General Information of Drug (ID: DMBP5N3)

Drug Name
Cantharidin Drug Info
DSSTox_CID_21752; DSSTox_RID_79835; DSSTox_GSID_41752; CAS-56-25-7; NCGC00016247-01; Spectrum_001114; SpecPlus_000537; Spectrum4_000920; Spectrum2_000630; Prestwick0_000885; Spectrum3_000621; Prestwick1_000885; Spectrum5_001618; Prestwick2_000885; KBioSS_001594; KBioGR_001420; BSPBio_002182; MLS002153505; SCHEMBL152261; DivK1c_006633; SPBio_002889; SPBio_000600; CHEMBL299846; DTXSID7041752; KBio2_006730; KBio3_001682; KBio2_004162; KBio2_001594; KBio1_001577; MolPort-003-665-556; HMS1570B12; Tox21_110326; CCG-39927; Tox21_110326_1
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Molluscum contagiosum infection 1E76 Approved [1]
Cross-matching ID
PubChem CID
CAS Number
CAS 56-25-7

Molecule-Related Drug Atlas

Molecule-Related Drug Atlas
Molecule Type:
Drug Status:
Investigative Drug(s)
Approved Drug(s)
Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
NORCANTHARIDIN DM9B6Y1 Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [9]
PALASONIN DMDTP1R Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [2]
TAUTOMYCIN DMC92DQ Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [2]
CANTHARIDIC_ACID DME32XU Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [2]
MICROCYSTIN-LR DMTMLRN Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [2]
Drug(s) Affected By Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Amodiaquine DME4RA8 Malaria 1F40-1F45 Approved [10]
Riluzole DMECBWN Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 8B60.0 Approved [11]
Flutamide DMK0O7U Prostate cancer 2C82.0 Approved [12]
Menadione DMSJDTY Vitamin K deficiency 5B59 Approved [13]
Estradiol DMUNTE3 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [14]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [15]
Ethacrynic acid DM60QMR Edema MG29 Approved [16]
Marinol DM70IK5 Anorexia nervosa cachexia 6B80 Approved [17]
Ethinyl Estradiol DMODJ40 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [18]
Clofibrate DMPC1J7 Dysbetalipoproteinemia 5C80.2 Approved [19]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [20]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [21]
Citalopram DM2G9AE Acute coronary syndrome BA41 Approved [22]
Colchicine DM2POTE Acute gout flare FA25.0 Approved [23]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [24]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [25]
Omeprazole DM471KJ Cystic fibrosis CA25 Approved [26]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [27]
Rifampicin DM5DSFZ Non-insulin dependent diabetes 5A11 Approved [28]
Aspirin DM672AH Acute coronary syndrome BA41 Approved [29]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [30]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [32]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [33]
Vismodegib DM5IXKQ Basal cell carcinoma 2C32 Approved [34]
Bupropion DM5PCS7 Depression 6A70-6A7Z Approved [35]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [36]
Thalidomide DM70BU5 Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma Approved [37]
Acocantherin DM7JT24 Atrial fibrillation BC81.3 Approved [38]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [39]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Cocaine esterase (CES2)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Dexamethasone DMMWZET Acute adrenal insufficiency Approved [40]
Irinotecan DMP6SC2 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [41]
Dextropropoxyphene DM23HCX Pain MG30-MG3Z Approved [42]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [43]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Tacrine DM51FY6 Alzheimer disease 8A20 Approved [44]
Rifampicin DM5DSFZ Non-insulin dependent diabetes 5A11 Approved [45]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [39]
Testosterone enanthate DMB6871 N. A. N. A. Approved [46]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [47]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [48]
Gemcitabine DMSE3I7 Anterior urethra cancer Approved [49]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [50]
Bepridil DM0RKS4 Chronic/stable angina BA40.1 Approved [51]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [52]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [53]
Colchicine DM2POTE Acute gout flare FA25.0 Approved [48]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [54]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [43]
Dactinomycin DM2YGNW Adult kidney Wilms tumor Approved [54]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [55]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [56]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [57]
Nitric Oxide DM1RBYG Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [58]
Etretinate DM2CZFA Keratosis ED56 Approved [59]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [60]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [61]
Lapatinib DM3BH1Y Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [62]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [63]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [64]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [65]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [66]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [67]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [68]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [69]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [68]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [27]
