General Information of Disease (ID: DISTC6NO)

Disease Name Malignant soft tissue neoplasm
malignant soft tissue neoplasm; malignant soft tissue tumour; malignant tumor of the soft tissue; malignant neoplasm of soft tissue; malignant neoplasm of the soft tissue; malignant soft tissue tumor; malignant tumor of soft tissue; malignant tumour of the soft tissue; malignant tumour of soft tissue
Definition A malignant neoplasm arising exclusively from the soft tissues.
Disease Hierarchy
DISP2OHE: Soft tissue neoplasm
DISAT1Z9: Advanced cancer
DISTC6NO: Malignant soft tissue neoplasm
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 76 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
AMHR2 TTZDCPK Limited Altered Expression [1]
CD6 TTMF6KC Limited Genetic Variation [2]
DICER1 TTTEOPU Limited Biomarker [3]
EGLN1 TT9ISBX Limited Altered Expression [4]
FABP3 TT3TGLR Limited Biomarker [5]
FAP TTGPQ0F Limited Biomarker [6]
FLT3 TTGJCWZ Limited Biomarker [7]
MST1R TTBQ3OC Limited Biomarker [8]
NME1 TTDY8JH Limited Altered Expression [9]
PDGFB TTQA6SX Limited Biomarker [10]
PLOD2 TT8MEUD Limited Biomarker [11]
RICTOR TT143WL Limited Altered Expression [12]
TYRO3 TTIEMFN Limited Altered Expression [13]
XPO1 TTCJUR4 Limited Altered Expression [14]
CSF2RA TT6MP2Z Disputed Altered Expression [15]
CSF2RB TTPYS82 Disputed Biomarker [15]
IL3RA TTENHJ0 Disputed Altered Expression [15]
CLDN4 TTMTS9H moderate Altered Expression [16]
CSPG4 TT7MYXI moderate Biomarker [17]
GLI1 TTJOMH6 moderate Biomarker [18]
ITGAM TTB69FJ moderate Biomarker [19]
MDM4 TT9OUDQ moderate Altered Expression [20]
NACC1 TT4AQ5F moderate Altered Expression [21]
PLIN1 TTIV27N moderate Biomarker [22]
ROR1 TTDEJAU moderate Biomarker [23]
TUSC2 TTJ8O14 moderate Altered Expression [24]
ABHD6 TTSINOV Strong Biomarker [25]
ABL2 TT1A6HL Strong Biomarker [26]
AMOT TTI48OS Strong Posttranslational Modification [27]
ANO1 TTOJI4S Strong Altered Expression [28]
ATRAID TTFLIKM Strong Genetic Variation [29]
BPI TTXCSDR Strong Biomarker [30]
CD248 TTYJWT7 Strong Altered Expression [31]
CD274 TT8ZLTI Strong Biomarker [32]
CD3E TTZAT79 Strong Altered Expression [33]
CDK4 TT0PG8F Strong Genetic Variation [34]
CDKN2C TTBRUGA Strong Genetic Variation [29]
CLIC1 TT8KZG6 Strong Biomarker [35]
CPE TTXPWO6 Strong Altered Expression [36]
CRTC1 TT4GO0F Strong Genetic Variation [37]
CSF1R TT7MRDV Strong Biomarker [38]
CSK TTX6F0Q Strong Altered Expression [39]
CTAG1A TTE5ITK Strong Biomarker [40]
EML4 TT92GY4 Strong Biomarker [41]
FER TTRA9G0 Strong Biomarker [7]
FOXO1 TTLRVIA Strong Biomarker [42]
FPR1 TT5Y4EM Strong Biomarker [43]
FSHR TTZFDBT Strong Biomarker [44]
G3BP1 TTG0R8Z Strong Altered Expression [45]
GABRG2 TT06RH5 Strong Biomarker [46]
GP6 TTTJUVZ Strong Biomarker [47]
GRHL2 TTUGH4C Strong Altered Expression [48]
HRH1 TTTIBOJ Strong Altered Expression [49]
