General Information of Drug Off-Target (DOT) (ID: OTUJP9CN)

DOT Name Transcription factor p65 (RELA)
Synonyms Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p65 subunit; Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 3
Gene Name RELA
Related Disease
Brain neoplasm ( )
Clear cell renal carcinoma ( )
Combined immunodeficiency due to RELA haploinsufficiency ( )
End-stage renal disease ( )
Renal cell carcinoma ( )
Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver ( )
Arteriosclerosis ( )
Barrett esophagus ( )
Brain cancer ( )
Breast cancer ( )
Breast carcinoma ( )
Cholestasis ( )
Chronic renal failure ( )
Cystitis ( )
Encephalitis ( )
Ependymoma ( )
Epilepsy ( )
High blood pressure ( )
Mucocutaneous ulceration, chronic ( )
Ovarian neoplasm ( )
Papillary renal cell carcinoma ( )
Parkinsonian disorder ( )
Pneumococcal meningitis ( )
Primary biliary cholangitis ( )
Pulmonary hypertension ( )
Schizophrenia ( )
Status epilepticus seizure ( )
Ulcerative colitis ( )
Uveitis ( )
Colon cancer ( )
Colonic neoplasm ( )
Intracerebral hemorrhage ( )
Lung neoplasm ( )
Skin cancer ( )
Skin neoplasm ( )
Obsolete hereditary pediatric Behet-like disease ( )
Brain ischaemia ( )
Breast neoplasm ( )
Non-insulin dependent diabetes ( )
UniProt ID
3D Structure
2D Sequence (FASTA)
3D Structure (PDB)
1NFI ; 2LSP ; 2O61 ; 3GUT ; 3QXY ; 3RC0 ; 4KV1 ; 4KV4 ; 5U4K ; 5URN ; 6NV2 ; 6QHL ; 6QHM ; 6YOW ; 6YOX ; 6YOY ; 6YP2 ; 6YP3 ; 6YP8 ; 6YPL ; 6YPY ; 6YQ2 ; 7BI3 ; 7BIQ ; 7BIW ; 7BIY ; 7BJB ; 7BJF ; 7BJL ; 7BJW ; 7BKH ; 7LET ; 7LEU ; 7LF4 ; 7NJ9 ; 7NJB ; 7NK3 ; 7NK5 ; 7NLA ; 7NLE ; 7NM1 ; 7NM3 ; 7NM9 ; 7NMH ; 7NQP ; 7NR7 ; 7NSV ; 7NV4 ; 7NVI ; 7NWS ; 7NXS ; 7NXT ; 7NXW ; 7NXY ; 7NY4 ; 7NYE ; 7NYF ; 7NYG ; 7NZ6 ; 7NZG ; 7NZK ; 7NZV ; 7O34 ; 7O3A ; 7O3F ; 7O3P ; 7O3Q ; 7O3R ; 7O3S ; 7O57 ; 7O59 ; 7O5A ; 7O5C ; 7O5D ; 7O5F ; 7O5G ; 7O5O ; 7O5P ; 7O5S ; 7O5U ; 7O5X ; 7O6F ; 7O6G ; 7O6I ; 7O6J ; 7O6K ; 7O6M ; 7O6O
Pfam ID
PF16179 ; PF00554
NF-kappa-B is a pleiotropic transcription factor present in almost all cell types and is the endpoint of a series of signal transduction events that are initiated by a vast array of stimuli related to many biological processes such as inflammation, immunity, differentiation, cell growth, tumorigenesis and apoptosis. NF-kappa-B is a homo- or heterodimeric complex formed by the Rel-like domain-containing proteins RELA/p65, RELB, NFKB1/p105, NFKB1/p50, REL and NFKB2/p52. The heterodimeric RELA-NFKB1 complex appears to be most abundant one. The dimers bind at kappa-B sites in the DNA of their target genes and the individual dimers have distinct preferences for different kappa-B sites that they can bind with distinguishable affinity and specificity. Different dimer combinations act as transcriptional activators or repressors, respectively. The NF-kappa-B heterodimeric RELA-NFKB1 and RELA-REL complexes, for instance, function as transcriptional activators. NF-kappa-B is controlled by various mechanisms of post-translational modification and subcellular compartmentalization as well as by interactions with other cofactors or corepressors. NF-kappa-B complexes are held in the cytoplasm in an inactive state complexed with members of the NF-kappa-B inhibitor (I-kappa-B) family. In a conventional activation pathway, I-kappa-B is phosphorylated by I-kappa-B kinases (IKKs) in response to different activators, subsequently degraded thus liberating the active NF-kappa-B complex which translocates to the nucleus. The inhibitory effect of I-kappa-B on NF-kappa-B through retention in the cytoplasm is exerted primarily through the interaction with RELA. RELA shows a weak DNA-binding site which could contribute directly to DNA binding in the NF-kappa-B complex. Beside its activity as a direct transcriptional activator, it is also able to modulate promoters accessibility to transcription factors and thereby indirectly regulate gene expression. Associates with chromatin at the NF-kappa-B promoter region via association with DDX1. Essential for cytokine gene expression in T-cells. The NF-kappa-B homodimeric RELA-RELA complex appears to be involved in invasin-mediated activation of IL-8 expression. Key transcription factor regulating the IFN response during SARS-CoV-2 infection.