Pyrazinamide DM4IF32 Meningeal tuberculosis Approved [70]
Glucosamine DM4ZLFD Osteoarthritis FA00-FA05 Approved [71]
Rifampicin DM5DSFZ Non-insulin dependent diabetes 5A11 Approved [68]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [43]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [72]
Leflunomide DMR8ONJ Arthritis FA20 Approved [73]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [74]
Estradiol DMUNTE3 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [75]
(+)-JQ1 DM1CZSJ Testicular cancer 2C80 Phase 1 [76]
Sphingosine-1-phosphate DMJCQKA Acne vulgaris ED80 Phase 1 [77]
Benzo(a)pyrene DMN7J43 N. A. N. A. Phase 1 [78]
⏷ Show the Full List of 8 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [79]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [80]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [81]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [72]
Nefazodone DM4ZS8M Major depressive disorder 6A70.3 Approved [82]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [83]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Melasma ED60.1 Approved [84]
Promethazine DM6I5GR Hyperemesis gravidarum Approved [85]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [82]
Ivermectin DMDBX5F Intestinal strongyloidiasis due to nematode parasite 1F6B Approved [86]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [66]
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [87]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [88]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [89]
Penicillamine DM40EF6 Cystinuria 5C60.2 Approved [90]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [91]
Pyrazinamide DM4IF32 Meningeal tuberculosis Approved [70]
Zidovudine DM4KI7O Human immunodeficiency virus infection 1C62 Approved [92]
Glucosamine DM4ZLFD Osteoarthritis FA00-FA05 Approved [93]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Transcription factor Jun (JUN)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Mitoxantrone DMM39BF Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [94]
Acetaminophen DMUIE76 Allergic rhinitis CA08.0 Approved [95]
Fructose DM43AN2 Vomiting MD90 Approved [96]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [97]
Mechlorethamine DM0CVXA Chronic myelogenous leukaemia 2A20.0 Approved [98]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [66]
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [99]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [100]
Colchicine DM2POTE Acute gout flare FA25.0 Approved [101]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [102]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [103]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [104]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [105]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [106]
Glimepiride DM5FSJA Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [107]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [108]
Aspirin DM672AH Acute coronary syndrome BA41 Approved [109]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [39]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [74]
Ivermectin DMDBX5F Intestinal strongyloidiasis due to nematode parasite 1F6B Approved [86]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [110]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [111]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [112]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [113]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [114]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [115]
Isotretinoin DM4QTBN Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [116]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [117]
Aspirin DM672AH Acute coronary syndrome BA41 Approved [118]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Melasma ED60.1 Approved [119]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Poly polymerase 1 (PARP1)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [120]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [121]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [122]
Nitric Oxide DM1RBYG Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [58]
Citalopram DM2G9AE Acute coronary syndrome BA41 Approved [123]
Ciprofloxacin XR DM2NLS9 Acute gonococcal cervicitis Approved [124]
Imipramine DM2NUH3 Depression 6A70-6A7Z Approved [123]
Colchicine DM2POTE Acute gout flare FA25.0 Approved [125]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [126]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [127]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Sevoflurane DMC9O43 Anaesthesia 9A78.6 Approved [128]
Docetaxel DMDI269 Advanced cancer 2A00-2F9Z Approved [129]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [130]
Gemcitabine DMSE3I7 Anterior urethra cancer Approved [131]
Etoposide DMNH3PG Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [96]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [120]
Verapamil DMA7PEW Angina pectoris BA40 Approved [132]
Mechlorethamine DM0CVXA Chronic myelogenous leukaemia 2A20.0 Approved [133]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [134]
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Vitamin deficiency 5B55-5B71 Approved [135]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [103]
Indinavir DM0T3YH Human immunodeficiency virus infection 1C62 Approved [68]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [136]
