General Information of Disease (ID: DIS3J5R8)

Disease Name Mental disorder
Synonyms mental or behavioral disorder; mental process disease; disorder of mental process; mental or behavioural disorder
Definition A disease that has its basis in the disruption of mental process.
Disease Hierarchy
DISKFW6V: Psychiatric disorder
DISWD40R: Disease
DIS6ZC3X: Brain disease
DIS3J5R8: Mental disorder
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 167 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACTG1 TTGAZF9 Limited Biomarker [1]
ATF4 TTQCKWT Limited Altered Expression [2]
CCL11 TTCF05Y Limited Biomarker [3]
CFP TTLA0VS Limited Biomarker [4]
CHRNA7 TTLA931 Limited Genetic Variation [5]
DLG4 TT9PB26 Limited Altered Expression [6]
DRD2 TTEX248 Limited Biomarker [7]
DRD5 TTS2PH3 Limited Biomarker [8]
FLT4 TTDCBX5 Limited Genetic Variation [9]
FOLH1 TT9G4N0 Limited Biomarker [10]
GRIA1 TTVPQTF Limited Biomarker [11]
GRIK4 TTQV6BO Limited Genetic Variation [12]
GRIN1 TTLD29N Limited Genetic Variation [13]
GRIN2A TTKJEMQ Limited Biomarker [14]
GRM3 TT8A9EF Limited Genetic Variation [15]
GRM7 TT0I76D Limited Biomarker [16]
HSD11B1 TTN7BL9 Limited Biomarker [17]
HTR1A TTSQIFT Limited Altered Expression [18]
HTR2A TTJQOD7 Limited Biomarker [19]
HTR2C TTWJBZ5 Limited Genetic Variation [20]
HTT TTIWZ0O Limited Genetic Variation [21]
KMO TTIY56R Limited Biomarker [22]
LRP2 TTPH1AJ Limited Biomarker [23]
MAD1L1 TTNE9U7 Limited Genetic Variation [24]
MBP TT2RY5P Limited Biomarker [25]
NR3C1 TTOZRK6 Limited Biomarker [26]
PKD2L1 TTAHD89 Limited Genetic Variation [9]
RGS4 TTGTKX9 Limited Biomarker [27]
SLC12A5 TTH6UZY Limited Biomarker [28]
SLC27A4 TT20AYF Limited Biomarker [29]
SLC6A3 TTVBI8W Limited Genetic Variation [30]
SMC2 TTS8D17 Limited Genetic Variation [31]
SMPD1 TTJTM88 Limited Biomarker [32]
SRGN TTCHB06 Limited Biomarker [33]
SV2A TTT3P91 Limited Genetic Variation [34]
TDO2 TTXNCBV Limited Genetic Variation [35]
TREM1 TTHZQP0 Limited Biomarker [36]
ADCYAP1R1 TT5OREU moderate Biomarker [37]
BPI TTXCSDR moderate Genetic Variation [38]
CHRNA4 TT4H1MQ moderate Biomarker [39]
CRHR1 TT7EFHR moderate Genetic Variation [40]
GABRB2 TTZA1NY moderate Biomarker [41]
HLA-A TTHONFT moderate Genetic Variation [42]
PHF8 TT81PFE moderate Genetic Variation [43]
AADAT TTT3IXG Strong Biomarker [44]
ABCB1 TT3OT40 Strong Altered Expression [45]
ADCYAP1 TTW4LYC Strong Genetic Variation [46]
AGRP TT4DE1O Strong Biomarker [47]
ATP2A2 TTE6THL Strong Genetic Variation [48]
AVPR2 TTK8R02 Strong Biomarker [49]
BBOX1 TT9FOLC Strong Altered Expression [50]
BDKRB1 TTG5QIA Strong Genetic Variation [51]
BDKRB2 TTGY8IW Strong Biomarker [51]
BRD1 TTT09OB Strong Biomarker [52]
C5 TTKANGO Strong Altered Expression [53]
