General Information of Disease (ID: DISWO58J)

Disease Name Neuralgia
Synonyms pain, nerve; paroxysmal nerve pains; paroxysmal nerve pain; pain, neuropathic; neuralgia
Definition A pain disorder characterize by pain in the distribution of a nerve or nerves
Disease Hierarchy
DIS7KN5G: Peripheral neuropathy
DISWO58J: Neuralgia
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 3 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Capsaicin DMGMF6V Approved Small molecular drug [1]
Lidocaine DML4ZOT Approved Small molecular drug [2]
Pregabalin DMDVP3B Approved Small molecular drug [3]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 184 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
AAK1 TT0Z32T Limited Biomarker [4]
ATF3 TTCE793 Limited Biomarker [5]
CREB1 TTH4AN3 Limited Biomarker [6]
CRHR1 TT7EFHR Limited Altered Expression [7]
CX3CL1 TT1OFBQ Limited Biomarker [8]
CXCR4 TTBID49 Limited Biomarker [9]
CYP17A1 TTRA5BZ Limited Biomarker [10]
GAD2 TT7UY6K Limited Biomarker [11]
GFAP TTI6FFX Limited Altered Expression [12]
HDAC2 TTSHTOI Limited Biomarker [13]
JUN TTS7IR5 Limited Biomarker [14]
MGLL TTZ963I Limited Biomarker [15]
MTNR1B TT32JK8 Limited Biomarker [16]
MYD88 TTB6Q2O Limited Biomarker [17]
NLRP1 TTQX29T Limited Biomarker [18]
OPRD1 TT27RFC Limited Biomarker [19]
P2RX1 TTJW7B3 Limited Biomarker [20]
P2RY1 TTA93TL Limited Biomarker [20]
P2RY6 TTNVSKA Limited Biomarker [21]
S1PR1 TT9JZCK Limited Biomarker [22]
SCN9A TT4G2JS Limited Biomarker [23]
SLC6A5 TTI0138 Limited Biomarker [24]
SNAP25 TTYQWA0 Limited Biomarker [25]
TMPRSS6 TTL9KE7 Limited Biomarker [16]
WAS TTE8T73 Limited Biomarker [26]
KCNK18 TTHT87J Disputed Biomarker [27]
ADCYAP1 TTW4LYC moderate Altered Expression [28]
ADORA1 TTK25J1 moderate Biomarker [29]
AIMP2 TTXWHGF moderate Altered Expression [30]
AKT3 TTO6SGY moderate Biomarker [31]
ANO1 TTOJI4S moderate Biomarker [32]
ANXA10 TT0NL6U moderate Biomarker [33]
CCL21 TTLZK1U moderate Genetic Variation [34]
CCL3 TT8I4WB moderate Biomarker [35]
CCR2 TTFZYTO moderate Biomarker [36]
CHRNA4 TT4H1MQ moderate Biomarker [37]
CRK TTFEUYR moderate Altered Expression [30]
CSF1 TT0IQER moderate Biomarker [38]
CXCL13 TT0NIZ1 moderate Biomarker [39]
CXCR5 TTIW59R moderate Biomarker [39]
EBI3 TTJF68X moderate Biomarker [40]
FKBP4 TTHY0FT moderate Biomarker [41]
FKBP5 TT0J5KQ moderate Biomarker [41]
GAD1 TTKGEP3 moderate Biomarker [42]
GAL TTXZAJ5 moderate Biomarker [43]
GALR1 TTX3HNZ moderate Biomarker [43]
GAP43 TTSGLN5 moderate Biomarker [44]
GCH1 TTLSWP6 moderate Genetic Variation [45]
GJD2 TTOZAFI moderate Altered Expression [46]
GPR35 TT254XD moderate Biomarker [47]
GPR55 TTNET8J moderate Biomarker [48]
GRIA2 TTWM461 moderate Biomarker [49]