KAT6A TT6O1J0 Strong Biomarker [50]
KCNJ4 TTXF0ZW Strong Biomarker [51]
KIT TTX41N9 Strong Altered Expression [52]
LAG3 TTNVXAW Strong Biomarker [53]
LCK TT860QF Strong Biomarker [54]
LSS TT7O8ZA Strong Biomarker [55]
MAGEA3 TTWSKHD Strong Altered Expression [56]
MAGEC2 TTKGUEB Strong Biomarker [57]
MELK TTBZOTY Strong Biomarker [58]
NAPRT TTVR1FW Strong Biomarker [59]
PDGFRA TT8FYO9 Strong Biomarker [60]
PLK2 TT976FS Strong Biomarker [57]
RBPJ TT72D4Z Strong Biomarker [61]
SIK1 TT1H6LC Strong Genetic Variation [62]
SLC9A3 TTFZVPO Strong Biomarker [63]
SMARCA4 TTVQEZS Strong Genetic Variation [64]
SRC TT6PKBN Strong Biomarker [65]
STMN1 TT7W5OT Strong Biomarker [66]
TLN1 TTQSMFG Strong Genetic Variation [58]
TNFRSF21 TT8UA0T Strong Altered Expression [67]
VIPR1 TTCL30I Strong Altered Expression [68]
YES1 TT0SQ8J Strong Biomarker [69]
ZWINT TTWY768 Strong Biomarker [70]
⏷ Show the Full List of 76 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 3 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ABCB5 DTKVEXO Strong Biomarker [71]
SLC25A16 DTNU9EW Strong Biomarker [72]
SLC27A5 DT0TQS3 Strong Biomarker [73]
This Disease Is Related to 172 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACSL3 OT3MWER1 Limited Biomarker [74]
ACSL4 OTI71MUJ Limited Biomarker [74]
ASPSCR1 OTXTOD10 Limited Biomarker [75]
ATP23 OT303R2T Limited Biomarker [76]
BANF1 OTP7Z38L Limited Altered Expression [77]
DEPDC1B OTMVFOT1 Limited Altered Expression [78]
ERCC5 OTQAKFJM Limited Altered Expression [79]
FLI1 OT0EV3LX Limited Biomarker [80]
LATS1 OTOOCG4R Limited Genetic Variation [81]
LIN28B OTVWP0FN Limited Biomarker [82]
NCOA2 OTMQFPBB Limited Biomarker [83]
NDC80 OTS7D306 Limited Altered Expression [84]
NPAS2 OTMRT2TS Limited Genetic Variation [85]
NUTM2A OTQ4VQXE Limited Genetic Variation [86]
OGA OT7ZBWT1 Limited Genetic Variation [87]
POLM OT0SRIP4 Limited Biomarker [76]
PRUNE1 OTQ3UHWQ Limited Biomarker [9]
RANBP2 OTFG5CVF Limited Genetic Variation [88]
RNASE3 OTVE2XD1 Limited Genetic Variation [89]
RPL17 OTTYMPS6 Limited Biomarker [90]
SART3 OTC1AM7S Limited Genetic Variation [91]
SKI OT4KJ8F6 Limited Biomarker [70]
SMARCA1 OT0Y6PTU Limited Biomarker [77]
SPATA2 OTOA45GL Limited Biomarker [90]
TGFBR3 OTQOOUC4 Limited Biomarker [87]
THY1 OTVONVTB Limited Biomarker [92]
TOPBP1 OT6UPZPD Limited Altered Expression [93]
TSPAN1 OTZQPIYK Limited Biomarker [94]
ATF1 OT251CI0 Disputed Altered Expression [95]
AMER1 OT8EFJPM moderate Biomarker [96]
CD109 OTDADBM4 moderate Biomarker [97]
CIB2 OT9ZJX1I moderate Genetic Variation [98]
KRT7 OTLT3JFN moderate Biomarker [99]
MAD2L1 OTXNGZCG moderate Altered Expression [100]
PLIN2 OTRXJ9UN moderate Altered Expression [22]
PRF1 OTFVXD7H moderate Genetic Variation [101]
SMARCB1 OT2LP7LJ moderate Biomarker [102]
STK3 OTLNSCQD moderate Biomarker [103]
