General Information of Disease (ID: DISLVMWO)

Disease Name Mood disorder
Synonyms episodic mood disorder
Disease Class 6A60-6E23: Mood disorder
Definition A cognitive disorder a disturbance in which the person's mood is hypothesized to be the main underlying feature.
Disease Hierarchy
DIS3J5R8: Mental disorder
DISLVMWO: Mood disorder
ICD Code
ICD-11: 6A60-6E23
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 3 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Dasotraline DMLDQFV Approved Small molecular drug [1]
Flibanserin DM70DTN Approved Small molecular drug [2]
Vortioxetine DM6F1PU Approved Small molecular drug [3]
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 19 Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
ADX N05 DMLBYRA Phase 3 NA [4]
Amitifadine DMS1X67 Phase 3 Small molecular drug [5]
LITOXETINE DMKZRBP Phase 3 Small molecular drug [6]
NVP-LAQ824 DM8JWNA Phase 3 Small molecular drug [5]
ADX-48621 DM6GTMD Phase 2/3 Small molecular drug [7]
CX157 DMS2WB5 Phase 2 Small molecular drug [8]
GW 597599 DMY53PL Phase 2 Small molecular drug [9]
MN-305 DMUGN4B Phase 2 Small molecular drug [5]
NKP 608 DMTVGMZ Phase 2 NA [10]
NS 2359 DMI5HFU Phase 2 Small molecular drug [11]
OPC-14523 DMB1WF3 Phase 2 Small molecular drug [12]
ORG 34517/34850 DMR3P98 Phase 2 Small molecular drug [5]
TGBA01AD DMJ2FTU Phase 2 Small molecular drug [5]
TRIDMAC DMWU41P Phase 2 Small molecular drug [5]
JNJ-55308942 DM0QZJX Phase 1 NA [13]
MEM-1414 DMA1KQV Phase 1 NA [14]
ND7001 DMUBTC6 Phase 1 NA [15]
TC-2216 DM4W92J Phase 1 Small molecular drug [16]
[N-methyl-3H(3)]AZ-10419369 DMSCV02 Phase 1 Small molecular drug [17]
⏷ Show the Full List of 19 Drug(s)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 16 Discontinued Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Amibegron DMPS14M Discontinued in Phase 3 Small molecular drug [18]
L-759274 DMXWRGF Discontinued in Phase 3 NA [5]
Adatanserin DMMKFUP Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [5]
AMESERGIDE DMRY9V8 Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [19]
BMS-181101 DMT4VSE Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [20]
CP-316,311 DMZ76EM Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [21]
DOV-216303 DMTE14H Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [5]
DU 125530 DM63UA9 Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [22]
Elzasonan hydrochloride DM1EOC3 Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [5]
LESOPITRON DIHYDROCHLORIDE DMGQJ2U Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [23]
MCPP DMIG5W8 Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [24]
PRX-00023 DMN4RV0 Discontinued in Phase 2 Small molecular drug [5]
R-1578 DMAPRGQ Discontinued in Phase 2 NA [25]
SPD-473 DMTJNRL Discontinued in Phase 2 NA [26]
Lu-AA44608 DMH0AMG Discontinued in Phase 1 NA [27]
MOXIFETIN HYDROGEN MALEATE DMO2S6T Terminated Small molecular drug [29]
⏷ Show the Full List of 16 Drug(s)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 2 Preclinical Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
CKI-7 DMV0RFU Preclinical Small molecular drug [28]
LH846 DMJXZIS Preclinical Small molecular drug [28]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 150 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