C9orf72 TTA4SHR Strong Genetic Variation [54]
CACNA1D TT7RGTM Strong Biomarker [55]
CCKAR TTCG0AL Strong Biomarker [56]
CD22 TTM6QSK Strong Genetic Variation [57]
CHAT TTKYFSB Strong Genetic Variation [58]
CHRM2 TTYEG6Q Strong Genetic Variation [59]
CHRM4 TTQ3JTF Strong Genetic Variation [60]
CHRNA5 TTH2QRX Strong Genetic Variation [61]
CNP TT71P0H Strong Genetic Variation [62]
CNR1 TT6OEDT Strong Genetic Variation [63]
COMT TTKWFB8 Strong Genetic Variation [64]
CRHBP TT3PKZE Strong Genetic Variation [65]
CSF2RB TTPYS82 Strong Biomarker [66]
CYP2D6 TTVG215 Strong Biomarker [67]
DAO TT7Y3EJ Strong Biomarker [68]
DAPK3 TTERVQN Strong Genetic Variation [69]
DBH TTYIP79 Strong Genetic Variation [70]
DCLK1 TTOHTCY Strong Genetic Variation [71]
DDC TTN451K Strong Altered Expression [72]
DPYSL2 TTZCW3T Strong Altered Expression [73]
DRD3 TT4C8EA Strong Biomarker [74]
DRD4 TTE0A2F Strong Biomarker [75]
DYRK1A TTSBVFO Strong Altered Expression [76]
EEF2K TT1QFLA Strong Biomarker [77]
ENPEP TT9PBIL Strong Genetic Variation [78]
FAAH2 TTWTES7 Strong Genetic Variation [79]
FGF14 TTKJX1V Strong Biomarker [80]
FGR TTPOGS1 Strong Biomarker [81]
FKBP4 TTHY0FT Strong Biomarker [82]
FZD10 TTP1S2F Strong Genetic Variation [83]
GABRA3 TT37EDJ Strong Biomarker [84]
GAD1 TTKGEP3 Strong Genetic Variation [85]
GALNS TTT9YPO Strong Biomarker [86]
GCH1 TTLSWP6 Strong Genetic Variation [87]
GJA8 TTJ7ATH Strong Genetic Variation [88]
GPR85 TTNRQJ3 Strong Biomarker [89]
GPR88 TTMRQY1 Strong Biomarker [90]
GRIK1 TT0MYE2 Strong Genetic Variation [12]
GRIK2 TT0K5RG Strong Biomarker [12]
GRIN2B TTN9D8E Strong Biomarker [91]
GRIN2C TT1M8OW Strong Biomarker [92]
GRIN2D TT5POTG Strong Biomarker [92]
GRM2 TTXJ47W Strong Biomarker [93]
GRM5 TTHS256 Strong Biomarker [94]
GRPR TTC1MVT Strong Biomarker [95]
HCRT TTU5HJP Strong Biomarker [96]
HRC TTR4FKD Strong Genetic Variation [97]
HRH3 TT9JNIC Strong Biomarker [98]
HTR1B TTK8CXU Strong Biomarker [99]
HTR3A TTPC4TU Strong Genetic Variation [100]
HTR3B TTR6K75 Strong Genetic Variation [101]
HTR5A TTRUFDT Strong Biomarker [102]
HTR7 TTO9X1H Strong Biomarker [103]
IDUA TT0IUKX Strong Genetic Variation [104]
IFNA2 TTSIUJ9 Strong Biomarker [105]
KCNJ11 TT329V4 Strong Genetic Variation [106]
KDM4A TTZHPB8 Strong Altered Expression [107]
KLK8 TTH5MRS Strong Genetic Variation [108]
LIF TTGZ5WN Strong Biomarker [109]
MAG TT9XFON Strong Genetic Variation [57]
MAOA TT3WG5C Strong Genetic Variation [110]
MAOB TTGP7BY Strong Posttranslational Modification [111]
MC4R TTD0CIQ Strong Genetic Variation [112]
MGAT1 TTYJRN5 Strong Biomarker [113]
NOS1 TTZUFI5 Strong Biomarker [114]
NPSR1 TTV1C0Z Strong Genetic Variation [115]
NPY TT64REZ Strong Biomarker [116]
NPY1R TTRK9JT Strong Biomarker [117]
