General Information of Disease (ID: DISY3YZZ)

Disease Name Male infertility
Synonyms male reproductive system infertility disorder; male reproductive system infertility; infertility disorder of male reproductive system
Definition The inability of the male to effect fertilization of an ovum after a specified period of unprotected intercourse. Male sterility is permanent infertility.
Disease Hierarchy
DISOEQW8: Male reproductive system disorder
DISAMOWP: Infertility
DISY3YZZ: Male infertility
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 44 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
CATSPER2 TTOEGC4 Limited Genetic Variation [1]
SMAD1 TT9GR53 Limited Biomarker [2]
AURKC TTLYXIT moderate Biomarker [3]
FSHB TT13GFV moderate Genetic Variation [4]
OGG1 TTRU01G moderate Genetic Variation [5]
WT1 TTZ8UT4 moderate Genetic Variation [6]
ADAMTS1 TTS2TEI Strong Altered Expression [7]
ADAMTS5 TTXSU2Y Strong Altered Expression [7]
AGRP TT4DE1O Strong Biomarker [8]
AHR TT037IE Strong Genetic Variation [9]
ALDH2 TTFLN4T Strong Biomarker [10]
ALKBH5 TTOHB1M Strong Altered Expression [11]
BAX TTQ57WJ Strong Biomarker [12]
BRDT TT7CPI5 Strong Genetic Variation [13]
CATSPER1 TT5CISB Strong Genetic Variation [1]
CBL TT7QT13 Strong Biomarker [14]
CFTR TTRLZHP Strong Genetic Variation [15]
CGA TTFC29G Strong Genetic Variation [16]
CSNK2A2 TT7GR5W Strong Genetic Variation [17]
CYP17A1 TTRA5BZ Strong Genetic Variation [18]
CYP19A1 TTSZLWK Strong Biomarker [19]
DNMT3L TT3FDAV Strong Genetic Variation [20]
FAS TT7LTUJ Strong Genetic Variation [21]
GBA TT1B5PU Strong Biomarker [22]
GNRH1 TT0ID4A Strong Therapeutic [23]
KIT TTX41N9 Strong Biomarker [24]
KITLG TTDJ51N Strong Biomarker [25]
LHCGR TT2O4W9 Strong Biomarker [26]
LIPE TTLUQ8E Strong Genetic Variation [27]
MDM2 TT9TE0O Strong Biomarker [28]
NPR2 TTNB7IF Strong Biomarker [29]
NR1H4 TTS4UGC Strong Biomarker [30]
OXTR TTSCIUP Strong Biomarker [31]
PDE11A TTTWC79 Strong Biomarker [32]
PDZK1 TTDTBLM Strong Altered Expression [33]
PON1 TT9LX82 Strong Altered Expression [34]
SLC1A1 TTG2A6F Strong Genetic Variation [35]
SLCO2A1 TTKVTQO Strong Genetic Variation [36]
SRGN TTCHB06 Strong Biomarker [37]
TARDBP TT9RZ03 Strong Biomarker [38]
TEP1 TTQGAVX Strong Genetic Variation [39]
THRB TTGER3L Strong Genetic Variation [40]
VDAC2 TTM1I7L Strong Biomarker [41]
VDAC3 TTT48SQ Strong Genetic Variation [42]
⏷ Show the Full List of 44 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 5 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLCO6A1 DTIFXNS moderate Genetic Variation [43]
ATP2B1 DTJWQ1L Strong Altered Expression [44]
SLC16A7 DTLT3UG Strong Genetic Variation [45]
SLC26A3 DTN1FMD Strong Biomarker [46]
SLC9A8 DTNY0C2 Strong Biomarker [47]
This Disease Is Related to 7 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
CMPK1 DEMPH4I Strong Biomarker [48]
CYP1A1 DE6OQ3W Strong Genetic Variation [49]
GGCT DEKW6PB Strong Biomarker [50]
GSTM1 DEYZEJA Strong Genetic Variation [51]
LDHC DEQG7F9 Strong Biomarker [52]
NAT2 DER7TA0 Strong Genetic Variation [53]