AR TTKPW01 Limited Biomarker [30]
ATP2A2 TTE6THL Limited Genetic Variation [31]
CD9 TTZEIBV Limited Altered Expression [32]
CRY2 TTAO58M Limited Biomarker [33]
CYP2D6 TTVG215 Limited Genetic Variation [34]
DRD1 TTZFYLI Limited Altered Expression [35]
GAD1 TTKGEP3 Limited Biomarker [36]
GAD2 TT7UY6K Limited Biomarker [37]
GAL TTXZAJ5 Limited Biomarker [38]
GRIK2 TT0K5RG Limited Biomarker [39]
GRM3 TT8A9EF Limited Biomarker [40]
HCRTR1 TT60Q8D Limited Genetic Variation [41]
HTR3A TTPC4TU Limited Biomarker [42]
HTR6 TTJS8PY Limited Biomarker [43]
MAPKAP1 TTWDKCL Limited Genetic Variation [44]
NTF3 TTZHKV9 Limited Biomarker [45]
PBRM1 TTH8ZRL Limited Genetic Variation [46]
PDE4B TTVIAT9 Limited Genetic Variation [47]
PRL TTJ2TSA Limited Biomarker [48]
PTH2R TTEPJL5 Limited Genetic Variation [47]
SERPINA1 TTA7UJC Limited Altered Expression [49]
SLC6A2 TTAWNKZ Limited Biomarker [50]
ADORA2A TTM2AOE moderate Genetic Variation [51]
ADRA1B TTBRKXS moderate Biomarker [52]
ADRA2A TTWG9A4 moderate Biomarker [52]
ADRA2C TT2NUT5 moderate Biomarker [52]
ARRB2 TT8SO2I moderate Biomarker [53]
CACNA1D TT7RGTM moderate Biomarker [54]
CHRM2 TTYEG6Q moderate Biomarker [55]
CRH TTA7YIZ moderate Biomarker [56]
DBH TTYIP79 moderate Biomarker [57]
ESR1 TTZAYWL moderate Genetic Variation [58]
FKBP5 TT0J5KQ moderate Biomarker [59]
FTO TTFW3BT moderate Biomarker [60]
GABRB2 TTZA1NY moderate Biomarker [61]
GABRD TTGXH6N moderate Biomarker [62]
GAP43 TTSGLN5 moderate Biomarker [63]
GLUL TTURQ2G moderate Biomarker [64]
HDAC1 TT6R7JZ moderate Biomarker [65]
HDAC2 TTSHTOI moderate Biomarker [65]
HDAC4 TTTQGH8 moderate Biomarker [66]
HP TTLC8E1 moderate Altered Expression [49]
HPGDS TTCYE56 moderate Biomarker [67]
HTR1B TTK8CXU moderate Biomarker [68]
HTR4 TT07C3Y moderate Biomarker [68]
HTR7 TTO9X1H moderate Biomarker [69]
HTT TTIWZ0O moderate Biomarker [70]
KAT2B TTVK7SB moderate Biomarker [71]
KCNK9 TTL4FMB moderate Biomarker [72]
NCAM1 TTVXPHT moderate Genetic Variation [73]
NFKB1 TTUIZKC moderate Biomarker [74]
NTRK3 TTXABCW moderate Biomarker [75]
NTSR1 TTTUMEP moderate Biomarker [76]
OPRK1 TTQW87Y moderate Biomarker [77]
PPARG TTT2SVW moderate Biomarker [78]
RARA TTW38KT moderate Biomarker [79]
RGS6 TTJ96M8 moderate Biomarker [80]
SIRT1 TTUF2HO moderate Biomarker [81]
SLC12A5 TTH6UZY moderate Altered Expression [82]
SLC5A7 TTRV7W3 moderate Biomarker [83]
SLC6A3 TTVBI8W moderate Altered Expression [84]
SST TTWF7UG moderate Biomarker [85]
SSTR3 TTJX3UE moderate Biomarker [86]
TNFSF13B TTWMIDN moderate Biomarker [87]
ABAT TTT2LD9 Strong Biomarker [88]
ADCY1 TTV1ZSQ Strong Genetic Variation [89]
AKT1 TTWTSCV Strong Biomarker [90]
APLNR TTJ8E43 Strong Biomarker [91]
APOH TT2OUI9 Strong Genetic Variation [92]
AVPR1B TTL9MHW Strong Biomarker [93]
BPI TTXCSDR Strong Biomarker [94]
C9orf72 TTA4SHR Strong Genetic Variation [95]
CACNA1C TTZIFHC Strong Biomarker [96]
CCKAR TTCG0AL Strong Biomarker [97]
CRHR1 TT7EFHR Strong Biomarker [98]
CRTC1 TT4GO0F Strong Biomarker [99]
CRTC2 TTFWETR Strong Biomarker [100]
CRY1 TT5MLZR Strong Genetic Variation [101]
CSE1L TTTRULD Strong Genetic Variation [102]