NR3C2 TT26PHO Strong Biomarker [118]
NRG1 TTEH395 Strong Biomarker [119]
OPRK1 TTQW87Y Strong Biomarker [120]
OPRL1 TTNT7K8 Strong Biomarker [121]
OXTR TTSCIUP Strong Biomarker [122]
PAH TTGSVH2 Strong Biomarker [123]
PDE10A TTJW4LU Strong Biomarker [124]
PDE4B TTVIAT9 Strong Biomarker [125]
PDE4D TTSKMI8 Strong Biomarker [126]
PDXP TT9UYG4 Strong Biomarker [127]
PI4KA TTCUS9F Strong Biomarker [128]
PIGL TTQA8DT Strong Biomarker [129]
PKMYT1 TTB4PAZ Strong Genetic Variation [130]
POMC TT21AKM Strong Biomarker [131]
PRCP TTTJZ4M Strong Biomarker [132]
RGMA TTURJV4 Strong Altered Expression [133]
S1PR3 TTDYP7I Strong Biomarker [134]
SCN10A TT90XZ8 Strong Biomarker [135]
SCN2A TTLJTUF Strong Genetic Variation [136]
SCN3A TTAXZ0K Strong Biomarker [137]
SDC2 TT5H2F0 Strong Genetic Variation [138]
SIGMAR1 TT5TPI6 Strong Biomarker [139]
SIRT5 TTH0IOD Strong Biomarker [140]
SLC18A2 TTNZRI3 Strong Biomarker [141]
SLC1A1 TTG2A6F Strong Altered Expression [142]
SLC22A16 TTITAVR Strong Biomarker [143]
SLC26A4 TT7X02I Strong Biomarker [144]
SLC6A15 TT4LRUE Strong Genetic Variation [145]
SLC6A2 TTAWNKZ Strong Biomarker [146]
SLC6A7 TT9LGO5 Strong Biomarker [147]
SLC6A9 TTHJTF7 Strong Biomarker [113]
SNAP25 TTYQWA0 Strong Biomarker [148]
SRR TTZFUY6 Strong Biomarker [149]
SSTR5 TT2BC4G Strong Biomarker [14]
TAAR1 TTIU98M Strong Genetic Variation [150]
TACR1 TTZPO1L Strong Genetic Variation [151]
TH TTUHP71 Strong Biomarker [152]
TPH1 TTZSJHV Strong Genetic Variation [153]
TRPC6 TTRBT3W Strong Biomarker [154]
TSPO TTPTXIN Strong Biomarker [155]
UNC13B TT948FC Strong Genetic Variation [156]
WAS TTE8T73 Strong Biomarker [157]
YWHAH TTADIOY Strong Genetic Variation [158]
CACNA1C TTZIFHC Definitive Biomarker [159]
⏷ Show the Full List of 167 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 3 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
CACNB2 DTBZWL4 Limited Biomarker [160]
SLC12A2 DTHKL3Q Strong Biomarker [161]
SLC18A1 DTM953D Strong Biomarker [141]
This Disease Is Related to 11 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ADH1B DEEN9RD Limited Genetic Variation [162]
ASMT DEHGR57 Limited Biomarker [163]
PTGR1 DE4Q2OE Limited Biomarker [33]
FAAH DEUM1EX Strong Biomarker [164]
FMO5 DEBMX7C Strong Genetic Variation [165]
HINT1 DEWJATF Strong Genetic Variation [166]
HSD17B12 DE915QP Strong Genetic Variation [12]
PGPEP1 DEVDR46 Strong Biomarker [132]
PRODH DEVJIHS Strong Biomarker [167]
SCLY DEH4TD6 Strong Biomarker [168]
THOP1 DE95LJC Strong Genetic Variation [169]
⏷ Show the Full List of 11 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 261 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACOT7 OT7C68YV Limited Biomarker [1]
ACTBL2 OTD6B81U Limited Biomarker [1]
