General Information of Disease (ID: DISVEUR6)

Disease Name Follicular lymphoma
lymphoma, follicular; follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma; lymphoma, follicular centre cell; follicle centre lymphoma; follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; follicular center cell lymphoma; lymphoma, follicular center cell; follicular centre cell lymphoma; lymphoma, follicular, malignant; follicle center lymphoma
Disease Class 2A80: Follicular lymphoma
Definition Follicular lymphoma is a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma characterized by a proliferation of B cells whose nodular structure of follicular architecture is preserved.
Disease Hierarchy
DISPW4EO: Indolent B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma
DISKAXO0: Neoplasm of mature B-cells
DISVEUR6: Follicular lymphoma
ICD Code
ICD-11: 2A80
ICD-9: 202
Expand ICD-11
Expand ICD-10
'C82; 'C82.5; 'C82.7; 'C82.9
Expand ICD-9
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID
Orphanet ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 26 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Atezolizumab DMMF8U0 Approved Monoclonal antibody [1]
Axicabtagene ciloleucel DMYHN59 Approved CAR T Cell Therapy [1]
BAY 80-6946 DMLOS5R Approved Small molecular drug [2]
Betamethasone DMAHJEF Approved Small molecular drug [3]
Bleomycin DMNER5S Approved Small molecular drug [4]
Chlorambucil DMRKE63 Approved Small molecular drug [5]
Cortisone Acetate DMG8K57 Approved Small molecular drug [6]
Dexamethasone DMMWZET Approved Small molecular drug [7]
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Approved Small molecular drug [8]
Glofitamab DM45HT6 Approved Antibody [9]
Ibrutinib DMHZCPO Approved Small molecular drug [1]
Idelalisib DM602WT Approved Small molecular drug [10]
IPI-145 DMWA24P Approved Small molecular drug [11]
Lisocabtagene maraleucel DMP45ME Approved CAR T Cell Therapy [12]
Loncastuximab tesirine DMXSVGI Approved Antibody drug conjugate [13]
Methylprednisolone DM4BDON Approved Small molecular drug [14]
Mosunetuzumab DM15ZIB Approved Antibody [15]
Nivolumab DMAB9QE Approved Monoclonal antibody [1]
Polatuzumab vedotin DMF6Y0L Approved Antibody [1]
Prednisolone DMQ8FR2 Approved Small molecular drug [16]
Prednisone DM2HG4X Approved Small molecular drug [17]
Tazemetostat DMWP1BH Approved Small molecular drug [18]
Tisagenlecleucel DMM9BJD Approved CAR T Cell Therapy [1]
Triamcinolone DM98IXF Approved Small molecular drug [19]
Umbralisib DMYRBO1 Approved NA [20]
Vincristine DMINOX3 Approved Small molecular drug [21]
⏷ Show the Full List of 26 Drug(s)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 31 Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
B-cell lymphoma vaccine DMBRFUQ Preregistration Vaccine [22]
Abexinostat DM91LGU Phase 3 Small molecular drug [1]
BI-695500 DMT0NTL Phase 3 NA [23]
GP2013 DMZB45J Phase 3 NA [24]
MK-8808 DMT8IAJ Phase 3 NA [25]
PF-05280586 DMNZOCK Phase 3 NA [23]
Pixantrone DMQGR45 Phase 3 Small molecular drug [26]
SAIT101 DMI1R5S Phase 3 Antibody [27]
BGB-3112 DMQCFSM Phase 2 NA [1]
CART-19 DMHQKN6 Phase 2 CAR T Cell Therapy [28]
