General Information of Disease (ID: DISHTAI2)

Disease Name Amyloidosis
Synonyms amyloidoses; amyloidosis; amyloidosis (disease); amyloid disease; amyloid
Disease Class 5D00: Amyloidosis
A disorder characterized by the localized or diffuse accumulation of amyloid protein in various anatomic sites. It may be primary, due to clonal plasma cell proliferations; secondary, due to long standing infections, chronic inflammatory disorders, or malignancies; or familial. It may affect the nerves, skin, tongue, joints, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands.
Disease Hierarchy
DISK83BF: Proteostasis deficiencies
DISHTAI2: Amyloidosis
ICD Code
ICD-11: 5D00
ICD-9: 277.3
Expand ICD-11
Expand ICD-10
'E85; 'E85.9; 'L99.0
Expand ICD-9
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID
Orphanet ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 4 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Acetylcysteine DMWSXI4 Approved Small molecular drug [1]
Cysteine Hydrochloride DM5ONA9 Approved Small molecular drug [2]
MLN9708 DMCMETN Approved Small molecular drug [3]
Patisiran DMWSA0V Approved siRNA drug [4]
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 10 Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
ISIS-TTR DM4U5NF Phase 3 Antisense drug [5]
Kiacta DMPFEZB Phase 3 NA [6]
NEOD001 DMPPQ9Q Phase 3 NA [6]
Revusiran DM5E73H Phase 3 siRNA drug [7]
124I-labeled 11-1F4 DM1T410 Phase 1 NA [8]
ALN-TTR01 DMCSEUY Phase 1 Antisense oligonucleotide [9]
GSK-2315698 DMOWTRL Phase 1 Antibody [10]
GSK2398852 DMZ5A6D Phase 1 Antibody [11]
Systebryl DMD23AX Phase 1 NA [6]
L-cysteine DMCMOS8 Clinical trial Small molecular drug [12]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 Drug(s)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 1 Discontinued Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
APC-8020 DMPJ96I Discontinued in Phase 2 NA [13]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 115 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACHE TT1RS9F Limited Altered Expression [14]
ADAM10 TTVXEGU Limited Altered Expression [15]
AGER TTMO9HF Limited Biomarker [16]
BACE1 TTJUNZF Limited Altered Expression [15]
BCHE TT3MSAO Limited Biomarker [17]
DDR1 TTI1FPZ Limited Altered Expression [18]
HMOX1 TTI6V2A Limited Biomarker [19]
IDE TT2EDHU Limited Biomarker [20]
LAMC2 TTNS7H3 Limited Biomarker [21]
LYZ TTAOZBW Limited Biomarker [22]
PSEN1 TTZ3S8C Limited Biomarker [23]
TARDBP TT9RZ03 Limited Biomarker [24]
CLU TTRL76H moderate Biomarker [25]
ABCG1 TTMWDGU Strong Biomarker [26]
ACAT1 TTK3C21 Strong Biomarker [27]
ALOX5 TTSJ6Q4 Strong Biomarker [28]
APCS TTB7VAT Strong Biomarker [29]
APOA2 TTGQA9W Strong Biomarker [30]
APOA4 TTNC3WS Strong Genetic Variation [31]
BACE2 TT69DB8 Strong Biomarker [32]