ACTG2 OTRDWUO0 Limited Biomarker [1]
ADARB1 OTGKSZEV Limited Genetic Variation [170]
ADCY7 OTAWMGP3 Limited Genetic Variation [171]
ANKK1 OT0OM1O0 Limited Genetic Variation [172]
APOD OTT77XW8 Limited Biomarker [173]
ARHGEF7 OT9BPJCL Limited Biomarker [174]
ASCC1 OTH4VAP9 Limited Biomarker [174]
ATXN1 OTQF0HNR Limited Biomarker [175]
CAPS OTC9GZ2M Limited Genetic Variation [176]
CLOCK OTNEOJY7 Limited Biomarker [177]
DDX53 OTHK3EGZ Limited Genetic Variation [178]
DISC1 OT43AW4H Limited Biomarker [179]
ENDOU OTB7OF7Y Limited Biomarker [180]
EXOSC6 OTAC10N6 Limited Biomarker [180]
FEZ1 OTWCXPRE Limited Genetic Variation [181]
FHL5 OT6C00Z1 Limited Biomarker [1]
FOXP2 OTVX6A59 Limited Biomarker [182]
GNB1L OTXSUD8R Limited Biomarker [183]
GPR52 OTPR99C7 Limited Biomarker [184]
IER3 OTZJI5FZ Limited Biomarker [33]
ISYNA1 OT49ONSE Limited Biomarker [29]
KCNMB2 OTBXUQGK Limited Genetic Variation [42]
LMX1B OTM8145D Limited Biomarker [185]
MCF2L OTEURA8N Limited Biomarker [23]
MEF2A OTV2SF6E Limited Biomarker [186]
MICA OTPEIEAR Limited Biomarker [187]
NEGR1 OT57ECW9 Limited Biomarker [188]
NLGN4X OTDJGBK8 Limited Genetic Variation [189]
NRG2 OTMDE844 Limited Biomarker [190]
NUFIP2 OTZBZ224 Limited Biomarker [191]
PDYN OTEJ6430 Limited Genetic Variation [192]
PIK3C2A OTFBU4GD Limited Genetic Variation [24]
PLPPR4 OTBOWTC5 Limited Biomarker [33]
POTEM OT7L2HGH Limited Biomarker [1]
RELN OTLKMW1O Limited Biomarker [193]
REM1 OTUXL0HC Limited Biomarker [194]
RIT2 OTSNYG0D Limited Biomarker [195]
S100A10 OTI71243 Limited Biomarker [180]
SEMA6A OTDQ7QAW Limited Genetic Variation [196]
SERPINA3 OT9BP2S0 Limited Biomarker [1]
SEZ6 OTCD8K5D Limited Altered Expression [197]
SGCE OT9F17JB Limited Genetic Variation [198]
SMS OT8JYKNH Limited Biomarker [199]
SORCS1 OTP8PAKU Limited Biomarker [200]
SORCS3 OT4VOMBC Limited Biomarker [200]
SP4 OTWB30IZ Limited Genetic Variation [201]
SPTLC1 OTN0Z98K Limited Genetic Variation [42]
SYT4 OTA1D7VL Limited Biomarker [202]
TTLL6 OTHBM3DX Limited Genetic Variation [24]
ADAM19 OTH88TXU moderate Genetic Variation [38]
AMPD3 OT5SP1KJ moderate Genetic Variation [203]
CDKL5 OTGL5HRV moderate Biomarker [204]
CLDN11 OTNN6UTL moderate Genetic Variation [38]
DIPK1A OTWS5V2I moderate Genetic Variation [38]
DUSP2 OTH54FMR moderate Biomarker [37]
NALCN OTWY7DS0 moderate Genetic Variation [38]
NCKAP5 OT5JOYZS moderate Genetic Variation [38]
NDEL1 OTAGFML5 moderate Biomarker [205]
PSMG1 OTZ5I6UM moderate Biomarker [37]
RIN2 OTCY73U9 moderate Genetic Variation [38]
SAA2 OTYAVJWG moderate Genetic Variation [38]
SNRPN OTQB1ID1 moderate Biomarker [204]
ABCA13 OTTHTUQN Strong Genetic Variation [206]
ACAD8 OT3JI5GB Strong Biomarker [207]
ACP1 OTJ9CKLU Strong Biomarker [208]
