General Information of Drug (ID: DM6VM38)

Drug Name
Reserpine Drug Info
Abesta; Abicol; Adelfan; Adelphin; Alkarau; Alkaserp; Alserin; Apoplon; Apsical; Ascoserp; Ascoserpina; Austrapine; Banasil; Banisil; Benazyl; Bioserpine; Brinderdin; Briserine; Broserpine; Cardioserpin; Carditivo; Carpacil; Carrserp; Darebon; Deserpine; Dralserp; Eberpine; Eberspine; Ebserpine; Elfanex; Elserpine; Enipresser; Escaspere; Eserpine; Eskaserp; Eskaserpine; Gammaserpine; Gilucard; Helfoserpin; Hexaplin; Hiposerpil; Hiserpia; Hydropine; Hydroserp; Hypersil; Hypersine; Hypertensan; Idoserp; Idsoserp; Interpina; Kitine; Klimanosid; Lemiserp; Loweserp; Mallopress; Maviserpin; Mayserpine; Mephaserpin; Modenol; Naquival; Nembuserpin; Neoserfin; Neoserp; Neoslowten; Orthoserpina; Perskleran; Pressimedin; Purserpine; Quiescin; Raucap; Raudiford; Raudixin; Raudixoid; Raugal; Raulen; Rauloydin; Raumorine; Raunervil; Raunorine; Raunova; Raupasil; Raupoid; Raurine; Rausan; Rausedan; Rausedil; Rausedyl; Rauserpin; Rauserpine; Rauserpol; Rausingle; Rautrin; Rauvlid; Rauwasedin; Rauwilid; Rauwiloid; Rauwipur; Rauwita; Rauwoleaf; Rawilid; Recipin; Regroton; Resaltex; Resedrex; Resedril; Reserbal; Resercaps; Resercen; Reserfia; Reserjen; Reserlor; Reserp; Reserpal; Reserpamed; Reserpanca; Reserpene; Reserpex; Reserpidefe; Reserpil; Reserpin; Reserpina; Reserpinum; Reserpka; Reserpoid; Reserpur; Reserutin; Resiatric; Residin; Residine; Resine; Resocalm; Resperin; Resperine; Respital; Restran; Rezerpin; Riserpa; Rivased; Rivasin; Rolserp; Roxel; Roxinoid; Roxynoid; Ryser; Salupres; Sandril; Sandron; Sedaraupin; Sedaraupina; Sederaupin; Sedserp; Seominal; Serfin; Serfolia; Serolfia; Serpalan; Serpaloid; Serpaneurona; Serpanray; Serpasil; Serpasol; Serpate; Serpazil; Serpazol; Serpedin; Serpen; Serpena; Serpentil; Serpentin; Serpentina; Serpicon; Serpil; Serpiloid; Serpilum; Serpine; Serpipur; Serpivate; Serpivite; Serpogen; Serpoid; Serpone; Serpyrit; Sertabs; Sertens; Sertensin; Sertina; Supergan; Tefaserpina; Temposerpine; Tensanyl; Tenserpinie; Tensional; Tensionorme; Tepserpine; Terbolan; Transerpin; Triserpin; Tylandril; Unilord; Unipres; VIXO; Esc aspere; Hydromox R; Hypercal B; Loweser p; Neose rfin; Rau sedyl; Renese R; Rese rpamed; Se rpate; V Serp; VI XO; Diupres 250; Diupres 500; ENT 50146; H 520; Hydropres 25; Hydropres 50; Hydrosine 25; R 0875; Apoplon (TN); Diupres-250; Diupres-500; Diurese-R; Diutensen-R; HYDRO-RESERP; Hydrap-ES; Hydromox-R; Key-serpine; L-Carpserp; Neo-serp; Rau-Sed; Renese-R; Rese-lar; Reser-ar; SK-Reserpine; T-Serp; Usaf cb-27; V-Serp; Vio-Serpine; Cam-Ap-Es; L"-Carpserp; R-e-s; Ser-A-Gen; 3P Reserp
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [1]
Malignant essential hypertension BA00 Approved [2]
Psychotic disorder 6A20-6A25 Approved [2]
Therapeutic Class
Antihypertensive Agents
Cross-matching ID
PubChem CID
CAS Number
CAS 50-55-5

Molecule-Related Drug Atlas

Molecule-Related Drug Atlas
Molecule Type:
Drug Status:
Approved Drug(s)
Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Investigative Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Deutetrabenazine DMUPFLI Huntington disease 8A01.10 Approved [13]
Tetrabenazine DMYWQ0O Huntington disease 8A01.10 Approved [3]
Alseroxylon DMB47TQ Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [14]
Valbenazine Tosylate DMQSA2V Tardive dyskinesia 8A02.10 Approved [13]
Alkavervir DMB4HFI High blood pressure BA00 Approved [13]
Ingrezza DMVPLNC Tardive dyskinesia 8A02.10 Phase 4 [15]
NBI-98854 DMVO1C0 Movement disorder 8A07-8A0Z Phase 3 [16]
AV 133 DM0EQ9X Alzheimer disease 8A20 Phase 3 [17]
Lobeline DMT3KB4 Substance use disorder 6C4Z Phase 2 [18]
SOM3355 DMKCBSM Huntington disease 8A01.10 Phase 2 [19]
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Drug(s) Transported By P-glycoprotein 1 (ABCB1)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Amoxicillin DMUYNEI Acute otitis media AB00 Approved [20]
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [21]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [4]
Folic Acid DMEMBJC Colorectal carcinoma Approved [22]
Fluorouracil DMUM7HZ Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [4]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [4]
Progesterone DMUY35B Amenorrhea GA20.0 Approved [23]
Tamoxifen DMLB0EZ Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [4]
Estradiol DMUNTE3 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [24]
Imatinib DM7RJXL Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [25]
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Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [26]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [27]