INCB50465 DMZJP2T Phase 2 NA [1]
ME-401 DMK0UOY Phase 2 Small molecular drug [30]
Parsaclisib DMYBIFS Phase 2 Small molecular drug [31]
Anti-CD19 CAR-T cells DMDRYZK Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [32]
Anti-CD19-CAR vector-transduced T cells DMQXU4C Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [33]
Anti-CD19/22-CAR vector-transduced T cells DMMUSHR Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [34]
Anti-CD20-CAR vector-transduced autologous T cells DMCDUJY Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [35]
CD19.CAR T Cells DM79GPF Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [36]
CD19.CAR-T cells DMNZ7F2 Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [37]
CD20-Specific CAR T Cells DMHPZ8G Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [38]
GEN3013 DMZABYH Phase 1/2 Antibody [39]
JCAR017 DMJV2IF Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [40]
JCARH125 DM8P7FC Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [41]
PCAR-019 DM9DR13 Phase 1/2 CAR T Cell Therapy [42]
AMG 562 DMQ0N5Z Phase 1 Antibody [43]
BCL201 DMZ51EX Phase 1 NA [1]
Human CD19 targeted T Cells DM0W275 Phase 1 CAR T Cell Therapy [44]
Oncoquest-L DMOZ2L6 Phase 1 NA [1]
PF-06821497 DML3WT6 Phase 1 Small molecular drug [45]
Retroviral vector-transduced autologous T cells to express CD22-specific CARs DMZ8WAQ Phase 1 CAR T Cell Therapy [46]
Anti-CD19/20-CAR vector-transduced T cells DM3M9OY Clinical trial CAR T Cell Therapy [47]
⏷ Show the Full List of 31 Drug(s)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 1 Drugs in Phase 2 Trial
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Duvelisib DM7USVA Phase 2 Trial Small molecular drug [29]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 70 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
CBX7 TTBN3HC Limited Genetic Variation [49]
CCND3 TT1JXNR Limited Biomarker [50]
CHIT1 TTDYX6T Limited Altered Expression [51]
FCGR2B TT5RWKQ Limited Biomarker [52]
GADD45B TTMDW9L Limited Biomarker [53]
HLA-DRB1 TTUXSTW Limited Genetic Variation [54]
KIR2DS1 TTVWAGF Limited Genetic Variation [55]
KIR3DL2 TTQH3N0 Limited Genetic Variation [55]
LAIR1 TTSI7A8 Limited Genetic Variation [56]
NPR2 TTNB7IF Limited Biomarker [57]
NRG4 TTWAGKJ Limited Altered Expression [58]
P2RY8 TT84EWY Limited Altered Expression [59]
PRKCE TT57MT2 Limited Altered Expression [60]
PRSS1 TT2WR1T Limited Genetic Variation [61]
STMN1 TT7W5OT Limited Biomarker [62]
TNFRSF8 TT2GM5R Limited Biomarker [63]
E2F2 TT5FYX0 Disputed Biomarker [64]
IL21R TTZO9B0 Disputed Altered Expression [65]
IL31RA TT9HPX0 Disputed Altered Expression [66]
SIRPA TTBRJS9 Disputed Biomarker [67]
ZAP70 TTUMHT8 Disputed Biomarker [68]
BTLA TTER58P moderate Altered Expression [69]
CD46 TTMS7DF moderate Genetic Variation [70]
IFNGR2 TT13TL0 moderate Genetic Variation [71]
MTHFR TTQWOU1 moderate Genetic Variation [72]
MTR TTUTO39 moderate Genetic Variation [73]
PTPRJ TTWMKXP moderate Biomarker [74]
TYMS TTP1UKZ moderate Genetic Variation [73]
ABL2 TT1A6HL Strong Altered Expression [75]
ATP6AP1 TTWDM4U Strong Biomarker [76]
BTK TTGM6VW Strong Altered Expression [77]