CSNK1E TTA8PLI Strong Genetic Variation [103]
CSNK1G1 TTQR5YD Strong Genetic Variation [73]
DAG1 TT4X7PG Strong Genetic Variation [73]
DCLK2 TTHK3MO Strong Genetic Variation [102]
DLG4 TT9PB26 Strong Biomarker [61]
DNMT1 TT6S2FE Strong Altered Expression [104]
DNMT3B TT6VZ78 Strong Altered Expression [104]
DPP10 TTOVUPC Strong Genetic Variation [102]
DRD3 TT4C8EA Strong Biomarker [105]
ERBB4 TTWALCO Strong Biomarker [106]
FGF2 TTGKIED Strong Biomarker [107]
FKBP4 TTHY0FT Strong Biomarker [108]
GABRA3 TT37EDJ Strong Biomarker [109]
GRIA1 TTVPQTF Strong Biomarker [110]
GRIA3 TT82EZV Strong Biomarker [39]
GRIK4 TTQV6BO Strong Genetic Variation [111]
GRM7 TT0I76D Strong Genetic Variation [112]
GSK3B TTRSMW9 Strong Genetic Variation [113]
HCN1 TTNB6UQ Strong Biomarker [114]
HCN4 TTQP04A Strong Genetic Variation [115]
HIF1A TTSN6QU Strong Biomarker [116]
HPD TT8DSFC Strong Biomarker [117]
HSP90AA1 TT78R5H Strong Biomarker [118]
HTR1F TT0MI3F Strong Genetic Variation [119]
HTR3B TTR6K75 Strong Genetic Variation [120]
LDHA TTW76JE Strong Biomarker [116]
LINGO1 TTZYQ80 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
MAD1L1 TTNE9U7 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
MAPT TTS87KH Strong Genetic Variation [73]
MCHR1 TTX4RTB Strong Biomarker [121]
METAP2 TTZL0OI Strong Biomarker [122]
MTHFR TTQWOU1 Strong Biomarker [123]
NPY TT64REZ Strong Altered Expression [124]
NR1H3 TTECBXN Strong Genetic Variation [73]
NTRK2 TTKN7QR Strong Genetic Variation [125]
PFKFB3 TTTHMQJ Strong Biomarker [116]
PGD TTZ3IFB Strong Biomarker [126]
PLA2G1B TT9V5JH Strong Biomarker [127]
PLCB1 TTLPGU7 Strong Biomarker [128]
PNPLA3 TTEUAEH Strong Genetic Variation [129]
PRKCZ TTBSN0L Strong Genetic Variation [130]
PRNP TTY5F9C Strong Biomarker [131]
PROKR2 TTM67AX Strong Biomarker [132]
PSMB6 TT8EPLT Strong Biomarker [62]
RAPGEF3 TTOE7I0 Strong Altered Expression [133]
RAPGEF4 TTOS63B Strong Genetic Variation [133]
RGS8 TTWME23 Strong Biomarker [134]
SIGMAR1 TT5TPI6 Strong Biomarker [135]
SIRT2 TTLKF5M Strong Biomarker [136]
SLC18A2 TTNZRI3 Strong Biomarker [137]
SLC1A2 TT2F078 Strong Altered Expression [138]
SLC25A4 TTU5A6Q Strong Genetic Variation [139]
SLC40A1 TT6Y1PG Strong Altered Expression [140]
SSTR5 TT2BC4G Strong Genetic Variation [141]
STAB1 TTJFEOC Strong Biomarker [142]
TACR1 TTZPO1L Strong Genetic Variation [143]
TNC TTUCPMY Strong Genetic Variation [102]
VIPR2 TT4O5P0 Strong Genetic Variation [101]
CRHBP TT3PKZE Definitive Biomarker [144]
CRHR2 TTIY658 Definitive Biomarker [145]
GPER1 TTDSB34 Definitive Biomarker [146]
GRIN2B TTN9D8E Definitive Biomarker [147]
HCRT TTU5HJP Definitive Biomarker [148]
NPY2R TTJ6WK9 Definitive Biomarker [149]
NR3C2 TT26PHO Definitive Biomarker [150]
P2RX1 TTJW7B3 Definitive Genetic Variation [151]
P2RX3 TT2THBD Definitive Genetic Variation [151]
P2RX4 TT1NLOA Definitive Genetic Variation [151]
P2RY1 TTA93TL Definitive Genetic Variation [151]
P2RY2 TTOZHQC Definitive Genetic Variation [151]
SMC2 TTS8D17 Definitive Biomarker [152]
⏷ Show the Full List of 150 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 2 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC17A6 DT5LHCR Strong Biomarker [153]
SLC44A5 DTU8NCX Strong Genetic Variation [73]