Etretinate DM2CZFA Keratosis ED56 Approved [137]
Colchicine DM2POTE Acute gout flare FA25.0 Approved [138]
Dactinomycin DM2YGNW Adult kidney Wilms tumor Approved [139]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [105]
Naloxone DM3FXMA Narcotic depression 6A7Z Approved [140]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Furazolidone DM3P6V7 Diarrhea ME05.1 Approved [141]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Cadherin-1 (CDH1)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Vitamin deficiency 5B55-5B71 Approved [142]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [143]
Nitric Oxide DM1RBYG Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [144]
Colchicine DM2POTE Acute gout flare FA25.0 Approved [145]
Liraglutide DM3FXPS Non-insulin dependent diabetes 5A11 Approved [146]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [147]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [27]
Polyethylene glycol DM4I1JP Constipation DD91.1 Approved [148]
Panobinostat DM58WKG Chronic graft versus host disease Approved [149]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [150]
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [20]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [151]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [152]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [111]
Pentosan Polysulfate DM2HRKE Interstitial cystitis GC00.3 Approved [153]
Colchicine DM2POTE Acute gout flare FA25.0 Approved [125]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [154]
Dactinomycin DM2YGNW Adult kidney Wilms tumor Approved [155]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [156]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [103]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [157]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [72]
Glimepiride DM5FSJA Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [107]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [158]
Aspirin DM672AH Acute coronary syndrome BA41 Approved [159]
Testosterone DM7HUNW Hot flushes GA30 Approved [160]
Glibenclamide DM8JXPZ Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [107]
Calcitriol DM8ZVJ7 Congenital alopecia LC30 Approved [160]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [66]
Bepridil DM0RKS4 Chronic/stable angina BA40.1 Approved [51]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [157]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [104]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [60]
Pyrazinamide DM4IF32 Meningeal tuberculosis Approved [70]
Glucosamine DM4ZLFD Osteoarthritis FA00-FA05 Approved [71]
Nefazodone DM4ZS8M Major depressive disorder 6A70.3 Approved [82]
Rifampicin DM5DSFZ Non-insulin dependent diabetes 5A11 Approved [161]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [162]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [68]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [106]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [68]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [163]
Pyrazinamide DM4IF32 Meningeal tuberculosis Approved [70]
Glucosamine DM4ZLFD Osteoarthritis FA00-FA05 Approved [93]
Nefazodone DM4ZS8M Major depressive disorder 6A70.3 Approved [82]
Rifampicin DM5DSFZ Non-insulin dependent diabetes 5A11 Approved [68]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [164]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Melasma ED60.1 Approved [165]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Irinotecan DMP6SC2 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [166]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [167]
Dextropropoxyphene DM23HCX Pain MG30-MG3Z Approved [42]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [104]
Naloxone DM3FXMA Narcotic depression 6A7Z Approved [168]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [72]
Tacrine DM51FY6 Alzheimer disease 8A20 Approved [169]
Rifampicin DM5DSFZ Non-insulin dependent diabetes 5A11 Approved [40]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Melasma ED60.1 Approved [170]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [171]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [55]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [172]
Cladribine DM3JDRP Hairy cell leukaemia 2A82.2 Approved [173]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [174]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [32]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [175]
Cyclophosphamide DM4O2Z7 Advanced cancer 2A00-2F9Z Approved [176]
Acetic Acid, Glacial DM4SJ5Y infection in the ear canal AA0Y Approved [177]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [178]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Melasma ED60.1 Approved [179]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [180]
Progesterone DMUY35B Amenorrhea GA20.0 Approved [181]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [182]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [134]
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Vitamin deficiency 5B55-5B71 Approved [183]
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [184]
Secobarbital DM14RF5 Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [185]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [186]
Fexofenadine DM17ONX Allergic rhinitis CA08.0 Approved [187]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [188]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [189]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [190]