C1QB TT8A9DM Strong Genetic Variation [33]
C1QBP TTWTD7F Strong Biomarker [34]
CACNA1C TTZIFHC Strong Altered Expression [35]
CD55 TT5Z9WY Strong Genetic Variation [36]
CDK5 TTL4Q97 Strong Biomarker [37]
CHAT TTKYFSB Strong Biomarker [38]
CHIT1 TTDYX6T Strong Biomarker [39]
CHRM3 TTQ13Z5 Strong Biomarker [40]
CLCN3 TT8XNZ7 Strong Biomarker [41]
CNR2 TTMSFAW Strong Biomarker [42]
CPB2 TTP18AY Strong Altered Expression [43]
CR1 TTEA8OW Strong Biomarker [44]
CRTC1 TT4GO0F Strong Altered Expression [45]
CTSB TTF2LRI Strong Biomarker [46]
DLG4 TT9PB26 Strong Altered Expression [47]
DNM1 TTE3JW9 Strong Genetic Variation [48]
DPEP1 TTYUENF Strong Biomarker [49]
DPYSL2 TTZCW3T Strong Biomarker [50]
DRD1 TTZFYLI Strong Biomarker [51]
DYSF TTA7MXQ Strong Biomarker [52]
ECE1 TTQ9RYT Strong Biomarker [53]
EEF2K TT1QFLA Strong Biomarker [54]
EPHA1 TTLFZVU Strong Genetic Variation [55]
EREG TTYSB89 Strong Biomarker [56]
FPR1 TT5Y4EM Strong Biomarker [57]
FYN TT2B9KF Strong Biomarker [58]
GALNS TTT9YPO Strong Altered Expression [59]
GFAP TTI6FFX Strong Biomarker [60]
GPNMB TT7315J Strong Biomarker [61]
GRIA1 TTVPQTF Strong Biomarker [62]
GRIN1 TTLD29N Strong Biomarker [63]
GRM2 TTXJ47W Strong Biomarker [64]
GRM3 TT8A9EF Strong Biomarker [65]
GRM5 TTHS256 Strong Biomarker [66]
GSK3A TTQWAU1 Strong Biomarker [67]
GSN TTUH7OM Strong Biomarker [68]
HCRT TTU5HJP Strong Altered Expression [69]
HDAC3 TT4YWTO Strong Biomarker [70]
HMBS TTT0HW3 Strong Biomarker [71]
HSPB8 TTY0OJN Strong Biomarker [72]
HTR1B TTK8CXU Strong Biomarker [73]
HTRA1 TT8POQR Strong Biomarker [74]
HTT TTIWZ0O Strong Biomarker [75]
ID2 TTW8A5N Strong Biomarker [76]
KHDRBS1 TTAT6C7 Strong Altered Expression [77]
KLK8 TTH5MRS Strong Biomarker [78]
LAIR1 TTSI7A8 Strong Biomarker [79]
LBP TTVQJLY Strong Biomarker [80]
LILRB2 TTHC6XU Strong Biomarker [81]
LIMK1 TTWL9TY Strong Biomarker [82]
LPA TTU9LGY Strong Biomarker [83]
LRP1 TTF2V7I Strong Biomarker [16]
LTB TTHQ6US Strong Biomarker [34]
MAG TT9XFON Strong Biomarker [84]
MAP3K5 TTOQCD8 Strong Altered Expression [85]
MAPK12 TTYT93M Strong Biomarker [86]
MAZ TT059DA Strong Altered Expression [87]
MFGE8 TT1GLAJ Strong Biomarker [88]
NAGLU TTDM6HZ Strong Biomarker [89]
PDE5A TTJ0IQB Strong Biomarker [90]
PLA2G7 TTDNFMT Strong Biomarker [91]
POLA1 TTGPJ0U Strong Biomarker [92]
POLB TTA0XPV Strong Biomarker [93]
POR TTOQ9GZ Strong Biomarker [94]
PPID TTNAFOU Strong Biomarker [95]
PPIF TTRFQTB Strong Biomarker [95]
PPY TTIB95A Strong Biomarker [96]
PSCA TT9T4AV Strong Altered Expression [97]
PSEN2 TTWN3F4 Strong Biomarker [98]
PTPRC TTUS45N Strong Biomarker [99]
QPCT TTJ7YTV Strong Altered Expression [100]
RXRA TT6PEUO Strong Biomarker [101]
S100A9 TT0TMQG Strong Biomarker [102]
SDC1 TTYDSVG Strong Altered Expression [103]
