General Information of Disease (ID: DISIJDBA)

Disease Name Anxiety
Synonyms harm avoidance; anxiety-related personality traits; anxiety
Disease Hierarchy
DISBI2BT: Anxiety disorder
DISD715V: Hereditary neurological disease
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 16 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Alprazolam DMC7XDN Approved Small molecular drug [1]
Chlordiazepoxide DMTN5XI Approved Small molecular drug [2]
Citalopram DM2G9AE Approved Small molecular drug [3]
Clorazepate DMC3JST Approved Small molecular drug [4]
Diazepam DM08E9O Approved Small molecular drug [5]
Doxepin DMPI98T Approved Small molecular drug [6]
Ketamine DMT5HA4 Approved Small molecular drug [7]
Lorazepam DM84ZXF Approved Small molecular drug [8]
Meprobamate DMHM93Y Approved Small molecular drug [9]
Methamphetamine DMPM4SK Approved Small molecular drug [10]
Methylphenobarbital DMDSWAG Approved Small molecular drug [11]
Midazolam DMXOELT Approved Small molecular drug [12]
Oxazepam DMXNZM4 Approved Small molecular drug [13]
Oxprenolol DM51OQW Approved Small molecular drug [14]
Prazepam DMEWC7N Approved Small molecular drug [15]
Trifluoperazine DMKBYWI Approved Small molecular drug [16]
⏷ Show the Full List of 16 Drug(s)

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 163 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ADRA2B TTWM4TY Limited Altered Expression [17]
APLN TT87D3J Limited Altered Expression [18]
CACNA1C TTZIFHC Limited Genetic Variation [19]
CAMKK2 TTV298Y Limited Biomarker [20]
CCKBR TTVFO0U Limited Altered Expression [21]
CFI TT6ATLX Limited Biomarker [22]
CFP TTLA0VS Limited Genetic Variation [23]
CHRNA2 TTF4E0J Limited Biomarker [24]
CHRNA4 TT4H1MQ Limited Biomarker [25]
CNP TT71P0H Limited Altered Expression [26]
CNR2 TTMSFAW Limited Biomarker [27]
CPM TTVOH2M Limited Biomarker [28]
CRHBP TT3PKZE Limited Biomarker [29]
DYRK1A TTSBVFO Limited Biomarker [30]
FDPS TTIKWV4 Limited Biomarker [31]
FES TTLBY21 Limited Biomarker [31]
FKBP4 TTHY0FT Limited Genetic Variation [32]
FST TTDNM9W Limited Biomarker [33]
GABRA2 TTBMV1G Limited Biomarker [34]
GAL TTXZAJ5 Limited Biomarker [35]
GALR2 TTBPW3J Limited Biomarker [36]
GPER1 TTDSB34 Limited Biomarker [37]
GPNMB TT7315J Limited Genetic Variation [38]
GPR55 TTNET8J Limited Biomarker [39]
GRIA1 TTVPQTF Limited Biomarker [40]
GRIA2 TTWM461 Limited Altered Expression [41]
GRM5 TTHS256 Limited Biomarker [42]
HCRTR1 TT60Q8D Limited Genetic Variation [43]
HSD11B2 TT9H85R Limited Genetic Variation [44]
HTR1B TTK8CXU Limited Altered Expression [45]
HTR6 TTJS8PY Limited Biomarker [46]
HTT TTIWZ0O Limited Biomarker [47]
IL15RA TTGN89I Limited Altered Expression [48]
JAG2 TTOJY1B Limited Genetic Variation [49]
MAOB TTGP7BY Limited Biomarker [50]
MC1R TT0MV2T Limited Altered Expression [51]
MC4R TTD0CIQ Limited Biomarker [52]
MCHR1 TTX4RTB Limited Biomarker [53]
MGLL TTZ963I Limited Biomarker [54]
MKNK1 TTEZAUX Limited Genetic Variation [55]
MSMB TTYH1ZK Limited Biomarker [56]
