]
NKX2-1 OTCMEJTA Limited Genetic Variation [17]
PRKRA OTUTVZZU Limited Altered Expression [18]
RBBP6 OTTVG4HU Limited Altered Expression [18]
RDX OTNSYUN6 Limited Altered Expression [19]
S100A2 OTTGHJ1H Limited Biomarker [20]
SIX3 OTP5E3VU Disputed Altered Expression [21]
ACIN1 OTK81F92 moderate Posttranslational Modification [22]
OCIAD2 OTSWB4SZ moderate Altered Expression [23]
COL4A5 OTHG60RE Strong Altered Expression [11]
DCUN1D1 OT8UJLZU Strong Altered Expression [24]
DMP1 OTBWBWW7 Strong Altered Expression [25]
GPX7 OTINT9Z4 Strong Biomarker [26]
NAPSA OT6F8IAL Strong Biomarker [27]
LIPH OTRGYLKL Definitive Altered Expression [28]
⏷ Show the Full List of 20 DOT(s)


1 Bortezomib FDA Label
2 Disproportionate representation of KRAS gene mutation in atypical adenomatous hyperplasia, but even distribution of EGFR gene mutation from preinvasive to invasive adenocarcinomas.J Pathol. 2007 Jul;212(3):287-94. doi: 10.1002/path.2165.
3 Global gene expression differentiating pure bronchioloalveolar carcinoma from adenocarcinoma with bronchioloalveolar carcinoma features.Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013 Apr;43(4):765-71. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezs427. Epub 2012 Aug 3.
4 Expression of dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation-regulated kinase 2 (DYRK2) can be a favorable prognostic marker in pulmonary adenocarcinoma.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009 Dec;138(6):1303-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2009.08.003. Epub 2009 Oct 9.
5 A case of synchronous bilateral lung cancers: EML4-ALK positive adenocarcinoma in the right lung and adenocarcinoma in situ (the former bronchioloalveolar carcinoma) in the left lung.BMC Pulm Med. 2013 Apr 25;13:25. doi: 10.1186/1471-2466-13-25.
6 IL-33/IL-31 axis: a new pathological mechanisms for EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors-associated skin toxicity.J Cell Biochem. 2013 Dec;114(12):2673-6. doi: 10.1002/jcb.24614.
7 Mucinous bronchioloalveolar carcinomas display a specific pattern of mucin gene expression among primary lung adenocarcinomas.Hum Pathol. 2001 Mar;32(3):274-81. doi: 10.1053/hupa.2001.22752.
8 GM3 synthase gene is a novel biomarker for histological classification and drug sensitivity against epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer.Cancer Sci. 2007 Oct;98(10):1625-32. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2007.00578.x. Epub 2007 Aug 16.
9 Expression of the Bax inhibitor-1 gene in pulmonary adenocarcinoma.Cancer. 2006 Feb 1;106(3):648-53. doi: 10.1002/cncr.21639.
10 Kras, Egfr, and Tp53 Mutations in B6C3F1/N Mouse and F344/NTac Rat Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinomas Resulting from Chronic Inhalation Exposure to Cobalt Metal.Toxicol Pathol. 2015 Aug;43(6):872-82. doi: 10.1177/0192623315581192. Epub 2015 Jun 9.
11 Elucidating Genomic Characteristics of Lung Cancer Progression from In Situ to Invasive Adenocarcinoma.Sci Rep. 2016 Aug 22;6:31628. doi: 10.1038/srep31628.
12 Downregulation of EMX2 is associated with clinical outcomes in lung adenocarcinoma patients.Clin Lung Cancer. 2011 Jul;12(4):237-44. doi: 10.1016/j.cllc.2011.03.025. Epub 2011 Apr 24.
13 Hyaluronidase 2 negatively regulates RON receptor tyrosine kinase and mediates transformation of epithelial cells by jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Apr 15;100(8):4580-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0837136100. Epub 2003 Apr 3.
14 Lysyl oxidase-like protein localizes to sites of de novo fibrinogenesis in fibrosis and in the early stromal reaction of ductal breast carcinomas.Lab Invest. 1998 Feb;78(2):143-51.
15 Overexpression of the -opioid receptor in human non-small cell lung cancer promotes Akt and mTOR activation, tumor growth, and metastasis.Anesthesiology. 2012 Apr;116(4):857-67. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0b013e31824babe2.
16 Expression of MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC6 in atypical adenomatous hyperplasia, bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes, and mucinous bronchioloalveolar carcinoma of the lung.Am J Clin Pathol. 2004 May;121(5):644-53. doi: 10.1309/U4WG-E9EB-FJN6-CM8R.
17 Genotype-phenotype correlation in Chinese patients with pulmonary mixed type adenocarcinoma: Relationship between histologic subtypes, TITF-1/SP-A expressions and EGFR mutations.Pathol Res Pract. 2014 Mar;210(3):176-81. doi: 10.1016/j.prp.2013.11.013. Epub 2013 Dec 5.
18 Overexpression of Dicer in precursor lesions of lung adenocarcinoma.Cancer Res. 2007 Mar 1;67(5):2345-50. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-06-3533.
19 Altered expression of the ERM proteins in lung adenocarcinoma.Lab Invest. 2000 Nov;80(11):1643-50. doi: 10.1038/labinvest.3780174.
20 Establishment of an immortalized cell line from a precancerous lesion of lung adenocarcinoma, and genes highly expressed in the early stages of lung adenocarcinoma development.Cancer Sci. 2005 Oct;96(10):668-75. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2005.00100.x.
21 Down-regulation of SIX3 is associated with clinical outcome in lung adenocarcinoma.PLoS One. 2013 Aug 16;8(8):e71816. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071816. eCollection 2013.
22 The ACIN1 gene is hypermethylated in early stage lung adenocarcinoma.J Thorac Oncol. 2006 Feb;1(2):160-7.
23 OCIA domain containing 2 is highly expressed in adenocarcinoma mixed subtype with bronchioloalveolar carcinoma component and is associated with better prognosis.Cancer Sci. 2007 Jan;98(1):50-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2006.00346.x.
24 SCCRO expression correlates with invasive progression in bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.Ann Thorac Surg. 2004 Nov;78(5):1734-41. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2004.05.056.
25 Dentin matrix protein 1 is expressed in human lung cancer.J Bone Miner Res. 2003 Aug;18(8):1506-12. doi: 10.1359/jbmr.2003.18.8.1506.
26 DNA hypermethylation regulates the expression of members of the Mu-class glutathione S-transferases and glutathione peroxidases in Barrett's adenocarcinoma. Gut. 2009 Jan;58(1):5-15. doi: 10.1136/gut.2007.146290. Epub 2008 Jul 29.
27 Applications and limitations of immunohistochemical expression of "Napsin-A" in distinguishing lung adenocarcinoma from adenocarcinomas of other organs.Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2013 May;21(3):191-5. doi: 10.1097/PAI.0b013e3182612643.
28 Lipase member H is a novel secreted protein selectively upregulated in human lung adenocarcinomas and bronchioloalveolar carcinomas.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014 Jan 24;443(4):1141-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.12.106. Epub 2013 Dec 28.