KEGG Pathway
Antifolate resistance (hsa01523 )
MAPK sig.ling pathway (hsa04010 )
Ras sig.ling pathway (hsa04014 )
cAMP sig.ling pathway (hsa04024 )
Chemokine sig.ling pathway (hsa04062 )
NF-kappa B sig.ling pathway (hsa04064 )
HIF-1 sig.ling pathway (hsa04066 )
Sphingolipid sig.ling pathway (hsa04071 )
Mitophagy - animal (hsa04137 )
PI3K-Akt sig.ling pathway (hsa04151 )
Apoptosis (hsa04210 )
Longevity regulating pathway (hsa04211 )
Cellular senescence (hsa04218 )
Osteoclast differentiation (hsa04380 )
Neutrophil extracellular trap formation (hsa04613 )
Toll-like receptor sig.ling pathway (hsa04620 )
NOD-like receptor sig.ling pathway (hsa04621 )
RIG-I-like receptor sig.ling pathway (hsa04622 )
Cytosolic D.-sensing pathway (hsa04623 )
C-type lectin receptor sig.ling pathway (hsa04625 )
IL-17 sig.ling pathway (hsa04657 )
Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation (hsa04658 )
Th17 cell differentiation (hsa04659 )
T cell receptor sig.ling pathway (hsa04660 )
B cell receptor sig.ling pathway (hsa04662 )
TNF sig.ling pathway (hsa04668 )
Neurotrophin sig.ling pathway (hsa04722 )
Prolactin sig.ling pathway (hsa04917 )
Adipocytokine sig.ling pathway (hsa04920 )
Relaxin sig.ling pathway (hsa04926 )
Insulin resistance (hsa04931 )
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (hsa04932 )
AGE-RAGE sig.ling pathway in diabetic complications (hsa04933 )
Alcoholic liver disease (hsa04936 )
Alzheimer disease (hsa05010 )
Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases (hsa05022 )
Cocaine addiction (hsa05030 )
Epithelial cell sig.ling in Helicobacter pylori infection (hsa05120 )
Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection (hsa05130 )
Shigellosis (hsa05131 )
Salmonella infection (hsa05132 )
Pertussis (hsa05133 )
Legionellosis (hsa05134 )
Yersinia infection (hsa05135 )
Leishmaniasis (hsa05140 )
Chagas disease (hsa05142 )
Toxoplasmosis (hsa05145 )
Amoebiasis (hsa05146 )
Tuberculosis (hsa05152 )
Hepatitis C (hsa05160 )
Hepatitis B (hsa05161 )
Measles (hsa05162 )
Human cytomegalovirus infection (hsa05163 )
Influenza A (hsa05164 )
Human papillomavirus infection (hsa05165 )
Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection (hsa05166 )
Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection (hsa05167 )
Herpes simplex virus 1 infection (hsa05168 )
Epstein-Barr virus infection (hsa05169 )
Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection (hsa05170 )
Coro.virus disease - COVID-19 (hsa05171 )
Pathways in cancer (hsa05200 )
Transcriptio.l misregulation in cancer (hsa05202 )
Viral carcinogenesis (hsa05203 )
Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation (hsa05207 )
Chemical carcinogenesis - reactive oxygen species (hsa05208 )
Pancreatic cancer (hsa05212 )
Prostate cancer (hsa05215 )
Chronic myeloid leukemia (hsa05220 )
Acute myeloid leukemia (hsa05221 )
Small cell lung cancer (hsa05222 )
PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer (hsa05235 )
Inflammatory bowel disease (hsa05321 )
Diabetic cardiomyopathy (hsa05415 )
Lipid and atherosclerosis (hsa05417 )
Fluid shear stress and atherosclerosis (hsa05418 )
Reactome Pathway
RIP-mediated NFkB activation via ZBP1 (R-HSA-1810476 )
Regulated proteolysis of p75NTR (R-HSA-193692 )
Downstream TCR signaling (R-HSA-202424 )
NF-kB is activated and signals survival (R-HSA-209560 )
Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP) (R-HSA-2559582 )
FCERI mediated NF-kB activation (R-HSA-2871837 )
DEx/H-box helicases activate type I IFN and inflammatory cytokines production (R-HSA-3134963 )
PKMTs methylate histone lysines (R-HSA-3214841 )
Transcriptional regulation of white adipocyte differentiation (R-HSA-381340 )
TAK1-dependent IKK and NF-kappa-B activation (R-HSA-445989 )
Interleukin-1 processing (R-HSA-448706 )
SUMOylation of immune response proteins (R-HSA-4755510 )
IkBA variant leads to EDA-ID (R-HSA-5603029 )
Dectin-1 mediated noncanonical NF-kB signaling (R-HSA-5607761 )
CLEC7A (Dectin-1) signaling (R-HSA-5607764 )
CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling (R-HSA-5621575 )
CLEC7A/inflammasome pathway (R-HSA-5660668 )
The NLRP3 inflammasome (R-HSA-844456 )
Transcriptional Regulation by VENTX (R-HSA-8853884 )
Interleukin-1 signaling (R-HSA-9020702 )
TRAF6 mediated NF-kB activation (R-HSA-933542 )
Purinergic signaling in leishmaniasis infection (R-HSA-9660826 )
SARS-CoV-1 activates/modulates innate immune responses (R-HSA-9692916 )
Regulation of NFE2L2 gene expression (R-HSA-9818749 )
Activation of NF-kappaB in B cells (R-HSA-1169091 )

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This DOT

39 Disease(s) Related to This DOT
Disease Name Disease ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
Brain neoplasm DISY3EKS Definitive Biomarker [1]