GRIN2B TTN9D8E moderate Altered Expression [50]
GRM1 TTVBPDM moderate Altered Expression [51]
GRM2 TTXJ47W moderate Biomarker [52]
HCN2 TT9EUT4 moderate Biomarker [53]
HCRT TTU5HJP moderate Biomarker [54]
HDAC1 TT6R7JZ moderate Altered Expression [13]
HTR2C TTWJBZ5 moderate Biomarker [55]
IRAK1 TTXAJWN moderate Altered Expression [56]
KCNA2 TTVFB0O moderate Altered Expression [57]
KCNMA1 TTE87WJ moderate Biomarker [58]
KCNQ2 TTPXI3S moderate Altered Expression [59]
KMO TTIY56R moderate Biomarker [60]
LAMP2 TTULDG7 moderate Altered Expression [61]
LPAR1 TTQ6S1K moderate Biomarker [62]
MAPK14 TTQBR95 moderate Altered Expression [30]
NGF TTDN3LF moderate Genetic Variation [63]
OPRK1 TTQW87Y moderate Biomarker [64]
OPRL1 TTNT7K8 moderate Biomarker [65]
P2RX4 TT1NLOA moderate Biomarker [66]
PRKCG TTRFOXJ moderate Altered Expression [67]
PTK2B TTTEFBV moderate Biomarker [68]
SCN10A TT90XZ8 moderate Genetic Variation [69]
SCN11A TTN9VTF moderate Biomarker [69]
SLC1A2 TT2F078 moderate Altered Expression [70]
SORT1 TTRX9AV moderate Biomarker [71]
TACR1 TTZPO1L moderate Biomarker [72]
TLR5 TTCXP8J moderate Altered Expression [73]
TLR8 TT8CWFK moderate Biomarker [74]
TRAF6 TTCDR6M moderate Biomarker [75]
TRPA1 TTELV3W moderate Biomarker [76]
ADCYAP1R1 TT5OREU Strong Biomarker [77]
ADRA2A TTWG9A4 Strong Biomarker [78]
ADRA2C TT2NUT5 Strong Biomarker [78]
AGER TTMO9HF Strong Biomarker [79]
AGRP TT4DE1O Strong Biomarker [80]
AGTR2 TTQVOEI Strong Biomarker [81]
AIF1 TT12MEP Strong Altered Expression [82]
AQP9 TTQEI32 Strong Biomarker [83]
ATAT1 TTWUHQ1 Strong Biomarker [84]
BACE1 TTJUNZF Strong Altered Expression [85]
C1QB TT8A9DM Strong Biomarker [86]
C3AR1 TTI6B3F Strong Altered Expression [87]
CA7 TTJC376 Strong Genetic Variation [88]
CACNA1B TT4FDG6 Strong Altered Expression [89]
CACNA2D1 TTFK1JQ Strong Biomarker [90]
CALCA TTVSFJW Strong Biomarker [91]
CAPN2 TTG5QB7 Strong Biomarker [92]
CARM1 TTIZQFJ Strong Biomarker [93]
CASP6 TTKW4ML Strong Biomarker [94]
CLCN3 TT8XNZ7 Strong Biomarker [95]
CMKLR1 TT4UGZL Strong Biomarker [96]
CNR2 TTMSFAW Strong Biomarker [97]
CPS1 TT42M75 Strong Biomarker [98]
CTSE TTLXC4Q Strong Biomarker [99]
CTSS TTUMQVO Strong Biomarker [100]
CX3CR1 TT2T98G Strong Biomarker [101]
CXCR3 TT1UCIJ Strong Biomarker [102]
DAGLB TTXZDEN Strong Altered Expression [103]
DAO TT7Y3EJ Strong Biomarker [104]
DNMT3A TTJUALD Strong Biomarker [105]
DPP10 TTOVUPC Strong Biomarker [106]
DRD1 TTZFYLI Strong Biomarker [107]
DRD2 TTEX248 Strong Altered Expression [108]
DUSP5 TTZN92A Strong Altered Expression [109]
ENPP2 TTSCIM2 Strong Biomarker [110]
FCER1G TTDGEC0 Strong Biomarker [111]
FCGR1A TTZK4I3 Strong Biomarker [112]
FFAR1 TTB8FUC Strong Biomarker [113]
FURIN TTH9WF6 Strong Biomarker [114]