This Disease Is Related to 7 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
AGMAT DEG5L6E Strong Altered Expression [154]
HINT1 DEWJATF Strong Biomarker [155]
PGM1 DEA3VM1 Strong Genetic Variation [126]
SMOX DEOH5V3 Strong Biomarker [156]
SPR DEJVDAT Strong Genetic Variation [157]
SULT2A1 DE0P6LK Strong Biomarker [158]
SAT1 DEMWO83 Definitive Biomarker [156]
⏷ Show the Full List of 7 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 163 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ADARB1 OTGKSZEV Limited Biomarker [159]
C1QL1 OTNQ0G3E Limited Biomarker [98]
CHGB OT7SAQT2 Limited Biomarker [160]
CHP1 OTHTXN1A Limited Altered Expression [32]
FXR1 OTEMQ1SR Limited Biomarker [161]
IGSF9B OTNOMYYQ Limited Biomarker [162]
MAP2 OT6UYT3X Limited Biomarker [122]
NRSN1 OT1KKXC8 Limited Altered Expression [32]
PLB1 OTZ6TTYV Limited Genetic Variation [127]
SEMG1 OT6Z4BPQ Limited Biomarker [160]
TMED2 OTBLO7RW Limited Altered Expression [32]
TPPP OTCFMSUF Limited Altered Expression [32]
DEAF1 OTCLX3ZW Disputed Altered Expression [163]
AMBP OTLU8GU8 moderate Biomarker [164]
ANK3 OTJ3IRBP moderate Genetic Variation [165]
BSCL2 OT73V6Y4 moderate Biomarker [78]
DCTN1 OT5B51FJ moderate Biomarker [166]
DISC1 OT43AW4H moderate Genetic Variation [167]
DUSP6 OT4H6RKW moderate Biomarker [168]
FEV OTYEC4IR moderate Genetic Variation [169]
FOSB OTW6C05J moderate Biomarker [170]
GABRA6 OTX4UC3O moderate Biomarker [171]
HES6 OTWO5SCF moderate Genetic Variation [172]
IL9R OTILCLXA moderate Biomarker [173]
NTS OTPGDNQS moderate Biomarker [76]
OXT OT48M72Z moderate Biomarker [174]
PFKL OTVHGAT7 moderate Biomarker [175]
PMCH OT3D9SA4 moderate Biomarker [176]
PNOC OTJEAADN moderate Biomarker [177]
S100A10 OTI71243 moderate Biomarker [68]
ADAMTS6 OTSZE6L4 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
ADCY3 OTGOQM6B Strong Biomarker [178]
ADCY7 OTAWMGP3 Strong Biomarker [179]
ADCY8 OTR1WCZX Strong Biomarker [89]
ADCY9 OT1IZT5K Strong Biomarker [180]
AP2B1 OTL6LZJ4 Strong Biomarker [181]
APBB2 OT1VD51B Strong Genetic Variation [102]
AREL1 OTSYV9R3 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
ARFGAP2 OTIP5ZJ7 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
ARHGAP15 OT9CKHDC Strong Genetic Variation [73]
ARPP21 OTWXZN5I Strong Genetic Variation [73]
ATAD2B OTQMSTTC Strong Genetic Variation [73]
ATF7IP OTU6ZA7F Strong Biomarker [182]
ATP2C1 OTQN51T3 Strong Genetic Variation [183]
ATP5F1A OT3FZDLX Strong Genetic Variation [184]
BAIAP2 OT1KKMYZ Strong Genetic Variation [73]
BAZ1A OTWHOVZS Strong Genetic Variation [102]
BBX OTNQ3QUC Strong Genetic Variation [73]
BHLHE41 OTY9GJ1Y Strong Genetic Variation [102]
BICC1 OTYRKIJ1 Strong Biomarker [185]
BICRA OTDTPGW0 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
CAMK2N2 OT1NDPEL Strong Altered Expression [186]
CAMTA1 OTAN1S5B Strong Genetic Variation [73]
CBFA2T2 OTNOIB23 Strong Biomarker [187]
CCN6 OTRFHQ2Z Strong Biomarker [117]
CCS OTXHT3QO Strong Genetic Variation [188]
CDH8 OTS3SRZ6 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
CDSN OTQW4HV6 Strong Genetic Variation [189]
CELF4 OT4FS4F5 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
CNDP2 OTJR9436 Strong Genetic Variation [190]