TPM4 OTN4YLYR moderate Biomarker [104]
AADAC OT8VACT2 Strong Altered Expression [105]
ABRAXAS1 OT1K4J80 Strong Genetic Variation [106]
ACAN OTUOCW8K Strong Biomarker [107]
ADARB1 OTGKSZEV Strong Altered Expression [108]
ADGRG2 OTPAD5S1 Strong Altered Expression [109]
AFAP1L1 OTWNTNDB Strong Biomarker [110]
AHRR OTSJ12W6 Strong Biomarker [50]
AMFR OTQRX7LC Strong Altered Expression [111]
ARAP1 OTINOJJ7 Strong Biomarker [43]
ARHGAP1 OT0H2ZBZ Strong Biomarker [43]
ARSF OTC0L12N Strong Altered Expression [112]
ATRX OT77RSQW Strong Biomarker [113]
BATF3 OTI61WXQ Strong Biomarker [114]
BTC OTW4B2O0 Strong Genetic Variation [115]
C16orf96 OTE0B1QV Strong Biomarker [71]
CALB2 OTSNMCG9 Strong Altered Expression [116]
CALD1 OTNJKJ6Q Strong Biomarker [117]
CAPN6 OT8K5PR5 Strong Altered Expression [118]
CAVIN2 OTFHHDRU Strong Biomarker [119]
CBX3 OTOP9RLD Strong Altered Expression [120]
CCAR2 OTLUDG5T Strong Biomarker [121]
CCS OTXHT3QO Strong Biomarker [122]
CD3D OTRBLP0R Strong Altered Expression [33]
CD99 OTPUZ5DE Strong Altered Expression [123]
CMAS OTFQJG3C Strong Biomarker [124]
CNMD OTHND8EL Strong Biomarker [125]
COL9A1 OTWBR27Y Strong Altered Expression [126]
COL9A2 OT1ZBDBV Strong Altered Expression [126]
COL9A3 OTCUJOEK Strong Altered Expression [126]
COPB2 OT82JIGC Strong Biomarker [127]
CTAG1B OTIQGW6U Strong Biomarker [40]
CUL4A OTTBV70J Strong Altered Expression [128]
CYFIP2 OTCAY35T Strong Biomarker [129]
DCLRE1C OTW3KB1I Strong Biomarker [130]
DCTN1 OT5B51FJ Strong Genetic Variation [88]
DDIT3 OTI8YKKE Strong Biomarker [131]
DDX53 OTHK3EGZ Strong Biomarker [132]
DES OTI09KBW Strong Biomarker [133]
DROSHA OTCE68KZ Strong Genetic Variation [89]
DUSP12 OT8WB1YB Strong Biomarker [134]
DYNLL1 OTR69LHT Strong Biomarker [135]
EEF1E1 OTRA6XOB Strong Genetic Variation [29]
ENDOU OTB7OF7Y Strong Genetic Variation [136]
ESD OTUSIBPS Strong Altered Expression [137]
ESPL1 OTMGEVOK Strong Biomarker [138]
ETV4 OT8C98UZ Strong Biomarker [139]
ETV5 OTE2OBM4 Strong Genetic Variation [139]
EXOSC6 OTAC10N6 Strong Genetic Variation [136]
FAU OTGTVOWK Strong Altered Expression [140]
FBP2 OT9R1LF7 Strong Altered Expression [141]
FBXW4 OTEGSZOX Strong Altered Expression [105]
FEV OTYEC4IR Strong Biomarker [142]
FGFRL1 OT8HZ3ZL Strong Altered Expression [143]
FLCN OTVM78XM Strong Biomarker [136]
FLII OT7G9JG6 Strong Biomarker [80]
FOXL2 OTFRQUYL Strong Biomarker [144]
FOXO4 OT90X9LN Strong Biomarker [145]
GPC5 OT8NR7GC Strong Biomarker [146]
HAUS8 OTLEFUOA Strong Biomarker [147]
HIRA OTON40EJ Strong Biomarker [51]
HNRNPM OTFU3OEZ Strong Altered Expression [148]
JAZF1 OTXTYSYD Strong Genetic Variation [149]
KCNK6 OTCY281R Strong Biomarker [150]
KIF22 OTY6X6BL Strong Biomarker [151]
KLF3 OTIIAC18 Strong Altered Expression [152]
LAMTOR1 OTIBJBW9 Strong Genetic Variation [29]
LARP6 OTUQ9QS9 Strong Biomarker [153]
