General Information of Disease (ID: DISVARNB)

Disease Name Lung neoplasm
neoplasm, lung; neoplasms, lung; neoplasms, pulmonary; neoplasm, pulmonary; lung; tumor of lung; neoplasm of the lung; lung neoplasm (disease); neoplasm of lung; tumour of the lung; lung tumor; lung tumour; tumour of lung; lung neoplasm; tumor of the lung; lung neoplasms
A benign or malignant, primary or metastatic neoplasm involving the lungs. Representative examples of benign neoplasms include adenoma, papilloma, chondroma, and endobronchial lipoma. Representative examples of malignant neoplasms include carcinoma, carcinoid tumor, sarcoma, and lymphoma.
Disease Hierarchy
DIS9SBJX: Neoplasm of thorax
DISTBY9Z: Tumour
DISURSCV: Respiratory tract neoplasm
DIS1LT8E: Lung disease
DISVARNB: Lung neoplasm
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 1 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Pemetrexed DMMX2E6 Approved Small molecular drug [1]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 365 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
BIRC7 TTHZ8TA Limited Altered Expression [2]
CASP5 TTWR48J Limited Biomarker [3]
CDKN2A TTFTWQ8 Limited Biomarker [4]
COX17 TT0F26C Limited Biomarker [5]
CYP24A1 TT82UI1 Limited Biomarker [6]
DDR1 TTI1FPZ Limited Biomarker [7]
DSG3 TTEO4P8 Limited Biomarker [8]
ERBB3 TTSINU2 Limited Genetic Variation [9]
GLIPR1 TTEQF1O Limited Biomarker [10]
GPX1 TTYAHBP Limited Biomarker [11]
IMP3 TTEJA2R Limited Altered Expression [12]
LTB4R TTN53ZF Limited Biomarker [13]
MCM7 TT1RM3F Limited Altered Expression [14]
OGG1 TTRU01G Limited Biomarker [15]
PDE10A TTJW4LU Limited Altered Expression [16]
PTGER2 TT1ZAVI Limited Genetic Variation [17]
SCGB1A1 TTONPVW Limited Biomarker [18]
SERPINA1 TTA7UJC Limited Biomarker [19]
SLC27A4 TT20AYF Limited Biomarker [20]
SLC3A2 TT5CZSM Limited Biomarker [21]
TERF1 TT1Y6J2 Limited Altered Expression [22]
TK1 TTP3QRF Limited Altered Expression [23]
TRPC3 TTNVC34 Limited Biomarker [24]
UBE2T TT0A1R8 Limited Biomarker [25]
XRCC5 TTCB9KW Limited Biomarker [26]
APOE TTKS9CB Disputed Biomarker [27]
AURKA TTPS3C0 Disputed Genetic Variation [28]
CA9 TT2LVK8 Disputed Altered Expression [29]
CHEK2 TT9ABMF Disputed Biomarker [30]
GJA1 TT4F7SL Disputed Biomarker [31]
PTGES TTYLQ8V Disputed Altered Expression [32]
RECK TTRZBW7 Disputed Altered Expression [33]
SERPINB5 TT1KW50 Disputed Altered Expression [34]
UCHL1 TTX9IFP Disputed Biomarker [35]
WNT7A TT8NARC Disputed Altered Expression [36]
XIAP TTK3WBU Disputed Genetic Variation [37]
CASP2 TT12VNG moderate Altered Expression [38]
CAV1 TTXUBN2 moderate Biomarker [39]
CDKN1A TT9GUW0 moderate Biomarker [40]
CDKN1B TTLGFVW moderate Biomarker [41]
CHAT TTKYFSB moderate Altered Expression [42]
CHKA TT10AWB moderate Altered Expression [42]
CYP1A2 TTS1DTU moderate Altered Expression [43]
CYP1B1 TTI84H7 moderate Altered Expression [44]
CYP2A6 TTAQ6ZW moderate Biomarker [45]
E2F3 TTWIJYH moderate Altered Expression [46]
EEF2K TT1QFLA moderate Biomarker [47]
GABRA3 TT37EDJ moderate Altered Expression [48]
GPC3 TTJTSX4 moderate Biomarker [49]
GSS TTVEWR4 moderate Altered Expression [50]
HNRNPA2B1 TT8UPW6 moderate Altered Expression [51]
LATS2 TTML7FG moderate Altered Expression [52]
LONP1 TTM1VPZ moderate Altered Expression [53]
MAP3K3 TTJZNIG moderate Altered Expression [54]
MAPK3 TT1MG9E moderate Biomarker [55]
NOTCH3 TTVX7IA moderate Biomarker [56]
NRP2 TTRXUVC moderate Altered Expression [57]
PTEN TTXJ3W7 moderate Biomarker [58]
ROBO1 TTND1YP moderate Biomarker [59]
SFTPD TTGLMU7 moderate Altered Expression [60]
SLC7A5 TTPH2JB moderate Biomarker [21]
TRIM28 TTQ2BKV moderate Biomarker [61]
VDAC1 TTAMKGB moderate Altered Expression [62]
ABCC3 TTVLG21 Strong Biomarker [63]
ADA TTLP57V Strong Biomarker [64]
ADAM8 TTQWYMD Strong Altered Expression [65]
ADAMTS1 TTS2TEI Strong Posttranslational Modification [66]
ADCYAP1R1 TT5OREU Strong Altered Expression [67]
AGR2 TT9K86S Strong Biomarker [68]
AKR1C3 TT5ZWB6 Strong Altered Expression [69]
AKT1 TTWTSCV Strong Biomarker [70]
ANG TTURHFP Strong Biomarker [71]
ANK1 TTKFPMH Strong Posttranslational Modification [72]
ANO1 TTOJI4S Strong Biomarker [73]
ANXA2 TT4YANI Strong Biomarker [74]
APEX1 TTHGL48 Strong Biomarker [75]
APOC3 TTXOZQ1 Strong Biomarker [76]
ARG2 TTV1AG6 Strong Altered Expression [77]
ARRB1 TTMVD4A Strong Biomarker [78]
ARSB TTESQTG Strong Biomarker [79]
ATP7B TTOPO51 Strong Altered Expression [80]
AZGP1 TTUPYLV Strong Biomarker [81]
BAK1 TTFM7V0 Strong Altered Expression [82]
BAP1 TT47RXJ Strong Biomarker [83]
BCL2L1 TTRE6AX Strong Altered Expression [84]
BECN1 TT5M7LN Strong Therapeutic [85]
BIRC2 TTQ5LRD Strong Altered Expression [86]
BIRC3 TTAIWZN Strong Altered Expression [86]
BIRC5 TTTPU1G Strong Biomarker [87]
BRAF TT0EOB8 Strong Genetic Variation [88]
BRCA2 TTUARD6 Strong Biomarker [30]
BUB1 TT78309 Strong Genetic Variation [89]
CA12 TTSYM0R Strong Biomarker [90]
CACNA2D2 TTU8P3M Strong Genetic Variation [91]
CAMP TTULOB6 Strong Biomarker [92]
CASP10 TTX5HEK Strong Genetic Variation [93]
CASP4 TT6KIOT Strong Biomarker [94]
CASP8 TT6SZNG Strong Biomarker [95]
CASP9 TTB6T7O Strong Altered Expression [96]
CBR1 TTVG0SN Strong Altered Expression [97]
CBS TTVZJ7G Strong Biomarker [98]
CCKBR TTVFO0U Strong Genetic Variation [99]
CCN2 TTIL516 Strong Biomarker [100]
CCND1 TTFCJ7S Strong Genetic Variation [101]
CD274 TT8ZLTI Strong Altered Expression [102]
CD74 TTCMYP9 Strong Genetic Variation [103]
CD83 TTT9MRQ Strong Altered Expression [104]
CDC25A TTLZS4Q Strong Altered Expression [105]
CDCA8 TT04YCM Strong Altered Expression [106]
CDK3 TTMYWL7 Strong Altered Expression [107]
CDK7 TTQYF7G Strong Genetic Variation [108]
CDKN1C TTBSUAR Strong Biomarker [100]
CEACAM1 TTA9CK4 Strong Biomarker [100]
CEACAM3 TTPX7I5 Strong Biomarker [109]
CEACAM5 TTY6DTE Strong Altered Expression [110]
CEACAM6 TTIGH2W Strong Altered Expression [111]
CES1 TTMF541 Strong Biomarker [112]
CGA TTFC29G Strong Genetic Variation [113]
CHRM3 TTQ13Z5 Strong Biomarker [114]
CHRNA2 TTF4E0J Strong Biomarker [115]
CHRNA4 TT4H1MQ Strong Altered Expression [116]
CHRNA5 TTH2QRX Strong Biomarker [117]
CHRNA7 TTLA931 Strong Biomarker [118]
CHRNB4 TTTVAFQ Strong Biomarker [119]
CHST15 TTFK7E1 Strong Biomarker [90]
CHUK TT1F8OQ Strong Biomarker [120]
CLDN4 TTMTS9H Strong Altered Expression [121]
CPB2 TTP18AY Strong Biomarker [122]
CPE TTXPWO6 Strong Biomarker [90]
CRK TTFEUYR Strong Altered Expression [120]
CRP TTWRN6M Strong Biomarker [123]
CTCFL TTY0RZT Strong Posttranslational Modification [124]
CTNNB1 TTRPKQG Strong Biomarker [125]
CTSC TT4H0V2 Strong Genetic Variation [126]