NFKB2 TTKLNRV Limited Biomarker [57]
NPTX2 TTNJ5A6 Limited Biomarker [58]
NPY1R TTRK9JT Limited Biomarker [59]
NQO2 TTJLP0R Limited Genetic Variation [60]
NR1D1 TTAD1O8 Limited Biomarker [61]
OPRK1 TTQW87Y Limited Biomarker [62]
PDE4B TTVIAT9 Limited Altered Expression [63]
PDE7B TTWIEY9 Limited Biomarker [64]
PLTP TTZF6SN Limited Biomarker [65]
PMEL TT8MK59 Limited Biomarker [57]
PREP TTNGKET Limited Biomarker [66]
PSMB6 TT8EPLT Limited Altered Expression [67]
PYY TTVFJLX Limited Biomarker [68]
SDHD TTVH9W8 Limited Biomarker [69]
SF3B1 TTL2WUI Limited Biomarker [70]
SGCA TTS9Q5V Limited Genetic Variation [71]
SLC18A2 TTNZRI3 Limited Genetic Variation [72]
SLC1A1 TTG2A6F Limited Altered Expression [73]
SLC1A3 TT8WRDA Limited Altered Expression [41]
SLC33A1 TTL69WB Limited Biomarker [74]
SLC38A1 TT1YE9Z Limited Genetic Variation [75]
SLC6A1 TTPRKM0 Limited Biomarker [76]
SRD5A1 TTTU72V Limited Genetic Variation [77]
TAAR1 TTIU98M Limited Biomarker [78]
TACR1 TTZPO1L Limited Biomarker [79]
TH TTUHP71 Limited Altered Expression [80]
TPH1 TTZSJHV Limited Biomarker [81]
TRPC5 TT32NQ1 Limited Biomarker [82]
UNC13B TT948FC Limited Biomarker [83]
GABRA5 TTNZPQ1 Disputed Genetic Variation [84]
GRIK1 TT0MYE2 Disputed Biomarker [85]
LIPA TTS8T1M Disputed Genetic Variation [86]
MBOAT4 TTSYOWR Disputed Biomarker [87]
BCHE TT3MSAO moderate Genetic Variation [88]
SNCA TT08OSU moderate Genetic Variation [89]
WAS TTE8T73 moderate Altered Expression [90]
ADCYAP1 TTW4LYC Strong Biomarker [91]
ADCYAP1R1 TT5OREU Strong Biomarker [92]
ADRA1A TTNGILX Strong Biomarker [93]
ALPL TTMR5UV Strong Genetic Variation [94]
AMD1 TTBFROQ Strong Biomarker [95]
AOAH TT2EJXQ Strong Biomarker [96]
ATP1A2 TT5B6HJ Strong Biomarker [97]
AVPR1A TT4TFGN Strong Biomarker [98]
AVPR1B TTL9MHW Strong Genetic Variation [99]
BPI TTXCSDR Strong Biomarker [100]
BRS3 TTKYEPM Strong Biomarker [93]
C9orf72 TTA4SHR Strong Biomarker [101]
CCKAR TTCG0AL Strong Biomarker [102]
CD160 TTOFEAS Strong Biomarker [103]
CDCA8 TT04YCM Strong Genetic Variation [104]
CNR1 TT6OEDT Strong Altered Expression [105]
CNTF TTGEM5Q Strong Biomarker [106]
CRH TTA7YIZ Strong Biomarker [107]
CRHR1 TT7EFHR Strong Biomarker [108]
CRHR2 TTIY658 Strong Biomarker [109]
CRP TTWRN6M Strong Biomarker [110]
CXCR6 TT2BVUA Strong Biomarker [93]
CYP17A1 TTRA5BZ Strong Genetic Variation [111]
CYP2C19 TTZ58XG Strong Genetic Variation [112]
CYP2D6 TTVG215 Strong Biomarker [113]
DRD2 TTEX248 Strong Biomarker [114]
DRD3 TT4C8EA Strong Biomarker [115]
EHMT1 TTOFXD7 Strong Biomarker [116]
ELK3 TT5OJMV Strong Genetic Variation [117]
EPHA5 TTV9KOD Strong Genetic Variation [118]
ERBB4 TTWALCO Strong Biomarker [119]
FPR1 TT5Y4EM Strong Genetic Variation [111]
GHSR TTWDC17 Strong Biomarker [120]
GNRHR TT8R70G Strong Biomarker [121]
GRN TT0LWE3 Strong Genetic Variation [101]
HCN1 TTNB6UQ Strong Biomarker [122]
HCRT TTU5HJP Strong Biomarker [123]
HSPG2 TT5UM29 Strong Biomarker [124]
HTR2A TTJQOD7 Strong Genetic Variation [125]
HTR2C TTWJBZ5 Strong Biomarker [126]
