General Information of Drug (ID: DMNH3PG)

Drug Name
etoposide; 33419-42-0; VePesid; Toposar; trans-Etoposide; Lastet; (-)-Etoposide; Zuyeyidal; Etoposidum; Etoposido; Vepesid J; Eposin; Etoposidum [INN-Latin]; Etoposide (VP16); VP 16-213; VP 16 (pharmaceutical); Etoposido [INN-Spanish]; Etopophos (phosphate salt); VP-16-213; 4-Demethylepipodophyllotoxin beta-D-ethylideneglucoside; VP 16213; UNII-6PLQ3CP4P3; NK 171; NSC 141540; CCRIS 2392; HSDB 6517; 4'-Demethylepipodophyllotoxin 9-(4,6-O-(R)-ethylidene-beta-D-glucopyranoside); EINECS 251-509-1; NSC-141540; Eposide; Etopol; Etosid; Vepeside; Demethyl EpipodophyllotoxinEthylidine Glucoside; E0675; Demethyl-epiodophyllotoxin ethylidene glucoside; Epipodophyllotoxin VP-16213; Eposin (TN); Etopophos (TN); Trans-Etoposide; VePESID (TN); Vepesid (TN); DEMETHY-EPIPODOPHYLLOTOXIN, ETHYLIDENE GLUCOSIDE; VP-16 (TN); Demethylepipodophyllotoxin-beta-D-ethylideneglucoside; Etoposide (JP15/USP/INN); Etoposide [USAN:INN:BAN:JAN]; Eposin, Vepesid, VP-16, Toposar, Etoposide; Epipodophyllotoxin, 4'-demethyl-, 4,6-O-ethylidene-beta-D-glucopyranoside; Epipodophyllotoxin, 4'-demethyl-, 4,6-O-ethylidene-beta-D-glucopyranoside (8CI); Epipodophyllotoxin, 4'-demethyl-, 9-(4,6-O-ethylidene-beta-D-glucopyranoside); 4'-Demethyl-epipodophyllotoxin 9-[4,6-O-(R)-ethylidene-beta-D-glucopyranoside; 4'-Demethylepipodophyllotoxin 9-(4,6-O-ethylidene-beta-D-glucopyranoside); 4'-Demethylepipodophyllotoxin ethylidene-beta-D-glucoside; 4'-O-Demethyl-1-O-(4,6-O-ethylidene-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)epipodophyllotoxin; 4-Demethylepipodophyllotoxin-beta-D-ethylideneglucoside
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Solid tumour/cancer 2A00-2F9Z Approved [1], [2]
Therapeutic Class
Anticancer Agents
Drug Type
Small molecular drug
#Ro5 Violations (Lipinski): 2 Molecular Weight (mw) 588.6
Topological Polar Surface Area (xlogp) 0.6
Rotatable Bond Count (rotbonds) 5
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count (hbonddonor) 3
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count (hbondacc) 13
ADMET Property
Biopharmaceutics Drug Disposition Classification System (BDDCS) Class 3: high solubility and low permeability [3]
The drug present in the plasma can be removed from the body at the rate of 0.5 mL/min/kg [4]
38% of drug is excreted from urine in the unchanged form [3]
The concentration or amount of drug in body reduced by one-half in 5.7 hours [4]
The Maximum Recommended Therapeutic Dose (MRTD) of drug that ensured maximising efficacy and moderate side effect is 6.2986 micromolar/kg/day [5]
Unbound Fraction
The unbound fraction of drug in plasma is 0.12% [4]
Fluid volume that would be required to contain the amount of drug present in the body at the same concentration as in the plasma 0.18 L/kg [4]
Water Solubility
The ability of drug to dissolve in water is measured as 0.22 mg/mL [3]
Chemical Identifiers
Canonical SMILES
Cross-matching ID
PubChem CID
CAS Number
DrugBank ID

Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Drug Therapeutic Target (DTT)
DNA topoisomerase II (TOP2) TT0IHXV TOP2A_HUMAN; TOP2B_HUMAN Modulator [6]