CREB3L1 OT2JHIHM Strong Genetic Variation [73]
CRYL1 OT0SJSJM Strong Genetic Variation [191]
CSTF3 OT1Y7B5U Strong Genetic Variation [102]
DCC OT2C1SHW Strong Genetic Variation [73]
DDB2 OTO8HVVB Strong Genetic Variation [73]
DGKG OTBL32T3 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
DLG3 OTH591WK Strong Biomarker [192]
DLX4 OTLWVCN4 Strong Biomarker [193]
DMTN OTDTKPBW Strong Biomarker [194]
DPY19L3 OTM2DHUR Strong Genetic Variation [73]
DTNBP1 OT9UQT2S Strong Genetic Variation [195]
EGFLAM OTACZZJ0 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
ELP1 OTYEWBF7 Strong Biomarker [196]
EMCN OTS03CZC Strong Genetic Variation [73]
EXD2 OTEM0BTG Strong Genetic Variation [73]
EYS OT0NBPL5 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
FAM228B OT26MFMA Strong Genetic Variation [73]
FSTL4 OTTNB9ZP Strong Genetic Variation [102]
FTL OTYQA8A6 Strong Altered Expression [140]
FYB1 OT6345CH Strong Genetic Variation [102]
GABBR1 OTU5A52J Strong Genetic Variation [73]
GCHFR OTEOT8GI Strong Genetic Variation [197]
GNB3 OTA6HYBA Strong Biomarker [198]
GPM6A OT8G13EG Strong Genetic Variation [73]
GPRC5C OT45AJT3 Strong Genetic Variation [199]
HPX OT14T7Q1 Strong Altered Expression [49]
HSPA4 OT5HR0AR Strong Biomarker [200]
ITIH1 OTSXJGQF Strong Biomarker [164]
ITIH3 OT4SLMLY Strong Biomarker [164]
KANSL1 OTYNSNNZ Strong Genetic Variation [73]
KAZN OTPM7BYM Strong Genetic Variation [102]
KCTD12 OTPYKT4Z Strong Biomarker [201]
KLHDC8B OTKP6LCR Strong Genetic Variation [73]
KLHL29 OTS5Z1QN Strong Genetic Variation [73]
LMO3 OTR7AJHN Strong Biomarker [202]
LMOD1 OTZ2MEMG Strong Genetic Variation [73]
LTBP3 OTME98V7 Strong Biomarker [203]
MCIDAS OTK1JVAH Strong Biomarker [204]
NANOS3 OTGX9IQU Strong Biomarker [205]
NAV3 OT97M1TR Strong Genetic Variation [102]
NCOA5 OTOGWTWB Strong Genetic Variation [73]
NEGR1 OT57ECW9 Strong Biomarker [206]
NLK OT2LETFS Strong Genetic Variation [102]
NPAS2 OTMRT2TS Strong Genetic Variation [101]
NRG3 OTIFZ5CT Strong Biomarker [207]
NUP160 OTUKVV3I Strong Genetic Variation [73]
ORM1 OTZKSBRE Strong Genetic Variation [184]
OSR1 OTB19LEQ Strong Biomarker [208]
PAFAH1B1 OT9T2TCJ Strong Genetic Variation [73]
PCDH17 OTRK0M05 Strong Altered Expression [209]
PCLO OTXJZZ98 Strong Genetic Variation [210]
PDYN OTEJ6430 Strong Biomarker [211]
PER3 OTVKYVJA Strong Genetic Variation [212]
PHF2 OTJCIQR2 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
PIK3R2 OTZSUQK5 Strong Biomarker [187]
PLCB4 OTPA0QHW Strong Biomarker [128]
PLCL2 OTK5FDF6 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
PLXNA3 OTMZIBVG Strong Genetic Variation [213]
POLG OTDUCT04 Strong Biomarker [214]
POU3F1 OTYARA94 Strong Biomarker [215]
PPP1R12C OT9Q86JO Strong Biomarker [187]
PPP1R13B OTC88VQO Strong Biomarker [187]
PPP1R1B OTSIJMQ9 Strong Altered Expression [216]
PPP1R9B OTDCTHTT Strong Biomarker [217]
PPP4R3A OTXTCULM Strong Genetic Variation [102]
PROK2 OT70IFEZ Strong Biomarker [218]
PRR16 OTG4TEGR Strong Genetic Variation [73]
PTPRD OTZPJ3GX Strong Genetic Variation [102]
RAB27B OTPF9D0K Strong Genetic Variation [73]
RABEP2 OTO61X27 Strong Biomarker [219]
RABGAP1L OT7QO47I Strong Genetic Variation [73]
RAPSN OTGMSWDQ Strong Genetic Variation [73]