Folic Acid DMEMBJC Colorectal carcinoma Approved [28]
Fluorouracil DMUM7HZ Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [29]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [30]
Progesterone DMUY35B Amenorrhea GA20.0 Approved [31]
Tamoxifen DMLB0EZ Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [32]
Estradiol DMUNTE3 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [31]
Sulfasalazine DMICA9H Irritable bowel syndrome DD91.0 Approved [33]
Imatinib DM7RJXL Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [34]
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Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Flupentixol DM0DJ9O Schizophrenia 6A20 Approved [35]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [36]
Crizotinib DM4F29C Non-small-cell lung cancer 2C25.Y Approved [37]
Lamotrigine DM8SXYG Bipolar disorder 6A60 Approved [38]
Cepharanthine DM9Y5JB N. A. N. A. Approved [39]
Itraconazole DMCR1MV Aspergillosis 1F20 Approved [40]
Clozapine DMFC71L Schizophrenia 6A20 Approved [41]
Midostaurin DMI6E0R Acute myeloid leukaemia 2A60 Approved [42]
Trifluoperazine DMKBYWI Anxiety Approved [43]
Olanzapine DMPFN6Y Bipolar depression Approved [41]
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Drug(s) Affected By Pro-neuropeptide Y (NPY)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Mifepristone DMGZQEF Cushing disease 5A70 Approved [6]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [44]
Panobinostat DM58WKG Chronic graft versus host disease Approved [45]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [46]
Guanethidine DM9NSWT Moderate and severe hypertension BA00.Z Approved [47]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [48]
Hydrocortisone DMGEMB7 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [49]
Orlistat DMRJSP8 Obesity 5B81 Approved [50]
Progesterone DMUY35B Amenorrhea GA20.0 Approved [51]
Vorinostat DMWMPD4 Adult acute monocytic leukemia Approved [45]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [52]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [53]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [54]
Ivermectin DMDBX5F Intestinal strongyloidiasis due to nematode parasite 1F6B Approved [55]
Zoledronate DMIXC7G Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [56]
Chloroquine DMSI5CB Malaria 1F40-1F45 Approved [57]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [58]
Acetaminophen DMUIE76 Allergic rhinitis CA08.0 Approved [59]
Progesterone DMUY35B Amenorrhea GA20.0 Approved [60]
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [61]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
obeticholic acid DM3Q1SM Primary biliary cholangitis DB96.1 Approved [62]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [44]
Ibuprofen DM8VCBE Dysmenorrhea GA34.3 Approved [63]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [63]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [48]
Fenofibrate DMFKXDY Coronary atherosclerosis Approved [63]
Rosiglitazone DMILWZR Chronic kidney disease GB61 Approved [63]
Diethylstilbestrol DMN3UXQ Gonorrheal vaginitis GA02 Approved [64]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [58]
Estradiol DMUNTE3 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [65]
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Drug(s) Affected By Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Eplerenone DMF0NQR Heart failure BD10-BD13 Approved [66]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [67]
Nelfinavir mesylate DMFX6G8 N. A. N. A. Approved [68]
Ritonavir DMU764S Human immunodeficiency virus infection 1C62 Approved [68]
Ifosfamide DMCT3I8 Adult central nervous system germ cell tumor Approved [69]
Omeprazole DM471KJ Cystic fibrosis CA25 Approved [70]
Thalidomide DM70BU5 Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma Approved [71]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [53]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [54]
Hydrocortisone DMGEMB7 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [72]
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Drug(s) Affected By Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Eplerenone DMF0NQR Heart failure BD10-BD13 Approved [66]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [67]
Isotretinoin DM4QTBN Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [73]
Voriconazole DMAOL2S Aspergillosis 1F20 Approved [74]
Proguanil DMBL79I Malaria 1F40-1F45 Approved [75]
Ivermectin DMDBX5F Intestinal strongyloidiasis due to nematode parasite 1F6B Approved [75]