obeticholic acid DM3Q1SM Primary biliary cholangitis DB96.1 Approved [191]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [192]
Nefazodone DM4ZS8M Major depressive disorder 6A70.3 Approved [82]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [193]
Aspirin DM672AH Acute coronary syndrome BA41 Approved [194]
Testosterone DM7HUNW Hot flushes GA30 Approved [195]
Imatinib DM7RJXL Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [196]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [39]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Ethanol DMDRQZU Chronic pain MG30 Approved [197]
Progesterone DMUY35B Amenorrhea GA20.0 Approved [181]
Carvedilol DMHTEAO Chronic heart failure BD1Z Approved [198]
Paclitaxel DMLB81S Breast carcinoma Approved [199]
Etoposide DMNH3PG Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [200]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [180]
Urokinase DM0GOUD Myocardial infarction BA41-BA43 Approved [96]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [50]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [134]
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Vitamin deficiency 5B55-5B71 Approved [183]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Nitric oxide synthase 3 (NOS3)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [201]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [202]
Bosentan DMIOGBU Pulmonary arterial hypertension BB01.0 Approved [96]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [203]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [43]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [204]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [205]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [206]
Fructose DM43AN2 Vomiting MD90 Approved [207]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [208]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Nitric oxide synthase 1 (NOS1)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Vitamin deficiency 5B55-5B71 Approved [142]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [209]
Rofecoxib DM3P5DA Osteoarthritis FA00-FA05 Approved [210]
Testosterone DM7HUNW Hot flushes GA30 Approved [211]
Ibuprofen DM8VCBE Dysmenorrhea GA34.3 Approved [210]
Menthol DMG2KW7 Back pain ME84.Z Approved [212]
Capsaicin DMGMF6V Back pain ME84.Z Approved [213]
Bortezomib DMNO38U Leukemia Approved [214]
Nitric Oxide DM1RBYG Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [215]
Interferon gamma-1b DMWUMRL Chronic granulomatous disease 4A00.0Y Approved [96]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Capivasertib DM9SKW8 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [216]
Nicotine DMWX5CO Lung cancer 2C25.0 Approved [217]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [218]
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Vitamin deficiency 5B55-5B71 Approved [135]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [219]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [220]
Imiquimod DM1TMA3 Alopecia areata ED70.2 Approved [221]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [104]
Methimazole DM25FL8 Hyperthyroidism 5A02 Approved [222]
Ribavirin DMEYLH9 Hepatitis C virus infection 1E51.1 Approved [223]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [224]
Triacetin DM0AEPG Onychomycosis EE12.1 Approved [225]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [66]
Bepridil DM0RKS4 Chronic/stable angina BA40.1 Approved [51]
Indinavir DM0T3YH Human immunodeficiency virus infection 1C62 Approved [68]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [226]
Colchicine DM2POTE Acute gout flare FA25.0 Approved [138]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [227]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [228]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [50]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [229]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [72]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [230]
Adenosine triphosphate DM79F6G Malnutrition 5B50-5B71 Approved [231]
Calcitriol DM8ZVJ7 Congenital alopecia LC30 Approved [232]
Atorvastatin DMF28YC Acute coronary syndrome BA41 Approved [233]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [74]
Ivermectin DMDBX5F Intestinal strongyloidiasis due to nematode parasite 1F6B Approved [86]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Caspase-3 (CASP3)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Sevoflurane DMC9O43 Anaesthesia 9A78.6 Approved [234]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [235]
Lovastatin DM9OZWQ Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [236]
Cidofovir DMA13GD Cytomegalovirus infection 1D82 Approved [237]
Docetaxel DMDI269 Advanced cancer 2A00-2F9Z Approved [238]
Etoposide DMNH3PG Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [239]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [240]
Mannitol DMSCDY9 Bronchiectasis CA24 Approved [241]
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [242]
Aprepitant DM053KT Depression 6A70-6A7Z Approved [243]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [244]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [245]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [157]
Prednisone DM2HG4X Acute asthma CA23 Approved [246]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [247]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [248]