CD27 TTDO1MV Strong Altered Expression [78]
CD37 TTFCW29 Strong Biomarker [79]
CD40 TT1ERKL Strong Biomarker [80]
CDK3 TTMYWL7 Strong Biomarker [81]
CGB3 TTUH273 Strong Altered Expression [82]
CNP TT71P0H Strong Genetic Variation [83]
CREBBP TTFRCTK Strong Genetic Variation [84]
DCK TTJOCE4 Strong Genetic Variation [85]
EML4 TT92GY4 Strong Genetic Variation [86]
EPHA7 TTAHTVG Strong Genetic Variation [87]
EZH2 TT9MZCQ Strong Altered Expression [88]
GBA TT1B5PU Strong Biomarker [57]
IFNA2 TTSIUJ9 Strong Therapeutic [89]
IL31 TT1RJXK Strong Altered Expression [90]
LMO2 TTFX379 Strong Biomarker [81]
MALT1 TTCI81G Strong Biomarker [91]
MASP2 TTR01E9 Strong Genetic Variation [92]
MYD88 TTB6Q2O Strong Genetic Variation [93]
NSD1 TTTSJ3H Strong Biomarker [94]
PAX5 TTA4REJ Strong Biomarker [95]
PDCD1LG2 TTW14O3 Strong Biomarker [96]
REL TT1ZCTH Strong Biomarker [97]
RXRB TTKLV96 Strong Genetic Variation [98]
SOX5 TTXHSZK Strong Biomarker [99]
SPN TTOZAX0 Strong Altered Expression [57]
TCL1A TTUKRDV Strong Altered Expression [100]
TNFAIP3 TT5W0IO Strong Genetic Variation [101]
TNFRSF14 TTWGTC1 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
TNFRSF25 TTDV6BQ Strong Altered Expression [103]
TSPO TTPTXIN Strong Genetic Variation [104]
WWP2 TT6TU05 Strong Altered Expression [82]
BCL2L2 TTQ79W8 Definitive Altered Expression [105]
CR2 TT0HUN7 Definitive Altered Expression [106]
CXCR5 TTIW59R Definitive Biomarker [107]
FCER2 TTCH6MU Definitive Altered Expression [106]
IL21 TT9QEJ6 Definitive Biomarker [84]
IL4R TTDWHC3 Definitive Genetic Variation [108]
MKI67 TTB4UNG Definitive Genetic Variation [109]
MS4A1 TTUE541 Definitive Biomarker [110]
⏷ Show the Full List of 70 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 2 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC16A10 DTPAQJO Limited Biomarker [111]
SLC7A7 DTE4HJ8 Limited Biomarker [112]
This Disease Is Related to 1 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
AKR1C4 DEAJN47 Limited Genetic Variation [113]
This Disease Is Related to 88 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
AFF3 OTR0705Z Limited Genetic Variation [114]
AMPH OTWPGWZX Limited Biomarker [115]
BCL2L11 OTNQQWFJ Limited Genetic Variation [116]
BCL3 OT1M5B95 Limited Genetic Variation [117]
C1QA OT6XKVVA Limited Genetic Variation [118]
CDK10 OTKP7TTR Limited Altered Expression [119]
CDR2 OTD3ZJST Limited Genetic Variation [120]
CFHR1 OT72R16T Limited Biomarker [121]
CFHR5 OT7BMOYE Limited Biomarker [121]
CLEC4D OTT7X1UC Limited Genetic Variation [122]
CLSTN3 OTPUFK4C Limited Genetic Variation [123]
DNTT OTFSEF12 Limited Biomarker [124]
DROSHA OTCE68KZ Limited Altered Expression [60]
EDIL3 OTDVVNS0 Limited Genetic Variation [125]
HLA-DQB1 OTVVI3UI Limited Genetic Variation [126]
LMNB1 OT100T3P Limited Altered Expression [127]
MIB1 OT5C404P Limited Genetic Variation [109]
MNDA OTCTKR47 Limited Biomarker [128]
MYOZ3 OTRN16R4 Limited Genetic Variation [123]
PMCH OT3D9SA4 Limited Altered Expression [129]
POU2F2 OTPV0J0C Limited Genetic Variation [130]
RANBP2 OTFG5CVF Limited Genetic Variation [61]
RHOF OTPA3F8Q Limited Altered Expression [131]
SLC26A8 OTNCW8RJ Limited Biomarker [111]