CTSH TT3G406 Strong Biomarker [127]
CYP2E1 TTWVHQ5 Strong Genetic Variation [128]
CYP3A4 TTWP7HQ Strong Altered Expression [129]
DKK3 TTY2ZV6 Strong Posttranslational Modification [130]
DLK1 TTF4AVB Strong Genetic Variation [131]
DNMT3A TTJUALD Strong Biomarker [132]
DNMT3B TT6VZ78 Strong Biomarker [133]
DPYD TTZPS91 Strong Biomarker [134]
DTL TT8396I Strong Biomarker [25]
DUSP3 TTIFAYS Strong Genetic Variation [135]
EGF TTED8JB Strong Genetic Variation [136]
EHMT2 TTS6RZT Strong Biomarker [137]
EML4 TT92GY4 Strong Altered Expression [138]
EPHB1 TT8MDAC Strong Biomarker [139]
ERBB2 TTR5TV4 Strong Biomarker [140]
EREG TTYSB89 Strong Biomarker [141]
ESR1 TTZAYWL Strong Biomarker [142]
F11R TT3C8EG Strong Altered Expression [143]
F2RL3 TTD0652 Strong Genetic Variation [144]
FAS TT7LTUJ Strong Biomarker [132]
FASLG TTO7014 Strong Altered Expression [145]
FGF18 TT6ICRA Strong Biomarker [146]
FGFR1 TTRLW2X Strong Biomarker [147]
FGFR2 TTGJVQM Strong Biomarker [148]
FHIT TTMS54D Strong Genetic Variation [149]
FLT4 TTDCBX5 Strong Altered Expression [150]
FOS TTOM5AU Strong Biomarker [151]
FOSL2 TT689IR Strong Biomarker [90]
FOXM1 TTD3KOX Strong Altered Expression [152]
FYN TT2B9KF Strong Biomarker [153]
GAPDH TTUGSWA Strong Altered Expression [154]
GAST TT4LRVO Strong Altered Expression [155]
GCLM TTNFESW Strong Biomarker [156]
GJB4 TTBRDFI Strong Altered Expression [157]
GRPR TTC1MVT Strong Altered Expression [158]
GSTP1 TT40K12 Strong Altered Expression [159]
HDAC10 TTYHPU6 Strong Altered Expression [160]
HDAC7 TTMUEK1 Strong Biomarker [161]
HDGF TTKGV26 Strong Altered Expression [162]
HMOX1 TTI6V2A Strong Biomarker [163]
HOXA11 TTEX4ZA Strong Posttranslational Modification [164]
HRAS TT28ZON Strong Genetic Variation [165]
HSPA12B TTAI9ZQ Strong Biomarker [166]
HSPA8 TTMQL3K Strong Biomarker [167]
HTATIP2 TTC6IX5 Strong Altered Expression [168]
ID2 TTW8A5N Strong Altered Expression [169]
IDO1 TTZJYKH Strong Biomarker [170]
IDS TTNY2AP Strong Biomarker [90]
IGF2R TTPNE41 Strong Genetic Variation [171]
IGFBP3 TTZHNQA Strong Altered Expression [172]
IKBKB TTJ3E9X Strong Biomarker [173]
IL10 TTT0Q1F Strong Biomarker [174]
IL1R2 TT51DEV Strong Biomarker [90]
IL24 TT1EPXZ Strong Biomarker [175]
IL6 TTT1V78 Strong Altered Expression [176]
IRAK3 TTBPJOK Strong Altered Expression [177]
IRF8 TTHUBNK Strong Biomarker [178]
ITGAE TTH0Z37 Strong Biomarker [179]
ITK TT3C80U Strong Genetic Variation [180]
JUN TTS7IR5 Strong Biomarker [181]
KCNJ3 TTGM19J Strong Biomarker [182]
KCNJ5 TTEO25X Strong Biomarker [182]
KCNJ6 TTTIBVP Strong Biomarker [182]
KCNJ9 TT4VHL6 Strong Biomarker [182]
KLK14 TTDA81R Strong Biomarker [183]
KLK8 TTH5MRS Strong Altered Expression [184]
KRT19 TT3JF9E Strong Biomarker [185]
LMO2 TTFX379 Strong Altered Expression [186]
LRP1 TTF2V7I Strong Altered Expression [187]
LYVE1 TTG8DNU Strong Biomarker [188]
MAGEA1 TT63M7Q Strong Altered Expression [189]
MAGEA3 TTWSKHD Strong Altered Expression [190]
MAGEA4 TT9EQUY Strong Altered Expression [190]
MAP2K2 TT8H9GB Strong Biomarker [191]
MAP2K7 TT6QY3J Strong Biomarker [102]
MAP3K1 TTW8TJI Strong Altered Expression [192]
MAP3K8 TTGECUM Strong Biomarker [193]
MAP4K4 TT6NI13 Strong Biomarker [90]
MAPK1 TT4TQBX Strong Altered Expression [120]
MAPK14 TTQBR95 Strong Altered Expression [120]
MAPK7 TTU6FSC Strong Altered Expression [36]
MARK2 TTAJ45Y Strong Biomarker [194]
MCL1 TTL53M6 Strong Biomarker [90]
MET TTNDSF4 Strong Altered Expression [195]
MGLL TTZ963I Strong Biomarker [196]
MMP1 TTMX39J Strong Altered Expression [197]
MPL TTIHYA4 Strong Altered Expression [198]
MPO TTVCZPI Strong Genetic Variation [199]
MSLN TT4RXME Strong Altered Expression [200]
MST1R TTBQ3OC Strong Altered Expression [201]
MTHFR TTQWOU1 Strong Genetic Variation [202]
MUC17 TTVO0JU Strong Biomarker [203]
MYC TTNQ5ZP Strong Biomarker [204]
NEDD9 TT1UREA Strong Biomarker [205]
NES TTHZ752 Strong Altered Expression [206]
NISCH TT789FN Strong Posttranslational Modification [207]
NME1 TTDY8JH Strong Genetic Variation [208]
NOS2 TTF10I9 Strong Biomarker [209]
NOTCH2 TT82FVD Strong Biomarker [56]
NTSR1 TTTUMEP Strong Altered Expression [210]
P2RY2 TTOZHQC Strong Biomarker [211]
P2RY6 TTNVSKA Strong Biomarker [211]
PAM TTF4ZPC Strong Altered Expression [212]
PAWR TT3I4WV Strong Genetic Variation [144]
PAX5 TTA4REJ Strong Altered Expression [213]
PBK TTMY6BZ Strong Biomarker [214]
PBRM1 TTH8ZRL Strong Biomarker [215]
PCNA TTLG1PD Strong Biomarker [216]
PDGFB TTQA6SX Strong Biomarker [217]
PDGFC TTOABM9 Strong Altered Expression [218]
PDGFD TTSN0GA Strong Biomarker [219]
PGGT1B TTX20QP Strong Therapeutic [220]
PHGDH TT8DRCK Strong Biomarker [221]
PIK3CA TTEUNMR Strong Genetic Variation [222]
PIM1 TTTN5QW Strong Altered Expression [53]
PKLR TT31N4S Strong Genetic Variation [102]
PLAC1 TTM18HX Strong Altered Expression [223]
PLCG1 TT6T4JI Strong Biomarker [224]
PLK2 TT976FS Strong Biomarker [225]
PON1 TT9LX82 Strong Biomarker [226]
POR TTOQ9GZ Strong Altered Expression [227]
PORCN TTNFBTO Strong Altered Expression [228]
PPIA TTL2ADK Strong Altered Expression [229]
PRKCD TT7A1BO Strong Biomarker [230]
PRKCE TT57MT2 Strong Biomarker [231]
PRKCI TTWJTHX Strong Altered Expression [232]
PRKCZ TTBSN0L Strong Biomarker [233]
PRKDC TTK3PY9 Strong Altered Expression [234]
PRMT5 TTR1D7X Strong Altered Expression [235]
PSEN2 TTWN3F4 Strong Genetic Variation [236]
PTBP1 TTWMX0U Strong Altered Expression [237]
PTGDR TTNVEIR Strong Biomarker [238]
PTGER1 TTG1QMU Strong Altered Expression [239]
PTP4A3 TT7YM8D Strong Altered Expression [240]
RAF1 TTAN5W2 Strong Biomarker [241]
RALBP1 TTVSRUA Strong Biomarker [242]
RARB TTISP28 Strong Biomarker [24]
RORC TTGV6LY Strong Altered Expression [243]
RPS6KA1 TTIXKA4 Strong Biomarker [244]
RPSA TTLUW5B Strong Biomarker [245]
RRM1 TTWP0NS Strong Biomarker [246]
RTN4 TT7GXMU Strong Altered Expression [247]
RUNX3 TTKCVO7 Strong Biomarker [248]
RXRB TTKLV96 Strong Altered Expression [249]
SCGB2A2 TT1W3RE Strong Biomarker [250]
SEMA3A TTVKD3S Strong Biomarker [251]
SERPING1 TTVQ6R9 Strong Biomarker [90]
SKP2 TT5B2EO Strong Altered Expression [252]
SLC29A1 TTLXAKE Strong Altered Expression [253]
SLC52A2 TT6TKEN Strong Biomarker [194]
SLC5A2 TTF8JAT Strong Biomarker [254]
SLC7A11 TTBZMIO Strong Altered Expression [255]
SLCO1B3 TTU86P0 Strong Biomarker [256]
SMC2 TTS8D17 Strong Biomarker [90]
SNCG TT5TQNZ Strong Altered Expression [257]
SOX2 TTCNOT6 Strong Altered Expression [258]
SP1 TTZEP6S Strong Altered Expression [259]
SPOCK1 TTF23RE Strong Biomarker [260]
SPP1 TT8ME6I Strong Biomarker [261]
SSTR2 TTZ6T9E Strong Altered Expression [262]
