General Information of Drug Combination (ID: DC66HUF)

Drug Combination Name
Amoxicillin Tetracycline
Disease Entry Status REF
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Phase 4 [1]
Component Drugs Amoxicillin   DMUYNEI Tetracycline   DMZA017
Small molecular drug Small molecular drug

Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug Combination

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
Indication(s) of Amoxicillin
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Acute otitis media AB00 Approved [2]
Bacterial infection 1A00-1C4Z Approved [3]
Staphylococcus aureus infection N.A. Approved [2]
Streptococcal pneumonia N.A. Approved [2]
Urinary tract infection GC08 Approved [2]
Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae CA40.03 Investigative [2]
Sinusitis CA0A.Z Investigative [2]
Amoxicillin Interacts with 1 DTT Molecule(s)
DTT Name DTT ID UniProt ID Mode of Action REF
Bacterial Cell membrane (Bact CM) TTXT4D5 NOUNIPROTAC Modulator [6]
Amoxicillin Interacts with 4 DTP Molecule(s)
DTP Name DTP ID UniProt ID Mode of Action REF
P-glycoprotein 1 (ABCB1) DTUGYRD MDR1_HUMAN Substrate [7]
Peptide transporter 1 (SLC15A1) DT9G7XN S15A1_HUMAN Substrate [8]
Peptide transporter 2 (SLC15A2) DT8QKNP S15A2_HUMAN Substrate [8]
Organic anion transporter 1 (SLC22A6) DTQ23VB S22A6_HUMAN Substrate [9]
Amoxicillin Interacts with 46 DME Molecule(s)
DME Name DME ID UniProt ID Mode of Action REF
Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) DEGTFWK CP2CJ_HUMAN Metabolism [10]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DED0TBR A0A414M273_9BACE Metabolism [11]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEX8KJO A6NX15_9FIRM Metabolism [12]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEAYSTX C0W968_9FIRM Metabolism [13]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DERGEVU C3WC84_FUSMR Metabolism [14]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEV0KWQ Q8KT52_9BACT Metabolism [15]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEQMISO F9Z530_ODOSD Metabolism [14]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEHFJ4G Q8KT51_9BACT Metabolism [14]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEHPJRC Q8KT60_9BACT Metabolism [14]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEITMS0 Q9XBM2_ACIFE Metabolism [16]
N-acylhomoserine lactone acylase (lacA) DEIU0XN A0A0A1VBK6_9BURK Metabolism [17]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DET9I1W BLAC_BACUN Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DE7IH52 AMPC_CITFR Metabolism [15]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DENJ2SQ BLAB_BACFG Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DE5HV8P A0A4Q5I6I2_9BACE Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DE47ARF B5WXV2_9BACT Metabolism [19]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEG2PK9 B5WXV3_BACOV Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEWHJ7A B5WXV7_BACT4 Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEU1RXB BLAC_BACVU Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DETDS7E A0A2S0LB67_9FLAO Metabolism [15]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DE37FJH C6JIU1_FUSVA Metabolism [14]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEC7JEF A0A1S1G219_9NEIS Metabolism [15]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEP7MN1 Q9X4S7_PREIN Metabolism [20]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEAILCM A0A246EJV2_9BACT Metabolism [20]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DET4XFN Q8KT59_9BACT Metabolism [15]