TIA1 OTGPN3P8 Limited Biomarker [132]
CD244 OTSMR85N Disputed Altered Expression [133]
CFHR3 OTYL8SDO Disputed Biomarker [134]
DDIT3 OTI8YKKE Disputed Biomarker [135]
GNA13 OTVDL515 Disputed Altered Expression [136]
KLHL6 OTLDECOX Disputed Biomarker [137]
LCP2 OT57KE22 Disputed Biomarker [133]
PCDHGA3 OTTOGYJA Disputed Biomarker [138]
PLSCR4 OT2AMYLY Disputed Biomarker [139]
RAD23B OT0PGOG3 Disputed Genetic Variation [140]
RHOH OT1J9SEB Disputed Biomarker [141]
TRRAP OT68OI2Y Disputed Biomarker [139]
ETV3 OTEN03BM moderate Genetic Variation [142]
KDSR OTCIES3H moderate Biomarker [143]
NAIP OTLA925F moderate Biomarker [144]
RRAGC OTV3XCV8 moderate Biomarker [76]
SERPINA9 OT0OIZH1 moderate Altered Expression [145]
ATP6V1B2 OTNX2V4Z Strong Genetic Variation [146]
BCL2L10 OTYXQJ3I Strong Biomarker [147]
BCR OTCN76C1 Strong Biomarker [148]
BIK OTTH1T3D Strong Genetic Variation [149]
CARD11 OTRCTLYC Strong Biomarker [150]
CHGB OT7SAQT2 Strong Altered Expression [82]
CROCC OTVNOZSM Strong Biomarker [151]
DAP OT5YLL7E Strong Biomarker [152]
DEFB126 OT9NHGQE Strong Genetic Variation [92]
DOCK2 OTZTS3PA Strong Biomarker [153]
EBF1 OTZ61YYH Strong Biomarker [154]
FBP1 OTQBANEP Strong Altered Expression [155]
GPANK1 OT1TN2KT Strong Genetic Variation [98]
GRAMD1B OTCG1GX2 Strong Genetic Variation [156]
HLA-DPB1 OTW8JHU2 Strong Genetic Variation [157]
HVCN1 OT4ALYU4 Strong Biomarker [158]
KMT2B OTMMAZQX Strong Genetic Variation [159]
KMT2D OTTVHCLY Strong Genetic Variation [160]
MARCHF8 OTH7PNN2 Strong Altered Expression [161]
MDN1 OTNBSPTW Strong Genetic Variation [162]
MEF2B OT880SE6 Strong Biomarker [163]
MLXIP OT30UNI7 Strong Altered Expression [161]
MRPL28 OT4LUTZU Strong Posttranslational Modification [164]
MYLIP OTL0PFGV Strong Altered Expression [161]
MZB1 OT071TET Strong Altered Expression [165]
NAPSA OT6F8IAL Strong Altered Expression [166]
NKX6-3 OTAMUC7H Strong Altered Expression [167]
NXT1 OT0VO6AY Strong Posttranslational Modification [164]
PATZ1 OT0X9WGR Strong Altered Expression [168]
POU2AF1 OTOO6WHL Strong Altered Expression [169]
PSMB1 OTYRFBAH Strong Genetic Variation [170]
RBM45 OTWTHD77 Strong Genetic Variation [54]
RERE OT3G4GBZ Strong Altered Expression [75]
RING1 OTCWTAX0 Strong Genetic Variation [98]
RPS20 OTI8052R Strong Genetic Variation [171]
RTEL1 OTI3PJCT Strong Altered Expression [172]
SLC7A4 OTAVC6QS Strong Altered Expression [173]
SPART OTIVOS2I Strong Posttranslational Modification [174]
SRSF3 OTOFT707 Strong Genetic Variation [175]
TCL1B OT4CSO39 Strong Altered Expression [100]
TMEM54 OTPQEFR0 Strong Altered Expression [176]
ARID1A OTRWDV3P Definitive Genetic Variation [94]
DAPK1 OTNCNUCO Definitive Posttranslational Modification [174]
GCSAM OTZNOPYK Definitive Biomarker [177]
KRT20 OT4RB40L Definitive Biomarker [110]
NFKBIE OTLAYEL9 Definitive Genetic Variation [178]
PRIMA1 OT9ITT3P Definitive Biomarker [179]
⏷ Show the Full List of 88 DOT(s)


1 Clinical pipeline report, company report or official report of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
2 2017 FDA drug approvals.Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2018 Feb;17(2):81-85.