STAT6 TTWOE1T Strong Biomarker [263]
STYK1 TTRMCYJ Strong Altered Expression [264]
SULF2 TTLQTHB Strong Genetic Variation [265]
TBK1 TTMP03S Strong Biomarker [266]
TBX21 TTNF9PH Strong Altered Expression [267]
TBXAS1 TTKNWZ4 Strong Altered Expression [268]
TDG TTEXRQD Strong Genetic Variation [269]
TERT TTQY2EJ Strong Altered Expression [270]
TFRC TT8MG4S Strong Biomarker [271]
TGFB3 TTWOMY8 Strong Biomarker [272]
TGFBR2 TTZE3P7 Strong Biomarker [273]
TGM1 TT7A949 Strong Altered Expression [274]
THPO TTCG5PE Strong Altered Expression [275]
THRA TTTSEPU Strong Genetic Variation [276]
TLR4 TTISGCA Strong Biomarker [277]
TMEM97 TT9NXW4 Strong Biomarker [278]
TNFRSF10B TTW20TU Strong Biomarker [279]
TNFRSF4 TTL31H0 Strong Biomarker [280]
TNFSF4 TTBW580 Strong Biomarker [281]
TNKS TTVUSO7 Strong Biomarker [282]
TNS4 TT1K65C Strong Altered Expression [283]
TOP1 TTGTQHC Strong Genetic Variation [284]
TPX2 TT0PHL4 Strong Altered Expression [285]
TREM1 TTHZQP0 Strong Biomarker [27]
TRPM2 TTEBMN7 Strong Biomarker [286]
TSHR TT6NYJA Strong Biomarker [287]
TTR TTPOYU7 Strong Biomarker [18]
TWIST1 TTX1MY7 Strong Altered Expression [288]
TYMS TTP1UKZ Strong Biomarker [289]
TYRO3 TTIEMFN Strong Biomarker [290]
TYRP1 TTFRV98 Strong Biomarker [100]
UCP1 TTI12YJ Strong Altered Expression [291]
UCP3 TT12RJK Strong Altered Expression [291]
USP14 TTVSYP9 Strong Biomarker [292]
VHL TTEMWSD Strong Biomarker [293]
VTCN1 TTCK85E Strong Biomarker [294]
WNT5A TTKG7F8 Strong Biomarker [295]
WT1 TTZ8UT4 Strong Biomarker [296]
XPA TTGT87E Strong Genetic Variation [297]
ABCC1 TTOI92F Definitive Genetic Variation [298]
ACLY TT0Z6Y2 Definitive Biomarker [299]
ADAM9 TTTYQNS Definitive Altered Expression [300]
ALK TTPMQSO Definitive Genetic Variation [301]
APOA1 TT5S8DR Definitive Biomarker [76]
AREG TT76B3W Definitive Biomarker [302]
CCN1 TTPK79J Definitive Biomarker [90]
CD44 TTWFBT7 Definitive Altered Expression [303]
CEBPA TT5LWG1 Definitive Altered Expression [304]
CFI TT6ATLX Definitive Biomarker [305]
CTSB TTF2LRI Definitive Biomarker [306]
CXCR4 TTBID49 Definitive Biomarker [307]
EGR1 TTE8LGD Definitive Biomarker [90]
EPCAM TTZ8WH4 Definitive Altered Expression [307]
FUS TTKGYZ9 Definitive Biomarker [308]
GJB1 TTSJIRP Definitive Biomarker [309]
HTRA1 TT8POQR Definitive Biomarker [90]
IGFBP7 TTUQ01B Definitive Biomarker [310]
IL2 TTF89GD Definitive Therapeutic [311]
LTF TTSZDQU Definitive Posttranslational Modification [312]
MARCKS TTHRM39 Definitive Biomarker [90]
MDM2 TT9TE0O Definitive Altered Expression [313]
MGMT TTJ8DV7 Definitive Posttranslational Modification [314]
MMP12 TTXZ0KQ Definitive Biomarker [315]
MMP7 TTMTWOS Definitive Altered Expression [316]
NRG1 TTEH395 Definitive Biomarker [115]
OXTR TTSCIUP Definitive Altered Expression [317]
PLAUR TTNOSTX Definitive Altered Expression [318]
RHOB TT6LPFO Definitive Altered Expression [319]
SMARCA4 TTVQEZS Definitive Genetic Variation [320]
TEP1 TTQGAVX Definitive Biomarker [321]
TUSC2 TTJ8O14 Definitive Biomarker [308]
⏷ Show the Full List of 365 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 9 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC26A2 DTFSLX5 Limited Genetic Variation [322]
ABCC10 DTPS120 Strong Biomarker [323]
ABCD1 DTKM9DZ Strong Genetic Variation [324]
SLC25A11 DT0YAUQ Strong Biomarker [325]
SLC25A3 DTCRIWV Strong Genetic Variation [326]
SLC28A1 DT0EQPW Strong Genetic Variation [63]
SLC2A5 DTOR02F Strong Altered Expression [327]
SLC5A8 DTE3TAW Strong Altered Expression [328]
SLCO6A1 DTIFXNS Definitive Altered Expression [329]
⏷ Show the Full List of 9 DTP(s)
This Disease Is Related to 32 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ADH1C DEM1HNL Limited Genetic Variation [330]
COLGALT2 DE8RIZD Limited Biomarker [24]
EPHX1 DELB4KP Limited Genetic Variation [331]
NAT2 DER7TA0 Disputed Genetic Variation [332]
SULT1A1 DEYWLRK Disputed Genetic Variation [333]
GSTM1 DEYZEJA moderate Biomarker [334]
HPGD DEHKSC6 moderate Biomarker [335]
ADH5 DEIOH6A Strong Biomarker [336]
AKR1B10 DEP6GT1 Strong Biomarker [337]
AKR1C1 DE7P2FB Strong Altered Expression [69]
CYP2A13 DEXZA9U Strong Biomarker [338]
CYP2F1 DED5AT3 Strong Biomarker [339]
CYP4B1 DEMF740 Strong Altered Expression [227]
DIO3 DET89OV Strong Genetic Variation [131]
EGLN3 DEMQTKH Strong Biomarker [340]
GGCT DEKW6PB Strong Genetic Variation [341]
GGT5 DEH6CAO Strong Biomarker [342]
GSTA4 DEH7XYP Strong Genetic Variation [343]
GSTM4 DERQ52Z Strong Genetic Variation [344]
GSTT1 DE3PKUG Strong Genetic Variation [345]
HK1 DEDMAGE Strong Genetic Variation [346]
ME1 DE97WM8 Strong Altered Expression [347]
MGST1 DEAPJSO Strong Biomarker [127]
NAT1 DE7OAB3 Strong Genetic Variation [348]
NT5C2 DE1DOKJ Strong Biomarker [349]
PAPSS1 DEDG68B Strong Biomarker [350]
SAT1 DEMWO83 Strong Altered Expression [351]
UCK2 DETN1O0 Strong Altered Expression [352]
UGT2B17 DEAZDL8 Strong Biomarker [353]
CYP1A1 DE6OQ3W Definitive Altered Expression [43]
GCLC DESYL1F Definitive Biomarker [90]
GLS DE3E0VT Definitive Biomarker [354]
⏷ Show the Full List of 32 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 483 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ATG4B OTQ4RNRM Limited Altered Expression [20]
ATOH1 OTBZYG2R Limited Altered Expression [355]
ATOX1 OT05LF59 Limited Biomarker [5]
BRMS1 OTV5A6LL Limited Biomarker [356]
CCL28 OTY6XNQ7 Limited Biomarker [357]
CITED4 OTR6NHI2 Limited Altered Expression [358]
CUL4A OTTBV70J Limited Biomarker [359]
CXCL14 OTM189TA Limited Therapeutic [360]
DDIAS OTTGG2PM Limited Altered Expression [361]
DTD1 OT63V2KK Limited Genetic Variation [322]
DUOX1 OTQ2AEW0 Limited Posttranslational Modification [362]
DUOX2 OTU14HCN Limited Posttranslational Modification [362]
DVL1 OTD67RF1 Limited Altered Expression [363]
DVL2 OTMNYNCM Limited Altered Expression [363]
DVL3 OTPRROHJ Limited Altered Expression [363]
ERGIC3 OT8RWHN3 Limited Biomarker [364]
GPR135 OTXOY5NW Limited Biomarker [24]
HMMR OT4M0JTZ Limited Biomarker [365]
IGBP1 OTTHH4YE Limited Biomarker [366]
KIF14 OTXHT4JM Limited Altered Expression [367]
KLK13 OT8LOD2U Limited Altered Expression [368]
LECT2 OTSFZ9JD Limited Therapeutic [369]
LYPD5 OTGP7UKA Limited Altered Expression [370]
MYO18B OTGYY4NK Limited Genetic Variation [371]
NEUROD4 OTGYOIOJ Limited Altered Expression [355]
NPTN OTAQKSAU Limited Biomarker [24]
NRG2 OTMDE844 Limited Biomarker [24]
NSD3 OT3677ZG Limited Biomarker [372]
PDIK1L OTISF4KG Limited Biomarker [373]
PFDN1 OT9837QM Limited Altered Expression [374]
PIK3C3 OTLUM9L7 Limited Altered Expression [375]
PLPP5 OTHT51D6 Limited Biomarker [372]