GDNF TTF23ML Strong Biomarker [115]
GLA TTIS03D Strong Altered Expression [116]
GPR132 TTNBW4F Strong Biomarker [117]
GPR3 TTHZVSK Strong Biomarker [118]
GPR34 TTVXSTQ Strong Biomarker [119]
GPR84 TTG0MQD Strong Biomarker [120]
GRIA1 TTVPQTF Strong Posttranslational Modification [25]
GRIN1 TTLD29N Strong Biomarker [121]
GRK2 TTAZ3MN Strong Biomarker [122]
GRM5 TTHS256 Strong Biomarker [123]
GRM7 TT0I76D Strong Biomarker [124]
GRM8 TT0IFKL Strong Biomarker [124]
HCAR2 TTWNV8U Strong Biomarker [125]
HCN1 TTNB6UQ Strong Biomarker [126]
HMGB1 TTWQYB7 Strong Altered Expression [127]
HTR1A TTSQIFT Strong Altered Expression [128]
HTR2B TT0K1SC Strong Biomarker [55]
IDO2 TTALN9W Strong Biomarker [60]
IRF8 TTHUBNK Strong Biomarker [18]
ITGAM TTB69FJ Strong Biomarker [129]
KCNK3 TTGR91N Strong Biomarker [130]
KCNK9 TTL4FMB Strong Biomarker [130]
KDM4A TTZHPB8 Strong Altered Expression [131]
KDR TTUTJGQ Strong Biomarker [132]
LY96 TT8S9AV Strong Biomarker [133]
LYZ TTAOZBW Strong Biomarker [134]
MAP2K2 TT8H9GB Strong Biomarker [135]
MAP3K4 TT1RSX7 Strong Altered Expression [136]
MAPKAP1 TTWDKCL Strong Biomarker [35]
MC4R TTD0CIQ Strong Biomarker [137]
MELTF TT8OBT3 Strong Biomarker [138]
MGAT1 TTYJRN5 Strong Biomarker [139]
MKNK1 TTEZAUX Strong Biomarker [140]
NOS1 TTZUFI5 Strong Therapeutic [141]
NTN1 TT0AH4L Strong Altered Expression [142]
NTRK1 TTTDVOJ Strong Altered Expression [143]
OAT TTTSCQ2 Strong Biomarker [144]
OPRM1 TTKWM86 Strong Biomarker [145]
P2RX3 TT2THBD Strong Altered Expression [146]
P2RY12 TTZ1DT0 Strong Biomarker [147]
P2RY13 TT1FE3L Strong Biomarker [148]
P2RY2 TTOZHQC Strong Biomarker [20]
PDXP TT9UYG4 Strong Biomarker [149]
PRKG1 TT7IZSA Strong Biomarker [150]
RGMA TTURJV4 Strong Biomarker [151]
RIPK2 TTCQ2E5 Strong Biomarker [152]
RNF34 TTEWDK1 Strong Altered Expression [153]
S1PR2 TTVSMOH Strong Biomarker [154]
SETD7 TTJ0FSU Strong Biomarker [155]
SLC11A2 TT2IS7P Strong Biomarker [156]
SLC12A5 TTH6UZY Strong Altered Expression [157]
SLC6A9 TTHJTF7 Strong Biomarker [139]
SSTR2 TTZ6T9E Strong Altered Expression [158]
TDO2 TTXNCBV Strong Biomarker [60]
TKTL1 TTNQ1J3 Strong Genetic Variation [159]
TLR4 TTISGCA Strong Altered Expression [50]
TRPM8 TTXDKTO Strong Biomarker [160]
USP5 TTGYTMA Strong Altered Expression [161]
VEGFB TTPJQHE Strong Biomarker [162]
ZWINT TTWY768 Strong Altered Expression [163]
DLG4 TT9PB26 Definitive Biomarker [164]
SLC5A1 TT2UE56 Definitive Genetic Variation [4]
UTS2 TTERU0T Definitive Biomarker [165]
⏷ Show the Full List of 184 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 4 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC17A6 DT5LHCR moderate Altered Expression [166]
SLC35A1 DTVZIRG moderate Biomarker [167]
SLC52A1 DT7NOKR moderate Altered Expression [168]
