General Information of Disease (ID: DISKXBS3)

Disease Name Connective tissue disorder
tissue disease, connective; primary disorder of connective tissue; disorder of connective tissue; disease, connective tissue; disease or disorder of connective tissue; disease of connective tissue; connective tissue disorders; connective tissue disorder; connective tissue diseases; connective tissue disease or disorder; connective tissue disease
A disease involving the connective tissue.|Following clinical usage of the term 'connective tissue disorder' this grouping excludes some diseases affecting tissues classically considered to be connective tissue, such as bone.
Disease Hierarchy
DISH7H5I: Human disease
DISKXBS3: Connective tissue disorder
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 17 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
CASP5 TTWR48J Limited Biomarker [1]
CYP3A5 TTHS0OK Limited Genetic Variation [2]
DCPS TTLSW9V Limited Biomarker [3]
FKBP10 TT4P8O2 Limited Genetic Variation [4]
P4HA1 TTNH25W Limited Genetic Variation [5]
TGFBR1 TTP4520 Limited Biomarker [6]
TSSK2 TTA3Z2W Limited Biomarker [7]
ABL1 TTZJTWA Moderate Autosomal dominant [8]
MYLK TT18ETS Moderate Autosomal dominant [8]
NOTCH1 TTB1STW Moderate Autosomal dominant [8]
NOTCH1 TTB1STW moderate Biomarker [9]
PAH TTGSVH2 Strong Genetic Variation [10]
PLOD1 TTEKJP3 Strong Genetic Variation [11]
PLOD2 TT8MEUD Strong Genetic Variation [4]
PSIP1 TTH9LDP Strong Biomarker [12]
TGFBR2 TTZE3P7 Strong Genetic Variation [6]
TPSAB1 TTM1TDX Strong Biomarker [13]
⏷ Show the Full List of 17 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 4 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC2A10 DT3BI6S Limited Genetic Variation [14]
SLC2A11 DTJK135 Limited Genetic Variation [14]
ABCC6 DT582KR Strong Biomarker [15]
SLC39A13 DTOTKBS Strong Biomarker [16]
This Disease Is Related to 2 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
B4GALT7 DEKRS6L Limited Genetic Variation [17]
SPR DEJVDAT Strong Biomarker [18]
This Disease Is Related to 46 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ADAMTS10 OTNJ9VSU Limited Genetic Variation [19]
AEBP1 OTBI1RZ6 Limited Biomarker [20]
BPIFB1 OTOZYJMO Limited Biomarker [21]
CHD4 OTBDEHDP Limited Biomarker [22]
COL8A2 OTASWJ69 Limited Biomarker [23]
DDX21 OTV73GMZ Limited Biomarker [24]
FKBP14 OT55W5WC Limited Biomarker [25]
FLCN OTVM78XM Limited Biomarker [26]
LSM2 OTHL77NY Limited Genetic Variation [27]
PKD1 OT5ALRZ5 Limited Biomarker [28]
PLOD3 OTT00T7Q Limited Genetic Variation [29]
RIN2 OTCY73U9 Limited Genetic Variation [30]
SAFB OTGRV2LW Limited Biomarker [31]
SCP2 OTPAFCPQ Limited Biomarker [32]
SLURP1 OT89YD2E Limited Biomarker [3]
TNMD OTHLVA9G Limited Biomarker [33]
ABL1 OT09YVXH Moderate Autosomal dominant [8]
ACTA2 OTEDLG8E Moderate Autosomal dominant [8]
COL9A2 OT1ZBDBV moderate Genetic Variation [34]
DCC OT2C1SHW Moderate Autosomal recessive [8]
MYLK OT78QB4A Moderate Autosomal dominant [8]
NOTCH1 OTI1WADQ Moderate Autosomal dominant [8]
PIEZO2 OTQ7AT38 Moderate Autosomal recessive [8]
POLR3A OT5MSK10 moderate Biomarker [35]
POP1 OTBIYMJ0 moderate Biomarker [36]
RTCA OTSJRVTD moderate Biomarker [35]
ADAMTS2 OTTK22NO Strong Biomarker [37]
ALDH18A1 OT6W40XU Strong Biomarker [38]
B3GALT6 OTF4HBAT Strong Genetic Variation [39]
COL11A2 OT3BQUBH Strong Biomarker [40]
COL9A3 OTCUJOEK Strong Biomarker [41]
CRTAP OT53H5U6 Strong Biomarker [42]
DDX19A OTBTDR44 Strong Biomarker [43]
DDX46 OTB2X9TO Strong Biomarker [43]
DHX16 OTW8KZAU Strong Biomarker [43]
EMILIN1 OT94R6M1 Strong Genetic Variation [44]
FBN1 OTYCJT63 Strong Genetic Variation [45]
FBN2 OT3KYJQL Strong Genetic Variation [46]
KERA OTAP9L2A Strong Genetic Variation [37]
PARN OTTG4PE3 Strong Biomarker [47]
PRDM5 OTU1GB68 Strong Genetic Variation [48]
RNPC3 OTW5MKC1 Strong Biomarker [49]
SNRNP70 OTP52YZ3 Strong Biomarker [50]
TAB2 OTPZK76F Strong Genetic Variation [51]
TNXB OTVBWAV5 Strong Biomarker [52]
COL5A1 OT24078H Definitive Genetic Variation [53]
⏷ Show the Full List of 46 DOT(s)


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