General Information of Drug Off-Target (DOT) (ID: OTCA7B6A)

DOT Name Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1)
Synonyms EC; Aspartyl protease 2; ASP2; Asp 2; Beta-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1; Beta-site APP cleaving enzyme 1; Memapsin-2; Membrane-associated aspartic protease 2
Gene Name BACE1
UniProt ID
3D Structure
2D Sequence (FASTA)
3D Structure (PDB)
1FKN ; 1M4H ; 1PY1 ; 1SGZ ; 1TQF ; 1UJJ ; 1UJK ; 1W50 ; 1W51 ; 1XN2 ; 1XN3 ; 1XS7 ; 1YM2 ; 1YM4 ; 2B8L ; 2B8V ; 2F3E ; 2F3F ; 2FDP ; 2G94 ; 2HIZ ; 2HM1 ; 2IQG ; 2IRZ ; 2IS0 ; 2NTR ; 2OAH ; 2OF0 ; 2OHK ; 2OHL ; 2OHM ; 2OHN ; 2OHP ; 2OHQ ; 2OHR ; 2OHS ; 2OHT ; 2OHU ; 2P4J ; 2P83 ; 2P8H ; 2PH6 ; 2PH8 ; 2Q11 ; 2Q15 ; 2QK5 ; 2QMD ; 2QMF ; 2QMG ; 2QP8 ; 2QU2 ; 2QU3 ; 2QZK ; 2QZL ; 2VA5 ; 2VA6 ; 2VA7 ; 2VIE ; 2VIJ ; 2VIY ; 2VIZ ; 2VJ6 ; 2VJ7 ; 2VJ9 ; 2VKM ; 2VNM ; 2VNN ; 2WEZ ; 2WF0 ; 2WF1 ; 2WF2 ; 2WF3 ; 2WF4 ; 2WJO ; 2XFI ; 2XFJ ; 2XFK ; 2ZDZ ; 2ZE1 ; 2ZHR ; 2ZHS ; 2ZHT ; 2ZHU ; 2ZHV ; 2ZJH ; 2ZJI ; 2ZJJ ; 2ZJK ; 2ZJL ; 2ZJM ; 2ZJN ; 3BRA ; 3BUF ; 3BUG ; 3BUH ; 3CIB ; 3CIC ; 3CID ; 3CKP ; 3CKR ; 3DM6 ; 3DUY ; 3DV1 ; 3DV5 ; 3EXO ; 3FKT ; 3H0B ; 3HVG ; 3HW1 ; 3I25 ; 3IGB ; 3IN3 ; 3IN4 ; 3IND ; 3INE ; 3INF ; 3INH ; 3IVH ; 3IVI ; 3IXJ ; 3IXK ; 3K5C ; 3K5D ; 3K5F ; 3K5G ; 3KMX ; 3KMY ; 3KN0 ; 3KYR ; 3L38 ; 3L3A ; 3L58 ; 3L59 ; 3L5B ; 3L5C ; 3L5D ; 3L5E ; 3L5F ; 3LHG ; 3LNK ; 3LPI ; 3LPJ ; 3LPK ; 3MSJ ; 3MSK ; 3MSL ; 3N4L ; 3NSH ; 3OHF ; 3OHH ; 3OOZ ; 3PI5 ; 3QBH ; 3QI1 ; 3R1G ; 3R2F ; 3RSV ; 3RSX ; 3RTH ; 3RTM ; 3RTN ; 3RU1 ; 3RVI ; 3S2O ; 3S7L ; 3S7M ; 3SKF ; 3SKG ; 3TPJ ; 3TPL ; 3TPP ; 3TPR ; 3U6A ; 3UDH ; 3UDJ ; 3UDK ; 3UDM ; 3UDN ; 3UDP ; 3UDQ ; 3UDR ; 3UDY ; 3UFL ; 3UQP ; 3UQR ; 3UQU ; 3UQW ; 3UQX ; 3VEU ; 3VF3 ; 3VG1 ; 3VV6 ; 3VV7 ; 3VV8 ; 3WB4 ; 3WB5 ; 3ZMG ; 3ZOV ; 4ACU ; 4ACX ; 4AZY ; 4B00 ; 4B05 ; 4B0Q ; 4B1C ; 4B1D ; 4B1E ; 4B70 ; 4B72 ; 4B77 ; 4B78 ; 4BEK ; 4BFD ; 4D83 ; 4D85 ; 4D88 ; 4D89 ; 4D8C ; 4DH6 ; 4DI2 ; 4DJU ; 4DJV ; 4DJW ; 4DJX ; 4DJY ; 4DPF ; 4DPI ; 4DUS ; 4DV9 ; 4DVF ; 4EWO ; 4EXG ; 4FCO ; 4FGX ; 4FM7 ; 4FM8 ; 4FRI ; 4FRJ ; 4FRK ; 4FRS ; 4FS4 ; 4FSE ; 4FSL ; 4GID ; 4GMI ; 4H1E ; 4H3F ; 4H3G ; 4H3I ; 4H3J ; 4HA5 ; 4HZT ; 4I0D ; 4I0E ; 4I0F ; 4I0G ; 4I0H ; 4I0I ; 4I0J ; 4I0Z ; 4I10 ; 4I11 ; 4I12 ; 4I1C ; 4IVS ; 4IVT ; 4J0P ; 4J0T ; 4J0V ; 4J0Y ; 4J0Z ; 4J17 ; 4J1C ; 4J1E ; 4J1F ; 4J1H ; 4J1I ; 4J1K ; 4JOO ; 4JP9 ; 4JPC ; 4JPE ; 4K8S ; 4K9H ; 4KE0 ; 4KE1 ; 4L7G ; 4L7H ; 4L7J ; 4LC7 ; 4LXA ; 4LXK ; 4LXM ; 4N00 ; 4PZW ; 4PZX ; 4R5N ; 4R8Y ; 4R91 ; 4R92 ; 4R93 ; 4R95 ; 4RCD ; 4RCE ; 4RCF ; 4RRN ; 4RRO ; 4RRS ; 4TRW ; 4TRY ; 4TRZ ; 4WTU ; 4WY1 ; 4WY6 ; 4X2L ; 4X7I ; 4XKX ; 4XXS ; 4YBI ; 4ZPE ; 4ZPF ; 4ZPG ; 4ZSM ; 4ZSP ; 4ZSQ ; 4ZSR ; 5CLM ; 5DQC ; 5ENK ; 5ENM ; 5EZX ; 5EZZ ; 5F00 ; 5F01 ; 5HD0 ; 5HDU ; 5HDV ; 5HDX ; 5HDZ ; 5HE4 ; 5HE5 ; 5HE7 ; 5HTZ ; 5HU0 ; 5HU1 ; 5I3V ; 5I3W ; 5I3X ; 5I3Y ; 5IE1 ; 5KQF ; 5KR8 ; 5MBW ; 5MCO ; 5MCQ ; 5MXD ; 5QCO ; 5QCP ; 5QCQ ; 5QCR ; 5QCS ; 5QCT ; 5QCU ; 5QCV ; 5QCW ; 5QCX ; 5QCY ; 5QCZ ; 5QD0 ; 5QD1 ; 5QD2 ; 5QD3 ; 5QD4 ; 5QD5 ; 5QD6 ; 5QD7 ; 5QD8 ; 5QD9 ; 5QDA ; 5QDB ; 5QDC ; 5QDD ; 5T1U ; 5T1W ; 5TOL ; 5UYU ; 5V0N ; 5YGX ; 5YGY ; 6BFD ; 6BFE ; 6BFW ; 6BFX ; 6C2I ; 6DHC ; 6DMI ; 6E3Z ; 6EJ2 ; 6EJ3 ; 6EQM ; 6FGY ; 6JSE ; 6JSF ; 6JSG ; 6JSN ; 6JT3 ; 6JT4 ; 6NV7 ; 6NV9 ; 6NW3 ; 6OD6 ; 6PZ4 ; 6UVP ; 6UVV ; 6UVY ; 6UWP ; 6UWV ; 6WNY ; 7B1E ; 7B1P ; 7B1Q ; 7D2V ; 7D2X ; 7D36 ; 7D5A ; 7DCZ ; 7F1D ; 7MYI ; 7MYR ; 7MYU ; 7N66
EC Number
Pfam ID
Responsible for the proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Cleaves at the N-terminus of the A-beta peptide sequence, between residues 671 and 672 of APP, leads to the generation and extracellular release of beta-cleaved soluble APP, and a corresponding cell-associated C-terminal fragment which is later released by gamma-secretase. Cleaves CHL1.