LCP1 OTK61F2A Strong Biomarker [154]
LRRC15 OTX7JL8H Strong Altered Expression [155]
MAFK OTZJUE4P Strong Genetic Variation [29]
MAML3 OTZFV53Z Strong Biomarker [156]
MCM3 OTOOHQPM Strong Biomarker [127]
MEF2A OTV2SF6E Strong Biomarker [157]
MGA OTTLB216 Strong Genetic Variation [158]
MPIG6B OTVNKQWA Strong Genetic Variation [159]
MRTFB OT9OXGS9 Strong Biomarker [160]
MUC6 OTPVL723 Strong Biomarker [161]
MYL12B OTXMLQOT Strong Altered Expression [162]
MYL2 OT78PC0C Strong Altered Expression [162]
MYL9 OT6B22JB Strong Altered Expression [162]
MYOD1 OTV2S79X Strong Genetic Variation [163]
MYOG OTPLJKFA Strong Biomarker [160]
NANS OTMQ2FUH Strong Biomarker [164]
NAPSA OT6F8IAL Strong Altered Expression [165]
NFATC2 OTK5T6HZ Strong Biomarker [166]
NKX2-2 OTDCOYNG Strong Altered Expression [167]
NMB OT4NLN6H Strong Altered Expression [168]
OBP2A OTBIJ5TI Strong Biomarker [151]
ODF2L OTJLJ65L Strong Biomarker [169]
OS9 OTB5B2TY Strong Genetic Variation [170]
P2RX6 OT1FNTXA Strong Altered Expression [171]
PARP9 OT7K4494 Strong Biomarker [73]
PATZ1 OT0X9WGR Strong Biomarker [172]
PAX3 OTN5PJZV Strong Biomarker [173]
PAX7 OTDMQRPO Strong Biomarker [174]
PHF11 OT5F6LUP Strong Biomarker [169]
PIK3AP1 OTMW1B47 Strong Biomarker [169]
PLPP2 OT0BQAXX Strong Altered Expression [108]
PMS2 OTNLWTMI Strong Biomarker [175]
POT1 OTNBXJCQ Strong Genetic Variation [176]
POU4F1 OTMHYGWQ Strong Altered Expression [68]
PPP1R11 OTSHYPPW Strong Biomarker [177]
PRAP1 OT48QD82 Strong Biomarker [178]
PSMD4 OTH1VZTM Strong Altered Expression [112]
PTPRG OT9N2WOF Strong Genetic Variation [179]
PTTG1IP OTX21QTE Strong Altered Expression [180]
RBM38 OTPO8EXU Strong Altered Expression [181]
RBP1 OTRP1MFC Strong Biomarker [182]
RITA1 OTUH8IPS Strong Biomarker [183]
RND3 OTXMXPIH Strong Biomarker [184]
ROM1 OTE7H0YV Strong Biomarker [185]
RRBP1 OT4ZTPTM Strong Genetic Variation [88]
RREB1 OT62460U Strong Biomarker [160]
RUSC2 OT0EKMVR Strong Biomarker [58]
SCG2 OTXWUQQL Strong Biomarker [186]
SERPINB9 OTJ811IF Strong Biomarker [70]
SH2B1 OTJZO2CI Strong Biomarker [187]
SLAMF1 OTBTT3ZQ Strong Biomarker [188]
SLURP1 OT89YD2E Strong Biomarker [189]
SP3 OTYDQZ1T Strong Altered Expression [190]
SSX1 OTZ7NRCY Strong Genetic Variation [191]
SSX2 OT2Z6RLL Strong Biomarker [192]
SYN1 OTMNPWC1 Strong Biomarker [193]
TAF12 OTQZII5O Strong Genetic Variation [194]
TCL1B OT4CSO39 Strong Biomarker [193]
TFE3 OTM99ZWH Strong Altered Expression [195]
TLE1 OT50MRZ1 Strong Altered Expression [123]
TPPP2 OTI3WA6X Strong Genetic Variation [29]
TPPP3 OTU8VUIG Strong Biomarker [95]
TSPAN31 OT8WQ83R Strong Biomarker [164]
TTF1 OT4K90WD Strong Biomarker [196]
TTL OTSS1CK4 Strong Biomarker [197]
MAML2 OT1TSVAR Definitive Biomarker [198]
⏷ Show the Full List of 172 DOT(s)


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