General Information of Disease (ID: DIS0XS2C)

Disease Name Age-related macular degeneration
age related macular degeneration; Senile macular retinal degeneration; age related maculopathy; ARMD; age-related macular degeneration; macular degeneration, age-related; age related Maculopathies; AMD; Senile macular degeneration
Disease Class 9B75: Macular degeneration
Definition Age-related loss of vision in the central portion of the retina (macula), secondary to retinal degeneration.
Disease Hierarchy
DISBIA4H: Degeneration of macula and posterior pole
DISGGL77: Inherited retinal dystrophy
DIS0XS2C: Age-related macular degeneration
ICD Code
ICD-11: 9B75.0
ICD-10: H35
Expand ICD-11
Expand ICD-10
Expand ICD-9
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID
Orphanet ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 1 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Eculizumab DMJGWZ7 Approved Monoclonal antibody [1]
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 15 Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Emixustat DMH8VMP Phase 2/3 Small molecular drug [2]
ALK-001 DMDXZ6O Phase 2 NA [3]
AVA-101 DMASRP3 Phase 2 NA [4]
CAI orotate DMPH04W Phase 2 NA [5]
OT551 DMHKIOF Phase 2 Small interfering RNA [6]
P-144 DMH81SR Phase 2 NA [7]
PF-4523655 DM3YIKR Phase 2 siRNA drug [8]
Tesidolumab DMR4YEG Phase 2 Antibody [9]
X-82 DMW1NKO Phase 2 NA [10]
AG-013958 DMRET3H Phase 1/2 NA [11]
Anti-Factor D DM8ENKS Phase 1/2 Antibody [12]
NT-503 DMIKQZA Phase 1/2 NA [13]
AAV-sFLT gene therapy DMZ0E69 Phase 1 NA [14]
ACE-041 DMUBYFM Phase 1 Small molecular drug [15]
ASP7317 DMU7RVH Phase 1 Cell therapy [16]
⏷ Show the Full List of 15 Drug(s)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 1 Patented Agent(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
PMID28621580-Compound-WO2015089220C70 DMX96FI Patented Small molecular drug [17]
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 1 Discontinued Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
RN6G DM5P1KQ Discontinued in Phase 2 NA [18]
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 13 Investigative Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
AMD-AAV7 DMPMKQV Investigative NA [7]
CD59 gene therapy DMDEXNR Investigative NA [7]
EPI-0031 DMTUSKA Investigative NA [7]
HTRA-1 mabs DML677O Investigative Monoclonal antibody [7]
L-19-PDT DMMC6LA Investigative NA [7]
MN-2011 DMP9QSE Investigative NA [7]
Modified vitamin A DMR5NWV Investigative NA [7]
NM-9308 DMC89HI Investigative Antibody [19]
NT-502 DM1UNKA Investigative NA [7]
OcuXan DMSX3WA Investigative NA [7]
RNA-144101 DMTQ0MD Investigative NA [7]
SHEF-1 DMMZTN3 Investigative NA [7]
SMT-D004 DMTTXIA Investigative NA [7]
⏷ Show the Full List of 13 Drug(s)

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 82 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