ACSL4 OTI71MUJ Strong Biomarker [209]
ACSL6 OT0TT8P8 Strong Biomarker [140]
ADAMTS10 OTNJ9VSU Strong Biomarker [210]
ADGRB3 OT1EWGRW Strong Genetic Variation [211]
ALDH7A1 OTV57BZD Strong Biomarker [212]
ANK3 OTJ3IRBP Strong Biomarker [213]
ANOS1 OTZJT4KN Strong Genetic Variation [214]
APPL2 OT9S4C4K Strong Biomarker [215]
ARSD OTAHW9M8 Strong Genetic Variation [216]
ARTN OTWIWGL6 Strong Biomarker [47]
ASTN2 OTF0W2FJ Strong Genetic Variation [217]
ATCAY OTSIAM08 Strong Biomarker [218]
ATF5 OT03QCLM Strong Biomarker [219]
BAG3 OTVXYUDQ Strong Biomarker [220]
BAIAP2 OT1KKMYZ Strong Biomarker [221]
BCL9 OTRBIPR4 Strong Biomarker [222]
BHLHE22 OTZUQY5L Strong Biomarker [223]
BRINP1 OTEUVSCP Strong Biomarker [224]
BTBD8 OT3A3RD7 Strong Biomarker [225]
CACNA2D4 OTVYNX7N Strong Genetic Variation [226]
CADPS2 OTV1FW0M Strong Altered Expression [227]
CALB1 OTM7IXDG Strong Biomarker [228]
CARTPT OTTE4V9S Strong Biomarker [229]
CCDC141 OTQ9HA3I Strong Biomarker [230]
CDH7 OTQEXCKU Strong Biomarker [231]
CHP1 OTHTXN1A Strong Biomarker [232]
CISD2 OTVS7S2H Strong Genetic Variation [233]
CLDN5 OTUX60YO Strong Biomarker [234]
CNTN4 OTULXVE0 Strong Genetic Variation [235]
CNTNAP2 OT48T2ZP Strong Genetic Variation [236]
CNTNAP4 OTKXR9AW Strong Genetic Variation [237]
COQ8A OT1ETSA2 Strong Biomarker [238]
CREM OTJIJ5AL Strong Biomarker [239]
CSMD1 OTIVDSC4 Strong Genetic Variation [240]
CTNND2 OTYKE30Y Strong Biomarker [241]
CTXN3 OT534FDX Strong Biomarker [242]
DAB1 OTPL9MA3 Strong Biomarker [243]
DAOA OT7NFEO6 Strong Biomarker [244]
DEAF1 OTCLX3ZW Strong Genetic Variation [245]
DEGS1 OT4WXPKW Strong Genetic Variation [246]
DEGS2 OTXC27FL Strong Altered Expression [247]
DGCR8 OT62LXE4 Strong Biomarker [248]
DGKH OTYNPJ4B Strong Biomarker [249]
DIAPH2 OTBEYFEZ Strong Biomarker [109]
DNASE1L3 OTEUIMC2 Strong Biomarker [250]
DTNBP1 OT9UQT2S Strong Biomarker [251]
EAF2 OTSOET5L Strong Biomarker [252]
EEF1A2 OT9Z23K5 Strong Genetic Variation [253]
EFHD2 OTM9VMN3 Strong Biomarker [254]
EGR3 OTGPJIRA Strong Biomarker [255]
ESD OTUSIBPS Strong Genetic Variation [208]
EXT1 OTRPALJK Strong Biomarker [256]
FIBIN OTTP8DRJ Strong Genetic Variation [165]
FXR1 OTEMQ1SR Strong Biomarker [257]
GCA OTAJ7ZHG Strong Genetic Variation [258]
GLT8D1 OTG14TPO Strong Altered Expression [259]
GMCL1 OTRZHUFV Strong Genetic Variation [258]
GPM6A OT8G13EG Strong Genetic Variation [260]
GPR171 OTYDO1U7 Strong Biomarker [261]
GPR50 OT0EJBM4 Strong Biomarker [262]
GRHL3 OT1V4ZEH Strong Altered Expression [263]
GRID1 OTJ3WIKC Strong Genetic Variation [264]
GSC2 OT1CO9ED Strong Biomarker [265]
H1-0 OTRLJK4Z Strong Biomarker [266]
HAP1 OT6SG0JQ Strong Genetic Variation [267]
HARS1 OTHOEOTS Strong Biomarker [268]