SULT2A1 DE0P6LK Strong Altered Expression [54]
⏷ Show the Full List of 7 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 206 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACTL7A OT840164 Limited Autosomal recessive [55]
ADAM20 OTMDEFYS Limited Autosomal dominant [55]
ADAMTS16 OTTKUH99 Limited Biomarker [56]
CLC OTYMYR85 Limited Genetic Variation [57]
CNOT7 OTJBKCPI Limited Biomarker [58]
DAZ4 OTWY1A9V Limited Genetic Variation [59]
DROSHA OTCE68KZ Limited Biomarker [60]
NR2E1 OTW47GKM Limited Biomarker [61]
SELENOP OT02B8IR Limited Biomarker [62]
TSC22D3 OT03UM03 Limited Biomarker [63]
TSPY1 OTPY57X4 Limited Genetic Variation [64]
ADGRG2 OTPAD5S1 moderate Biomarker [65]
DNAH1 OTDZ26FJ moderate Genetic Variation [66]
DNAI1 OTF6C65Q moderate Biomarker [67]
DNAI2 OTHK0PS4 moderate Altered Expression [68]
GSTK1 OTDNGWAF moderate Genetic Variation [43]
H2BW1 OT7ZCPKK moderate Genetic Variation [69]
MLH3 OT91PPBI moderate Biomarker [70]
SEPTIN12 OTFUKRXA moderate Genetic Variation [71]
SRY OT516T6D moderate Genetic Variation [72]
STAG3 OTEV0AOD moderate Genetic Variation [73]
ACSBG2 OTRPANSO Strong Biomarker [74]
ACSL6 OT0TT8P8 Strong Biomarker [75]
AGBL5 OTMLXQZ4 Strong Biomarker [76]
AGTPBP1 OTR92JFR Strong Biomarker [77]
AHRR OTSJ12W6 Strong Genetic Variation [78]
AK7 OTASZDJN Strong Genetic Variation [79]
AKAP4 OTL4Z99V Strong Biomarker [80]
ARL2BP OT7REEDA Strong Genetic Variation [81]
ARMC2 OTMCC01T Strong Genetic Variation [82]
ARTN OTWIWGL6 Strong Biomarker [8]
ASAP2 OTGEXULW Strong Altered Expression [83]
ATP2B4 OTMWFDAC Strong Biomarker [44]
ATP6V0A2 OTJBDX0Y Strong Altered Expression [84]
AZIN1 OTX5W77I Strong Biomarker [85]
BGLAP OTK1YLWQ Strong Biomarker [86]
BMP8A OT1997IN Strong Biomarker [87]
BMPR1B OTGFN0OD Strong Genetic Variation [88]
BOLL OT5FAEJJ Strong Biomarker [89]
BSCL2 OT73V6Y4 Strong Biomarker [90]
CCDC115 OT04AZNZ Strong Biomarker [77]
CCDC62 OTTIAOBP Strong Genetic Variation [91]
CCNA1 OTX4HD45 Strong Genetic Variation [92]
CDC14A OTL10OY6 Strong Biomarker [93]
CEP131 OT6PF80T Strong Biomarker [85]
CETN2 OTJTTGS0 Strong Biomarker [94]
CFAP43 OT6R8UGG Strong Genetic Variation [95]
CFAP44 OT1273MD Strong Genetic Variation [95]
CFAP65 OTGB5HVT Strong Genetic Variation [96]
CFAP69 OTK73MCA Strong Biomarker [97]
CFAP70 OTIRTNXU Strong Genetic Variation [98]
CLCA4 OTCRR1M9 Strong Genetic Variation [99]
CLUAP1 OTESP4WL Strong Biomarker [100]
CMPK2 OTOG90R0 Strong Biomarker [48]
CMTM4 OTA3Z072 Strong Biomarker [101]
CPEB1 OTLCXC6H Strong Genetic Variation [102]
CPXM2 OTDJNOTR Strong Biomarker [77]
CREM OTJIJ5AL Strong Genetic Variation [103]
CRISP2 OT8HLTV5 Strong Altered Expression [104]
CRYGD OTW29JC4 Strong Biomarker [77]
CST8 OTT2FRCJ Strong Biomarker [105]
CSTF2T OT3IKRL2 Strong Biomarker [106]
DAZ3 OT3JIRRJ Strong Genetic Variation [107]
DDX25 OTF36NBP Strong Genetic Variation [40]
DDX4 OTQOV093 Strong Biomarker [108]
DEFB126 OT9NHGQE Strong Genetic Variation [109]
DKKL1 OTWS7DED Strong Biomarker [110]