Clear cell renal carcinoma DISBXRFJ Definitive Biomarker [2]
Combined immunodeficiency due to RELA haploinsufficiency DIS4ATAK Definitive Autosomal dominant [3]
End-stage renal disease DISXA7GG Definitive Biomarker [4]
Renal cell carcinoma DISQZ2X8 Definitive Biomarker [2]
Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver DISQ1WRT Strong Biomarker [5]
Arteriosclerosis DISK5QGC Strong Altered Expression [6]
Barrett esophagus DIS416Y7 Strong Altered Expression [7]
Brain cancer DISBKFB7 Strong Biomarker [1]
Breast cancer DIS7DPX1 Strong Biomarker [8]
Breast carcinoma DIS2UE88 Strong Biomarker [8]
Cholestasis DISDJJWE Strong Biomarker [9]
Chronic renal failure DISGG7K6 Strong Altered Expression [10]
Cystitis DIS2D4B9 Strong Altered Expression [11]
Encephalitis DISLD1RL Strong Altered Expression [12]
Ependymoma DISUMRNZ Strong Genetic Variation [13]
Epilepsy DISBB28L Strong Biomarker [14]
High blood pressure DISY2OHH Strong Biomarker [15]
Mucocutaneous ulceration, chronic DIS3JOYX Strong Autosomal dominant [16]
Ovarian neoplasm DISEAFTY Strong Altered Expression [17]
Papillary renal cell carcinoma DIS25HBV Strong Biomarker [18]
Parkinsonian disorder DISHGY45 Strong Biomarker [19]
Pneumococcal meningitis DISM5U0L Strong Biomarker [20]
Primary biliary cholangitis DIS43E0O Strong Biomarker [21]
Pulmonary hypertension DIS1RSP5 Strong Biomarker [22]
Schizophrenia DISSRV2N Strong Biomarker [23]
Status epilepticus seizure DISY3BIC Strong Altered Expression [24]
Ulcerative colitis DIS8K27O Strong Biomarker [25]
Uveitis DISV0RYS Strong Biomarker [26]
Colon cancer DISVC52G moderate Altered Expression [27]
Colonic neoplasm DISSZ04P moderate Biomarker [28]
Intracerebral hemorrhage DISC81BT moderate Biomarker [29]
Lung neoplasm DISVARNB moderate Altered Expression [30]
Skin cancer DISTM18U moderate Biomarker [31]
Skin neoplasm DIS16DDV moderate Biomarker [31]
Obsolete hereditary pediatric Behet-like disease DISNNKF2 Supportive Autosomal dominant [32]
Brain ischaemia DIS9Q4RT Limited Therapeutic [33]
Breast neoplasm DISNGJLM Limited Altered Expression [34]
Non-insulin dependent diabetes DISK1O5Z Limited Altered Expression [35]
⏷ Show the Full List of 39 Disease(s)
Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) Jump to Detail Molecular Interaction Atlas of This DOT
This DOT Affected the Drug Response of 5 Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Hydrogen peroxide DM1NG5W Approved Transcription factor p65 (RELA) decreases the response to substance of Hydrogen peroxide. [128]
Gefitinib DM15F0X Approved Transcription factor p65 (RELA) decreases the response to substance of Gefitinib. [129]
Romidepsin DMT5GNL Approved Transcription factor p65 (RELA) decreases the response to substance of Romidepsin. [109]
Camptothecin DM6CHNJ Phase 3 Transcription factor p65 (RELA) increases the response to substance of Camptothecin. [131]
Rimcazole DMKDS1C Terminated Transcription factor p65 (RELA) increases the response to substance of Rimcazole. [131]
14 Drug(s) Affected the Post-Translational Modifications of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Valproate DMCFE9I Approved Valproate increases the methylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [36]
Hydroquinone DM6AVR4 Approved Hydroquinone increases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [59]
Menthol DMG2KW7 Approved Menthol increases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [70]
Beta-carotene DM0RXBT Approved Beta-carotene decreases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [78]
Morphine DMRMS0L Approved Morphine increases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [82]
Glutathione DMAHMT9 Approved Glutathione increases the glutathionylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [83]
Ergotidine DM78IME Approved Ergotidine increases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [86]
Desloratadine DM56YN7 Approved Desloratadine decreases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [95]
Resatorvid DMFMWYC Phase 3 Resatorvid decreases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [106]
Belinostat DM6OC53 Phase 2 Belinostat increases the acetylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [109]
DNCB DMDTVYC Phase 2 DNCB increases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [110]
Antroquinonol DMRGQVZ Phase 2 Antroquinonol decreases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [117]
Taurocholic acid DM2LZ8F Phase 1/2 Taurocholic acid increases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [118]
Tetrandrine DMAOJBX Phase 1 Tetrandrine increases the phosphorylation of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [122]
⏷ Show the Full List of 14 Drug(s)