Testosterone DM7HUNW Hot flushes GA30 Approved [160]
Calcitriol DM8ZVJ7 Congenital alopecia LC30 Approved [160]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [31]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Caspase-4 (CASP4)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [50]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [66]
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [99]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [229]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [106]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [249]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Melasma ED60.1 Approved [250]
Testosterone DM7HUNW Hot flushes GA30 Approved [195]
Acocantherin DM7JT24 Atrial fibrillation BC81.3 Approved [38]
Calcitriol DM8ZVJ7 Congenital alopecia LC30 Approved [232]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Bepridil DM0RKS4 Chronic/stable angina BA40.1 Approved [51]
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Vitamin deficiency 5B55-5B71 Approved [142]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [104]
Ribavirin DMEYLH9 Hepatitis C virus infection 1E51.1 Approved [251]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [252]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [154]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [15]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [253]
Isotretinoin DM4QTBN Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [254]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Caspase-9 (CASP9)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Lovastatin DM9OZWQ Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [255]
Mannitol DMSCDY9 Bronchiectasis CA24 Approved [256]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [120]
Mechlorethamine DM0CVXA Chronic myelogenous leukaemia 2A20.0 Approved [133]
Leuprorelin acetate DM15HAT Prostate cancer 2C82.0 Approved [257]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [258]
Nitric Oxide DM1RBYG Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [58]
Meloxicam DM2AR7L Arthritis FA20 Approved [259]
Ciprofloxacin XR DM2NLS9 Acute gonococcal cervicitis Approved [260]
Colchicine DM2POTE Acute gout flare FA25.0 Approved [261]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [218]
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [262]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [263]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [264]
Cladribine DM3JDRP Hairy cell leukaemia 2A82.2 Approved [173]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [265]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [27]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [266]
Thalidomide DM70BU5 Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma Approved [267]
Testosterone DM7HUNW Hot flushes GA30 Approved [195]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Hepcidin (HAMP)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [268]
Methimazole DM25FL8 Hyperthyroidism 5A02 Approved [269]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Omeprazole DM471KJ Cystic fibrosis CA25 Approved [270]
Leflunomide DMR8ONJ Arthritis FA20 Approved [73]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [271]
Papaverine DMCA9QP Brain ischaemia 8B1Z Approved [272]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [74]
Ethanol DMDRQZU Chronic pain MG30 Approved [273]
Niclosamide DMJAGXQ Cestodes infection 1F70-1F76 Approved [272]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [274]
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [275]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [276]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [277]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [43]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [278]
Furazolidone DM3P6V7 Diarrhea ME05.1 Approved [279]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [32]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [163]
Panobinostat DM58WKG Chronic graft versus host disease Approved [149]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [50]
Flucytosine DM13VTW Cryptococcal meningitis Approved [280]
Ganciclovir DM1MBYQ Cytomegalovirus infection 1D82 Approved [280]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [281]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [30]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [282]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Zidovudine DM4KI7O Human immunodeficiency virus infection 1C62 Approved [283]
Acetic Acid, Glacial DM4SJ5Y infection in the ear canal AA0Y Approved [284]
Amifostine DM5FL14 Mucositis CA00 Approved [285]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Apoptosis regulator BAX (BAX)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Sevoflurane DMC9O43 Anaesthesia 9A78.6 Approved [128]
Aprepitant DM053KT Depression 6A70-6A7Z Approved [243]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [120]
Verapamil DMA7PEW Angina pectoris BA40 Approved [132]
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Vitamin deficiency 5B55-5B71 Approved [142]
Leuprorelin acetate DM15HAT Prostate cancer 2C82.0 Approved [257]
Talazoparib DM1KS78 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [286]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [157]
Meloxicam DM2AR7L Arthritis FA20 Approved [287]