C3 TTJGY7A Limited Biomarker [20]
CD59 TTBGTEJ Limited Biomarker [21]
CDH3 TTARMD9 Limited Genetic Variation [22]
FNDC1 TTQJCV8 Limited Biomarker [23]
LAMP2 TTULDG7 Limited Biomarker [24]
MME TT5TKPM Limited Biomarker [25]
PGF TT48I1Y Limited Altered Expression [26]
PROM1 TTXMZ81 Limited Genetic Variation [27]
RPGR TTHBDA9 Limited Biomarker [28]
RS1 TTT2CZY Limited Genetic Variation [29]
SQSTM1 TTOT2RY Limited Biomarker [30]
ALDH5A1 TTJUWVB moderate Biomarker [31]
C3AR1 TTI6B3F moderate Biomarker [32]
CACNA1C TTZIFHC moderate Biomarker [31]
CASP5 TTWR48J moderate Altered Expression [33]
CD46 TTMS7DF moderate Altered Expression [34]
CNGB3 TT0LJCG moderate Biomarker [35]
CNTF TTGEM5Q moderate Biomarker [36]
DDIT4 TTVEOY6 moderate Genetic Variation [37]
E2F2 TT5FYX0 moderate Biomarker [38]
FECH TTQ6VF4 moderate Altered Expression [39]
FPR1 TT5Y4EM moderate Genetic Variation [40]
GCLM TTNFESW moderate Biomarker [41]
HDAC11 TT8K17W moderate Biomarker [42]
LTB4R TTN53ZF moderate Biomarker [43]
METAP2 TTZL0OI moderate Biomarker [44]
MFGE8 TT1GLAJ moderate Genetic Variation [45]
PLTP TTZF6SN moderate Biomarker [46]
RHO TTH0KSX moderate Genetic Variation [47]
SLC11A2 TT2IS7P moderate Genetic Variation [48]
TEC TT1ZV49 moderate Biomarker [49]
TEP1 TTQGAVX moderate Altered Expression [50]
TSPAN7 TTMT6VE moderate Biomarker [51]
ABCG1 TTMWDGU Strong Biomarker [52]
ACAT1 TTK3C21 Strong Altered Expression [53]
AIF1 TT12MEP Strong Biomarker [54]
AMD1 TTBFROQ Strong Biomarker [55]
ANG TTURHFP Strong Altered Expression [56]
AOC3 TT7HC21 Strong Biomarker [57]
CA13 TTQPHSR Strong Biomarker [58]
CCR3 TTD3XFU Strong Biomarker [59]
CD55 TT5Z9WY Strong Genetic Variation [60]
CETP TTFQAYR Strong Genetic Variation [61]
CFD TT8D13I Strong Biomarker [62]
COL18A1 TT63DI9 Strong Altered Expression [56]
CRYAB TT7RUHB Strong Biomarker [63]
CRYBB1 TTDS503 Strong Biomarker [64]
CX3CL1 TT1OFBQ Strong Biomarker [65]
CXCR5 TTIW59R Strong Genetic Variation [66]
CYP21A2 TTP4GLG Strong Genetic Variation [67]
FABP5 TTNT2S6 Strong Biomarker [68]
FHL1 TTI7ENL Strong Genetic Variation [69]
FLT1 TT1VAUK Strong Genetic Variation [70]
GALNS TTT9YPO Strong Genetic Variation [71]
GAS6 TT69QD2 Strong Biomarker [72]
GAST TT4LRVO Strong Genetic Variation [71]
GRK5 TTTCXO0 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
HMOX2 TTWZRL4 Strong Genetic Variation [74]
IMPDH1 TT3GRLK Strong Genetic Variation [75]
KCNT2 TTLU5FO Strong Genetic Variation [76]
KIR2DS1 TTVWAGF Strong Biomarker [77]
KIR3DL2 TTQH3N0 Strong Biomarker [77]
LAMP1 TTC214J Strong Biomarker [78]
LRP6 TTSXOWE Strong Altered Expression [79]
MAN2B1 TTC12RO Strong Altered Expression [80]
MAP4K1 TTSHWUP Strong Biomarker [81]
MUTYH TTNB0ZK Strong Genetic Variation [82]
P2RX7 TT473XN Strong Biomarker [83]