SELPLG TTS5K8U Strong Biomarker [68]
SGCG TTSMT9W Strong Biomarker [26]
SLC11A2 TT2IS7P Strong Altered Expression [104]
SLC1A3 TT8WRDA Strong Altered Expression [105]
SLC2A12 TTZO36H Strong Altered Expression [106]
SLC8B1 TTJN46R Strong Biomarker [107]
SNCA TT08OSU Strong Biomarker [108]
SNCG TT5TQNZ Strong Biomarker [109]
SQSTM1 TTOT2RY Strong Altered Expression [77]
STS TTHM0R1 Strong Biomarker [110]
SV2A TTT3P91 Strong Altered Expression [111]
TICAM1 TT2GQT6 Strong Altered Expression [112]
TNFRSF17 TTZ3P4W Strong Altered Expression [113]
TNFRSF1A TTG043C Strong Biomarker [114]
TREM2 TTQRMSJ Strong Biomarker [115]
TRPC6 TTRBT3W Strong Biomarker [116]
TYRO3 TTIEMFN Strong Altered Expression [117]
TYRP1 TTFRV98 Strong Genetic Variation [118]
UCHL1 TTX9IFP Strong Biomarker [119]
ULK1 TT4D7MJ Strong Altered Expression [77]
FCGRT TTKLPHO Definitive Genetic Variation [120]
⏷ Show the Full List of 115 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 5 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ABCA7 DTDVSJA Strong Biomarker [121]
ABCB6 DTF9Y2V Strong Biomarker [122]
ABCC6 DT582KR Strong Biomarker [123]
SLC17A7 DTNK0FR Strong Altered Expression [111]
SLC25A38 DTV8SWX Strong Altered Expression [124]
This Disease Is Related to 3 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
AKR1C4 DEAJN47 Strong Biomarker [125]
DDAH1 DEY0TQC Strong Altered Expression [126]
MMEL1 DEYCUQ2 Strong Altered Expression [127]
This Disease Is Related to 162 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
A2M OTFTX90K Limited Genetic Variation [128]
ATXN7 OTL3YF1H Limited Biomarker [129]
DLX4 OTLWVCN4 Limited Altered Expression [130]
SUCLA2 OTMZD4PW Limited Biomarker [131]
TGFBI OTR443C5 Limited Biomarker [74]
TPPP OTCFMSUF Limited Biomarker [132]
DCLRE1B OT2LFW7A moderate Biomarker [133]
NEFL OTQESJV4 moderate Biomarker [134]
ABCG4 OT2XJIOG Strong Biomarker [135]
ABI2 OT8GIIS5 Strong Genetic Variation [136]
ACAN OTUOCW8K Strong Biomarker [137]
ACTRT1 OTHFKSIZ Strong Genetic Variation [136]
AFF1 OTT2C78E Strong Genetic Variation [138]
AGPS OTFBFPV4 Strong Biomarker [139]
ANO5 OTOW8R6H Strong Biomarker [140]
APBB2 OT1VD51B Strong Altered Expression [141]
APH1A OT97F1TU Strong Altered Expression [142]
APLP1 OTD176ZS Strong Biomarker [143]
APLP2 OTTFE53M Strong Altered Expression [144]
APOC2 OTLINYIQ Strong Biomarker [145]
AQP4 OTA9MYD5 Strong Biomarker [16]
ARC OTN2QQPG Strong Genetic Variation [146]
ARL6IP1 OT536XAV Strong Genetic Variation [136]
BMF OT90NSLI Strong Biomarker [147]
C1QA OT6XKVVA Strong Biomarker [33]
C1QC OTLE5U1P Strong Biomarker [33]
C4BPA OTHNH6Y8 Strong Biomarker [122]
C4BPB OTJ70B0K Strong Biomarker [148]
CALCOCO2 OTRGX0OV Strong Biomarker [149]
CAMK2G OTHD9KJG Strong Genetic Variation [150]
