General Information of Disease (ID: DISQBA23)

Disease Name Congenital heart disease
heart-congenital defect; defects, congenital heart; abnormalities, heart; heart abnormality; heart defect, congenital; heart, malformation Of; heart abnormalities; defect, congenital heart; Abnormality, heart; heart malformation; congenital heart defects; congenital anomaly of heart; congenital heart defect; heart defect
Definition A heart disease that is present at birth. Representative examples include atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot, and patent foramen ovale.
Disease Hierarchy
DISVJUAP: Congenital anomaly of cardiovascular system
DISVO1I5: Cardiac disease
DISQBA23: Congenital heart disease
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 26 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACVR1 TTJNBQA Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
ADAM17 TT6AZXG Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
BMP10 TTTG6H1 Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
BMPR2 TTGKF90 Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
CBS TTVZJ7G Limited Genetic Variation [2]
CDH2 TT1WS0T Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
FOXC2 TTLBAP1 Limited Biomarker [3]
GPR182 TTT23CG Limited Biomarker [4]
KDM5A TTIG67W Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
MYH7 TTNIMDP Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
NODAL TTK2O1Q Limited Genetic Variation [5]
NRP1 TTIPJCB Limited Autosomal recessive [1]
PDGFRA TT8FYO9 Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
PTGIR TTOFYT1 Limited Biomarker [6]
TDGF1 TTN7HMG Limited Genetic Variation [7]
FOXP1 TT0MUCI Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
HDAC1 TT6R7JZ Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
ID2 TTW8A5N Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
NTRK3 TTXABCW Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
ABL1 TT6B75U moderate Genetic Variation [8]
ETS1 TTTGPSD Moderate Autosomal dominant [1]
GATA4 TT1VDN2 moderate Biomarker [9]
BMPR2 TTGKF90 Strong Genetic Variation [10]
FGF10 TTNPEFX Strong Genetic Variation [11]
MTR TTUTO39 Strong Genetic Variation [12]
TNNI3 TTNLDK6 Strong Biomarker [13]
⏷ Show the Full List of 26 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 3 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC24A4 DTQWF14 Limited Altered Expression [14]
SLC26A3 DTN1FMD Strong Biomarker [15]
SLC50A1 DTI9CQU Strong Genetic Variation [16]
This Disease Is Related to 4 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
FMO5 DEBMX7C Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
ALDH1A2 DEKN1H4 moderate Biomarker [17]
CHDH DEAHED0 Strong Biomarker [18]
MTRR DE6NIY9 Strong Genetic Variation [19]
This Disease Is Related to 105 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
CRKL OTOYSD1R No Known Unknown [1]
ACTC1 OTJU04B1 Limited Altered Expression [20]
ACVR1 OT4JATFE Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
ADAM17 OTTM6KRB Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
AHDC1 OTQ1VL2W Limited Genetic Variation [21]
ANKRD1 OTHJ7JV9 Limited Altered Expression [22]
BCL9 OTRBIPR4 Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
BMP10 OTA3QKKG Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
BMPR2 OTM9W547 Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
CDH10 OTK3D5WP Limited Biomarker [23]
CDH2 OTH0Y56P Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
CFC1 OT5DHGI8 Limited Genetic Variation [24]
CHD5 OTS5EVHH Limited Genetic Variation [25]
CHRD OTNM60Y1 Limited Autosomal recessive [1]
CRELD1 OTBSPZFP Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
DAND5 OTWNWQDJ Limited Genetic Variation [26]
DSCAM OTL7PRMK Limited Altered Expression [27]
EPRS1 OTXK0FLB Limited Biomarker [28]
FBLN2 OTEHR7N7 Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
FIGN OTJF6EZR Limited Biomarker [29]
GALNT1 OTO3RO36 Limited Biomarker [30]
GDF1 OTZ1VRBH Limited Genetic Variation [31]
GET1 OTQJU3OJ Limited Genetic Variation [25]
HAND2 OTCXYW4Y Limited Biomarker [32]
HBG1 OTVL4NSU Limited Genetic Variation [33]
HIC2 OT3VP1D9 Limited Biomarker [34]
HIRA OTON40EJ Limited Genetic Variation [35]
IHH OT1DWGXC Limited Genetic Variation [36]
IMPACT OTQ923OB Limited Biomarker [37]
INO80 OTJBMS8T Limited Genetic Variation [38]
IRX4 OT0TV6WK Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
KCTD10 OT5HFZXU Limited Biomarker [39]
KDM5A OTLYFX8A Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
KLHL3 OTEJ6850 Limited Biomarker [40]
MARCHF3 OT89V4N5 Limited Biomarker [41]
MED13L OTSP1W0F Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
MEF2C OTZGF1Y5 Limited Altered Expression [7]
MESP1 OTY5QDBN Limited Biomarker [42]
MKKS OTLF5T11 Limited Biomarker [43]
MSX1 OT5U41ZP Limited Genetic Variation [44]
