General Information of Drug (ID: DMI7DZ2)

Drug Name
Citanest; Prilocaina; Prilocainum; Propitocaine; Prilocaine [USAN]; Prilocaine base; Astra 1512; Astra 1515; L 67; Citanest (TN); Prilocaina [INN-Spanish]; Prilocainum [INN-Latin]; Propitocaine (JAN); Prilocaine (USP/INN); O-Methyl-2-propylaminopropionanilide; O-Methyl-alpha-propylaminopropionanilide; Alpha-n-Propylamino-2-methylpropionanilide; N-[2-Methylphenyl]-2-[propylamino]propanamide; N-(2-methylphenyl)-N2-propylalaninamide; N-(2-Methylphenyl)-2-(propylamino)propanamide; N-(2-methylphenyl)-N(2)-propylalaninamide; Propanamide, N-(2-methylphenyl)-2-(propylamino)-(9CI); 2-(Propylamino)-o-propionotoluidide; 2-Methyl-.alpha.-propylaminopropionanilide; 2-Methyl-alpha-propylaminopropionanilide
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Pain MG30-MG3Z Approved [1], [2], [3]
Therapeutic Class
Drug Type
Small molecular drug
#Ro5 Violations (Lipinski): 0 Molecular Weight (mw) 220.31
Topological Polar Surface Area (xlogp) 2.1
Rotatable Bond Count (rotbonds) 5
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count (hbonddonor) 2
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count (hbondacc) 2
ADMET Property
The drug present in the plasma can be removed from the body at the rate of 29 mL/min/kg [4]
The concentration or amount of drug in body reduced by one-half in 1.8 hours [4]
The Maximum Recommended Therapeutic Dose (MRTD) of drug that ensured maximising efficacy and moderate side effect is 33.5136 micromolar/kg/day [5]
Unbound Fraction
The unbound fraction of drug in plasma is 0.72% [4]
Fluid volume that would be required to contain the amount of drug present in the body at the same concentration as in the plasma 3.7 L/kg [4]
Chemical Identifiers
Canonical SMILES
Cross-matching ID
PubChem CID
CAS Number
DrugBank ID

Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Drug Therapeutic Target (DTT)
Voltage-gated sodium channel alpha Nav1.5 (SCN5A) TTZOVE0 SCN5A_HUMAN Blocker [6]
Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) Jump to Detail Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) Information of This Drug

Coadministration of a Drug Treating the Disease Different from Prilocaine (Comorbidity)
DDI Drug Name DDI Drug ID Severity Mechanism Comorbidity REF
Isosorbide dinitrate DMBI4JG Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Isosorbide dinitrate. Anal fissure/fistula [DB50] [13]
Amyl nitrite DMJKO05 Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Amyl nitrite. Angina pectoris [BA40] [13]
Sulfamethoxazole DMB08GE Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Sulfamethoxazole. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [13]
Silver sulfadiazine DMVTHWQ Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Silver sulfadiazine. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [14]
Levobupivacaine DM783CH Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Levobupivacaine. Corneal disease [9A76-9A78] [13]
Benzocaine DMI18HW Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Benzocaine. Corneal disease [9A76-9A78] [14]
Phenobarbital DMXZOCG Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Phenobarbital. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [13]
Isosorbide mononitrate DMYLMU0 Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Isosorbide mononitrate. Hydrocephalus [8D64] [13]
Tafenoquine DM1XT4N Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Tafenoquine. Malaria [1F40-1F45] [13]
Primaquine DMWQ16I Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Primaquine. Malaria [1F40-1F45] [13]
Sulphadoxine DMZI2UF Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Sulphadoxine. Malaria [1F40-1F45] [13]
Metoclopramide DMFA5MY Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Metoclopramide. Nausea/vomiting [MD90] [13]
Sulfasalazine DMICA9H Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Sulfasalazine. Rheumatoid arthritis [FA20] [13]
Tetracaine DM9J6C2 Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Tetracaine. Sensation disturbance [MB40] [14]
Mepivacaine DMH2NMY Major Increased risk of methemoglobinemia by the combination of Prilocaine and Mepivacaine. Sensation disturbance [MB40] [13]
Bretylium DM1FX74 Moderate Increased risk of bradycardia by the combination of Prilocaine and Bretylium. Ventricular tachyarrhythmia [BC71] [15]
Amiodarone DMUTEX3 Moderate Increased risk of bradycardia by the combination of Prilocaine and Amiodarone. Ventricular tachyarrhythmia [BC71] [15]
⏷ Show the Full List of 17 DDI Information of This Drug


1 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 7276).
2 FDA Approved Drug Products from FDA Official Website. 2009. Application Number: (ANDA) 076290.
3 Drugs@FDA. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 2015
4 Trend Analysis of a Database of Intravenous Pharmacokinetic Parameters in Humans for 1352 Drug Compounds
5 Estimating the safe starting dose in phase I clinical trials and no observed effect level based on QSAR modeling of the human maximum recommended daily dose
6 Monoamine transporter and sodium channel mechanisms in the rapid pressor response to cocaine. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1998 Feb;59(2):305-12.
7 Lacosamide: a new approach to target voltage-gated sodium currents in epileptic disorders. CNS Drugs. 2009;23(7):555-68.
8 Effect of sodium channel blockers on ST segment, QRS duration, and corrected QT interval in patients with Brugada syndrome. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2000 Dec;11(12):1320-9.
9 Medicinal chemistry of neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel blockers. J Med Chem. 2001 Jan 18;44(2):115-37.
10 Halothane attenuates the cerebroprotective action of several Na+ and Ca2+ channel blockers via reversal of their ion channel blockade. Eur J Pharmacol. 2002 Oct 4;452(2):175-81.
11 From first class to third class: recent upheaval in antiarrhythmic therapy--lessons from clinical trials. Am J Cardiol. 1996 Aug 29;78(4A):28-33.
12 How many drug targets are there Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2006 Dec;5(12):993-6.
13 Agencia Espaola de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios Healthcare "Centro de informacion online de medicamentos de la AEMPS - CIMA.".
14 Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information.".
15 Keidar S, Grenadier E, Palant A "Sinoatrial arrest due to lidocaine injection in sick sinus syndrome during amiodarone administration." Am Heart J 104 (1982): 1384-5. [PMID: 7148661]