Metallo-beta-lactamase (blaM) DEPCQ12 Q68K11_ALCXX Metabolism [21]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEACNTL Q2F4C6_SHISO Metabolism [22]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEE8742 O32372_CAPOC Metabolism [23]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEY09SU C9MN73_9BACT Metabolism [15]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEQLVCA C9LD75_9BACT Metabolism [20]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DE2IL34 C2M7J0_CAPGI Metabolism [23]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DE1NJIW B6VMJ3_PHOAA Metabolism [24]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEDIMN9 A0A413GBG0_9BACE Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEJ8X2W A0A412YFL9_9BACE Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEFEVNH A0A381DV31_9FLAO Metabolism [23]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEAPGXV A0A347B2J2_9BACT Metabolism [15]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DE0PDVC A0A2A3N1K0_CAPSP Metabolism [23]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEQL32N A0A250F962_9FLAO Metabolism [23]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DE9HF0I A0A120A1C6_BACSE Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DESHI6O A0A108T9G3_9BACE Metabolism [18]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEZS3N4 A0A069QS91_PRELO Metabolism [15]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DE5NSUX A0A095XPV0_9FIRM Metabolism [15]
New delhi metallo-beta-lactamase NDM-1 (blaNDM) DEBGCYQ A0A345N7K5_SALET Metabolism [25]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEW193R BLA1_KLEPN Metabolism [21]
Metallo-beta-lactamase (blaM) DEK9VG2 BLAN1_KLEPN Metabolism [21]
Beta-lactamase (blaB) DEQ1CTE A0A2T4TNV5_9BACT Metabolism [26]
⏷ Show the Full List of 46 DME(s)
Amoxicillin Interacts with 15 DOT Molecule(s)
DOT Name DOT ID UniProt ID Mode of Action REF
HLA class II histocompatibility antigen, DQ beta 1 chain (HLA-DQB1) OTVVI3UI DQB1_HUMAN Affects Expression [27]
HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B alpha chain (HLA-B) OTNXFWY2 HLAB_HUMAN Affects Expression [27]
C-C chemokine receptor type 9 (CCR9) OT5FSOD8 CCR9_HUMAN Increases ADR [28]
C-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CCR4) OT68KZ9B CCR4_HUMAN Increases ADR [28]
HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A alpha chain (HLA-A) OTAH14LU HLAA_HUMAN Increases ADR [29]
C-X-C chemokine receptor type 3 (CXCR3) OTIGS220 CXCR3_HUMAN Increases ADR [28]
Aromatase (CYP19A1) OTZ6XF74 CP19A_HUMAN Increases Expression [30]
Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial (CYP11B2) OTIOLWYN C11B2_HUMAN Increases Expression [30]
Cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8) OTHCWT42 CP2C8_HUMAN Decreases Activity [31]
Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10 (AKR1B10) OTOA4HTH AK1BA_HUMAN Increases Expression [32]
NAD(P)H dehydrogenase 1 (NQO1) OTZGGIVK NQO1_HUMAN Increases Expression [32]
Sulfiredoxin-1 (SRXN1) OTYDBO4L SRXN1_HUMAN Increases Expression [32]
C-X-C motif chemokine 10 (CXCL10) OTTLQ6S0 CXL10_HUMAN Decreases Expression [33]
Interleukin-8 (CXCL8) OTS7T5VH IL8_HUMAN Increases Expression [33]
Organic solute transporter subunit alpha (SLC51A) OTDJRZ0P OSTA_HUMAN Increases Expression [34]
⏷ Show the Full List of 15 DOT(s)
Indication(s) of Tetracycline
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [4]
Actinomycosis N.A. Approved [4]
Acute gonococcal cervicitis N.A. Approved [4]
Acute gonococcal epididymo-orchitis N.A. Approved [4]
Bacterial infection 1A00-1C4Z Approved [5]
Bronchitis CA20 Approved [4]
Brucellosis N.A. Approved [4]
Lymphogranuloma venereum N.A. Approved [4]
Ornithosis N.A. Approved [4]
Pneumonia CA40 Approved [4]
Q fever N.A. Approved [4]
Relapsing fever N.A. Approved [4]
Rickettsialpox N.A. Approved [4]
Rocky mountain spotted fever N.A. Approved [4]
Syphilis N.A. Approved [4]
Trachoma N.A. Approved [4]
Typhus N.A. Approved [4]
Urinary tract infection GC08 Approved [4]
Yaws N.A. Approved [4]
Pelvic inflammatory disease GA05 Investigative [4]
Sinusitis CA0A.Z Investigative [4]
Tetracycline Interacts with 1 DTT Molecule(s)
DTT Name DTT ID UniProt ID Mode of Action REF
Staphylococcus 30S ribosomal subunit (Stap-coc pbp2) TTQ8KVI F4NA87_STAAU Binder [36]
Tetracycline Interacts with 5 DTP Molecule(s)
DTP Name DTP ID UniProt ID Mode of Action REF
P-glycoprotein 1 (ABCB1) DTUGYRD MDR1_HUMAN Substrate [37]
Breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2) DTI7UX6 ABCG2_HUMAN Substrate [38]
Organic anion transporter 2 (SLC22A7) DT0OC1Q S22A7_HUMAN Substrate [39]