HTR3A TTPC4TU Strong Biomarker [127]
IDO1 TTZJYKH Strong Biomarker [128]
KISS1R TT3KBZY Strong Genetic Variation [129]
LPAR2 TTB7Y8I Strong Biomarker [93]
LRRK2 TTK0FEA Strong Genetic Variation [130]
MAP2K5 TTV3O87 Strong Genetic Variation [131]
MAPT TTS87KH Strong Genetic Variation [111]
MECP2 TTTAU9R Strong Biomarker [132]
MVD TTE5J6X Strong Genetic Variation [133]
NISCH TT789FN Strong Genetic Variation [111]
NPSR1 TTV1C0Z Strong Genetic Variation [134]
NPY2R TTJ6WK9 Strong Biomarker [97]
NR3C1 TTOZRK6 Strong Biomarker [135]
NR3C2 TT26PHO Strong Biomarker [136]
OAT TTTSCQ2 Strong Biomarker [137]
OPRM1 TTKWM86 Strong Genetic Variation [138]
OXTR TTSCIUP Strong Biomarker [98]
PCCB TT5LURU Strong Genetic Variation [111]
PDE10A TTJW4LU Strong Biomarker [139]
PHF8 TT81PFE Strong Biomarker [140]
PSEN1 TTZ3S8C Strong Biomarker [141]
PSEN2 TTWN3F4 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
PTPRZ1 TT4SEA8 Strong Biomarker [142]
RAPGEF3 TTOE7I0 Strong Altered Expression [143]
RAPGEF4 TTOS63B Strong Biomarker [143]
RGS2 TTKB7T3 Strong Biomarker [144]
SLC38A3 TTMAVJQ Strong Genetic Variation [111]
SLC6A3 TTVBI8W Strong Altered Expression [80]
SSTR4 TTAE1BR Strong Biomarker [93]
STAB1 TTJFEOC Strong Genetic Variation [111]
TACR3 TTBPGLU Strong Altered Expression [145]
TARDBP TT9RZ03 Strong Altered Expression [146]
TDO2 TTXNCBV Strong Biomarker [128]
TLR9 TTSHG0T Strong Genetic Variation [111]
TSPO TTPTXIN Strong Biomarker [147]
TSSK2 TTA3Z2W Strong Biomarker [148]
AGRP TT4DE1O Definitive Altered Expression [149]
CASP2 TT12VNG Definitive Altered Expression [150]
DAO TT7Y3EJ Definitive Biomarker [151]
DPYSL2 TTZCW3T Definitive Altered Expression [152]
GABRQ TTXDUR9 Definitive Biomarker [153]
GALNS TTT9YPO Definitive Genetic Variation [154]
GUCY2C TTLDPRG Definitive Altered Expression [155]
PDE2A TTJGW1Z Definitive Biomarker [156]
SLC22A2 TT0XOJN Definitive Genetic Variation [157]
TRPM2 TTEBMN7 Definitive Biomarker [158]
⏷ Show the Full List of 163 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 4 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC17A8 DTAGDH7 Limited Altered Expression [159]
SLC26A1 DTJ785O Limited Genetic Variation [75]
SLC32A1 DTXQYLR Limited Biomarker [160]
SLC17A7 DTNK0FR Definitive Biomarker [161]
This Disease Is Related to 14 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ADH1B DEEN9RD Limited Genetic Variation [162]
AKR1C1 DE7P2FB Limited Altered Expression [77]
CES2 DETHCPD Limited Genetic Variation [163]
FAAH DEUM1EX Limited Biomarker [164]
PMM2 DEBRX3L Limited Biomarker [165]
PRODH DEVJIHS Limited Genetic Variation [166]
UGT2B15 DENZ6B1 Limited Biomarker [167]
SAT1 DEMWO83 moderate Altered Expression [168]
AS3MT DE9KJP3 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
MSRA DEU2ZBY Strong Genetic Variation [111]
NT5C2 DE1DOKJ Strong Genetic Variation [111]
PARK7 DEPOVCH Strong Genetic Variation [169]
THOP1 DE95LJC Strong Biomarker [170]
PER1 DE9HF0I Definitive Altered Expression [171]