Tissue Specificity Expressed at high levels in the brain and pancreas. In the brain, expression is highest in the substantia nigra, locus coruleus and medulla oblongata.
KEGG Pathway
Alzheimer disease (hsa05010 )
Reactome Pathway
Amyloid fiber formation (R-HSA-977225 )
BioCyc Pathway

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This DOT

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) Jump to Detail Molecular Interaction Atlas of This DOT
22 Drug(s) Affected the Gene/Protein Processing of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Valproate DMCFE9I Approved Valproate increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [1]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Approved Ciclosporin decreases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [2]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Approved Tretinoin decreases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [3]
Acetaminophen DMUIE76 Approved Acetaminophen increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [4]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Approved Quercetin decreases the activity of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [5]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Approved Arsenic trioxide decreases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [6]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Approved Hydrogen peroxide increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [7]
Vorinostat DMWMPD4 Approved Vorinostat decreases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [8]
Marinol DM70IK5 Approved Marinol increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [9]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Approved Cannabidiol decreases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [10]
Ibuprofen DM8VCBE Approved Ibuprofen decreases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [11]
Pioglitazone DMKJ485 Approved Pioglitazone decreases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [11]
Sevoflurane DMC9O43 Approved Sevoflurane increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [12]
Trientine DMD2WPG Approved Trientine decreases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [13]
Isoflurane DMY6T31 Approved Isoflurane increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [14]
SNDX-275 DMH7W9X Phase 3 SNDX-275 decreases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [15]
Curcumin DMQPH29 Phase 3 Curcumin increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [7]
PMID28460551-Compound-2 DM4DOUB Patented PMID28460551-Compound-2 increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [16]
HY-N2258 DML4IAX Preclinical HY-N2258 decreases the activity of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [5]
Manganese DMKT129 Investigative Manganese increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [18]
27-hydroxycholesterol DM2L6OZ Investigative 27-hydroxycholesterol increases the expression of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [19]
MEMOQUIN DM9S30P Investigative MEMOQUIN decreases the activity of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [21]
⏷ Show the Full List of 22 Drug(s)
1 Drug(s) Affected the Post-Translational Modifications of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Bisphenol A DM2ZLD7 Investigative Bisphenol A decreases the methylation of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [17]
1 Drug(s) Affected the Protein Interaction/Cellular Processes of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Phorbol 12,13-butyrate DMZWTY7 Investigative Phorbol 12,13-butyrate affects the localization of Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1). [20]


1 Human embryonic stem cell-derived test systems for developmental neurotoxicity: a transcriptomics approach. Arch Toxicol. 2013 Jan;87(1):123-43.