HNRNPH2 OTMGP4J7 Strong Biomarker [269]
HOMER1 OTWFD3SI Strong Altered Expression [270]
IL10RA OTOX3D1D Strong Biomarker [271]
INPP5K OTQFLQKA Strong Biomarker [272]
INSRR OT3F75WA Strong Biomarker [273]
ITIH3 OT4SLMLY Strong Genetic Variation [274]
ITIH4 OT460OO1 Strong Genetic Variation [274]
KCNIP3 OTCQPEM4 Strong Genetic Variation [275]
KCNK10 OT93GC7V Strong Biomarker [276]
KLF9 OTBFEJRQ Strong Genetic Variation [210]
KPNA3 OTLI3TM2 Strong Biomarker [277]
KRT7 OTLT3JFN Strong Biomarker [168]
LDLRAD4 OTQUX50Z Strong Biomarker [278]
LRRC8E OTUZTANF Strong Biomarker [279]
LSAMP OTYXVQX2 Strong Biomarker [280]
LTBP3 OTME98V7 Strong Genetic Variation [9]
MACROD2 OTNQCHC6 Strong Genetic Variation [281]
MAGEL2 OTXEL4R7 Strong Biomarker [282]
MAGI1 OTMV4ASV Strong Biomarker [283]
MANEA OTV7L8I6 Strong Genetic Variation [284]
MAP1A OTHO8K43 Strong Genetic Variation [285]
MAP6 OTPUI00F Strong Biomarker [286]
MARK1 OTP7KL47 Strong Biomarker [287]
MCIDAS OTK1JVAH Strong Biomarker [288]
MCPH1 OTYT3TT5 Strong Biomarker [289]
MEF2C OTZGF1Y5 Strong Genetic Variation [290]
MICALL2 OT1IQM3K Strong Genetic Variation [291]
MTA2 OTCCYIQJ Strong Genetic Variation [292]
MYT1 OTC3660I Strong Genetic Variation [130]
MZB1 OT071TET Strong Biomarker [293]
NAT9 OT4ZKCRS Strong Altered Expression [294]
NCOA6 OTOMIGTV Strong Biomarker [295]
NCOR2 OTY917X0 Strong Biomarker [296]
NCS1 OT6JHAWM Strong Biomarker [297]
NDE1 OT2N8Q17 Strong Biomarker [205]
NDN OTYBYJ82 Strong Biomarker [282]
NDST3 OT8TWYOG Strong Genetic Variation [298]
NEDD4L OT1B19RU Strong Biomarker [127]
NEFL OTQESJV4 Strong Biomarker [299]
NLGN2 OTHDYL3H Strong Biomarker [300]
NOS1AP OTDFOBRU Strong Genetic Variation [301]
NOSIP OTQTNFPJ Strong Biomarker [302]
NPAS2 OTMRT2TS Strong Biomarker [303]
NPAS3 OT8D1ILB Strong Biomarker [304]
NPS OTEG25A2 Strong Biomarker [115]
NPTN OTAQKSAU Strong Biomarker [305]
NR2E1 OTW47GKM Strong Biomarker [306]
NRCAM OT80HHQ2 Strong Genetic Variation [307]
NRGN OTVGE10W Strong Biomarker [308]
NRSN1 OT1KKXC8 Strong Biomarker [232]
NRXN1 OTJN1JQA Strong Genetic Variation [309]
NUCB2 OTHO6JWN Strong Biomarker [310]
OLIG2 OTMCN6D3 Strong Genetic Variation [311]
OPN5 OTCYGHDA Strong Genetic Variation [108]
OR10A4 OTYYB8SY Strong Genetic Variation [312]
OR2AG1 OTEITRP4 Strong Biomarker [313]
OSR1 OTB19LEQ Strong Biomarker [314]
PAGR1 OTXR5PQ8 Strong Biomarker [86]
PARN OTTG4PE3 Strong Genetic Variation [315]
PCBD1 OTDSRUD5 Strong Genetic Variation [316]
PCDH11Y OTI2D7DR Strong Biomarker [317]
PCLO OTXJZZ98 Strong Genetic Variation [318]
PCNT OTW4Z65J Strong Biomarker [319]
PCSK1N OT7ZRW2F Strong Biomarker [261]
PER3 OTVKYVJA Strong Genetic Variation [320]
PI4K2B OT0D51QP Strong Genetic Variation [321]