PRDX1 OTZ3BEC4 Limited Biomarker [376]
PTMA OT2W4T1M Limited Therapeutic [377]
RAD17 OT1I93DT Limited Altered Expression [378]
RB1 OT9VMY7B Limited Biomarker [379]
RPL14 OTZZW7TK Limited Genetic Variation [380]
SCGB3A2 OTB63PHR Limited Altered Expression [381]
SELENOP OT02B8IR Limited Biomarker [382]
SERINC1 OTF3UASX Limited Altered Expression [383]
SERINC2 OTZ039U0 Limited Altered Expression [383]
SFTPA1 OT87XL1U Limited Altered Expression [384]
THBS2 OTXET551 Limited Altered Expression [385]
TNFAIP8L1 OTVVKOTV Limited Altered Expression [386]
AHNAK OT6KH1WG Disputed Biomarker [387]
BPIFA1 OTQFD2J5 Disputed Altered Expression [388]
CTNND1 OTUMPSHR Disputed Biomarker [238]
CYGB OTX153DQ Disputed Altered Expression [389]
EFEMP2 OT0I2B4J Disputed Biomarker [390]
ETV4 OT8C98UZ Disputed Altered Expression [391]
GRP OT8JDFNI Disputed Altered Expression [392]
HIVEP1 OT7CAG4A Disputed Biomarker [390]
PDCD4 OTZ6NXUX Disputed Biomarker [393]
PRG2 OT0BCPQG Disputed Biomarker [390]
PTHLH OTI1JF13 Disputed Biomarker [394]
RASSF5 OT6Q41I2 Disputed Altered Expression [395]
SOX30 OTGT38E3 Disputed Biomarker [396]
APC OTKV0TIK moderate Biomarker [397]
BAG6 OT4Z0S2U moderate Biomarker [398]
BPIFB1 OTOZYJMO moderate Altered Expression [399]
CCN6 OTRFHQ2Z moderate Biomarker [398]
CFAP100 OTHHFM2Z moderate Posttranslational Modification [400]
CHRNA3 OTCZQY1U moderate Biomarker [117]
CIZ1 OT3UKHPI moderate Biomarker [401]
DMP1 OTBWBWW7 moderate Biomarker [402]
EFEMP1 OTZVUOOB moderate Altered Expression [316]
FEN1 OT6QGG7O moderate Biomarker [403]
FKBPL OTR9ND6K moderate Biomarker [399]
GABPA OT9YB2SA moderate Biomarker [404]
GPX4 OTRAFFX2 moderate Biomarker [405]
HNRNPA0 OTCP792K moderate Biomarker [51]
HNRNPA3 OT4O4NFS moderate Altered Expression [51]
HOPX OTBSR6C9 moderate Altered Expression [406]
IL17C OTKXIVNQ moderate Biomarker [407]
LIMD1 OTN1CG6R moderate Biomarker [408]
MAP1B OTVXW089 moderate Biomarker [400]
MYO9B OTQ94R5K moderate Biomarker [409]
NEUROD1 OTZQ7QJ2 moderate Biomarker [410]
PLAGL2 OT6AP4V2 moderate Altered Expression [411]
PRRC2A OTBX6FM5 moderate Biomarker [399]
RAMP2 OTGQXLH5 moderate Posttranslational Modification [59]
RBMX OTFZN66E moderate Altered Expression [398]
RELA OTUJP9CN moderate Altered Expression [412]
RGS17 OT5RVUDS moderate Altered Expression [413]
SAGE1 OT4H6FFA moderate Biomarker [414]
SEL1L OTC0FB7T moderate Altered Expression [415]
SPEN OT37A2MD moderate Biomarker [398]
SYP OTFJKMO4 moderate Biomarker [416]
TLK2 OTZ09CG8 moderate Biomarker [47]
TP73 OT0LUO47 moderate Biomarker [417]
A2M OTFTX90K Strong Biomarker [76]
ABCE1 OTH19LOA Strong Biomarker [418]
ABI3BP OTW8DN50 Strong Altered Expression [419]
ACE OTDF1964 Strong Biomarker [100]
ACSM1 OT1TS9M9 Strong Biomarker [112]
ADAM12 OTZKOTDB Strong Altered Expression [420]
ADAM28 OT3GBVHL Strong Biomarker [421]
ADAMTS18 OTRMFI04 Strong Biomarker [422]
AHRR OTSJ12W6 Strong Genetic Variation [423]
AIFM1 OTKPWB7Q Strong Biomarker [424]
ALX4 OTNS9A29 Strong Biomarker [425]
ALYREF OTOF2ADD Strong Altered Expression [426]
AMFR OTQRX7LC Strong Altered Expression [427]
AMPH OTWPGWZX Strong Biomarker [428]
ANGPTL1 OTXIN6V5 Strong Altered Expression [154]
ANK3 OTJ3IRBP Strong Biomarker [90]
ANKRD18A OTHLBM3Z Strong Biomarker [429]
ANP32A OTRHPFO2 Strong Biomarker [430]
APOBEC2 OT4CCS0Q Strong Altered Expression [431]
ARHGAP5 OTOQELUN Strong Biomarker [432]
ARHGDIB OT9PD6CS Strong Biomarker [433]
ARHGEF11 OTDOMEH6 Strong Genetic Variation [434]
ARL11 OTF6UDDB Strong Altered Expression [435]
ARSF OTC0L12N Strong Altered Expression [436]
ATF2 OTNIZPEA Strong Altered Expression [437]
ATG101 OTG8QUXY Strong Biomarker [90]
AVPI1 OTXSBR60 Strong Biomarker [90]
AXIN1 OTRGZGZ5 Strong Altered Expression [438]
AZIN2 OT8OB7CG Strong Biomarker [439]
B4GALT1 OTBCXEK7 Strong Altered Expression [440]
BID OTOSHSHU Strong Biomarker [441]
BLM OTEJOAJX Strong Biomarker [442]
BNIP3 OT4SO7J4 Strong Biomarker [443]
BTRC OT2EZDGR Strong Altered Expression [444]
CADM4 OT0TFMFE Strong Biomarker [445]
CALML3 OTM8DNQU Strong Biomarker [446]
CAVIN3 OTOLBK79 Strong Altered Expression [447]
CBX2 OTOQ5WS4 Strong Biomarker [448]
CBX4 OT4XVRRF Strong Altered Expression [449]
CCL18 OT7JYSK9 Strong Biomarker [450]
CCNB2 OTIEXTDK Strong Altered Expression [451]
CCND2 OTDULQF9 Strong Posttranslational Modification [452]
CCNG1 OT17IA9L Strong Biomarker [151]
CCNH OTKDU3SR Strong Genetic Variation [108]
CD1D OT3ROU4J Strong Altered Expression [453]
CDCP1 OTD7RRWK Strong Altered Expression [300]
CDH13 OTD2CYM5 Strong Biomarker [454]
CEACAM7 OTKFDTZY Strong Biomarker [109]
CELF1 OT6JQ5RS Strong Biomarker [455]
CHCHD5 OTVESFOA Strong Altered Expression [456]
CHFR OTRAD2TT Strong Altered Expression [457]
CHGA OTXYX5JH Strong Altered Expression [458]
CHL1 OT6E6E8P Strong Biomarker [138]
CHMP3 OT0963JJ Strong Biomarker [459]
CLCA2 OTF191LZ Strong Biomarker [90]
CLEC1B OTO38TRG Strong Biomarker [460]
CLPTM1L OTDJWQXI Strong Biomarker [461]
CLTB OTPW9VRE Strong Biomarker [90]
CLUAP1 OTESP4WL Strong Altered Expression [462]
COL6A1 OTYKSCOB Strong Biomarker [463]
COTL1 OT6YCNLF Strong Biomarker [446]
CPSF4 OT53UK5L Strong Biomarker [464]
CPT1C OT8F1MBF Strong Altered Expression [465]
CRABP2 OTY01V9G Strong Altered Expression [466]
CSRP3 OTECBJMV Strong Biomarker [446]
CSTA OT1K68KE Strong Altered Expression [467]
CSTB OT3U0JF8 Strong Altered Expression [468]
CT47A11 OTQHGP0S Strong Altered Expression [469]
CTAG1B OTIQGW6U Strong Altered Expression [190]
CTDSPL OTZJ0CZK Strong Altered Expression [470]
CTNNBL1 OT6KLHPA Strong Altered Expression [471]
CWH43 OTT3DPRH Strong Biomarker [90]
CYP2D7 OTYJTL3S Strong Altered Expression [472]
DAB2 OTRMQTMZ Strong Altered Expression [473]
DAPK1 OTNCNUCO Strong Biomarker [474]
DCDC2 OTSUFH1H Strong Biomarker [475]
DESI2 OTHUOKOC Strong Altered Expression [476]
DLX4 OTLWVCN4 Strong Altered Expression [477]
DLX5 OTEEFBEU Strong Altered Expression [478]
DMTF1 OTDKO9OO Strong Biomarker [402]
DNAJB4 OTUD01BK Strong Altered Expression [479]
DNASE1L3 OTEUIMC2 Strong Therapeutic [480]
DNTTIP1 OTAP29SS Strong Biomarker [481]
DOK1 OTGVRLW6 Strong Biomarker [482]
DPPA2 OT8Y55RY Strong Biomarker [483]
DPYSL3 OTINJV20 Strong Biomarker [484]
DPYSL5 OT6F9T6F Strong Biomarker [485]
DSP OTB2MOP8 Strong Altered Expression [486]
E2F4 OTB3JFH4 Strong Genetic Variation [487]
EAF2 OTSOET5L Strong Biomarker [488]
EEF2 OTZ7SZ39 Strong Biomarker [489]
EFNB2 OT0DCUOM Strong Biomarker [90]
EIF2B5 OTV3R4RB Strong Biomarker [490]
EIF3E OTI0WG98 Strong Altered Expression [491]
ELAVL4 OT3YH6J6 Strong Genetic Variation [492]
EMX2 OT0V8OYK Strong Biomarker [493]