MYH7 OT4Z9T8N Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
NKX2-6 OTPPKGTE Limited Autosomal recessive [1]
NRP1 OTCGULYV Limited Autosomal recessive [1]
PDGFRA OTDJXUCN Limited Autosomal dominant [1]
PHC1 OT1JMX8U Limited Biomarker [45]
PNN OT0HXICH Limited Biomarker [28]
PPP1CB OTYFTYFR Limited Genetic Variation [46]
RBM20 OTOQZNKS Limited Biomarker [47]
RBM24 OTQI1AR1 Limited Biomarker [48]
RNF41 OTN1DQOY Limited Genetic Variation [49]
RTN4RL1 OTDKKOE7 Limited Genetic Variation [50]
SFTPA1 OT87XL1U Limited Altered Expression [51]
SFTPA2 OT6SFOMU Limited Altered Expression [51]
SFTPB OTOHS07E Limited Altered Expression [51]
SH3BGR OT13LJ1A Limited Genetic Variation [52]
SRPX OT5B9LXS Limited Biomarker [28]
STX18 OTW4GF3X Limited Genetic Variation [53]
TAMM41 OTXBJ9W5 Limited Genetic Variation [54]
TBCC OTBF0X8R Limited Genetic Variation [55]
TBX2 OTTOT7A9 Limited Genetic Variation [56]
TBX5 OT70PISV Limited Genetic Variation [9]
TEF OTY3LAD9 Limited Biomarker [57]
TFAP2B OTR1T8E9 Limited Genetic Variation [58]
ATE1 OT3QNM39 Disputed Autosomal recessive [1]
CTNNA3 OT9Z0P1E Disputed Unknown [1]
DTNA OTVBIRH2 Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
FMO5 OTTILF8T Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
FOXL1 OT89XFPN Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
FOXP1 OTSG6XGF Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
HDAC1 OTQDNOXZ Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
ID2 OT0U1D53 Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
LEFTY2 OT3RX4QF Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
NFATC1 OT4TMERS Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
NFATC2 OTK5T6HZ Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
NTRK3 OTII30MY Disputed Autosomal dominant [1]
ETS1 OT4LVGDN Moderate Autosomal dominant [1]
HAND1 OTN4IPVV Moderate Autosomal dominant [1]
KLF13 OTMIKHZ4 Moderate Autosomal dominant [1]
ADARB1 OTGKSZEV Strong Altered Expression [59]
BMPR1A OTQOA4ZH Strong Genetic Variation [60]
CHD1L OT7CZK7C Strong Altered Expression [61]
CITED2 OT812TV7 Strong Genetic Variation [62]
CORIN OT4SK7DK Strong Biomarker [63]
DGCR8 OT62LXE4 Strong Altered Expression [64]
DNAH11 OT6IYFVV Strong Genetic Variation [65]
EVC OTRVYMXJ Strong Genetic Variation [66]
GATA5 OTO81B63 Strong Genetic Variation [67]
GATA6 OTO2BC0F Strong Genetic Variation [68]
HOXA1 OTMSOJ7D Strong Genetic Variation [69]
ISL1 OTVNVKAX Strong Biomarker [70]
LMBR1 OTGRQK9V Strong Genetic Variation [71]
MYL3 OTKD3RSX Strong Altered Expression [61]
MYL4 OTURFCSE Strong Altered Expression [61]
MYOCD OTSJNHTH Strong Biomarker [72]
NPHP3 OT8U8ELA Strong Genetic Variation [73]
NREP OT2AZPKK Strong Biomarker [74]
PDSS1 OTXGVHAB Strong Genetic Variation [71]
POC1B OTDIMIRZ Strong CausalMutation [75]
PPM1K OTNZ4N4E Strong Biomarker [76]
RCAN1 OT1MVXC7 Strong Genetic Variation [77]
REC8 OT6JAVXE Strong Genetic Variation [16]
TBX1 OTQLBPRA Strong Biomarker [78]
TBX20 OTMPU2XQ Strong Altered Expression [79]
LRPAP1 OT6DVD2Q Definitive Genetic Variation [80]
SMAD2 OTC6VB4K Definitive Autosomal dominant [1]
⏷ Show the Full List of 105 DOT(s)


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57 Characteristics and outcomes of children with ductal-dependent congenital heart disease and esophageal atresia/tracheoesophageal fistula: A multi-institutional analysis.Surgery. 2018 Apr;163(4):847-853. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2017.09.010. Epub 2018 Jan 8.
58 Analyses of GATA4, NKX2.5, and TFAP2B genes in subjects from southern China with sporadic congenital heart disease.Cardiovasc Pathol. 2013 Mar-Apr;22(2):141-5. doi: 10.1016/j.carpath.2012.07.001. Epub 2012 Sep 6.
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76 Catabolism of branched-chain amino acids in heart failure: insights from genetic models.Pediatr Cardiol. 2011 Mar;32(3):305-10. doi: 10.1007/s00246-010-9856-9. Epub 2011 Jan 7.
77 RCAN1 Mutation and Functional Characterization in Children with Sporadic Congenital Heart Disease.Pediatr Cardiol. 2018 Feb;39(2):226-235. doi: 10.1007/s00246-017-1746-y. Epub 2017 Oct 9.
78 Dysregulation of TBX1 dosage in the anterior heart field results in congenital heart disease resembling the 22q11.2 duplication syndrome.Hum Mol Genet. 2018 Jun 1;27(11):1847-1857. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddy078.
79 TBX20 Regulates Angiogenesis Through the Prokineticin 2-Prokineticin Receptor 1 Pathway.Circulation. 2018 Aug 28;138(9):913-928. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.033939.
80 Expression of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor, RAPGEF5, during mouse and human embryogenesis.Gene Expr Patterns. 2019 Dec;34:119057. doi: 10.1016/j.gep.2019.119057. Epub 2019 Jun 1.