Drug Transporter (DTP)
Multidrug resistance-associated protein 3 (ABCC3) DTQ3ZHF MRP3_HUMAN Substrate [7]
Multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (ABCC2) DTFI42L MRP2_HUMAN Substrate [8]
Organic anion transporting polypeptide 2B1 (SLCO2B1) DTPFTEQ SO2B1_HUMAN Substrate [9]
Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (ABCC1) DTSYQGK MRP1_HUMAN Substrate [10]
Breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2) DTI7UX6 ABCG2_HUMAN Substrate [11]
Organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 (SLCO1B1) DT3D8F0 SO1B1_HUMAN Substrate [9]
Organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B3 (SLCO1B3) DT9C1TS SO1B3_HUMAN Substrate [12]
P-glycoprotein 1 (ABCB1) DTUGYRD MDR1_HUMAN Substrate [13]

Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme (DME)
Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DE4LYSA CP3A4_HUMAN Substrate [14]
Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) DEVDYN7 CP2E1_HUMAN Substrate [15]
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) DEYGVN4 UD11_HUMAN Substrate [16]
Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DEJGDUW CP1A2_HUMAN Substrate [14]
Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) DEIBDNY CP3A5_HUMAN Substrate [17]
Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2 (COX-2) DE492CE PGH2_HUMAN Substrate [18]
Prostaglandin G/H synthase 1 (COX-1) DE073H6 PGH1_HUMAN Substrate [18]
Glutathione S-transferase pi (GSTP1) DEK6079 GSTP1_HUMAN Substrate [19]
Glutathione S-transferase theta-1 (GSTT1) DE3PKUG GSTT1_HUMAN Substrate [19]
Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) Jump to Detail Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) Information of This Drug