3 Betamethasone FDA Label
4 Bleomycin FDA Label
5 Chlorambucil FDA Label
6 Cortisone acetate FDA Label
7 Dexamethasone FDA Label
8 Doxorubicin FDA Label
9 (NCT04246086) A Study Evaluating the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of Mosunetuzumab + Lenalidomide, Glofitamab + Lenalidomide, and Glofitamab + Lenalidomide + Obinutuzumab in Participants With Relapsed or Refractory Follicular Lymphoma. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
10 Idelalisib FDA Label
11 2018 FDA drug approvals.Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2019 Feb;18(2):85-89.
12 (NCT03484702) Trial to Determine the Efficacy and Safety of JCAR017 in Adult Subjects With Aggressive B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
13 (NCT04699461) Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Loncastuximab Tesirine Versus Idelalisib in Participants With Relapsed or Refractory Follicular Lymphoma (LOTIS 6). U.S. National Institutes of Health.
14 Methylprednisolone FDA Label
15 FDA Approved Drug Products from FDA Official Website. 2022. Application Number: 761263.
16 Prednisolone FDA Label
17 Prednisone FDA Label
18 Drugs@FDA. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. U.S. Department of Health Human Services. 2020
19 Triamcinolone FDA Label
20 Drugs@FDA. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. U.S. Department of Health Human Services. 2021
21 Vincristine FDA Label
22 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800006688)
23 Clinical pipeline report, company report or official report of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
24 (NCT01419665) GP2013 in the Treatment of Patients With Previously Untreated, Advanced Stage Follicular Lymphoma (ASSIST_FL) (ASSIST_FL). U.S. National Institutes of Health.
25 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800034367)
26 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 7544).
27 (NCT02809053) A Randomized, Double-blind, Multi-center, Multi-national Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Immunogenicity of SAIT101 Versus Rituximab as a First-line Immunotherapy Treatment in Patients With Low Tumor Burden Follicular Lymphoma (RAMO-2). U.S. National Institutes of Health.
28 (NCT01029366) CART19 to Treat B-Cell Leukemia or Lymphoma That Are Resistant or Refractory to Chemotherapy
29 FDA Approved Drug Products from FDA Official Website. 2019. Application Number: (NDA) 211155
30 (NCT03768505) Zandelisib (ME-401) in Subjects With Follicular Lymphoma or Marginal Zone Lymphoma After Failure of Two or More Prior Therapies (TIDAL). U.S. National Institutes of Health.
31 (NCT04434937) Open-Label Study of Parsaclisib, in Japanese Participants With Relapsed or Refractory Follicular Lymphoma (CITADEL-213). U.S. National Institutes of Health.
32 (NCT02851589) Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of PCAR-019 in CD19 Positive Relapsed or Refractory Leukemia and Lymphoma
33 (NCT01864889) Treatment of Relapsed and/or Chemotherapy Refractory B-cell Malignancy by CART19
34 (NCT03185494) Treatment of Relapsed and/or Chemotherapy Refractory B-cell Malignancy by Tandem CAR T Cells Targeting CD19 and CD22
35 (NCT01735604) Genetically Engineered Lymphocyte Therapy in Treating Patients With Lymphoma That is Resistant or Refractory to Chemotherapy
36 (NCT03676504) Treatment of Patients With Relapsed or Refractory CD19+ Lymphoid Disease With T Cells Expressing a Third-generation CAR
37 (NCT02652910) Memory-enriched CAR-T Cells Immunotherapy for B Cell Lymphoma
38 (NCT03277729) A Phase I/II Study to Evaluate the Safety of Cellular Immunotherapy Using Autologous T Cells Engineered to Express a CD20-Specific Chimeric Antigen Receptor for Patients With Relapsed or Refractory B Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas
39 (NCT03625037) GEN3013 Trial in Patients With Relapsed, Progressive or Refractory B-Cell Lymphoma. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
40 (NCT02631044) Study Evaluating the Safety and Pharmacokinetics of JCAR017 in B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (TRANSCEND-NHL-001)
41 (NCT03436771) Long-term Follow-up Study for Patients Previously Treated With a Juno CAR T-Cell Product
42 (NCT02819583) CAR-T Cell Immunotherapy in CD19 Positive Relapsed or Refractory Leukemia and Lymphoma
43 (NCT03571828) Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of AMG 562 in Subjects With r/r Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, or Follicular Lymphoma. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
44 (NCT03720457) Human CD19 Targeted T Cells Injection(CD19 CAR-T) Therapy for Relapsed and Refractory CD19-positive Lymphoma.