⏷ Show the Full List of 14 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 250 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACAD8 OT3JI5GB Limited Biomarker [172]
ALDH1L1 OT15HOJX Limited Biomarker [173]
ALLC OTZE4XV7 Limited Biomarker [174]
ALYREF OTOF2ADD Limited Biomarker [175]
ANKK1 OT0OM1O0 Limited Biomarker [176]
ARC OTN2QQPG Limited Biomarker [177]
ARHGEF9 OTB1FLIW Limited Genetic Variation [178]
ASCC2 OT3B204T Limited Biomarker [57]
ASXL1 OTX931AW Limited Biomarker [70]
BAIAP3 OTS1H0J0 Limited Genetic Variation [83]
BTG3 OT9ANHVT Limited Biomarker [179]
CBLN2 OT29SSBE Limited Biomarker [180]
CBLN4 OTO7QW6Y Limited Genetic Variation [180]
CENPV OTPQ0KT9 Limited Altered Expression [181]
CITED2 OT812TV7 Limited Biomarker [182]
COPE OTBKHBT7 Limited Genetic Variation [183]
CORT OTX3GUHB Limited Biomarker [184]
CPD OT2CS64Y Limited Biomarker [185]
CPEB1 OTLCXC6H Limited Biomarker [186]
CTNNBL1 OT6KLHPA Limited Biomarker [187]
DBI OT884QY9 Limited Genetic Variation [188]
DCX OTISR7K3 Limited Biomarker [189]
DLGAP3 OT0GR2F6 Limited Biomarker [190]
DLK2 OT56Y83S Limited Genetic Variation [191]
EAF2 OTSOET5L Limited Biomarker [192]
EEF1A2 OT9Z23K5 Limited Biomarker [193]
ENDOU OTB7OF7Y Limited Biomarker [194]
EPRS1 OTXK0FLB Limited Biomarker [195]
EXOSC6 OTAC10N6 Limited Biomarker [194]
FBXO7 OTGTN8TJ Limited Genetic Variation [196]
FGFBP3 OTWM1KCM Limited Genetic Variation [197]
FOXG1 OTAW57J4 Limited Biomarker [198]
GPHN OTAKK1SV Limited Biomarker [178]
GPR26 OTBDYUOH Limited Biomarker [199]
HNRNPU OTLQN1E2 Limited Biomarker [200]
HOMER1 OTWFD3SI Limited Biomarker [201]
IFT122 OTSK3OAD Limited Biomarker [202]
IGSF9B OTNOMYYQ Limited Biomarker [203]
KCNS1 OTD8GEO0 Limited Biomarker [204]
KPNA1 OTEMVAJ6 Limited Biomarker [205]
LAT2 OTWJDKIH Limited Biomarker [206]
MAGED1 OT6EOLFC Limited Biomarker [207]
MCIDAS OTK1JVAH Limited Biomarker [208]
MPI OTBH6ZK1 Limited Biomarker [165]
MT3 OTVCZ7HI Limited Biomarker [209]
MZB1 OT071TET Limited Biomarker [91]
ND2 OTG9OHOX Limited Biomarker [210]
NLGN3 OTKDEC1Q Limited Biomarker [211]
NPAS2 OTMRT2TS Limited Biomarker [212]
NPAS4 OTA3HH6W Limited Biomarker [213]
NPC1 OTRIPICX Limited Biomarker [214]
NPFF OT3WXFPR Limited Biomarker [215]
NRG3 OTIFZ5CT Limited Altered Expression [119]
OAS3 OT6E5FYS Limited Biomarker [57]
OCA2 OTDWIGBF Limited Altered Expression [216]
OSR1 OTB19LEQ Limited Genetic Variation [217]
PADI1 OT13WAQX Limited Genetic Variation [218]
PAFAH1B1 OT9T2TCJ Limited Biomarker [70]
PCSK1N OT7ZRW2F Limited Altered Expression [219]
PDIA2 OTC2WMXS Limited Genetic Variation [218]
PHB2 OTCAX3AW Limited Biomarker [220]
PNN OT0HXICH Limited Genetic Variation [221]
PPP1R9B OTDCTHTT Limited Biomarker [222]
PRND OTH4EEMI Limited Genetic Variation [223]
PSMG1 OTZ5I6UM Limited Biomarker [224]
PTMA OT2W4T1M Limited Genetic Variation [225]
RAPH1 OTMQXW7S Limited Biomarker [226]
RBM8A OT5SR6G0 Limited Biomarker [227]
RCAN1 OT1MVXC7 Limited Biomarker [228]
RIT1 OTVNOGOH Limited Genetic Variation [229]
S100A10 OTI71243 Limited Biomarker [194]