RBFOX1 OTFPKEL7 Strong Genetic Variation [73]
RELN OTLKMW1O Strong Altered Expression [220]
RERE OT3G4GBZ Strong Genetic Variation [73]
RNPS1 OT7G4COD Strong Altered Expression [221]
SEC24C OTMTJBQ1 Strong Genetic Variation [222]
SERTAD1 OTBHKZQP Strong Biomarker [223]
SMS OT8JYKNH Strong Biomarker [224]
SORCS3 OT4VOMBC Strong Genetic Variation [73]
SOX6 OTT0W0LE Strong Genetic Variation [73]
SPSB4 OTG9MLO4 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
SSPN OTYG2SL7 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
ST8SIA2 OTRBBBD8 Strong Biomarker [225]
SYN2 OTK0DEGH Strong Biomarker [226]
TAAR6 OTUBUJ2N Strong Biomarker [200]
TBC1D25 OT11OABF Strong Biomarker [156]
TCF4 OTB9ASTK Strong Genetic Variation [73]
TFAP2D OT71O6YN Strong Genetic Variation [102]
THBS3 OTDKMUBD Strong Biomarker [227]
TIMELESS OTD8DCBJ Strong Genetic Variation [103]
TMEM106B OTUWA6NW Strong Genetic Variation [73]
TOM1 OT30QA56 Strong Genetic Variation [228]
TSNAX OTZ9SGWB Strong Biomarker [229]
TTC12 OTDB24YV Strong Genetic Variation [73]
DGKH OTYNPJ4B Definitive Biomarker [230]
DNASE1L3 OTEUIMC2 Definitive Biomarker [231]
OPN4 OT1LZ7TS Definitive Biomarker [232]
P2RX2 OT0LF34A Definitive Genetic Variation [151]
P2RX5 OTLBR20R Definitive Genetic Variation [151]
P2RX6 OT1FNTXA Definitive Genetic Variation [151]
PVALB OTZW1WVQ Definitive Biomarker [233]
REM1 OTUXL0HC Definitive Biomarker [234]
⏷ Show the Full List of 163 DOT(s)


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2 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 8182).
3 Vortioxetine (Lu AA21004), a novel multimodal antidepressant, enhances memory in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2013 Apr;105:41-50.
4 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800030225)
5 Novel drugs and therapeutic targets for severe mood disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008 Aug;33(9):2080-92.
6 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800001264)
7 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 6452).
8 (NCT01246908) Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of CX157 in Treatment Resistant Depression. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
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10 Neurokinin-1-receptor antagonism decreases anxiety and emotional arousal circuit response to noxious visceral distension in women with irritable bowel syndrome: a pilot study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther.2012 Feb;35(3):360-7.
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17 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 3219).
18 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 568).
19 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 199).
20 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 108).
21 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800009248)
22 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800014469)
23 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800001441)
24 Dopaminergic mechanisms of reinstatement of MDMA-seeking behaviour in rats. Br J Pharmacol. 2011 Apr;162(8):1770-80.
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