KCNK2 DTENHUP Strong Altered Expression [169]
This Disease Is Related to 5 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
MT2A DEFKGT7 Limited Biomarker [16]
FAAH DEUM1EX moderate Biomarker [170]
FXYD2 DEULQ45 Strong Biomarker [171]
HINT1 DEWJATF Strong Biomarker [172]
PGPEP1 DEVDR46 Strong Biomarker [173]
This Disease Is Related to 137 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
AMBRA1 OTY0YGT9 Limited Biomarker [174]
ARTN OTWIWGL6 Limited Biomarker [80]
ATP2B2 OT1NPZ9T Limited Biomarker [175]
CNTN3 OTC1274J Limited Biomarker [176]
DECR1 OTCDIR6X Limited Biomarker [177]
ELAVL2 OT6EJ8MQ Limited Genetic Variation [14]
P2RX5 OTLBR20R Limited Biomarker [20]
P2RX6 OT1FNTXA Limited Biomarker [20]
PNOC OTJEAADN Limited Biomarker [65]
AHSA1 OTC7AFHT moderate Altered Expression [30]
CASZ1 OTWJ2OR8 moderate Biomarker [167]
CHGA OTXYX5JH moderate Biomarker [167]
CNTNAP2 OT48T2ZP moderate Genetic Variation [178]
DUSP6 OT4H6RKW moderate Biomarker [179]
ERVW-1 OTWV8DXJ moderate Biomarker [180]
FERMT1 OT626PBA moderate Altered Expression [181]
GAL3ST1 OTSFFZRD moderate Biomarker [167]
GPR151 OT7EACU6 moderate Genetic Variation [182]
GRAP2 OTS5NIZ3 moderate Altered Expression [30]
ITIH4 OT460OO1 moderate Biomarker [183]
JMJD6 OTILR7E4 moderate Biomarker [184]
MZB1 OT071TET moderate Altered Expression [185]
NOL3 OT1K0L0D moderate Biomarker [65]
NOS1AP OTDFOBRU moderate Biomarker [186]
PAX2 OTKP1N8F moderate Altered Expression [187]
PINK1 OT50NR57 moderate Biomarker [188]
POLDIP2 OT8SZSJ6 moderate Altered Expression [30]
PRRT2 OTCJUBDO moderate Altered Expression [189]
RNF19A OTKWCV80 moderate Altered Expression [30]
TAT OT2CJ91O moderate Biomarker [190]
ADARB1 OTGKSZEV Strong Biomarker [191]
ANXA3 OTDD8OI7 Strong Biomarker [192]
APOC1 OTA58CED Strong Altered Expression [110]
ATP5F1E OTMPLAIS Strong Biomarker [104]
ATPSCKMT OTMPVCHS Strong Biomarker [193]
AVIL OTUK67IT Strong Biomarker [194]
BRAP OTB7BAFQ Strong Biomarker [195]
CALB2 OTSNMCG9 Strong Biomarker [196]
CAPS2 OT45M743 Strong Biomarker [197]
CAV3 OTWSFDB4 Strong Biomarker [198]
CCL1 OT23NON8 Strong Biomarker [199]
CDK5RAP1 OTDEJXD0 Strong Biomarker [200]
CFL1 OTT6D5MH Strong Therapeutic [201]
CLEC4E OT7P8ICY Strong Biomarker [202]
CREB3L4 OTSGQGT2 Strong Biomarker [6]
CTNND2 OTYKE30Y Strong Biomarker [203]
CTSZ OTSCX2LL Strong Biomarker [100]
CXCL17 OTRCEVIZ Strong Biomarker [47]
CXCL3 OTSL94KH Strong Biomarker [204]
DLX5 OTEEFBEU Strong Biomarker [19]
DNAH8 OTGES2OU Strong Biomarker [205]
EHD2 OTTX391J Strong Biomarker [206]
FBXO45 OTD4D2OP Strong Biomarker [207]
FLRT3 OT3XMZU3 Strong Biomarker [208]
FRS2 OTDMD800 Strong Biomarker [209]
FZR1 OT0WGWZS Strong Biomarker [104]
GABPA OT9YB2SA Strong Biomarker [210]