61 Drug(s) Affected the Gene/Protein Processing of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Ciclosporin DMAZJFX Approved Ciclosporin increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [37]
Tretinoin DM49DUI Approved Tretinoin decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [38]
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Approved Doxorubicin decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [39]
Cisplatin DMRHGI9 Approved Cisplatin decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [40]
Estradiol DMUNTE3 Approved Estradiol increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [41]
Ivermectin DMDBX5F Approved Ivermectin decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [42]
Arsenic DMTL2Y1 Approved Arsenic decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [43]
Quercetin DM3NC4M Approved Quercetin increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [44]
Temozolomide DMKECZD Approved Temozolomide decreases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [45]
Arsenic trioxide DM61TA4 Approved Arsenic trioxide decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [46]
Calcitriol DM8ZVJ7 Approved Calcitriol increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [47]
Carbamazepine DMZOLBI Approved Carbamazepine affects the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [49]
Selenium DM25CGV Approved Selenium increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [51]
Progesterone DMUY35B Approved Progesterone decreases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [52]
Fluorouracil DMUM7HZ Approved Fluorouracil decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [53]
Dexamethasone DMMWZET Approved Dexamethasone increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [54]
Niclosamide DMJAGXQ Approved Niclosamide decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [55]
Cannabidiol DM0659E Approved Cannabidiol decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [56]
Bortezomib DMNO38U Approved Bortezomib decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [57]
Troglitazone DM3VFPD Approved Troglitazone decreases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [58]
Diethylstilbestrol DMN3UXQ Approved Diethylstilbestrol increases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [60]
Rosiglitazone DMILWZR Approved Rosiglitazone decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [61]
Cytarabine DMZD5QR Approved Cytarabine decreases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [63]
Irinotecan DMP6SC2 Approved Irinotecan increases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [65]
Paclitaxel DMLB81S Approved Paclitaxel decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [66]
Diclofenac DMPIHLS Approved Diclofenac affects the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [49]
Nicotine DMWX5CO Approved Nicotine increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [67]
Malathion DMXZ84M Approved Malathion increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [68]
Mitomycin DMH0ZJE Approved Mitomycin increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [71]
Simvastatin DM30SGU Approved Simvastatin decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [73]
Gemcitabine DMSE3I7 Approved Gemcitabine increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [74]
Sulindac DM2QHZU Approved Sulindac increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [75]
Imatinib DM7RJXL Approved Imatinib decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [55]
Ritonavir DMU764S Approved Ritonavir decreases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [79]
Deoxycholic acid DM3GYAL Approved Deoxycholic acid increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [80]
Ximelegatran DMU8ANS Approved Ximelegatran decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [84]
Sulfasalazine DMICA9H Approved Sulfasalazine decreases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [87]
Sodium chloride DMM3950 Approved Sodium chloride increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [88]
Hydroxychloroquine DMSIVND Approved Hydroxychloroquine increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [90]
Omacetaxine mepesuccinate DMPU2WX Approved Omacetaxine mepesuccinate increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [91]
Roflumilast DMPGHY8 Approved Roflumilast decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [94]
Regorafenib DMHSY1I Approved Regorafenib decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [96]
Resveratrol DM3RWXL Phase 3 Resveratrol decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [100]
Tamibarotene DM3G74J Phase 3 Tamibarotene affects the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [38]
Curcumin DMQPH29 Phase 3 Curcumin decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [101]