Loratadine DMF3AN7 Allergy 4A80-4A85 Approved [76]
Nelfinavir mesylate DMFX6G8 N. A. N. A. Approved [68]
Capsaicin DMGMF6V Back pain ME84.Z Approved [77]
Axitinib DMGVH6N Renal cell carcinoma 2C90 Approved [78]
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Drug(s) Affected By Bile salt export pump (ABCB11)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Glimepiride DM5FSJA Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [10]
Ezetimibe DM7A8TW Atherosclerosis BD40 Approved [79]
Glipizide DMZA5PQ Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [79]
Bosentan DMIOGBU Pulmonary arterial hypertension BB01.0 Approved [80]
Indinavir DM0T3YH Human immunodeficiency virus infection 1C62 Approved [10]
Ofloxacin DM0VQN3 Acute gonococcal cervicitis Approved [79]
Primidone DM0WX6I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [81]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [10]
Drospirenone DM1A9W3 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [82]
Nitrendipine DM21C09 Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [10]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [83]
Clavulanate DM2FGRT Bacteremia 1A73 Approved [84]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [52]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [85]
Rifampicin DM5DSFZ Non-insulin dependent diabetes 5A11 Approved [86]
Isoniazid DM5JVS3 Latent tuberculosis infection Approved [87]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Melasma ED60.1 Approved [88]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [89]
Disulfiram DMCL2OK Alcohol dependence 6C40.2 Approved [90]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [54]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [91]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [52]
Isotretinoin DM4QTBN Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [92]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [93]
Ibuprofen DM8VCBE Dysmenorrhea GA34.3 Approved [63]
Calcitriol DM8ZVJ7 Congenital alopecia LC30 Approved [94]
Leflunomide DMR8ONJ Arthritis FA20 Approved [95]
Cidofovir DMA13GD Cytomegalovirus infection 1D82 Approved [63]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [53]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [54]
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Drug(s) Affected By Sequestosome-1 (SQSTM1)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [96]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [97]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [98]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [99]
Trametinib DM2JGQ3 Melanoma 2C30 Approved [100]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [101]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [102]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [52]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [103]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [104]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [105]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [106]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [107]
Nitric Oxide DM1RBYG Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [108]
Etretinate DM2CZFA Keratosis ED56 Approved [109]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [101]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [110]
Lapatinib DM3BH1Y Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [111]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [112]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Diabetic complication 5A2Y Approved [113]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Estradiol DMUNTE3 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [114]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Coronary heart disease BA80.Z Approved [115]
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [116]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [117]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [118]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [119]
Ribavirin DMEYLH9 Hepatitis C virus infection 1E51.1 Approved [120]
Trametinib DM2JGQ3 Melanoma 2C30 Approved [121]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [122]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [123]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug(s) Affected By Trefoil factor 1 (TFF1)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [124]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [91]
Spironolactone DM2AQ5N Chronic heart failure BD1Z Approved [125]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [126]