GDF10 OTEVXGJ7 Strong Biomarker [211]
GFRA1 OT3WBVYB Strong Biomarker [212]
GFRA2 OT34CXNN Strong Biomarker [213]
GRK1 OT7MPSG7 Strong Biomarker [214]
HCCS OTQE88BE Strong Biomarker [215]
HCN3 OTMO1ZYQ Strong Biomarker [216]
IKBKE OT5VYOSM Strong Biomarker [217]
IMPA1 OTBUVW1Z Strong Biomarker [195]
INPP5F OTPKUY50 Strong Biomarker [218]
KCNIP2 OTY4BLOJ Strong Biomarker [106]
KCNK10 OT93GC7V Strong Biomarker [219]
KCNK13 OTMOT2KX Strong Biomarker [220]
KCNMB3 OT2SRKQE Strong Biomarker [58]
KCNS1 OTD8GEO0 Strong Biomarker [221]
KIF2A OT2WQ6QD Strong Altered Expression [222]
KLF15 OTGMQMVR Strong Biomarker [108]
LPCAT2 OT6NTBAA Strong Biomarker [223]
LPIN1 OTQ75KF2 Strong Biomarker [173]
LRPAP1 OT6DVD2Q Strong Biomarker [224]
MAFB OTH2N3T8 Strong Altered Expression [225]
MAPK6 OTDDNF3Q Strong Biomarker [226]
MATN1 OTBRTCTQ Strong Genetic Variation [227]
MBD1 OTD19VO6 Strong Biomarker [228]
MCC OTQVI1EM Strong Biomarker [229]
MDH2 OT7364GY Strong Altered Expression [230]
MEF2A OTV2SF6E Strong Biomarker [5]
METTL9 OT3YR9B2 Strong Biomarker [173]
MOS OTNMQPFJ Strong Biomarker [231]
MPG OTAHW80B Strong Biomarker [232]
MRGPRD OTTMOJ8U Strong Biomarker [233]
MZF1 OTMVZCPW Strong Biomarker [234]
NEO1 OTGJ1997 Strong Biomarker [151]
NFAT5 OTKIE59S Strong Biomarker [235]
NLN OTFRITPU Strong Biomarker [236]
NOC2L OTNT7R33 Strong Biomarker [215]
NPAS4 OTA3HH6W Strong Biomarker [237]
NPBWR1 OTN8NRXK Strong Altered Expression [238]
OPN1MW OTPJ7LX4 Strong Biomarker [239]
OPN4 OT1LZ7TS Strong Biomarker [236]
P2RX2 OT0LF34A Strong Biomarker [20]
PANX1 OTXPEDOK Strong Biomarker [240]
PCP2 OT3LUE9M Strong Genetic Variation [241]
PDAP1 OTJSWMOD Strong Biomarker [173]
PDYN OTEJ6430 Strong Biomarker [64]
PENK OT8P3HMP Strong Biomarker [242]
PGP OT6QQ7OR Strong Genetic Variation [44]
PHEX OTG7N3J7 Strong Biomarker [243]
PLCB3 OT0OMDEM Strong Biomarker [244]
PLP1 OT8CM9CX Strong Biomarker [149]
PLXND1 OTNK9ALK Strong Biomarker [245]
PROK2 OT70IFEZ Strong Biomarker [246]
PSMG1 OTZ5I6UM Strong Biomarker [77]
PVALB OTZW1WVQ Strong Biomarker [247]
RAB8A OTPB54Y3 Strong Biomarker [248]
REST OTLL92LQ Strong Altered Expression [249]
RGS10 OTQ8N1QH Strong Altered Expression [250]
RGS7 OTDQA90X Strong Altered Expression [251]
RGS9 OTRA1LOC Strong Altered Expression [252]
RGS9BP OTE0U1OQ Strong Genetic Variation [252]
RP9 OTGQY66H Strong Biomarker [173]
RPTOR OT4TQZ9F Strong Biomarker [35]
RTL1 OTOT33IM Strong Biomarker [253]
RYK OTZ3WWZH Strong Biomarker [254]
SETMAR OTE2MIMZ Strong Biomarker [253]
SGK3 OTQ6QO99 Strong Biomarker [255]
SNX8 OTMG63Z6 Strong Genetic Variation [241]
SPX OTY3G4AR Strong Biomarker [256]
SRI OT4R3EAC Strong Biomarker [257]
SRL OT7IEBWZ Strong Biomarker [258]
ST3GAL4 OTNENJZQ Strong Biomarker [259]