Chloroquine DMSI5CB Phase 3 Trial Chloroquine decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [102]
I3C DMIGFOR Phase 3 I3C decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [103]
MLN4924 DMP36KD Phase 3 MLN4924 affects the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [104]
ICARIIN DMOJQGT Phase 3 ICARIIN increases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [105]
Genistein DM0JETC Phase 2/3 Genistein decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [107]
phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate DMJWD62 Phase 2 phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate increases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [111]
PEITC DMOMN31 Phase 2 PEITC decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [103]
URSOLIC ACID DM4SOAW Phase 2 URSOLIC ACID decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [113]
Lithium DMZ3OU6 Phase 2 Lithium increases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [114]
Beta-caryophyllene DM7583A Phase 2 Beta-caryophyllene decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [116]
Benzo(a)pyrene DMN7J43 Phase 1 Benzo(a)pyrene decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [37]
LY294002 DMY1AFS Phase 1 LY294002 decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [121]
PMID26394986-Compound-22 DM43Z1G Patented PMID26394986-Compound-22 decreases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [124]
MG-132 DMKA2YS Preclinical MG-132 decreases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [125]
PJ34 DMXO6YH Preclinical PJ34 increases the expression of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [126]
Ciglitazone DMAPO0T Preclinical Ciglitazone decreases the activity of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [58]
⏷ Show the Full List of 61 Drug(s)
25 Drug(s) Affected the Protein Interaction/Cellular Processes of This DOT
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Interaction REF
Vorinostat DMWMPD4 Approved Vorinostat affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [48]
Decitabine DMQL8XJ Approved Decitabine affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [50]
Ethanol DMDRQZU Approved Ethanol affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [62]
Aspirin DM672AH Approved Aspirin increases the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [64]
Indomethacin DMSC4A7 Approved Indomethacin affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [69]
Azacitidine DMTA5OE Approved Azacitidine affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [72]
Capsaicin DMGMF6V Approved Capsaicin decreases the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [76]
Methamphetamine DMPM4SK Approved Methamphetamine affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [77]
Glucosamine DM4ZLFD Approved Glucosamine increases the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [81]
Trovafloxacin DM6AN32 Approved Trovafloxacin affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [85]
Norepinephrine DMOUC09 Approved Norepinephrine affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [89]
Mercaptopurine DMTM2IK Approved Mercaptopurine affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [92]
Ibrutinib DMHZCPO Approved Ibrutinib affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [93]
Ceritinib DMB920Z Approved Ceritinib affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [97]
Aminolevulinic acid hci DMS4BLQ Approved Aminolevulinic acid hci affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [98]
Amifostine DM5FL14 Approved Amifostine increases the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [99]
EXISULIND DMBY56U Phase 3 EXISULIND affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [69]
Tocopherol DMBIJZ6 Phase 2 Tocopherol affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [108]
BAICALEIN DM4C7E6 Phase 2 BAICALEIN decreases the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [112]
CERC-801 DM3SZ7P Phase 2 CERC-801 affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [115]
PIPERINE DMYEAB1 Phase 1/2 PIPERINE decreases the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [119]
(+)-JQ1 DM1CZSJ Phase 1 (+)-JQ1 affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [120]
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate DMJCQKA Phase 1 Sphingosine-1-Phosphate affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [118]
PMID28870136-Compound-48 DMPIM9L Patented PMID28870136-Compound-48 affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [123]
Piperlongumine DMIZCOE Preclinical Piperlongumine affects the localization of Transcription factor p65 (RELA). [127]
⏷ Show the Full List of 25 Drug(s)


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