Estrone DM5T6US Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [127]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [128]
Testosterone DM7HUNW Hot flushes GA30 Approved [129]
Calcitriol DM8ZVJ7 Congenital alopecia LC30 Approved [130]
Exemestane DM9HPW3 Hormonally-responsive breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [131]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [52]
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Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Verapamil DMA7PEW Angina pectoris BA40 Approved [132]
Fluoxetine DM3PD2C Bipolar depression Approved [133]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [54]
Econazole DMFSWGH Cutaneous candidiasis 1F23.14 Approved [132]
Nifedipine DMSVOZT Angina pectoris BA40 Approved [133]
Arsenic DMTL2Y1 N. A. N. A. Approved [134]
(+)-JQ1 DM1CZSJ Testicular cancer 2C80 Phase 1 [135]
Benzo(a)pyrene DMN7J43 N. A. N. A. Phase 1 [136]
Sulforaphane DMQY3L0 Skin disease EA00-EM0Z Investigative [137]
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Drug(s) Affected By Interleukin-10 (IL10)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [138]
Nitric Oxide DM1RBYG Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [139]
Ribavirin DMEYLH9 Hepatitis C virus infection 1E51.1 Approved [140]
Methotrexate DM2TEOL Anterior urethra cancer Approved [141]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Arteriosclerosis BD40 Approved [142]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [143]
Bisoprolol DM3UZ95 Hypertension BA00-BA04 Approved [144]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [145]
Acetic Acid, Glacial DM4SJ5Y infection in the ear canal AA0Y Approved [146]
Isoniazid DM5JVS3 Latent tuberculosis infection Approved [87]
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Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Indomethacin DMSC4A7 Bursitis Approved [147]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Dravet syndrome 8A61.11 Approved [148]
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Vitamin deficiency 5B55-5B71 Approved [149]
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [150]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Colon adenocarcinoma Approved [151]
Talazoparib DM1KS78 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [152]
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [153]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [154]
Ribavirin DMEYLH9 Hepatitis C virus infection 1E51.1 Approved [120]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [155]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Metoclopramide DMFA5MY Nausea MD90 Approved [156]
Quinidine DMLPICK N. A. N. A. Approved [157]
Verapamil DMA7PEW Angina pectoris BA40 Approved [158]
Erythromycin DM4K7GQ Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [159]
Clarithromycin DM4M1SG Acute maxillary sinusitis Approved [159]
Disopyramide DM5SYZP Long QT syndrome BC65.0 Approved [160]
Propranolol DM79NTF Angina pectoris BA40 Approved [161]
Amiodarone DMUTEX3 Tachyarrhythmias BC71 Approved [162]
Dofetilide DMPN1TW Sinus rhythm disorder BC9Y Approved [163]
Flecainide DMSQDLE Tachyarrhythmias BC71 Approved [159]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Infectious disease 1A00-CA43.1 Approved [83]
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [154]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Obesity 5B81 Approved [164]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Melasma ED60.1 Approved [88]
Leflunomide DMR8ONJ Arthritis FA20 Approved [95]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [53]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [48]
Menthol DMG2KW7 Back pain ME84.Z Approved [165]
Hexachlorophene DMLKSE0 Bacterial infection 1A00-1C4Z Approved [166]
Cupric Sulfate DMP0NFQ Fungal infection 1F29-1F2F Approved [167]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [168]
Permethrin DMZ0Q1G Pediculus capitis infestation 1G00.0 Approved [169]
(+)-JQ1 DM1CZSJ Testicular cancer 2C80 Phase 1 [170]
Benzo(a)pyrene DMN7J43 N. A. N. A. Phase 1 [136]
SEROTONIN DMOFCRY Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [171]
Drug(s) Affected By Secretogranin-1 (CHGB)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [118]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [48]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [58]
Triclosan DMZUR4N Malaria 1F40-1F45 Approved [172]
Urethane DM7NSI0 N. A. N. A. Phase 4 [173]
Resveratrol DM3RWXL Giant cell arteritis 4A44.2 Phase 3 [174]
Benzo(a)pyrene DMN7J43 N. A. N. A. Phase 1 [136]
bisphenol A DM2ZLD7 Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [175]