PDE5A TTJ0IQB Strong Biomarker [84]
RENBP TTZCG0Q Strong Biomarker [85]
RORA TT1TYN7 Strong Genetic Variation [86]
SERPINF1 TTR59S1 Strong Altered Expression [87]
SRPK2 TTCZEJ9 Strong Genetic Variation [76]
SUCNR1 TT4FX9Y Strong Altered Expression [88]
TF TT8WXAV Strong Genetic Variation [89]
TGFBR1 TTP4520 Strong Genetic Variation [90]
TMEM97 TT9NXW4 Strong Genetic Variation [76]
TRPM1 TTTDAI9 Strong Genetic Variation [91]
TRPM3 TTO3TD8 Strong Genetic Variation [76]
TST TT51OTS Strong Genetic Variation [92]
APOB TTN1IE2 Definitive Altered Expression [53]
CD36 TTPJMCU Definitive Biomarker [93]
⏷ Show the Full List of 82 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 3 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
CACNG3 DTVFLQD Limited Genetic Variation [94]
ABCA7 DTDVSJA moderate Genetic Variation [95]
SLC16A8 DT39AOM moderate Biomarker [96]
This Disease Is Related to 10 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
NMNAT1 DE4D159 Limited Biomarker [97]
BCO1 DE6BOK3 moderate Genetic Variation [98]
CYP2R1 DEBIHM3 moderate Genetic Variation [99]
UGT2B17 DEAZDL8 moderate Biomarker [100]
ALDH1A2 DEKN1H4 Strong Genetic Variation [76]
CYP27A1 DEBS639 Strong Genetic Variation [101]
EPHX1 DELB4KP Strong Genetic Variation [102]
MGST1 DEAPJSO Strong Biomarker [103]
MT2A DEFKGT7 Strong Genetic Variation [104]
RDH5 DESI4OK Strong Genetic Variation [76]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 157 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ARIH2 OTJYJQJ8 Limited Biomarker [105]
BHLHE22 OTZUQY5L Limited Altered Expression [106]
C2 OTHMF4YM Limited Genetic Variation [107]
CFHR2 OTACE5Y1 Limited Genetic Variation [108]
CP OTM8JE4Y Limited Biomarker [109]
ECM1 OT1K65VW Limited Genetic Variation [110]
EYS OT0NBPL5 Limited Genetic Variation [28]
HIC1 OTI9TWY4 Limited Biomarker [111]
HSPH1 OTVRR73T Limited Biomarker [112]
HYLS1 OT3SW5UC Limited Biomarker [113]
LOXL1 OTA0NEJU Limited Genetic Variation [114]
NOP56 OTT67SRZ Limited Posttranslational Modification [115]
PARP12 OTCQTYIO Limited Biomarker [111]
PLCG2 OTGVC9MY Limited Biomarker [116]
TDRD9 OTS4UBI8 Limited Biomarker [113]
ACAT2 OTZ092ZJ moderate Altered Expression [53]
ACO1 OT2VUR7L moderate Genetic Variation [117]
ADIPOR2 OT2HDTL8 moderate Biomarker [118]
ARNT OTMSIEZY moderate Genetic Variation [119]
BBX OTNQ3QUC moderate Genetic Variation [120]
C4A OTXMOYXU moderate Genetic Variation [121]
C9 OT7I5FDX moderate Genetic Variation [122]
CD5L OTPY4WQR moderate Biomarker [123]
CD93 OT6HZT6H moderate Altered Expression [124]
CDH7 OTQEXCKU moderate Genetic Variation [125]
CFHR1 OT72R16T moderate Genetic Variation [90]
CFHR3 OTYL8SDO moderate Biomarker [126]
CFHR4 OTWXGQMU moderate Genetic Variation [127]
CGRRF1 OTLMNRCL moderate Genetic Variation [128]
CHMP2B OTZA7RJB moderate Genetic Variation [48]