Coadministration of a Drug Treating the Same Disease as Etoposide
DDI Drug Name DDI Drug ID Severity Mechanism Disease REF
Larotrectinib DM26CQR Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Larotrectinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Solid tumour/cancer [2A00-2F9Z] [145]
Armodafinil DMGB035 Minor Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Armodafinil mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Solid tumour/cancer [2A00-2F9Z] [146]
LEE011 DMMX75K Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by LEE011 mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Solid tumour/cancer [2A00-2F9Z] [147]
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Minor Increased renal excretion of Etoposide caused by Doxorubicin. Solid tumour/cancer [2A00-2F9Z] [148]
Coadministration of a Drug Treating the Disease Different from Etoposide (Comorbidity)
DDI Drug Name DDI Drug ID Severity Mechanism Comorbidity REF
Midostaurin DMI6E0R Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Midostaurin. Acute myeloid leukaemia [2A60] [149]
Arn-509 DMT81LZ Moderate Accelerated clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter induction by Arn-509. Acute myeloid leukaemia [2A60] [149]
Gilteritinib DMWQ4MZ Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Gilteritinib. Acute myeloid leukaemia [2A60] [145]
Dronedarone DMA8FS5 Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Dronedarone. Angina pectoris [BA40] [150]
Posaconazole DMUL5EW Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Posaconazole mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Aspergillosis [1F20] [149]
Roflumilast DMPGHY8 Moderate Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Roflumilast. Asthma [CA23] [149]
Ofloxacin DM0VQN3 Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by Ofloxacin. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [151]
Dalfopristin DM4LTKV Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Dalfopristin mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [152]
Sparfloxacin DMB4HCT Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by Sparfloxacin. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [151]
Gemifloxacin DMHT34O Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by Gemifloxacin. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [151]
Norfloxacin DMIZ6W2 Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by Norfloxacin. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [151]
ABT-492 DMJFD2I Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by ABT-492. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [151]
Levofloxacin DMS60RB Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by Levofloxacin. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [151]
Lomefloxacin DMVRH9C Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by Lomefloxacin. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [151]
Telithromycin DMZ4P3A Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Telithromycin mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [153]
Erdafitinib DMI782S Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Erdafitinib. Bladder cancer [2C94] [154]
Lapatinib DM3BH1Y Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Lapatinib. Breast cancer [2C60-2C6Y] [155]
Tucatinib DMBESUA Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Tucatinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Breast cancer [2C60-2C6Y] [156]
PF-04449913 DMSB068 Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by PF-04449913. Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia [2A40] [149]
Anisindione DM2C48U Moderate Increased plasma concentration of Etoposide and Anisindione due to competitive binding of plasma proteins. Coagulation defect [3B10] [157]
Mifepristone DMGZQEF Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Mifepristone mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Cushing syndrome [5A70] [145]
Ivacaftor DMZC1HS Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Ivacaftor. Cystic fibrosis [CA25] [158]
MK-8228 DMOB58Q Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by MK-8228 mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Cytomegaloviral disease [1D82] [159]
Nefazodone DM4ZS8M Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Nefazodone mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [160]
Primidone DM0WX6I Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Primidone mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [161]
Oxcarbazepine DM5PU6O Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Oxcarbazepine mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [161]
Cenobamate DMGOVHA Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Cenobamate mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [162]
Stiripentol DMMSDOY Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Stiripentol mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [163]
Fosphenytoin DMOX3LB Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Fosphenytoin mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [161]
Rufinamide DMWE60C Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Rufinamide mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [149]
Phenobarbital DMXZOCG Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Phenobarbital mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [161]
Tazemetostat DMWP1BH Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Tazemetostat mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Follicular lymphoma [2A80] [164]
Itraconazole DMCR1MV Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Itraconazole mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Fungal infection [1F29-1F2F] [165]
Boceprevir DMBSHMF Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Boceprevir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Hepatitis virus infection [1E50-1E51] [166]
Telaprevir DMMRV29 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Telaprevir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Hepatitis virus infection [1E50-1E51] [167]
GS-5885 DMSL3DX Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by GS-5885. Hepatitis virus infection [1E50-1E51] [168]
Rifapentine DMCHV4I Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Rifapentine mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis [1B10-1B14] [169]
Brentuximab vedotin DMWLC57 Moderate Increased risk of peripheral neuropathy by the combination of Etoposide and Brentuximab vedotin. Hodgkin lymphoma [2B30] [170]
Saquinavir DMG814N Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Saquinavir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [171]
Etravirine DMGV8QU Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Etravirine mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [172]
Zalcitabine DMH7MUV Moderate Increased risk of peripheral neuropathy by the combination of Etoposide and Zalcitabine. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [173]
Darunavir DMN3GCH Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Darunavir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [174]
Teriflunomide DMQ2FKJ Major Additive myelosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Teriflunomide. Hyper-lipoproteinaemia [5C80] [175]
Conivaptan DM1V329 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Conivaptan mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Hypo-osmolality/hyponatraemia [5C72] [176]
Tolvaptan DMIWFRL Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Tolvaptan. Hypo-osmolality/hyponatraemia [5C72] [145]
Denosumab DMNI0KO Moderate Additive myelosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Denosumab. Low bone mass disorder [FB83] [177]
Brigatinib DM7W94S Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Brigatinib mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [178]
Ceritinib DMB920Z Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Ceritinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [149]
PF-06463922 DMKM7EW Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by PF-06463922 mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [179]
Capmatinib DMYCXKL Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Capmatinib. Lung cancer [2C25] [180]
Selpercatinib DMZR15V Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Selpercatinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [149]
Idelalisib DM602WT Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Idelalisib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Mature B-cell leukaemia [2A82] [181]
IPI-145 DMWA24P Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by IPI-145 mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Mature B-cell leukaemia [2A82] [182]
Dabrafenib DMX6OE3 Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Dabrafenib mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Melanoma [2C30] [149]
Lasmiditan DMXLVDT Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Lasmiditan. Migraine [8A80] [183]
Exjade DMHPRWG Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Exjade mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Mineral absorption/transport disorder [5C64] [184]
Thalidomide DM70BU5 Major Additive thrombogenic effects by the combination of Etoposide and Thalidomide. Multiple myeloma [2A83] [185]
Tecfidera DM2OVDT Moderate Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Tecfidera. Multiple sclerosis [8A40] [186]
Siponimod DM2R86O Major Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Siponimod. Multiple sclerosis [8A40] [145]
Fingolimod DM5JVAN Major Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Fingolimod. Multiple sclerosis [8A40] [187]
Ocrelizumab DMEZ2KH Moderate Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Ocrelizumab. Multiple sclerosis [8A40] [188]
Ozanimod DMT6AM2 Major Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Ozanimod. Multiple sclerosis [8A40] [149]
Fedratinib DM4ZBK6 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Fedratinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Myeloproliferative neoplasm [2A20] [149]
Nilotinib DM7HXWT Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Nilotinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Myeloproliferative neoplasm [2A20] [189]
Dasatinib DMJV2EK Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Dasatinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Myeloproliferative neoplasm [2A20] [190]
Omacetaxine mepesuccinate DMPU2WX Moderate Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Omacetaxine mepesuccinate. Myeloproliferative neoplasm [2A20] [191]
Rolapitant DM8XP26 Moderate Decreased clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter inhibition by Rolapitant. Nausea/vomiting [MD90] [192]
Rucaparib DM9PVX8 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Rucaparib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Ovarian cancer [2C73] [193]
Abametapir DM2RX0I Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Abametapir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Pediculosis [1G00] [194]
Lefamulin DME6G97 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Lefamulin mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Pneumonia [CA40] [195]
Lonafarnib DMGM2Z6 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Lonafarnib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Premature ageing appearance [LD2B] [196]
Enzalutamide DMGL19D Moderate Accelerated clearance of Etoposide due to the transporter induction by Enzalutamide. Prostate cancer [2C82] [197]
Temsirolimus DMS104F Moderate Increased plasma concentrations of Etoposide and Temsirolimus due to competitive inhibition of the same metabolic pathway. Renal cell carcinoma [2C90] [198]
Gatifloxacin DMSL679 Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by Gatifloxacin. Respiratory infection [CA07-CA4Z] [151]
Canakinumab DM8HLO5 Moderate Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Canakinumab. Rheumatoid arthritis [FA20] [199]
Rilonacept DMGLUQS Moderate Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Rilonacept. Rheumatoid arthritis [FA20] [199]
Golimumab DMHZV7X Major Additive immunosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Golimumab. Rheumatoid arthritis [FA20] [200]
Leflunomide DMR8ONJ Major Additive myelosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Leflunomide. Rheumatoid arthritis [FA20] [175]
Anthrax vaccine DM9GSWY Moderate Antagonize the effect of Etoposide when combined with Anthrax vaccine. Sepsis [1G40-1G41] [201]
Voxelotor DMCS6M5 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Voxelotor mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Sickle-cell disorder [3A51] [202]
Telotristat ethyl DMDIYFZ Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Telotristat ethyl mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Small intestine developmental anomaly [DA90] [149]
Pitolisant DM8RFNJ Moderate Increased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Pitolisant mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Somnolence [MG42] [149]
Fostamatinib DM6AUHV Moderate Decreased metabolism of Etoposide caused by Fostamatinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Thrombocytopenia [3B64] [203]
Sirolimus DMGW1ID Moderate Increased plasma concentrations of Etoposide and Sirolimus due to competitive inhibition of the same metabolic pathway. Transplant rejection [NE84] [198]
Azathioprine DMMZSXQ Moderate Additive myelosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Azathioprine. Transplant rejection [NE84] [145]
Tacrolimus DMZ7XNQ Moderate Increased plasma concentrations of Etoposide and Tacrolimus due to competitive inhibition of the same metabolic pathway. Transplant rejection [NE84] [198]
Cinoxacin DM4EWNS Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by Cinoxacin. Urinary tract infection [GC08] [151]
Nalidixic acid DMRM0JV Minor Decreased absorption of Etoposide due to intestinal mucosa variation caused by Nalidixic acid. Urinary tract infection [GC08] [151]
Ganciclovir DM1MBYQ Moderate Additive myelosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Ganciclovir. Virus infection [1A24-1D9Z] [145]
Valganciclovir DMS2IUH Moderate Additive myelosuppressive effects by the combination of Etoposide and Valganciclovir. Virus infection [1A24-1D9Z] [145]
⏷ Show the Full List of 90 DDI Information of This Drug