2 Comparison of HepG2 and HepaRG by whole-genome gene expression analysis for the purpose of chemical hazard identification. Toxicol Sci. 2010 May;115(1):66-79.
3 Transcriptional and Metabolic Dissection of ATRA-Induced Granulocytic Differentiation in NB4 Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells. Cells. 2020 Nov 5;9(11):2423. doi: 10.3390/cells9112423.
4 Predictive toxicology using systemic biology and liver microfluidic "on chip" approaches: application to acetaminophen injury. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Mar 15;259(3):270-80.
5 Flavanone glycosides inhibit -site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 and cholinesterase and reduce A aggregation in the amyloidogenic pathway. Chem Biol Interact. 2019 Aug 25;309:108707. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2019.06.020. Epub 2019 Jun 11.
6 Chronic occupational exposure to arsenic induces carcinogenic gene signaling networks and neoplastic transformation in human lung epithelial cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Jun 1;261(2):204-16.
7 Neuroprotective effects of glucomoringin-isothiocyanate against H(2)O(2)-Induced cytotoxicity in neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) cells. Neurotoxicology. 2019 Dec;75:89-104. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2019.09.008. Epub 2019 Sep 12.
8 Definition of transcriptome-based indices for quantitative characterization of chemically disturbed stem cell development: introduction of the STOP-Toxukn and STOP-Toxukk tests. Arch Toxicol. 2017 Feb;91(2):839-864.
9 THC exposure of human iPSC neurons impacts genes associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. Transl Psychiatry. 2018 Apr 25;8(1):89. doi: 10.1038/s41398-018-0137-3.
10 Cannabidiol Modulates the Expression of Alzheimer's Disease-Related Genes in Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Dec 23;18(1):26. doi: 10.3390/ijms18010026.
11 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma agonists modulate immunostimulated processing of amyloid precursor protein through regulation of beta-secretase. J Neurosci. 2003 Oct 29;23(30):9796-804. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.23-30-09796.2003.
12 The common inhalational anesthetic sevoflurane induces apoptosis and increases beta-amyloid protein levels. Arch Neurol. 2009 May;66(5):620-31. doi: 10.1001/archneurol.2009.48.
13 Trientine reduces BACE1 activity and mitigates amyloidosis via the AGE/RAGE/NF-B pathway in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013 Dec 10;19(17):2024-39. doi: 10.1089/ars.2012.5158. Epub 2013 May 3.
14 The inhalation anesthetic isoflurane induces a vicious cycle of apoptosis and amyloid beta-protein accumulation. J Neurosci. 2007 Feb 7;27(6):1247-54. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5320-06.2007.
15 A transcriptome-based classifier to identify developmental toxicants by stem cell testing: design, validation and optimization for histone deacetylase inhibitors. Arch Toxicol. 2015 Sep;89(9):1599-618.
16 Cell-based two-dimensional morphological assessment system to predict cancer drug-induced cardiotoxicity using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2019 Nov 15;383:114761. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2019.114761. Epub 2019 Sep 15.
17 DNA methylome-wide alterations associated with estrogen receptor-dependent effects of bisphenols in breast cancer. Clin Epigenetics. 2019 Oct 10;11(1):138. doi: 10.1186/s13148-019-0725-y.
18 Exposure to metal ions regulates mRNA levels of APP and BACE1 in PC12 cells: blockage by curcumin. Neurosci Lett. 2008 Aug 8;440(3):344-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2008.05.070. Epub 2008 May 24.
19 Differential effects of 24-hydroxycholesterol and 27-hydroxycholesterol on beta-amyloid precursor protein levels and processing in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Mol Neurodegener. 2009 Jan 6;4:1. doi: 10.1186/1750-1326-4-1.
20 Regulation of secretases by all-trans-retinoic acid. FEBS J. 2009 May;276(9):2645-55. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2009.06992.x. Epub 2009 Mar 25.
21 Synthesis of monomeric derivatives to probe memoquin's bivalent interactions. J Med Chem. 2011 Dec 22;54(24):8299-304.