CRB1 OTXYUNG0 moderate Genetic Variation [129]
CTRB2 OTR9TOBV moderate Genetic Variation [67]
CXCL6 OTFTCQ4O moderate Biomarker [130]
DLGAP1 OTF2PUUI moderate Genetic Variation [128]
DMRT1 OT5PU9U1 moderate Genetic Variation [48]
EDF1 OTL07TLS moderate Altered Expression [131]
FBN2 OT3KYJQL moderate Genetic Variation [132]
FGD6 OTI0T62C moderate Genetic Variation [133]
FILIP1L OTPY8IMS moderate Genetic Variation [120]
HEPH OTZ2F15Z moderate Biomarker [134]
HGS OTCYYCAC moderate Genetic Variation [95]
IL27RA OTSQBAKI moderate Biomarker [135]
IMPG2 OTFPSJ0T moderate Biomarker [136]
ITM2B OTMXEPXB moderate Altered Expression [137]
KIDINS220 OTLBH2MA moderate Genetic Variation [138]
LAMA3 OTFME7HT moderate Biomarker [139]
LRRTM4 OTYJ4348 moderate Genetic Variation [140]
MASP1 OTWWCNZP moderate Biomarker [46]
MFSD8 OT455EIC moderate Genetic Variation [141]
MIA3 OTBVIZQD moderate Genetic Variation [119]
MMP20 OT16S5S3 moderate Biomarker [142]
MYO7A OTBZSPEL moderate Altered Expression [143]
MYOG OTPLJKFA moderate Biomarker [144]
NPHP1 OTZHCFFQ moderate Biomarker [145]
NR2E3 OTO3GBHQ moderate Biomarker [146]
P4HTM OTKELL7F moderate Biomarker [147]
PCDHGA12 OT3JJI7L moderate Biomarker [53]
PELI3 OTCBUSKJ moderate Genetic Variation [148]
PEX1 OTQJF0V7 moderate Genetic Variation [149]
PRPF31 OTSJ0Z1Y moderate Genetic Variation [150]
PRSS50 OTC5JAVO moderate Genetic Variation [151]
RDH8 OTSFFV9B moderate Biomarker [152]
RFC2 OTJ9N6BD moderate Biomarker [153]
SCD5 OTSSUQ3Z moderate Biomarker [154]
SEMA3E OTD4S36H moderate Biomarker [155]
SERPINB8 OT5T4Y5R moderate Genetic Variation [125]
SRL OT7IEBWZ moderate Biomarker [156]
SRM OT4N5MDP moderate Biomarker [157]
TLR10 OTQ1KVJO moderate Altered Expression [158]
TRA2B OTZYQW52 moderate Biomarker [159]
TSHZ1 OTYQ9ECW moderate Genetic Variation [160]
ABHD2 OTCRUOCS Strong Genetic Variation [91]
ACAD10 OTFAG3M0 Strong Genetic Variation [161]
AGBL4 OTOX2H61 Strong Genetic Variation [162]
ARHGAP21 OT6XY8Y9 Strong Genetic Variation [76]
ATP6V0D1 OT9GU2NW Strong Genetic Variation [67]
ATXN7 OTL3YF1H Strong Altered Expression [163]
BBS9 OT23V9YF Strong Genetic Variation [67]
C1QTNF5 OTLKU5I2 Strong Genetic Variation [164]
CAPN5 OTQ8QM7K Strong Biomarker [165]
CDHR1 OT1ORXCM Strong Biomarker [166]
CIAO3 OT0V91PK Strong Altered Expression [167]
CLUL1 OTYIXQ36 Strong Genetic Variation [168]
CNN2 OTH3CSXA Strong Genetic Variation [76]
COL10A1 OTC4G2YC Strong Genetic Variation [169]
COL4A3 OT6SB8X5 Strong Genetic Variation [76]
COL8A1 OTWBTED2 Strong Genetic Variation [170]
CRX OTH435SV Strong Biomarker [28]
CRYBB2 OTL0Z8E6 Strong Biomarker [64]
CST3 OTNZ6AO4 Strong Genetic Variation [171]
CTNNA1 OTFC725Z Strong Genetic Variation [172]
CTRB1 OTFFF738 Strong Biomarker [67]
DAPL1 OTQZZSZY Strong Altered Expression [173]
DCP1B OTX7PHCI Strong Genetic Variation [103]