Drug Inactive Ingredient(s) (DIG) and Formulation(s) of This Drug

DIG Name DIG ID PubChem CID Functional Classification
Allura red AC dye E00338 33258 Colorant
FD&C blue no. 1 E00263 19700 Colorant
Kyselina citronova E00014 311 Acidulant; Antioxidant; Buffering agent; Complexing agent; Flavoring agent
Sodium citrate anhydrous E00102 6224 Alkalizing agent; Buffering agent; Complexing agent; Emulsifying agent
Eisenoxyd E00585 56841934 Colorant
Glycerin E00026 753 Antimicrobial preservative; Emollient; Flavoring agent; Humectant; Lubricant; Plasticizing agent; Solvent; Suppository base; Tonicity agent; Viscosity-controlling agent
Propylene glycol E00040 1030 Antimicrobial preservative; Humectant; Plasticizing agent; Solvent
Titanium dioxide E00322 26042 Coating agent; Colorant; Opacifying agent
Dextran E00466 4125253 Lyophilization aid
⏷ Show the Full List of 9 Pharmaceutical Excipients of This Drug
Pharmaceutical Formulation
Formulation Name Drug Dosage Dosage Form Route
Etoposide 50 mg capsule 50 mg Oral Capsule Oral
Etoposide Phosphate eq 100mg base/vial injectable eq 100mg base/vial Injectable Injection
Jump to Detail Pharmaceutical Formulation Page of This Drug


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