Trichostatin A DM9C8NX Solid tumour/cancer 2A00-2F9Z Investigative [176]
⏷ Show the Full List of 9 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Isoniazid DM5JVS3 Latent tuberculosis infection Approved [6]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [177]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [178]
Ivermectin DMDBX5F Intestinal strongyloidiasis due to nematode parasite 1F6B Approved [55]
Temozolomide DMKECZD Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [179]
Arsenic DMTL2Y1 N. A. N. A. Approved [134]
Dapsone DM4LT8A Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [6]
Procainamide DMNMXR8 Ventricular arrhythmias BC71 Approved [6]
bisphenol A DM2ZLD7 Discovery agent N.A. Investigative [180]
⏷ Show the Full List of 9 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Norepinephrine DMOUC09 Alopecia ED70 Approved [181]
Dopamine DMPGUCF Acromegaly 5A60.0 Approved [181]
Methamphetamine DMPM4SK Anxiety Approved [182]
Ergotidine DM78IME Osteoarthritis FA00-FA05 Approved [183]
Haloperidol DM96SE0 Delirium Approved [183]
Leflunomide DMR8ONJ Arthritis FA20 Approved [95]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [54]
Dextroamphetamine DMMIHVP Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 6A05.Z Approved [183]
Dexamethasone DMMWZET Acute adrenal insufficiency Approved [184]
Cocaine DMSOX7I Anaesthesia 9A78.6 Approved [185]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Selenium DM25CGV N. A. N. A. Approved [154]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [168]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [89]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [48]
Temozolomide DMKECZD Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [179]
Irinotecan DMP6SC2 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [186]
Menadione DMSJDTY Vitamin K deficiency 5B59 Approved [91]
Estradiol DMUNTE3 Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [187]
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Acute myelogenous leukaemia 2A41 Approved [61]
Triclosan DMZUR4N Malaria 1F40-1F45 Approved [172]
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Drug(s) Affected By Carboxypeptidase E (CPE)
Drug Name Drug ID Indication ICD 11 Highest Status REF
Fulvestrant DM0YZC6 Breast cancer 2C60-2C65 Approved [188]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Acne vulgaris ED80 Approved [189]
Panobinostat DM58WKG Chronic graft versus host disease Approved [45]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2A85 Approved [190]
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Graft-versus-host disease 4B24 Approved [177]
Valproate DMCFE9I Epilepsy 8A60-8A68 Approved [48]
Ethanol DMDRQZU Chronic pain MG30 Approved [191]
Temozolomide DMKECZD Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [179]
Cupric Sulfate DMP0NFQ Fungal infection 1F29-1F2F Approved [167]
Irinotecan DMP6SC2 Adenocarcinoma 2D40 Approved [186]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)

Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Molecular Interaction Atlas

Drug Therapeutic Target (DTT)
Synaptic vesicle amine transporter (SLC18A2) TTNZRI3 VMAT2_HUMAN Blocker [3]

Drug Transporter (DTP)
Breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2) DTI7UX6 ABCG2_HUMAN Substrate [4]
P-glycoprotein 1 (ABCB1) DTUGYRD MDR1_HUMAN Substrate [5]

Drug Off-Target (DOT)
DOT Name DOT ID UniProt ID Interaction REF
Adenylate cyclase type 1 (ADCY1) OTSLLFZO ADCY1_HUMAN Drug Response [6]
Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10 (AKR1B10) OTOA4HTH AK1BA_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [7]
ATP-dependent translocase ABCB1 (ABCB1) OTEJROBO MDR1_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [8]
Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 5 (BIRC5) OTILXZYL BIRC5_HUMAN Protein Interaction/Cellular Processes [9]
Beta-1,3-galactosyl-O-glycosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 3 (GCNT3) OTQ9ALTR GCNT3_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [7]
Bile salt export pump (ABCB11) OTRU7THO ABCBB_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [10]
Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) OTXNTV79 CBPE_HUMAN Drug Response [6]
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) OT01OALS VMAT1_HUMAN Drug Response [6]
Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) OTQGYY83 CP3A4_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [11]
Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) OTSXFBXB CP3A5_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [12]


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