SYNM OTOI8TRJ Strong Biomarker [260]
TBCA OTCCWMGK Strong Biomarker [261]
TCF12 OTZVONNU Strong Biomarker [262]
TET1 OTZDHT1D Strong Biomarker [263]
THBS4 OTA1T9KK Strong Biomarker [264]
TNFAIP1 OT37EWR0 Strong Biomarker [265]
TNFSF8 OTDYGDJ3 Strong Altered Expression [214]
TNPO1 OT7W2CM8 Strong Biomarker [35]
TRAM1 OT3I0H8E Strong Biomarker [266]
PRX OT34Z10B Definitive Biomarker [267]
⏷ Show the Full List of 137 DOT(s)


1 Capsaicin FDA Label
2 Lidocaine FDA Label
3 Pregabalin FDA Label
4 Predicting human disease mutations and identifying drug targets from mouse gene knockout phenotyping campaigns.Dis Model Mech. 2019 May 7;12(5):dmm038224. doi: 10.1242/dmm.038224.
5 Identification of key candidate genes in neuropathic pain by integrated bioinformatic analysis.J Cell Biochem. 2020 Feb;121(2):1635-1648. doi: 10.1002/jcb.29398. Epub 2019 Sep 18.
6 Modulating cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 attenuates functional and behavioural deficits in rat model of neuropathic pain.Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2019 Mar;23(6):2602-2611. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_201903_17410.
7 Contribution of Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Receptor 1 (CRF1) to Serotonin Receptor 5-HT(2C)R Function in Amygdala Neurons in a Neuropathic Pain Model.Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Sep 6;20(18):4380. doi: 10.3390/ijms20184380.
8 (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Antihyperalgesic Effect Associates With Reduced CX3CL1 Chemokine Expression in Spinal Cord.Phytother Res. 2017 Feb;31(2):340-344. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5753. Epub 2016 Nov 29.
9 CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling contributes to neuropathic pain via central sensitization mechanisms in a rat spinal nerve ligation model.CNS Neurosci Ther. 2019 Sep;25(9):922-936. doi: 10.1111/cns.13128. Epub 2019 Apr 7.
10 Spinal cytochrome P450c17 plays a key role in the development of neuropathic mechanical allodynia: Involvement of astrocyte sigma-1 receptors.Neuropharmacology. 2019 May 1;149:169-180. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2019.02.013. Epub 2019 Feb 20.
11 Normalizing HDAC2 Levels in the Spinal Cord Alleviates Thermal and Mechanical Hyperalgesia After Peripheral Nerve Injury and Promotes GAD65 and KCC2 Expression.Front Neurosci. 2019 Apr 10;13:346. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00346. eCollection 2019.
12 Picroside II Attenuates CCI-Induced Neuropathic Pain in Rats by Inhibiting Spinal Reactive Astrocyte-Mediated Neuroinflammation Through the NF-B Pathway.Neurochem Res. 2018 May;43(5):1058-1066. doi: 10.1007/s11064-018-2518-7. Epub 2018 Apr 18.