PINK1 OT50NR57 Strong Biomarker [322]
PIP4K2A OTO9JO9U Strong Genetic Variation [323]
PLA2G15 OT6VJTPA Strong Biomarker [324]
PNN OT0HXICH Strong Genetic Variation [325]
POU3F1 OTYARA94 Strong Biomarker [143]
POU3F2 OT30NFOC Strong Altered Expression [326]
PPP2R2B OTSFVC82 Strong Biomarker [327]
PRKRA OTUTVZZU Strong Biomarker [328]
PSD OTUZIXUZ Strong Biomarker [329]
PSMA7 OTPHI6ST Strong Genetic Variation [330]
PSMD13 OTNQ351N Strong Genetic Variation [330]
PTPN5 OT2H1KDK Strong Altered Expression [331]
PTPRG OT9N2WOF Strong Biomarker [332]
PTPRT OTV5TXNN Strong Biomarker [332]
PTPRU OTHDO0QG Strong Biomarker [333]
PVALB OTZW1WVQ Strong Genetic Variation [85]
QKI OTTAUGLB Strong Altered Expression [334]
RAI1 OTKLQU00 Strong Altered Expression [335]
RAPGEF5 OT53VS75 Strong Altered Expression [336]
RBBP6 OTTVG4HU Strong Biomarker [328]
RERE OT3G4GBZ Strong Genetic Variation [337]
REST OTLL92LQ Strong Altered Expression [338]
RETREG1 OTYOSLZX Strong Genetic Variation [339]
RMDN1 OTE1NB6U Strong Biomarker [340]
RNF41 OTN1DQOY Strong Biomarker [341]
SAGE1 OT4H6FFA Strong Genetic Variation [342]
SEMA3B OTCZCPMS Strong Genetic Variation [196]
SERPINA4 OTBK0GG7 Strong Genetic Variation [214]
SEZ6L OT5Z9CUA Strong Biomarker [197]
SEZ6L2 OTUIKN2I Strong Altered Expression [197]
SHANK2 OTSQTPFQ Strong Biomarker [343]
SIM2 OT0QWHK4 Strong Biomarker [344]
SLC2A4RG OTW3LX8D Strong Biomarker [345]
SLITRK1 OT1QQ7FR Strong Genetic Variation [346]
SLN OTERIU75 Strong Biomarker [347]
SNAPC2 OTN0EL6L Strong Biomarker [279]
SPAST OTIF3AJI Strong Genetic Variation [348]
SPG11 OTZ7LJX4 Strong Genetic Variation [349]
SRPX OT5B9LXS Strong Genetic Variation [325]
ST8SIA2 OTRBBBD8 Strong Biomarker [350]
STH OTK8ULTH Strong Genetic Variation [351]
STX1A OTSBUZB4 Strong Biomarker [352]
SUPT16H OT9XWMQZ Strong Genetic Variation [353]
SYBU OT3FQV7N Strong Biomarker [340]
SYN1 OTMNPWC1 Strong Biomarker [354]
SYT2 OTJYGTY4 Strong Biomarker [352]
TAL1 OTX4K6QZ Strong Biomarker [168]
TANC2 OTDXY7PX Strong Genetic Variation [329]
TBX1 OTQLBPRA Strong Genetic Variation [355]
TCF4 OTB9ASTK Strong Biomarker [356]
TMED2 OTBLO7RW Strong Biomarker [232]
TMEM108 OTE69DUG Strong Biomarker [357]
TMEM132D OTV6I4Z0 Strong Genetic Variation [358]
TMEM200A OTVJZIOR Strong Genetic Variation [359]
TMEM200C OTRR32T0 Strong Genetic Variation [359]
TMTC1 OTZ7NW96 Strong Genetic Variation [360]
TPPP OTCFMSUF Strong Biomarker [232]
TRANK1 OT7DH5H4 Strong Altered Expression [361]
TRIM31 OT7VW6RP Strong Genetic Variation [362]
TSNAX OTZ9SGWB Strong Biomarker [363]
TSPAN8 OT1F68WQ Strong Altered Expression [364]
BCS1L OT5PY5CY Definitive Genetic Variation [365]
⏷ Show the Full List of 261 DOT(s)


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