EPB41L3 OTS6CHG2 Strong Posttranslational Modification [494]
EPS15 OT7NPP8U Strong Posttranslational Modification [495]
ERCC1 OTNPYQHI Strong Biomarker [496]
ERCC3 OTVAW3P1 Strong Genetic Variation [497]
ERCC4 OTFIOPG1 Strong Genetic Variation [498]
ERCC5 OTQAKFJM Strong Biomarker [442]
ERCC6 OT2QZKSF Strong Genetic Variation [499]
ERRFI1 OT7VZ2IZ Strong Altered Expression [500]
ETV1 OT6PMJIK Strong Biomarker [501]
ETV5 OTE2OBM4 Strong Biomarker [502]
EWSR1 OT7SRHV3 Strong Genetic Variation [503]
EXO1 OTI87RS5 Strong Genetic Variation [504]
EYA4 OTINGR3Z Strong Biomarker [505]
FADD OTV7GFHH Strong Posttranslational Modification [506]
FAM13A OTZ6GN0Q Strong Altered Expression [507]
FAM83A OTBI16V7 Strong Biomarker [508]
FANCL OTJC7QPQ Strong Altered Expression [509]
FBLN5 OTLVNZ8U Strong Altered Expression [510]
FERMT1 OT626PBA Strong Altered Expression [511]
FGA OTMIHY80 Strong Biomarker [123]
FLCN OTVM78XM Strong Biomarker [512]
FLNB OTPCOYL6 Strong Altered Expression [513]
FMR1 OTWEV0T5 Strong Altered Expression [514]
FOSB OTW6C05J Strong Biomarker [90]
GADD45G OT8V1J4M Strong Biomarker [213]
GADL1 OTJM4A0R Strong Biomarker [439]
GALNT3 OT7M67WT Strong Biomarker [515]
GATA5 OTO81B63 Strong Posttranslational Modification [516]
GATA6 OTO2BC0F Strong Biomarker [517]
GC OTWS63BY Strong Biomarker [518]
GDF10 OTEVXGJ7 Strong Altered Expression [519]
GIT2 OTQ2EQJ1 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
GPX3 OT6PK94R Strong Biomarker [100]
GRB7 OTF8Y9XY Strong Biomarker [100]
HADHA OTO557N2 Strong Biomarker [520]
HES1 OT8P19W2 Strong Altered Expression [521]
HES5 OTW7JEHV Strong Altered Expression [521]
HEY1 OTJQL0I3 Strong Biomarker [56]
HILPDA OTEID3ZM Strong Biomarker [90]
HPS5 OTLO2374 Strong Biomarker [475]
HSPBP1 OTRS37HK Strong Biomarker [522]
HTRA3 OTXJ0H4X Strong Altered Expression [523]
HYAL1 OT2SJN0X Strong Altered Expression [470]
HYAL2 OTTVINXW Strong Altered Expression [470]
IARS2 OTDX4SCA Strong Altered Expression [524]
ID3 OTUULW5Z Strong Biomarker [100]
IER2 OT5OY8BO Strong Biomarker [90]
IER3 OTZJI5FZ Strong Posttranslational Modification [525]
IFNA17 OTHXRYG3 Strong Genetic Variation [526]
IGF2BP1 OT9G360P Strong Altered Expression [527]
IKBKG OTNWJWSD Strong Biomarker [112]
IL10RA OTOX3D1D Strong Altered Expression [528]
ILF2 OTWWVM9X Strong Biomarker [529]
ING1 OTEZBRKW Strong Altered Expression [530]
ING2 OT6H0EWF Strong Altered Expression [530]
INTS6 OT6GDV46 Strong Genetic Variation [531]
IPO11 OTG19WN0 Strong Biomarker [58]
IQSEC1 OTK1PBFD Strong Biomarker [90]
ISL1 OTVNVKAX Strong Biomarker [532]
IST1 OTSFEZ2O Strong Altered Expression [533]
ITGA9 OTHN1IKA Strong Altered Expression [470]
ITGB4 OT28UK84 Strong Biomarker [534]
JAG1 OT3LGT6K Strong Biomarker [56]
JUNB OTG2JXV5 Strong Biomarker [90]
JUND OTNKACJD Strong Biomarker [90]
KIF23 OTY850JC Strong Biomarker [535]
KIF5B OTT34MT8 Strong Biomarker [536]
KNL1 OT4Q3LHV Strong Altered Expression [537]
KRT8 OTTM4X11 Strong Biomarker [538]
LARS1 OT4557NF Strong Biomarker [539]
LAS1L OTG4I2A1 Strong Biomarker [540]
LAT OTZC1XZ1 Strong Altered Expression [541]
LDHB OT9B1CT3 Strong Altered Expression [542]
LDOC1 OTWZH4O9 Strong Altered Expression [543]
LETM1 OT8N4MRU Strong Biomarker [544]
LIN28B OTVWP0FN Strong Altered Expression [545]
LMNTD1 OT2TKBVM Strong Biomarker [546]
LYPD3 OTLR2PYX Strong Altered Expression [318]
MAD2L1 OTXNGZCG Strong Altered Expression [547]
MAGEB1 OTN7G8V1 Strong Altered Expression [548]
MAGEB2 OTAGUVU5 Strong Altered Expression [548]
MAGED4B OTO37U7W Strong Altered Expression [549]
MAK16 OTD546E5 Strong Altered Expression [550]
MAL OTBM30SW Strong Altered Expression [551]
MAP2K3 OTI2OREX Strong Biomarker [552]
MAX OTKZ0YKM Strong Altered Expression [553]
MBD1 OTD19VO6 Strong Genetic Variation [554]
MBD4 OTWR9YXE Strong Genetic Variation [555]
MCC OTQVI1EM Strong Genetic Variation [556]
ME2 OTO4LL76 Strong Biomarker [557]
MED24 OTU4SJQ1 Strong Biomarker [140]
METTL3 OTSXP1M3 Strong Biomarker [558]
MFSD2A OTVG1VG0 Strong Genetic Variation [559]
MGAT5 OTU4DD4G Strong Altered Expression [560]
MINDY4 OTBZ2SZB Strong Altered Expression [561]
MKS1 OT83W5PB Strong Altered Expression [347]
MLC1 OTCNZLSP Strong Biomarker [562]
MMP19 OTLSTT2B Strong Altered Expression [563]
MMP20 OT16S5S3 Strong Altered Expression [564]
MNAT1 OTXLOYCB Strong Biomarker [70]
MOK OTQK7M9V Strong Altered Expression [565]
MPP1 OTA2ENZQ Strong Biomarker [100]
MRO OT5U38CP Strong Biomarker [566]
MUC3A OTI4XUDY Strong Biomarker [203]
MVP OTJGHJRB Strong Biomarker [567]
MXI1 OTUQ9E0D Strong Altered Expression [547]
NANOS3 OTGX9IQU Strong Altered Expression [568]
NAPSA OT6F8IAL Strong Biomarker [569]
NCOR1 OT04XNOU Strong Genetic Variation [570]
NELFCD OTOLTZPU Strong Altered Expression [507]
NFATC1 OT4TMERS Strong Biomarker [571]
NFS1 OT0HUS40 Strong Biomarker [572]
NFYA OTWFFOVH Strong Biomarker [517]
NHP2 OTZK4FU5 Strong Altered Expression [573]
NIT1 OT1KHPKJ Strong Biomarker [574]
NMU OTW9X7BQ Strong Altered Expression [575]
NOCT OTVSYP2D Strong Altered Expression [576]
NPPA OTMQNTNX Strong Therapeutic [577]
NPRL2 OTOB10MO Strong Altered Expression [470]
NUDT1 OTZSES3W Strong Genetic Variation [578]
NXF1 OTEFHXG6 Strong Altered Expression [513]
OBP2A OTBIJ5TI Strong Biomarker [579]
OCA2 OTDWIGBF Strong Altered Expression [580]
OLIG2 OTMCN6D3 Strong Altered Expression [551]
OTUD7B OTMVM8R7 Strong Biomarker [581]
P3H3 OTRC8QCM Strong Altered Expression [582]
PCBP4 OTDLL4NB Strong Altered Expression [583]
PCDH7 OTP091X8 Strong Altered Expression [584]
PCNT OTW4Z65J Strong Altered Expression [40]
PDCD6 OT2YA5M8 Strong Altered Expression [585]
PDLIM4 OT23LZYY Strong Biomarker [90]
PDZK1IP1 OTWA6M5K Strong Biomarker [586]
PEA15 OTKCKTSX Strong Biomarker [70]
PEBP4 OTKDCVC6 Strong Biomarker [587]
PELI1 OTMLBCLC Strong Biomarker [588]
PIAS3 OT3TWH9R Strong Altered Expression [589]
PIP OTH719AH Strong Biomarker [590]
PKP1 OT9HSQ8F Strong Altered Expression [591]
PLA2G10 OTRZ2L5A Strong Altered Expression [592]
PLA2G6 OT5FL0WU Strong Altered Expression [593]
PLEKHG2 OTMGR6I6 Strong Biomarker [74]
PLK3 OT19CT2Z Strong Genetic Variation [594]
PMEPA1 OTY8Z9UF Strong Altered Expression [595]
PNO1 OT010GIS Strong Altered Expression [550]
POLE OTFM3MMU Strong Biomarker [442]
POLL OTZ24QGM Strong Altered Expression [596]
POLM OT0SRIP4 Strong Genetic Variation [597]
POU3F2 OT30NFOC Strong Biomarker [598]
PPBP OT1FHGQS Strong Biomarker [90]
PPP1R9B OTDCTHTT Strong Biomarker [599]
PPP2R1B OTFIHQGD Strong Genetic Variation [600]
PRDX6 OTS8KC8A Strong Biomarker [601]
PRKN OTJBN41W Strong Biomarker [602]