13 HDAC2, but not HDAC1, regulates Kv1.2 expression to mediate neuropathic pain in CCI rats.Neuroscience. 2019 Jun 1;408:339-348. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2019.03.033. Epub 2019 Apr 23.
14 Identification of Key Pathways and Genes in L4 Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) After Sciatic Nerve Injury via Microarray Analysis.J Invest Surg. 2020 Feb;33(2):172-180. doi: 10.1080/08941939.2018.1452996. Epub 2018 Apr 19.
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16 Melatonin MT2 receptor agonist IIK-7 produces antinociception by modulation of ROS and suppression of spinal microglial activation in neuropathic pain rats.J Pain Res. 2019 Aug 8;12:2473-2485. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S214671. eCollection 2019.
17 Effect of Toll-Like Receptor 4/Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88 Inhibition by Salvianolic Acid B on Neuropathic Pain After Spinal Cord Injury in Mice.World Neurosurg. 2019 Dec;132:e529-e534. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.08.086. Epub 2019 Aug 23.
18 Downregulated spinal IRF8 and BDNF in NAC are involved in neuropathic pain-induced depression relief via pulsed radiofrequency on dorsal root ganglion in rat SNI model.Brain Res Bull. 2019 Mar;146:192-200. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2019.01.008. Epub 2019 Jan 9.
19 Mu and delta opioid receptors play opposite nociceptive and behavioural roles on nerve-injured mice.Br J Pharmacol. 2020 Mar;177(5):1187-1205. doi: 10.1111/bph.14911. Epub 2020 Feb 10.
20 P2Y(12) deficiency in mouse impairs noradrenergic system in brain, and alters anxiety-like neurobehavior and memory.Genes Brain Behav. 2019 Feb;18(2):e12458. doi: 10.1111/gbb.12458. Epub 2018 Feb 9.
21 The role of P2Y6 receptors in the maintenance of neuropathic pain and its improvement of oxidative stress in rats.J Cell Biochem. 2019 Oct;120(10):17123-17130. doi: 10.1002/jcb.28972. Epub 2019 May 20.
22 Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 activation in astrocytes contributes to neuropathic pain.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 May 21;116(21):10557-10562. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1820466116. Epub 2019 May 8.
23 MicroRNA-182 Alleviates Neuropathic Pain by Regulating Nav1.7 Following Spared Nerve Injury in Rats.Sci Rep. 2018 Nov 13;8(1):16750. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-34755-3.
24 Glycine transporter inhibitors: A new avenue for managing neuropathic pain.Brain Res Bull. 2019 Oct;152:143-158. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2019.07.008. Epub 2019 Jul 11.
25 Spinal SNAP-25 regulates membrane trafficking of GluA1-containing AMPA receptors in spinal injury-induced neuropathic pain in rats.Neurosci Lett. 2020 Jan 10;715:134616. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2019.134616. Epub 2019 Nov 6.
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27 Chemically Modified Derivatives of the Activator Compound Cloxyquin Exert Inhibitory Effect on TRESK (K(2P)18.1) Background Potassium Channel.Mol Pharmacol. 2019 Jun;95(6):652-660. doi: 10.1124/mol.118.115626. Epub 2019 Apr 12.
28 PACAP and VIP expression in the periaqueductal grey of the rat following sciatic nerve constriction injury.Neuropeptides. 2019 Apr;74:60-69. doi: 10.1016/j.npep.2018.12.002. Epub 2018 Dec 15.
29 Downregulation of adenosine and adenosine A1 receptor contributes to neuropathic pain in resiniferatoxin neuropathy.Pain. 2018 Aug;159(8):1580-1591. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001246.
30 Astrocyte activation in the periaqueductal gray promotes descending facilitation to cancer-induced bone pain through the JNK MAPK signaling pathway.Mol Pain. 2019 Jan-Dec;15:1744806919831909. doi: 10.1177/1744806919831909.
31 Effects of miR-150 on neuropathic pain process via targeting AKT3.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 Sep 24;517(3):532-537. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.07.061. Epub 2019 Jul 31.
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