CAMK4 OT47RDGV Strong Genetic Variation [150]
CARD14 OTADQHOV Strong Biomarker [122]
CARTPT OTTE4V9S Strong Biomarker [151]
CD109 OTDADBM4 Strong Biomarker [92]
CDCA5 OTZLCQ5U Strong Genetic Variation [152]
CENPK OTKPUF8K Strong Biomarker [34]
CETN1 OTGQ8JOZ Strong Biomarker [153]
CHI3L1 OT2Z7VJH Strong Biomarker [134]
CHMP2B OTZA7RJB Strong Biomarker [154]
CHST6 OTXD2IWK Strong Genetic Variation [155]
CLDN16 OTTHAIKR Strong Biomarker [156]
CLDN5 OTUX60YO Strong Biomarker [157]
CLEC7A OTRTBH27 Strong Genetic Variation [33]
CLSTN3 OTPUFK4C Strong Biomarker [158]
COL25A1 OT7M23Z9 Strong Biomarker [159]
CRADD OT02TZ4S Strong Biomarker [160]
CST7 OTQWZUVQ Strong Genetic Variation [33]
CTNNBL1 OT6KLHPA Strong Biomarker [161]
CYLD OT37FKH0 Strong Biomarker [162]
DAB2IP OTF456VC Strong Genetic Variation [136]
DCTN4 OTM7C943 Strong Altered Expression [77]
DEFB103B OT8RWY64 Strong Biomarker [163]
DEGS1 OT4WXPKW Strong Biomarker [164]
DGCR2 OTEGL17Z Strong Biomarker [165]
DLG2 OTQ3BD8U Strong Biomarker [166]
DNAJB9 OT38EQT6 Strong Biomarker [167]
DUOX1 OTQ2AEW0 Strong Altered Expression [168]
EDAR OT3W2UQS Strong Biomarker [169]
EHHADH OTBAAHL5 Strong Biomarker [170]
EIF3A OTFABY9G Strong Biomarker [92]
ESCO1 OTZ9P12A Strong Biomarker [171]
FERMT2 OTZNPWWX Strong Genetic Variation [172]
FGA OTMIHY80 Strong Genetic Variation [173]
FLVCR1 OT9XCFOC Strong Biomarker [138]
FSIP1 OTYLL6GM Strong Biomarker [174]
FXR1 OTEMQ1SR Strong Biomarker [175]
GCHFR OTEOT8GI Strong Genetic Variation [152]
GCSAM OTZNOPYK Strong Biomarker [176]
GOLGA6A OTHU9MRX Strong Biomarker [177]
GTF2H1 OTCRXC6B Strong Altered Expression [77]
HPS5 OTLO2374 Strong Biomarker [178]
HTRA2 OTC7616F Strong Biomarker [119]
ITIH4 OT460OO1 Strong Biomarker [179]
ITM2B OTMXEPXB Strong Biomarker [180]
KIF1B OTI1XQTO Strong Genetic Variation [181]
KLC1 OTSTTTW7 Strong Genetic Variation [182]
LECT2 OTSFZ9JD Strong Biomarker [183]
LMNB1 OT100T3P Strong Biomarker [184]
LRP8 OTZ71YV2 Strong Altered Expression [185]
LRRTM3 OTCS7EM6 Strong Biomarker [186]
MAD2L1BP OT2O2IUJ Strong Genetic Variation [181]
MAGI2 OTXDDKZS Strong Genetic Variation [136]
MAP2 OT6UYT3X Strong Altered Expression [187]
MAP2K6 OTK13JKC Strong Biomarker [188]
MATN1 OTBRTCTQ Strong Altered Expression [189]
MCIDAS OTK1JVAH Strong Biomarker [190]
MFSD2A OTVG1VG0 Strong Biomarker [16]
MOK OTQK7M9V Strong Biomarker [191]
MT3 OTVCZ7HI Strong Biomarker [192]
MYOC OT6DAHNF Strong Biomarker [193]
NAV3 OT97M1TR Strong Biomarker [119]
NCF2 OTAUW7L2 Strong Genetic Variation [194]
NCSTN OT5QBTA4 Strong Altered Expression [15]
NEFH OTMSCW5I Strong Biomarker [195]
NFIA OTDHQ9CG Strong Biomarker [171]
NFIB OTX94PD0 Strong Biomarker [171]
NFIC OTLMCUIB Strong Biomarker [171]
NFIX OT1DPZAE Strong Biomarker [171]
NGB OTW0SIUY Strong Biomarker [196]