DMRT1 OT5PU9U1 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
DMWD OT0CBZ6F Strong Genetic Variation [17]
DNAAF3 OT3OHO0O Strong Biomarker [67]
DNAAF4 OTVDYBJE Strong Biomarker [112]
DNAH17 OT4G6E70 Strong Genetic Variation [113]
DNAH5 OTC21RUS Strong Biomarker [67]
DNAH9 OTI2QIZQ Strong Genetic Variation [114]
DNAJB13 OT264P6X Strong Biomarker [115]
DPF3 OTEWLMNB Strong Genetic Variation [116]
DYNLT1 OTPF5H2I Strong Altered Expression [117]
EGR4 OT4R3ECK Strong Genetic Variation [118]
EIF4G3 OTZCRXLJ Strong Genetic Variation [119]
ELOVL2 OTDAF6U3 Strong Biomarker [120]
ELP1 OTYEWBF7 Strong Biomarker [121]
EMC10 OTQ6S50X Strong Biomarker [122]
ENO1 OTB1KWJS Strong Biomarker [123]
ENO4 OTYP81NW Strong Biomarker [124]
EPPIN OT657AQ2 Strong Genetic Variation [125]
FAM20C OTW5YZ7X Strong Biomarker [126]
FANCM OTNJG99Z Strong Genetic Variation [127]
FBXO43 OT6ST2A4 Strong Genetic Variation [128]
FKBP6 OTDFQV81 Strong Genetic Variation [129]
GADD45G OT8V1J4M Strong Biomarker [130]
GALNTL5 OT93QQKE Strong Genetic Variation [131]
GBA2 OTOZXG5D Strong Biomarker [132]
GGNBP2 OT7K9YZV Strong Genetic Variation [133]
GMNC OTMORU7G Strong Biomarker [134]
GNAT3 OTS96V19 Strong Biomarker [135]
GOLGA2 OT5S9KYM Strong Posttranslational Modification [136]
GPX4 OTRAFFX2 Strong Biomarker [137]
H1-7 OTIXQHFK Strong Biomarker [138]
HAP1 OT6SG0JQ Strong Genetic Variation [139]
HOOK1 OTTTKV7V Strong Genetic Variation [140]
HOXD11 OT9XGA4G Strong Biomarker [141]
HRG OTPLUFOG Strong Genetic Variation [142]
HSF2 OTXNJIJ9 Strong Biomarker [143]
HSFY2 OTG2O6S4 Strong Genetic Variation [144]
HSPA2 OTSDET7B Strong Altered Expression [145]
HSPA4L OT181WZB Strong Biomarker [146]
IFT140 OT6KO5FH Strong Genetic Variation [147]
INHA OT7HWCO3 Strong Genetic Variation [148]
IZUMO1 OTJSJOC5 Strong Genetic Variation [149]
KATNAL1 OTBUZ7KA Strong Genetic Variation [150]
KLHL10 OTB41MP9 Strong Genetic Variation [151]
KMT2D OTTVHCLY Strong Biomarker [152]
LAMA1 OTQZMP86 Strong Biomarker [153]
LHB OT5GBOVJ Strong Biomarker [154]
LRRC8A OT23OE7H Strong Altered Expression [155]
LRWD1 OTHRVJQC Strong Genetic Variation [156]
MAGEB4 OTZEFR8N Strong Biomarker [157]
MEST OT8Q4U8Y Strong Posttranslational Modification [158]
MKRN2 OTDD1V3O Strong Genetic Variation [159]
MNS1 OT67F3JQ Strong Biomarker [160]
MOV10L1 OTP978LK Strong Genetic Variation [161]
MPG OTAHW80B Strong Altered Expression [162]
MRPS30 OTDXIAGG Strong Altered Expression [83]
MSH5 OTDARQT3 Strong Genetic Variation [163]
MTPAP OT6HQ02S Strong Altered Expression [83]
NANOS2 OTFM2IDJ Strong Biomarker [164]
NCOA5 OTOGWTWB Strong Biomarker [165]
NME8 OT4RULP5 Strong Biomarker [48]
NPHP4 OTBNOA7U Strong Biomarker [166]
NRF1 OTOXWNV8 Strong Altered Expression [167]
NSUN7 OTDTL9UE Strong Genetic Variation [168]
OAZ3 OT8Q5PVB Strong Genetic Variation [169]
ODF1 OTTSURLA Strong Biomarker [170]
PAPOLA OTPHD65D Strong Altered Expression [83]
PARPBP OTPZDGW7 Strong Biomarker [171]
PATE1 OTTTPGG2 Strong Biomarker [172]
PCBD1 OTDSRUD5 Strong Biomarker [67]
PDAP1 OTJSWMOD Strong Altered Expression [83]