Ciprofloxacin XR DM2NLS9 Acute gonococcal cervicitis Approved [124]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [288]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [104]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [289]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [278]
Acocantherin DM7JT24 Atrial fibrillation BC81.3 Approved [38]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [39]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [74]
Cupric Sulfate DMP0NFQ Fungal infection 1F29-1F2F Approved [290]
Diclofenac DMPIHLS Chronic renal failure GB61.Z Approved [291]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [292]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Beclin-1 (BECN1)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Calcipotriol DM03CP7 Psoriasis EA90 Approved [293]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [120]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [189]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [30]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [81]
Fluoxetine DM3PD2C Bipolar depression Approved [294]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [295]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [296]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Melasma ED60.1 Approved [297]
Imatinib DM7RJXL Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [298]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [31]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [299]
Cyclophosphamide DM4O2Z7 Advanced cancer 2A00-2F9Z Approved [300]
Trovafloxacin DM6AN32 Acute gonococcal cervicitis Approved [301]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [39]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [302]
Ivermectin DMDBX5F Intestinal strongyloidiasis due to nematode parasite 1F6B Approved [86]
Gentamicin DMKINJO Bacteremia 1A73 Approved [300]
Artesunate DMR27C8 Infection of P. falciparum 1F40 Approved [303]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [300]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [65]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [66]
Indinavir DM0T3YH Human immunodeficiency virus infection 1C62 Approved [68]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [229]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [68]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [304]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [68]
Pyrazinamide DM4IF32 Meningeal tuberculosis Approved [70]
Glucosamine DM4ZLFD Osteoarthritis FA00-FA05 Approved [71]
Rifampicin DM5DSFZ Non-insulin dependent diabetes 5A11 Approved [161]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)

Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Molecular Interaction Atlas

Drug Therapeutic Target (DTT)
Serine/threonine PP1-alpha (PPP1CA) TTFLH0E PP1A_HUMAN Inhibitor [2]

Drug Off-Target (DOT)
DOT Name DOT ID UniProt ID Interaction REF
72 kDa type IV collagenase (MMP2) OT5NIWA2 MMP2_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [3]
Apoptosis regulator BAX (BAX) OTAW0V4V BAX_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [4]
Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2 (BCL2) OT9DVHC0 BCL2_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [4]
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) OTFE4EYE AHR_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [5]
Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 5 (BIRC5) OTILXZYL BIRC5_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [4]
Beclin-1 (BECN1) OT4X293M BECN1_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [6]
Cadherin-1 (CDH1) OTFJMXPM CADH1_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [3]
Calpain-1 catalytic subunit (CAPN1) OTK6OQZR CAN1_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [7]
Calpain-2 catalytic subunit (CAPN2) OTIAPE5J CAN2_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [7]
Caspase-3 (CASP3) OTIJRBE7 CASP3_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [8]


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3 Cantharidin suppresses gastric cancer cell migration/invasion by inhibiting the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway via CCAT1. Chem Biol Interact. 2020 Feb 1;317:108939. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2020.108939. Epub 2020 Jan 13.
4 [Apoptosis induced by cantharidin in human pulmonary carcinoma cells A549 and its molecular mechanisms]. Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi. 2005 Jun;27(6):330-4.
5 Flavonoids as aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists/antagonists: effects of structure and cell context. Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Dec;111(16):1877-82.
6 Endoplasmic reticulum stress contributes to autophagy and apoptosis in cantharidin-induced nephrotoxicity. Food Chem Toxicol. 2022 May;163:112986. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2022.112986. Epub 2022 Apr 6.
7 Anticancer effects of cantharidin in A431 human skin cancer (Epidermoid carcinoma) cells in vitro and in vivo. Environ Toxicol. 2017 Mar;32(3):723-738. doi: 10.1002/tox.22273. Epub 2016 Apr 25.
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28 Expression and inducibility of cytochrome P450s (CYP1A1, 2B6, 2E1, 3A4) in human cord blood CD34(+) stem cell-derived differentiating neuronal cells. Toxicol Sci. 2012 Oct;129(2):392-410.
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