45 (NCT03460977) PF-06821497 Treatment Of Relapsed/Refractory SCLC, Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer, and Follicular Lymphoma. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
46 (NCT02721407) Anti-CD22 CAR-T Therapy for CD19-refractory or Resistant Lymphoma Patients
47 (NCT03097770) Treatment of Relapsed and/or Chemotherapy Refractory B-cell Malignancy by Tandem CAR T Cells Targeting CD19 and CD20
48 J Clin Oncol 27:15s, 2009 (suppl, abstr 8566).
49 Role of the chromobox protein CBX7 in lymphomagenesis.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Mar 27;104(13):5389-94. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0608721104. Epub 2007 Mar 20.
50 Differential expression of cell-cycle regulatory proteins defines distinct classes of follicular lymphoma.Hum Pathol. 2011 Jul;42(7):972-82. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2010.10.011. Epub 2011 Feb 2.
51 Nodal marginal zone lymphoma: gene expression and miRNA profiling identify diagnostic markers and potential therapeutic targets.Blood. 2012 Jan 19;119(3):e9-e21. doi: 10.1182/blood-2011-02-339556. Epub 2011 Nov 22.
52 Deregulation of FCGR2B expression by 1q21 rearrangements in follicular lymphomas.Oncogene. 2001 Nov 15;20(52):7686-93. doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1204989.
53 Inherited genetic variation and overall survival following follicular lymphoma.Am J Hematol. 2012 Jul;87(7):724-6. doi: 10.1002/ajh.23184. Epub 2012 Mar 31.
54 The association between HLA and non-Hodgkin lymphoma subtypes, among a transplant-indicated population.Leuk Lymphoma. 2019 Dec;60(12):2899-2908. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2019.1617858. Epub 2019 Jun 19.
55 Natural Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR) genotypes in Follicular Lymphoma patients: results of a pilot study.Gene. 2013 Aug 1;525(1):136-40. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.03.144. Epub 2013 May 1.
56 Clonal evolution of a follicular lymphoma: evidence for antigen selection.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992 Aug 1;89(15):6770-4. doi: 10.1073/pnas.89.15.6770.
57 The importance of CD39, CD43, CD81, and CD95 expression for differentiating B cell lymphoma by flow cytometry.Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2018 May;94(3):451-458. doi: 10.1002/cyto.b.21533. Epub 2017 May 24.
58 The role of neuregulin4 and HER4 in gastrointestinal malignant lymphoma.Mol Med Rep. 2011 Nov-Dec;4(6):1151-5. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2011.542. Epub 2011 Jul 26.
59 Upregulation of the SOX5 by promoter swapping with the P2RY8 gene in primary splenic follicular lymphoma.Leukemia. 2007 Oct;21(10):2221-5. doi: 10.1038/sj.leu.2404784. Epub 2007 Jun 7.
60 MicroRNA profiling of follicular lymphoma identifies microRNAs related to cell proliferation and tumor response.Haematologica. 2012 Apr;97(4):586-94. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2011.048132. Epub 2011 Nov 18.