NLGN1 OTGHRRFQ Strong Altered Expression [197]
NLRP12 OTGR132Z Strong Genetic Variation [198]
NPHS2 OTLCNUII Strong Biomarker [199]
NPTX1 OTKVHCV0 Strong Biomarker [200]
NUP62 OTMN63DH Strong Altered Expression [77]
OCA2 OTDWIGBF Strong Altered Expression [201]
ODAM OTT666SJ Strong Biomarker [202]
OLFM1 OTOYPEWW Strong Biomarker [159]
OPTN OT2UXWH9 Strong Biomarker [149]
OSTN OTL4A57N Strong Biomarker [156]
PAGR1 OTXR5PQ8 Strong Altered Expression [59]
PDCD6IP OTS8T6A7 Strong Genetic Variation [136]
PHF6 OT8DXI40 Strong Biomarker [203]
PICALM OTQVRPMQ Strong Biomarker [204]
PINK1 OT50NR57 Strong Altered Expression [111]
PITX3 OTE2KT8P Strong Biomarker [91]
PLD3 OTL07SP2 Strong Altered Expression [205]
PPP3R1 OTGQNFJQ Strong Altered Expression [206]
PRLH OTJBP360 Strong Biomarker [207]
PVALB OTZW1WVQ Strong Biomarker [208]
PYCARD OT67RON3 Strong Biomarker [110]
QPCTL OTJD4K8A Strong Biomarker [209]
RAB11A OTC4FW0J Strong Biomarker [210]
RAB21 OTH3WGLG Strong Altered Expression [211]
RCBTB1 OTAYELI8 Strong Biomarker [177]
RELN OTLKMW1O Strong Biomarker [185]
RPL29 OTUFIBJL Strong Biomarker [212]
RTN3 OTGZ51QF Strong Biomarker [213]
RUNX1T1 OT30DED5 Strong Biomarker [125]
SAA4 OTCE1WXO Strong Genetic Variation [214]
SDF4 OTQ7WFYW Strong Biomarker [153]
SDS OT5WTJ2M Strong Biomarker [215]
SEMG1 OT6Z4BPQ Strong Biomarker [216]
SERPINB1 OT5RDUFO Strong Biomarker [156]
SERPINB6 OT7G55IK Strong Altered Expression [156]
SERPINB9 OTJ811IF Strong Altered Expression [156]
SFTPA1 OT87XL1U Strong Altered Expression [217]
SH2B1 OTJZO2CI Strong Biomarker [218]
SH2D1A OTLU49I5 Strong Biomarker [219]
SH2D3C OTAGXO0N Strong Biomarker [220]
SH3GL2 OTOE443G Strong Biomarker [221]
SHANK2 OTSQTPFQ Strong Altered Expression [111]
SNAP91 OTE3EXWZ Strong Biomarker [48]
SNX12 OTARRSWB Strong Biomarker [222]
SNX8 OTMG63Z6 Strong Biomarker [223]
SORL1 OTQ8FFNS Strong Biomarker [224]
SPRR2A OT62ZU6B Strong Altered Expression [77]
SRSF2 OTVDHO6U Strong Genetic Variation [225]
ST13 OTNML6UP Strong Biomarker [212]
STIP1 OT7TXLOX Strong Biomarker [226]
STOX1 OTED3YVO Strong Altered Expression [186]
SUMO4 OT9B447E Strong Genetic Variation [227]
SYN1 OTMNPWC1 Strong Biomarker [228]
SYNM OTOI8TRJ Strong Biomarker [58]
SYP OTFJKMO4 Strong Biomarker [119]
TMC4 OT8FX82D Strong Biomarker [71]
TMEM176B OTEGF2BV Strong Biomarker [229]
TNMD OTHLVA9G Strong Biomarker [162]
TOM1 OT30QA56 Strong Biomarker [230]
TOMM20 OT76TPR2 Strong Altered Expression [231]
TPSG1 OTDESHKT Strong Genetic Variation [232]
TRIM69 OTTEGTRD Strong Altered Expression [112]
TSHZ1 OTYQ9ECW Strong Biomarker [233]
⏷ Show the Full List of 162 DOT(s)


1 Acetylcysteine FDA Label
2 Cysteine Hydrochloride FDA Label
3 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 8450).