PRMT6 OT5V3XIN Strong Biomarker [529]
PRRC2C OTBX3MXM Strong Altered Expression [603]
PSG2 OT2EIXAI Strong Biomarker [109]
PSMA4 OTAD2XXI Strong Altered Expression [604]
PSMD4 OTH1VZTM Strong Altered Expression [436]
PTPN3 OTSLZBVY Strong Biomarker [495]
PTPRA OTZA82J1 Strong Altered Expression [605]
PTPRO OTFLKWOY Strong Posttranslational Modification [606]
PTPRU OTHDO0QG Strong Genetic Variation [326]
PXN OTVMMUOF Strong Biomarker [607]
PYCARD OT67RON3 Strong Biomarker [608]
QTRT1 OTC33MCV Strong Biomarker [292]
RAB37 OTRL8IUO Strong Biomarker [609]
RAD52 OT0OTDHI Strong Biomarker [610]
RAD9A OTJ3AJQU Strong Altered Expression [611]
RALA OT734R7X Strong Biomarker [266]
RASSF1 OTEZIPB7 Strong Biomarker [612]
RASSF2 OT2JHDO4 Strong Posttranslational Modification [613]
RASSF7 OT0V4EIZ Strong Genetic Variation [614]
RASSF8 OTXKGIB3 Strong Biomarker [615]
RBBP6 OTTVG4HU Strong Altered Expression [616]
RBL2 OTBQSOE6 Strong Altered Expression [617]
RBM10 OTES2MES Strong Altered Expression [618]
RBMS3 OTFSC9MR Strong Altered Expression [550]
RCAN1 OT1MVXC7 Strong Biomarker [619]
RCHY1 OTAE7504 Strong Biomarker [620]
RDM1 OTBSJEAG Strong Altered Expression [621]
REEP5 OTZU4TJI Strong Biomarker [238]
RHOV OTW4N3QN Strong Altered Expression [622]
RIOX2 OT2YFPI2 Strong Biomarker [623]
RNASET2 OTWY64L7 Strong Biomarker [115]
RNF111 OTO3QT6Q Strong Biomarker [624]
RPL36A OT1LYV85 Strong Altered Expression [500]
RPS29 OTCC1872 Strong Biomarker [625]
RPS3A OTUEP7CL Strong Altered Expression [573]
RTEL1 OTI3PJCT Strong Biomarker [115]
RTN1 OTCX1SMK Strong Altered Expression [247]
RTRAF OTJ6NVMW Strong Biomarker [490]
S100A11 OTI57KDN Strong Altered Expression [626]
S100A2 OTTGHJ1H Strong Altered Expression [627]
SAMHD1 OTBCIBC7 Strong Biomarker [628]
SAMSN1 OT7N88T1 Strong Altered Expression [629]
SCAF1 OT16TM3N Strong Altered Expression [630]
SCGB3A1 OTIR98RB Strong Biomarker [452]
SCRN1 OTELM5C2 Strong Altered Expression [631]
SEC14L2 OTJST64D Strong Altered Expression [513]
SECISBP2L OTMSOLZU Strong Biomarker [115]
SELENBP1 OT3NZNTR Strong Biomarker [632]
SELENOF OT2JFB3S Strong Genetic Variation [633]
SEMA3B OTCZCPMS Strong Genetic Variation [634]
SEMA3F OTQFMS8S Strong Biomarker [635]
SET OTGYYQJO Strong Biomarker [636]
SFN OTLJCZ1U Strong Biomarker [637]
SFTPA2 OT6SFOMU Strong Genetic Variation [638]
SFTPB OTOHS07E Strong Biomarker [639]
SHMT1 OTIINA3J Strong Genetic Variation [640]
SIDT2 OTU2L002 Strong Biomarker [90]
SIN3A OTM8OZWV Strong Posttranslational Modification [641]
SIRT4 OT5S0J23 Strong Biomarker [642]
SMAD5 OTQNSVCQ Strong Biomarker [643]
SMARCA2 OTSGJ8SV Strong Biomarker [644]
SMARCC1 OTUOMBE7 Strong Biomarker [100]
SND1 OTT734JN Strong Biomarker [645]
SOX4 OTSS40SS Strong Altered Expression [646]
SOX9 OTVDJFGN Strong Biomarker [90]
SPAG5 OTCLJ56M Strong Biomarker [647]
SPARCL1 OT74DWMV Strong Altered Expression [648]
SPC24 OT1HVYV4 Strong Altered Expression [649]
SPECC1 OTPEML48 Strong Altered Expression [247]
SPOP OTP0107S Strong Biomarker [650]
SPRY2 OTH0CRCZ Strong Biomarker [651]
SRRM2 OTSIMMC9 Strong Altered Expression [550]
SRSF2 OTVDHO6U Strong Altered Expression [652]
ST8SIA1 OTGND2YZ Strong Altered Expression [653]
STAT5A OTBSJGN3 Strong Biomarker [100]
STIM1 OT8CLQ1W Strong Biomarker [654]
STN1 OT8UWRA3 Strong Biomarker [115]
SULF1 OTJCNCO0 Strong Biomarker [265]
SUV39H2 OTU0F4LL Strong Genetic Variation [655]
SYNM OTOI8TRJ Strong Biomarker [153]
TFAP2B OTR1T8E9 Strong Altered Expression [656]
TFDP1 OT6RZ7VT Strong Biomarker [238]
TGFBI OTR443C5 Strong Altered Expression [657]
THOC1 OTVABJ4Z Strong Altered Expression [426]
TLCD3A OTVZUR1Z Strong Altered Expression [658]
TLE1 OT50MRZ1 Strong Altered Expression [659]
TM4SF5 OTPAV531 Strong Biomarker [660]
TM7SF2 OTILU5S7 Strong Biomarker [661]
TMEM196 OTPFLB1R Strong Posttranslational Modification [662]
TMEM45A OT54KJG6 Strong Biomarker [90]
TMPO OTL68EL4 Strong Biomarker [520]
TMPRSS4 OTCCGY2K Strong Altered Expression [663]
TMSB10 OTLVZ13T Strong Altered Expression [664]
TMSB15A OTSBWCES Strong Altered Expression [665]
TNFSF18 OT3ANRX1 Strong Biomarker [281]
TOB1 OTNW949D Strong Posttranslational Modification [666]
TOX2 OT7RZRVK Strong Altered Expression [667]
TP53AIP1 OT1XVNDP Strong Biomarker [668]
TRIB2 OTHSX3MX Strong Altered Expression [304]
TRIT1 OTCU9FS5 Strong Biomarker [669]
ACTB OT1MCP2F Definitive Biomarker [463]
ALDH3A1 OTAYZZE6 Definitive Altered Expression [670]
ASCL1 OTI4X44G Definitive Altered Expression [671]
BCL7B OT8DQQRD Definitive Biomarker [672]
BHLHE41 OTY9GJ1Y Definitive Biomarker [90]
C18orf54 OT4WJKTF Definitive Genetic Variation [673]
C4BPA OTHNH6Y8 Definitive Biomarker [305]
CADM1 OTRWG9QS Definitive Altered Expression [52]
CCBE1 OTO4UIDB Definitive Altered Expression [674]
DAB2IP OTF456VC Definitive Biomarker [675]
DDX3X OTDO4TRX Definitive Biomarker [676]
DLC1 OTP8LMCR Definitive Biomarker [452]
DOK2 OTIJ38UF Definitive Biomarker [482]
DOK3 OT842U3C Definitive Biomarker [482]
DOK4 OTUEWLG8 Definitive Posttranslational Modification [677]
ENO2 OTRODL0T Definitive Biomarker [678]
ERAS OT528IZO Definitive Biomarker [679]
ERCC2 OT1C8HQ4 Definitive Genetic Variation [680]
ESPL1 OTMGEVOK Definitive Biomarker [681]
FGF9 OT2SKDGM Definitive Biomarker [682]
FRMD3 OT0CD2GG Definitive Biomarker [683]
FZD9 OTTZ9MKK Definitive Altered Expression [684]
GPRC5A OTPOCWR7 Definitive Biomarker [685]
GSTK1 OTDNGWAF Definitive Altered Expression [329]
GTF2H2 OTK72L9I Definitive Biomarker [686]
IFI44 OTOKSZVA Definitive Biomarker [686]
KIF22 OTY6X6BL Definitive Biomarker [687]
MAP2K4 OTZPZX11 Definitive Biomarker [688]
MOB1A OTSPBZ4Z Definitive Altered Expression [689]
MOB4 OTOQRMAS Definitive Altered Expression [689]
MYCL OT1MFQ5U Definitive Genetic Variation [690]
NKX2-1 OTCMEJTA Definitive Altered Expression [569]
OLIG1 OTIMFI31 Definitive Altered Expression [691]
RAD18 OTQ9PLNT Definitive Genetic Variation [692]
RASGRF2 OT67DAGF Definitive Posttranslational Modification [693]
RBM5 OTCBWHHV Definitive Altered Expression [694]
SEZ6L OT5Z9CUA Definitive Genetic Variation [695]
SFTPC OTIZJD09 Definitive Genetic Variation [696]
SGMS1 OTZQE7PW Definitive Altered Expression [689]
SRSF1 OTF61HOV Definitive Altered Expression [697]
STK11 OT1YZSP3 Definitive Biomarker [698]
TBX1 OTQLBPRA Definitive Altered Expression [699]
TP63 OT0WOOKQ Definitive Biomarker [700]
TTF1 OT4K90WD Definitive Altered Expression [701]
⏷ Show the Full List of 483 DOT(s)


1 Pemetrexed FDA Label
2 Expression of survivin mRNA and livin mRNA in non-small-cell lung cancer.Lung Cancer. 2004 Dec;46(3):299-304. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2004.05.002.