61 A tandem triplication, trp(1)(q21q32), in a patient with follicular lymphoma: a case study and review of the literature.Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2009 Mar;189(2):127-31. doi: 10.1016/j.cancergencyto.2008.11.005.
62 Expression of LAG-3 defines exhaustion of intratumoral PD-1(+) T cells and correlates with poor outcome in follicular lymphoma.Oncotarget. 2017 May 29;8(37):61425-61439. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.18251. eCollection 2017 Sep 22.
63 Extra copies of chromosome 2 are a recurring aberration in ALK-negative lymphomas with anaplastic morphology.Mod Pathol. 2005 Feb;18(2):235-43. doi: 10.1038/modpathol.3800299.
64 miR-31 and miR-17-5p levels change during transformation of follicular lymphoma.Hum Pathol. 2016 Apr;50:118-26. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2015.11.011. Epub 2015 Nov 30.
65 Abundant expression of interleukin-21 receptor in follicular lymphoma cells is associated with more aggressive disease.Leuk Lymphoma. 2013 Jun;54(6):1212-20. doi: 10.3109/10428194.2012.742522. Epub 2012 Nov 23.
66 The interleukin (IL)-31/IL-31R axis contributes to tumor growth in human follicular lymphoma.Leukemia. 2015 Apr;29(4):958-67. doi: 10.1038/leu.2014.291. Epub 2014 Oct 6.
67 SIRP expression delineates subsets of intratumoral monocyte/macrophages with different functional and prognostic impact in follicular lymphoma.Blood Cancer J. 2019 Oct 14;9(10):84. doi: 10.1038/s41408-019-0246-0.
68 Immunohistochemical analysis of ZAP-70 expression in B-cell lymphoid neoplasms.J Pathol. 2005 Mar;205(4):507-13. doi: 10.1002/path.1727.
69 High expression of the inhibitory receptor BTLA in T-follicular helper cells and in B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemia.Am J Clin Pathol. 2009 Oct;132(4):589-96. doi: 10.1309/AJCPPHKGYYGGL39C.
70 A comprehensive evaluation of the role of genetic variation in follicular lymphoma survival.BMC Med Genet. 2014 Oct 8;15:113. doi: 10.1186/s12881-014-0113-6.
71 Cytokine polymorphisms in Th1/Th2 pathway genes, body mass index, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.Blood. 2011 Jan 13;117(2):585-90. doi: 10.1182/blood-2010-07-295097. Epub 2010 Oct 15.
72 Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene polymorphisms association with the risk of follicular lymphoma: a meta-analysis.Tumour Biol. 2013 Jun;34(3):1467-71. doi: 10.1007/s13277-013-0670-x. Epub 2013 Jan 29.
73 Implication of the folate-methionine metabolism pathways in susceptibility to follicular lymphomas.Blood. 2006 Jul 1;108(1):278-85. doi: 10.1182/blood-2005-04-1567. Epub 2006 Jan 12.
74 CD148 and CD27 are expressed in B cell lymphomas derived from both memory and nave B cells.Leuk Lymphoma. 2002 Sep;43(9):1855-8. doi: 10.1080/1042819021000006385.
75 Evaluation of ARG protein expression in mature B cell lymphomas compared to non-neoplastic reactive lymph node.Cell Immunol. 2009;259(2):111-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cellimm.2009.06.004. Epub 2009 Jun 6.
76 Recurrent mTORC1-activating RRAGC mutations in follicular lymphoma.Nat Genet. 2016 Feb;48(2):183-8. doi: 10.1038/ng.3473. Epub 2015 Dec 21.
77 Single-agent ibrutinib in relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma: a phase 2 consortium trial.Blood. 2018 Jan 11;131(2):182-190. doi: 10.1182/blood-2017-09-804641. Epub 2017 Oct 26.
78 Mass Cytometry Analysis Reveals that Specific Intratumoral CD4(+) T Cell Subsets Correlate with Patient Survival in Follicular Lymphoma.Cell Rep. 2019 Feb 19;26(8):2178-2193.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.01.085.
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