4 FDA Approved Drug Products from FDA Official Website. 2018. Application Number: (ANDA) 210922.
5 (NCT02175004) Open-Label Extension Assessing Long Term Safety and Efficacy of ISIS-TTR Rx in Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (FAP). U.S. National Institutes of Health.
6 Clinical pipeline report, company report or official report of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
7 (NCT02319005) ENDEAVOUR: Phase 3 Multicenter Study of Revusiran (ALN-TTRSC) in Patients With Transthyretin (TTR) Mediated Familial Amyloidotic Cardiomyopathy (FAC). U.S. National Institutes of Health.
8 (NCT00807872) Radioimmunoimaging of AL Amyloidosis. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
9 Clinical pipeline report, company report or official report of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc (2011).
10 (NCT01777243) A Study to Evaluate the Safety of GSK2398852 When Co-administered With GSK2315698 in Patients With Systemic Amyloidosis. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
11 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 8255).
12 Systemic and cerebral amyloidosis. Ann Med. 1989;21(2):69-72.
13 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800011960)
14 Deferiprone ameliorates memory impairment in Scopolamine-treated rats: The impact of its iron-chelating effect on -amyloid disposition.Behav Brain Res. 2020 Jan 27;378:112314. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112314. Epub 2019 Oct 20.
15 Age- and sex-dependent profiles of APP fragments and key secretases align with changes in despair-like behavior and cognition in young APPSwe/Ind mice.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 Apr 2;511(2):454-459. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.02.083. Epub 2019 Feb 22.
16 Long-term consumption of alcohol exacerbates neural lesions by destroying the functional integrity of the blood-brain barrier.Drug Chem Toxicol. 2022 Jan;45(1):231-238. doi: 10.1080/01480545.2019.1681444. Epub 2019 Nov 20.
17 Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel ferulic acid derivatives as multi-target-directed ligands for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.Bioorg Chem. 2020 Jan;94:103413. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103413. Epub 2019 Oct 30.
18 Latent role of in vitro Pb exposure in blocking Abeta clearance and triggering epigenetic modifications. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2019 Feb;66:14-23.
19 Resveratrol Attenuates the Cytotoxicity Induced by Amyloid-(1-42) in PC12 Cells by Upregulating Heme Oxygenase-1 via the PI3K/Akt/Nrf2 Pathway.Neurochem Res. 2018 Feb;43(2):297-305. doi: 10.1007/s11064-017-2421-7. Epub 2017 Oct 31.
20 In vivo localization of human acetylcholinesterase-derived species in a -sheet conformation at the core of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease.J Biol Chem. 2019 Apr 19;294(16):6253-6272. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.006230. Epub 2019 Feb 20.
21 Incremental value of amyloid-PET versus CSF in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2020 Feb;47(2):270-280. doi: 10.1007/s00259-019-04466-6. Epub 2019 Aug 6.
22 An In Vitro elucidation of the antiaggregatory potential of Diosminover thermally induced unfolding of hen egg white lysozyme; A preventive quest for lysozyme amyloidosis.Int J Biol Macromol. 2019 May 15;129:1015-1023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.02.107. Epub 2019 Feb 19.