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554 Methyl-CpG binding domain 1 gene polymorphisms and lung cancer risk in a Chinese population.Biomarkers. 2008 Sep;13(6):607-17. doi: 10.1080/13547500802168031.
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560 Expression of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase v is associated with prognosis and histology in non-small cell lung cancers.Clin Cancer Res. 2004 Mar 1;10(5):1773-9. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-1047-3.
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563 Matrix metalloproteinase-19 promotes metastatic behavior in vitro and is associated with increased mortality in non-small cell lung cancer.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2014 Oct 1;190(7):780-90. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201310-1903OC.
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570 Evaluation of transcriptionally regulated genes identifies NCOR1 in hormone receptor negative breast tumors and lung adenocarcinomas as a potential tumor suppressor gene.PLoS One. 2018 Nov 28;13(11):e0207776. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207776. eCollection 2018.
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572 NFS1 undergoes positive selection in lung tumours and protects cells from ferroptosis.Nature. 2017 Nov 30;551(7682):639-643. doi: 10.1038/nature24637. Epub 2017 Nov 22.
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574 Nitrilase 1 modulates lung tumor progression in vitro and in vivo.Oncotarget. 2016 Apr 19;7(16):21381-92. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7820.
575 The neuromedin U-growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1b/neurotensin receptor 1 oncogenic signaling pathway as a therapeutic target for lung cancer.Cancer Res. 2006 Oct 1;66(19):9408-19. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-06-1349.
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577 Cardiac and kidney hormones cure up to 86% of human small-cell lung cancers in mice.Eur J Clin Invest. 2008 Aug;38(8):562-70. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2362.2008.01978.x.
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580 PED is overexpressed and mediates TRAIL resistance in human non-small cell lung cancer.J Cell Mol Med. 2008 Dec;12(6A):2416-26. doi: 10.1111/j.1582-4934.2008.00283.x. Epub 2008 Feb 15.
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583 Expression of alpha CP-4 inhibits cell cycle progression and suppresses tumorigenicity of lung cancer cells.Int J Cancer. 2008 Apr 1;122(7):1512-20. doi: 10.1002/ijc.23236.
584 Modulation of Mutant Kras(G12D) -Driven Lung Tumorigenesis In Vivo by Gain or Loss of PCDH7 Function.Mol Cancer Res. 2019 Feb;17(2):594-603. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-18-0739. Epub 2018 Nov 8.
585 Contribution of programmed cell death 6 genetic variations, gender, and smoking status to lung cancer.Onco Targets Ther. 2019 Aug 9;12:6237-6244. doi: 10.2147/OTT.S205544. eCollection 2019.
586 MAP17 predicts sensitivity to platinum-based therapy, EGFR inhibitors and the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib in lung adenocarcinoma.J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Aug 17;37(1):195. doi: 10.1186/s13046-018-0871-7.
587 Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 4 promotes the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in non-small cell lung cancer cells by activating the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway.J Cell Biochem. 2019 Apr;120(4):5386-5395. doi: 10.1002/jcb.27817. Epub 2018 Oct 26.
588 Pellino-1 promotes lung carcinogenesis via the stabilization of Slug and Snail through K63-mediated polyubiquitination.Cell Death Differ. 2017 Mar;24(3):469-480. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2016.143. Epub 2016 Dec 23.
589 Overexpression of PIAS3 suppresses cell growth and restores the drug sensitivity of human lung cancer cells in association with PI3-K/Akt inactivation.Neoplasia. 2006 Oct;8(10):817-25. doi: 10.1593/neo.06409.
590 GCDFP-15 positive and TTF-1 negative primary lung neoplasms: a tissue microarray study of 381 primary lung tumors.Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2009 Dec;17(6):505-11. doi: 10.1097/PAI.0b013e3181a8e809.
591 Plakophilin 1 is methylated and has a tumor suppressive activity in human lung cancer.Exp Mol Pathol. 2019 Jun;108:73-79. doi: 10.1016/j.yexmp.2019.04.001. Epub 2019 Apr 1.
592 Group IIa secretory phospholipase expression correlates with group IIa secretory phospholipase inhibition-mediated cell death in K-ras mutant lung cancer cells.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2012 Dec;144(6):1479-85. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2012.08.064. Epub 2012 Sep 29.
593 Loss of presenilin 2 is associated with increased iPLA2 activity and lung tumor development.Oncogene. 2014 Oct 30;33(44):5193-200. doi: 10.1038/onc.2014.128. Epub 2014 May 26.
594 Intron/exon organization and polymorphisms of the PLK3/PRK gene in human lung carcinoma cell lines.Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2001 Dec;32(4):384-9. doi: 10.1002/gcc.1204.
595 TMEPAI regulates EMT in lung cancer cells by modulating the ROS and IRS-1 signaling pathways.Carcinogenesis. 2013 Aug;34(8):1764-72. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgt132. Epub 2013 Apr 24.
596 Up-regulation of the error-prone DNA polymerase {kappa} promotes pleiotropic genetic alterations and tumorigenesis.Cancer Res. 2005 Jan 1;65(1):325-30.
597 Pol iota is a candidate for the mouse pulmonary adenoma resistance 2 locus, a major modifier of chemically induced lung neoplasia.Cancer Res. 2004 Mar 15;64(6):1924-31. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.can-03-3080.
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602 A recurrent mutation in PARK2 is associated with familial lung cancer.Am J Hum Genet. 2015 Feb 5;96(2):301-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.12.016. Epub 2015 Jan 29.
603 Identification of alternative splicing events regulated by the oncogenic factor SRSF1 in lung cancer.Cancer Res. 2014 Feb 15;74(4):1105-15. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-13-1481. Epub 2013 Dec 26.
604 Haplotype and cell proliferation analyses of candidate lung cancer susceptibility genes on chromosome 15q24-25.1.Cancer Res. 2009 Oct 1;69(19):7844-50. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-09-1833. Epub 2009 Sep 29.