Organic anion transporter 3 (SLC22A8) DTVP67E S22A8_HUMAN Substrate [39]
Organic anion transporter 4 (SLC22A11) DT06JWZ S22AB_HUMAN Substrate [39]
Tetracycline Interacts with 44 DOT Molecule(s)
DOT Name DOT ID UniProt ID Mode of Action REF
Solute carrier family 22 member 7 (SLC22A7) OTKTNH1W S22A7_HUMAN Increases Transport [40]
Organic anion transporter 3 (SLC22A8) OT8BY933 S22A8_HUMAN Increases Uptake [39]
Glutathione S-transferase P (GSTP1) OTLP0A0Y GSTP1_HUMAN Decreases Activity [41]
Glutathione S-transferase Mu 3 (GSTM3) OTLA2WJT GSTM3_HUMAN Decreases Activity [41]
Nuclear protein 1 (NUPR1) OT4FU8C0 NUPR1_HUMAN Increases Expression [35]
Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (SERPINA3) OT9BP2S0 AACT_HUMAN Increases Expression [35]
Asparagine synthetase (ASNS) OT8R922G ASNS_HUMAN Increases Expression [35]
Inhibin beta E chain (INHBE) OTOI2NYG INHBE_HUMAN Increases Expression [35]
AP-1 complex subunit sigma-1A (AP1S1) OTQ2H8DN AP1S1_HUMAN Decreases Expression [35]
Transgelin (TAGLN) OTAEZ0KP TAGL_HUMAN Decreases Expression [35]
Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 4 (FNDC4) OTOQK0WK FNDC4_HUMAN Increases Expression [35]
Protein DEPP1 (DEPP1) OTB36PHJ DEPP1_HUMAN Increases Expression [35]
Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) OTQGYY83 CP3A4_HUMAN Increases Expression [42]
Alternative prion protein (PRNP) OTE85L1Q APRIO_HUMAN Affects Binding [43]
Claudin-11 (CLDN11) OTNN6UTL CLD11_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
72 kDa type IV collagenase (MMP2) OT5NIWA2 MMP2_HUMAN Decreases Activity [45]
Stromelysin-1 (MMP3) OTGBI74Z MMP3_HUMAN Decreases Activity [45]
Integrin alpha-5 (ITGA5) OT3RCI67 ITA5_HUMAN Increases Expression [44]
Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 1 (IGFBP1) OT6UQV2K IBP1_HUMAN Increases Expression [46]
Integrin alpha-M (ITGAM) OTAG6HWU ITAM_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha (TOP2A) OT6LPS08 TOP2A_HUMAN Decreases Expression [47]
Integrin alpha-L (ITGAL) OTCUQAIS ITAL_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Neutrophil collagenase (MMP8) OTZXH19L MMP8_HUMAN Decreases Activity [45]
Integrin alpha-3 (ITGA3) OTBCH21D ITA3_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 (MAPK3) OTCYKGKO MK03_HUMAN Decreases Phosphorylation [48]
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1) OTH85PI5 MK01_HUMAN Decreases Phosphorylation [48]
Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBF1) OTWBRPAI SRBP1_HUMAN Increases Expression [46]
Collagenase 3 (MMP13) OTY8BZIE MMP13_HUMAN Decreases Activity [45]
Gap junction alpha-8 protein (GJA8) OTZCPRKD CXA8_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein large subunit (MTTP) OTNUVSDT MTP_HUMAN Decreases Expression [46]
Claudin-15 (CLDN15) OT9K0KI7 CLD15_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Claudin-6 (CLDN6) OTEN8ID2 CLD6_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Claudin-8 (CLDN8) OT7IIWXG CLD8_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Claudin-2 (CLDN2) OTRF3D6Y CLD2_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Claudin-10 (CLDN10) OT2CVAKY CLD10_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Peroxisomal bifunctional enzyme (EHHADH) OTBAAHL5 ECHP_HUMAN Decreases Expression [46]
Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 (DGAT2) OTE5PDD0 DGAT2_HUMAN Increases Expression [48]
Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 4 (NOTCH4) OTBCHB61 NOTC4_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) OTTRZGU7 ACE2_HUMAN Increases Expression [49]
Gap junction delta-2 protein (GJD2) OTDR288R CXD2_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 3 (NOTCH3) OTMVVA7F NOTC3_HUMAN Decreases Expression [44]
Solute carrier family 22 member 6 (SLC22A6) OTKRCBVM S22A6_HUMAN Increases Export [39]
ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 4 (ABCC4) OTO27PAL MRP4_HUMAN Increases Transport [50]
Organic anion transporter 7 (SLC22A9) OTO4BJCC S22A9_HUMAN Increases Export [39]
⏷ Show the Full List of 44 DOT(s)


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