23 Berberine mitigates cognitive decline in an Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model by targeting both tau hyperphosphorylation and autophagic clearance.Biomed Pharmacother. 2020 Jan;121:109670. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2019.109670. Epub 2019 Nov 22.
24 Phosphorylated TDP-43 Staging of Primary Age-Related Tauopathy.Neurosci Bull. 2019 Apr;35(2):183-192. doi: 10.1007/s12264-018-0300-0. Epub 2018 Oct 31.
25 Clusterin Is Required for -Amyloid Toxicity in Human iPSC-Derived Neurons.Front Neurosci. 2018 Jul 25;12:504. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00504. eCollection 2018.
26 Early Presymptomatic Changes in the Proteome of Mitochondria-Associated Membrane in the APP/PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Oct;55(10):7839-7857. doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-0955-6. Epub 2018 Feb 22.
27 Acat1 knockdown gene therapy decreases amyloid- in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.Mol Ther. 2013 Aug;21(8):1497-506. doi: 10.1038/mt.2013.118. Epub 2013 Jun 18.
28 Pharmacologic inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase improves memory, rescues synaptic dysfunction, and ameliorates tau pathology in a transgenic model of tauopathy.Biol Psychiatry. 2015 Nov 15;78(10):693-701. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.01.015. Epub 2015 Feb 7.
29 The Pentraxins 1975-2018: Serendipity, Diagnostics and Drugs.Front Immunol. 2018 Oct 16;9:2382. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02382. eCollection 2018.
30 Knockout of receptor for advanced glycation end-products attenuates age-related renal lesions.Aging Cell. 2019 Apr;18(2):e12850. doi: 10.1111/acel.12850. Epub 2019 Feb 22.
31 Composition and proteolytic processing of corneal deposits associated with mutations in the TGFBI gene.Exp Eye Res. 2012 Mar;96(1):163-70. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2011.11.014. Epub 2011 Dec 3.
32 Identification of BACE2 as an avid -amyloid-degrading protease.Mol Neurodegener. 2012 Sep 17;7:46. doi: 10.1186/1750-1326-7-46.
33 Integrative approach to sporadic Alzheimer's disease:deficiency of TYROBPin cerebral A amyloidosis mouse normalizes clinical phenotype and complement subnetwork molecular pathology without reducing A burden.Mol Psychiatry. 2019 Mar;24(3):431-446. doi: 10.1038/s41380-018-0255-6. Epub 2018 Oct 3.
34 Effects of the Pentapeptide P33 on Memory and Synaptic Plasticity in APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice: A Novel Mechanism Presenting the Protein Fe65 as a Target.Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jun 22;20(12):3050. doi: 10.3390/ijms20123050.
35 Micro-RNA-137 Inhibits Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Alzheimer's Disease and Targets the CACNA1C Gene in Transgenic Mice and Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells.Med Sci Monit. 2018 Aug 13;24:5635-5644. doi: 10.12659/MSM.908765.
36 Amyloid-beta induced paralysis is reduced by cholecalciferol through inhibition of the steroid-signaling pathway in an Alzheimer model of Caenorhabditis elegans.Nutr Neurosci. 2021 Feb;24(2):82-89. doi: 10.1080/1028415X.2019.1596371. Epub 2019 Mar 25.
37 Potential Enzymatic Targets in Alzheimer's: A Comprehensive Review.Curr Drug Targets. 2019;20(3):316-339. doi: 10.2174/1389450119666180820104723.
38 Correction: Perinatal Choline Supplementation Reduces Amyloidosis and Increases Choline Acetyltransferase Expression in the Hippocampus of the APPswePS1dE9 Alzheimer's Disease Model Mice.PLoS One. 2017 Mar 23;12(3):e0174875. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174875. eCollection 2017.
39 Chitotriosidase enhances TGF-Smad signaling and uptake of -amyloid in N9 microglia.Neurosci Lett. 2018 Nov 20;687:99-103. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2018.09.037. Epub 2018 Sep 21.
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