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607 Paxillin promotes tumor progression and predicts survival and relapse in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma by microRNA-218 targeting.Carcinogenesis. 2014 Aug;35(8):1823-9. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgu102. Epub 2014 Apr 29.
608 Hypermethylation of ASC/TMS1 is a sputum marker for late-stage lung cancer.Cancer Res. 2006 Jun 15;66(12):6210-8. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-4447.
609 Rab37 in lung cancer mediates exocytosis of soluble ST2 and thus skews macrophages toward tumor-suppressing phenotype.Int J Cancer. 2018 Oct 1;143(7):1753-1763. doi: 10.1002/ijc.31569. Epub 2018 Jul 3.
610 Functional characterization of RAD52 as a lung cancer susceptibility gene in the 12p13.33 locus.Mol Carcinog. 2016 May;55(5):953-63. doi: 10.1002/mc.22334. Epub 2015 May 27.
611 Resveratrol induced premature senescence and inhibited epithelial-mesenchymal transition of cancer cells via induction of tumor suppressor Rad9.PLoS One. 2019 Jul 16;14(7):e0219317. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219317. eCollection 2019.
612 RASSF1A Deficiency Enhances RAS-Driven Lung Tumorigenesis.Cancer Res. 2018 May 15;78(10):2614-2623. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-2466. Epub 2018 May 7.
613 Epigenetic inactivation of the RAS-effector gene RASSF2 in lung cancers.Int J Oncol. 2007 Jul;31(1):169-73.
614 Genetic alterations in cancer knowledge system: analysis of gene mutations in mouse and human liver and lung tumors.Toxicol Sci. 2006 Apr;90(2):400-18. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfj101. Epub 2006 Jan 12.
615 Identification of RASSF8 as a candidate lung tumor suppressor gene.Oncogene. 2006 Jun 29;25(28):3934-8. doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1209422. Epub 2006 Feb 6.
616 Expression and function of retinoblastoma binding protein 6 (RBBP6) in human lung cancer.Immunobiology. 2011 Oct;216(10):1065-73. doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2011.05.004. Epub 2011 May 17.
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619 A single extra copy of Dscr1 improves survival of mice developing spontaneous lung tumors through suppression of tumor angiogenesis.Cancer Lett. 2014 Jan 1;342(1):70-81. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2013.08.047. Epub 2013 Sep 16.
620 E3 ubiquitin ligase Pirh2 enhances tumorigenic properties of human non-small cell lung carcinoma cells. Genes Cancer. 2016 Nov;7(11-12):383-393. doi: 10.18632/genesandcancer.123.
621 RDM1 plays an oncogenic role in human lung adenocarcinoma cells.Sci Rep. 2018 Aug 1;8(1):11525. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-30071-y.
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624 RNF111/Arkadia is regulated by DNA methylation and affects TGF-/Smad signaling associated invasion in NSCLC cells.Lung Cancer. 2015 Oct;90(1):32-40. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2015.07.010. Epub 2015 Jul 26.
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626 Determination of metastasis-associated proteins in non-small cell lung cancer by comparative proteomic analysis.Cancer Sci. 2007 Aug;98(8):1265-74. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2007.00514.x. Epub 2007 May 30.
627 Prognostic and diagnostic relevance of hnRNP A2/B1, hnRNP B1 and S100 A2 in non-small cell lung cancer.Cancer Detect Prev. 2006;30(5):395-402. doi: 10.1016/j.cdp.2006.04.009. Epub 2006 Oct 25.
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629 Detailed characterization of a homozygously deleted region corresponding to a candidate tumor suppressor locus at 21q11-21 in human lung cancer.Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2008 Sep;47(9):810-8. doi: 10.1002/gcc.20582.
630 Scavenger Receptor A1 Prevents Metastasis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer via Suppression of Macrophage Serum Amyloid A1.Cancer Res. 2017 Apr 1;77(7):1586-1598. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-1569. Epub 2017 Feb 15.
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632 Tumor Suppressor Activity of Selenbp1, a Direct Nkx2-1 Target, in Lung Adenocarcinoma.Mol Cancer Res. 2018 Nov;16(11):1737-1749. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-18-0392. Epub 2018 Jul 12.
633 Lung cancer risk associated with selenium status is modified in smoking individuals by Sep15 polymorphism.Eur J Nutr. 2008 Feb;47(1):47-54. doi: 10.1007/s00394-008-0696-9. Epub 2008 Jan 31.
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635 Selective suppression of in vivo tumorigenicity by semaphorin SEMA3F in lung cancer cells.Neoplasia. 2005 May;7(5):457-65. doi: 10.1593/neo.04721.
636 Sphingosine analogue drug FTY720 targets I2PP2A/SET and mediates lung tumour suppression via activation of PP2A-RIPK1-dependent necroptosis.EMBO Mol Med. 2013 Jan;5(1):105-21. doi: 10.1002/emmm.201201283. Epub 2012 Nov 25.
637 Stratifin accelerates progression of lung adenocarcinoma at an early stage.Mol Cancer. 2015 Jul 30;14:142. doi: 10.1186/s12943-015-0414-1.
638 Genetic defects in surfactant protein A2 are associated with pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. Am J Hum Genet. 2009 Jan;84(1):52-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2008.11.010. Epub 2008 Dec 18.
639 Surfactant protein B gene variations and susceptibility to lung cancer in chromate workers.Am J Ind Med. 2006 May;49(5):367-73. doi: 10.1002/ajim.20283.
640 Polymorphisms of cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase and risk of lung cancer: a case-control analysis.Lung Cancer. 2007 Aug;57(2):143-51. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2007.03.002. Epub 2007 Apr 8.
641 Decreased expression of the SIN3A gene, a candidate tumor suppressor located at the prevalent allelic loss region 15q23 in non-small cell lung cancer.Lung Cancer. 2008 Jan;59(1):24-31. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2007.08.002. Epub 2007 Sep 12.
642 SIRT4 has tumor-suppressive activity and regulates the cellular metabolic response to DNA damage by inhibiting mitochondrial glutamine metabolism.Cancer Cell. 2013 Apr 15;23(4):450-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2013.02.024. Epub 2013 Apr 4.
643 Bone morphogenetic protein 2 stimulation of tumor growth involves the activation of Smad-1/5.Oncogene. 2006 Feb 2;25(5):685-92. doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1209110.
644 Chromatin remodeling factors and BRM/BRG1 expression as prognostic indicators in non-small cell lung cancer.Clin Cancer Res. 2004 Jul 1;10(13):4314-24. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-03-0489.
645 Tudor staphylococcal nuclease drives chemoresistance of non-small cell lung carcinoma cells by regulating S100A11. Oncotarget. 2015 May 20;6(14):12156-73. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.3495.
646 Novel transcriptional targets of the SRY-HMG box transcription factor SOX4 link its expression to the development of small cell lung cancer.Cancer Res. 2012 Jan 1;72(1):176-86. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3506. Epub 2011 Nov 14.
647 p53 suppression is essential for oncogenic SPAG5 upregulation in lung adenocarcinoma.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 May 28;513(2):319-325. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.03.198. Epub 2019 Apr 5.
648 Evidence for transcriptional repression of SPARC-like 1, a gene downregulated in human lung tumors.Int J Oncol. 2004 Oct;25(4):1073-9.
649 A potential prognostic biomarker SPC24 promotes tumorigenesis and metastasis in lung cancer.Oncotarget. 2017 Jul 4;8(39):65469-65480. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.18971. eCollection 2017 Sep 12.
650 SPOP promotes SIRT2 degradation and suppresses non-small cell lung cancer cell growth.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Feb 5;483(2):880-884. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.01.027. Epub 2017 Jan 7.
651 Sprouty 2 gene in mouse lung tumorigenesis.Chest. 2004 May;125(5 Suppl):111S. doi: 10.1378/chest.125.5_suppl.111s.
652 A new function of the splicing factor SRSF2 in the control of E2F1-mediated cell cycle progression in neuroendocrine lung tumors.Cell Cycle. 2013 Apr 15;12(8):1267-78. doi: 10.4161/cc.24363. Epub 2013 Mar 21.
653 Fundamental study of small interfering RNAs for ganglioside GD3 synthase gene as a therapeutic target of lung cancers.Oncogene. 2006 Nov 2;25(52):6924-35. doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1209683. Epub 2006 Jul 24.
654 Elevated expression of STIM1 is involved in lung tumorigenesis.Oncotarget. 2016 Dec 27;7(52):86584-86593. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.13359.
655 Novel polymorphisms in the SUV39H2 histone methyltransferase and the risk of lung cancer.Carcinogenesis. 2006 Nov;27(11):2217-22. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgl084. Epub 2006 Jun 13.
656 Tumor-specific activation of human telomerase reverses transcriptase promoter activity by activating enhancer-binding protein-2beta in human lung cancer cells.J Biol Chem. 2007 Sep 7;282(36):26460-70. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M610579200. Epub 2007 Jul 15.
657 Epigenetic inactivation of Betaig-h3 gene in human cancer cells.Cancer Res. 2006 May 1;66(9):4566-73. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-2130.
658 Altered gene expression profiles of NIH3T3 cells regulated by human lung cancer associated gene CT120.Cell Res. 2004 Dec;14(6):487-96. doi: 10.1038/
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