PDHA2 OT9D9T2F Strong Biomarker [88]
PELP1 OTVXQNOT Strong Biomarker [173]
PERP OTP0YL53 Strong Altered Expression [159]
PGAM4 OT7WZRD0 Strong Altered Expression [174]
PHF7 OTDRYXSD Strong Genetic Variation [175]
PICK1 OT8QE6EU Strong Biomarker [176]
PIP OTH719AH Strong Genetic Variation [177]
PIWIL1 OT7CRGZ3 Strong Altered Expression [178]
PIWIL2 OT1PXQIF Strong Altered Expression [178]
PIWIL4 OTDA9MY0 Strong Altered Expression [178]
PLCZ1 OTJ2MEFA Strong Biomarker [179]
PMFBP1 OTA551F7 Strong Genetic Variation [180]
POC1A OTXAG4PL Strong Biomarker [181]
POLL OTZ24QGM Strong Biomarker [182]
PPP1CC OTRZO26U Strong Altered Expression [183]
PRC1 OTHD0XS0 Strong Altered Expression [184]
PRDM9 OTWAHLUR Strong Genetic Variation [185]
PRDX6 OTS8KC8A Strong Biomarker [186]
PRM1 OT6HWA11 Strong Genetic Variation [187]
PRM2 OTSAXTSQ Strong Genetic Variation [187]
PRPS2 OTCY1B1O Strong Biomarker [188]
PRSS37 OTB6NJWC Strong Biomarker [189]
PSMA8 OTR8R6Y6 Strong Biomarker [190]
PUM2 OT2H7NXV Strong Genetic Variation [191]
PXT1 OTRG82L2 Strong Altered Expression [192]
PYGO2 OTZHB2OI Strong Biomarker [193]
QRICH2 OTLSBRNF Strong Biomarker [194]
RAD21L1 OTKI9XNB Strong Genetic Variation [195]
RAD23B OT0PGOG3 Strong Biomarker [196]
RANBP3 OTI8ESC3 Strong Altered Expression [197]
RBMXL2 OTRF2MC9 Strong Altered Expression [198]
RGN OTD04KB1 Strong Biomarker [199]
RNF212 OTVBTDNF Strong Biomarker [200]
RNF216 OTR1XEZ3 Strong Genetic Variation [201]
RNF220 OT2FIEXO Strong Genetic Variation [202]
RNF4 OTCMXQRE Strong Genetic Variation [203]
RPL10 OTBHOZGC Strong Altered Expression [204]
RPL10L OTFFAIRO Strong Altered Expression [204]
RPTOR OT4TQZ9F Strong Biomarker [205]
SAT2 OT28QL7H Strong Altered Expression [206]
SEMA5B OTUVSKK0 Strong Genetic Variation [207]
SHBG OTPWU5IW Strong Biomarker [208]
SLC26A8 OTNCW8RJ Strong Genetic Variation [209]
SNRPN OTQB1ID1 Strong Biomarker [210]
SOX3 OT1CRCOB Strong Genetic Variation [211]
SOX30 OTGT38E3 Strong Genetic Variation [212]
SPAG16 OTIFUPYD Strong Genetic Variation [213]
SPATA16 OT9GJBI3 Strong Genetic Variation [214]
SPATA20 OTWKX0AZ Strong Biomarker [215]
SPO11 OTP49B2R Strong Genetic Variation [216]
STK24 OTGUHOIL Strong Biomarker [205]
STX2 OTO2IDDR Strong Biomarker [217]
SUN5 OTUVKA6R Strong Genetic Variation [218]
SYCP3 OTKOF54H Strong Biomarker [203]
TAF7L OTPDZ6XV Strong Genetic Variation [219]
TAS1R3 OTOVM44D Strong Biomarker [135]
TBC1D20 OTDL1T6E Strong Genetic Variation [220]
TDRD1 OT0CBCI3 Strong Biomarker [115]
TDRD6 OTW2UL4V Strong Genetic Variation [221]
TEX101 OTNO747E Strong Biomarker [222]
TEX11 OTJDBGSS Strong Genetic Variation [223]
TNP1 OTKQH7E5 Strong Biomarker [224]
TSPY3 OTQK3AKI Strong Genetic Variation [225]
TSPYL1 OTVVPELG Strong Genetic Variation [226]
TSSK1B OTRATM7R Strong Genetic Variation [227]
TSSK4 OTMRAJRZ Strong Genetic Variation [228]
TTC29 OT37KCUL Strong Genetic Variation [229]
TDRD7 OTK639ET Definitive Biomarker [230]
⏷ Show the Full List of 206 DOT(s)


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