DIAPH2 OTBEYFEZ Strong Biomarker [174]
DPF3 OTEWLMNB Strong Genetic Variation [67]
ERCC2 OT1C8HQ4 Strong Genetic Variation [175]
ERCC6 OT2QZKSF Strong Genetic Variation [175]
FMOD OT9EJ5H8 Strong Biomarker [176]
FRK OTEKV1SC Strong Biomarker [177]
FSCN2 OTADS8G3 Strong Genetic Variation [178]
FTCD OTX9HZT5 Strong Genetic Variation [179]
FTMT OTIUX6XG Strong Altered Expression [180]
FUT6 OTBZUQ7F Strong Genetic Variation [76]
GDF6 OTERXWJU Strong Biomarker [181]
GEMIN2 OT4L6TLL Strong Altered Expression [182]
GNB3 OTA6HYBA Strong Biomarker [183]
GNGT2 OTRI3Q10 Strong Genetic Variation [183]
GSTM5 OTMMBFY8 Strong Biomarker [184]
HERC1 OT73FVYZ Strong Genetic Variation [67]
HS3ST4 OTO0UBFN Strong Genetic Variation [67]
IL17RC OTEFOBSS Strong Biomarker [185]
IL2RG OTRZ3OMY Strong Genetic Variation [183]
IMPG1 OT12HBL0 Strong Genetic Variation [186]
MAP2 OT6UYT3X Strong Genetic Variation [187]
MARK4 OT6Z2TGV Strong Genetic Variation [76]
MCUB OTXLLSIZ Strong Genetic Variation [169]
MFRP OTHY9ZA5 Strong Genetic Variation [188]
MYOM2 OTD2UOXW Strong Genetic Variation [189]
MYRIP OTH2TFYH Strong Biomarker [190]
ND2 OTG9OHOX Strong Genetic Variation [91]
NECTIN2 OTIE0W6O Strong Genetic Variation [108]
NELFE OTL4E94L Strong Genetic Variation [125]
NPLOC4 OTC1WUVF Strong Genetic Variation [76]
NT5DC1 OTNI9MFH Strong Genetic Variation [169]
OCA2 OTDWIGBF Strong Biomarker [191]
OPTC OTCASGO0 Strong Genetic Variation [192]
OSBP2 OTDGLB4J Strong Biomarker [193]
OTX2 OTTV05B1 Strong Biomarker [194]
PAGR1 OTXR5PQ8 Strong Genetic Variation [71]
PBX2 OTEBYCAW Strong Genetic Variation [76]
PEA15 OTKCKTSX Strong Biomarker [191]
PILRA OTBE0PLF Strong Genetic Variation [76]
PITPNM3 OTHLZY8D Strong Biomarker [195]
PLA2G12A OTHHCQ17 Strong Genetic Variation [196]
PLEK OTB73XXA Strong Genetic Variation [197]
PLXNA2 OTNNBJMQ Strong Biomarker [198]
PNPLA2 OTR3ERMR Strong Biomarker [199]
PROK1 OT8S7RUG Strong Biomarker [81]
PRPH2 OTNH2G5H Strong Biomarker [200]
PTX3 OTPXHRKU Strong Altered Expression [201]
RAD51B OTCJVRMY Strong Biomarker [96]
RGR OTKCF5AZ Strong Biomarker [202]
RGS10 OTQ8N1QH Strong Genetic Variation [203]
RLBP1 OTCY4D6B Strong Biomarker [111]
ROM1 OTE7H0YV Strong Biomarker [204]
RREB1 OT62460U Strong Genetic Variation [205]
SCAF11 OTX59D0X Strong Altered Expression [182]
SCAPER OT7S3B3P Strong Genetic Variation [206]
SGCD OTRBL3NQ Strong Genetic Variation [207]
SLURP1 OT89YD2E Strong Genetic Variation [208]
STK19 OTYM6437 Strong Genetic Variation [76]
SUCLA2 OTMZD4PW Strong Biomarker [209]
SYN3 OTSGYNA5 Strong Genetic Variation [76]
TFR2 OTMYCCEO Strong Genetic Variation [210]
TNMD OTHLVA9G Strong Genetic Variation [211]
PRPH OT6VUH78 Definitive Genetic Variation [212]
⏷ Show the Full List of 157 DOT(s)


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