SART3 OTC1AM7S Limited Biomarker [57]
SERPINB2 OT72QLZB Limited Biomarker [230]
SHANK1 OTK8PV0S Limited Biomarker [231]
SIL1 OTDI85I5 Limited Biomarker [220]
SND1 OTT734JN Limited Biomarker [57]
SPX OTY3G4AR Limited Altered Expression [232]
SRPX OT5B9LXS Limited Genetic Variation [221]
SYN3 OTSGYNA5 Limited Genetic Variation [49]
TAC1 OTM842YW Limited Biomarker [233]
TAOK2 OTNUMOZ1 Limited Biomarker [234]
TCOF1 OT4BOYTM Limited Biomarker [235]
TENM1 OTSKSU4V Limited Altered Expression [236]
TIA1 OTGPN3P8 Limited Biomarker [237]
TMEM11 OTL9HDEY Limited Biomarker [165]
ASB1 OT0NZGEI Disputed Genetic Variation [238]
BPIFA2 OTLFSDZD Disputed Biomarker [239]
HOMER2 OT4JGKJF Disputed Biomarker [240]
INSRR OT3F75WA Disputed Genetic Variation [241]
KCNIP3 OTCQPEM4 Disputed Genetic Variation [242]
LYPD6 OTT45DF7 Disputed Biomarker [243]
PSPH OTV1PVAX Disputed Biomarker [239]
PSPN OT54LLZJ Disputed Biomarker [239]
RIDA OTW4098I Disputed Biomarker [239]
STXBP3 OTTTYMAQ Disputed Biomarker [239]
TTLL5 OTUKOVEM Disputed Biomarker [244]
ASXL3 OTNDJWEZ moderate CausalMutation [245]
CAPS2 OT45M743 moderate Biomarker [246]
DTNBP1 OT9UQT2S moderate Biomarker [247]
HMGN1 OTSMGH99 moderate Altered Expression [248]
HOXB8 OTKHOD17 moderate Biomarker [249]
MOCOS OT0TL3Q5 moderate Genetic Variation [250]
MYT1 OTC3660I moderate Altered Expression [251]
NEUROD2 OTJMMX9K moderate Altered Expression [252]
PAEP OTQA0NV4 moderate Biomarker [253]
PBX1 OTORABGO moderate Altered Expression [249]
SMCP OTXKY794 moderate Genetic Variation [250]
AATK OTVHAX5N Strong Genetic Variation [111]
ACACA OT5CQPZY Strong Biomarker [254]
AGBL2 OTCX9987 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
AHI1 OT8K2YWY Strong Biomarker [255]
ANK3 OTJ3IRBP Strong Biomarker [256]
APOBEC3C OTPL0AI1 Strong Genetic Variation [257]
AREL1 OTSYV9R3 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
ARHGAP27 OT8BSRPC Strong Genetic Variation [111]
ARSI OTIANNWW Strong Genetic Variation [258]
ATF7IP OTU6ZA7F Strong Genetic Variation [259]
BAG3 OTVXYUDQ Strong Biomarker [260]
BAIAP2 OT1KKMYZ Strong Genetic Variation [111]
BATF2 OT4XBZC9 Strong Biomarker [261]
BMS1 OTEGQ8ZO Strong Biomarker [254]
C1QL1 OTNQ0G3E Strong Biomarker [109]
CACHD1 OTW13G4O Strong Genetic Variation [111]
CACYBP OTJMZD2T Strong Biomarker [262]
CADM2 OT45PVKC Strong Genetic Variation [111]
CALM2 OTNYA92F Strong Biomarker [263]
CAMK2G OTHD9KJG Strong Biomarker [264]
CASP8AP2 OTTWT68S Strong Biomarker [265]
CC2D1A OTVPU04K Strong Altered Expression [266]
CELF4 OT4FS4F5 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
CENPJ OTZCQZN5 Strong Biomarker [267]
CIAO3 OT0V91PK Strong Biomarker [268]
CNNM2 OTZHO8WU Strong Genetic Variation [111]
CNTN3 OTC1274J Strong Altered Expression [269]
COQ8A OT1ETSA2 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
COX2 OTTMVBJJ Strong Biomarker [210]
CPLX1 OT7UIGTP Strong Biomarker [270]
CREB3L1 OT2JHIHM Strong Biomarker [271]
CSTA OT1K68KE Strong Biomarker [272]
CTRL OTB6NA5O Strong Biomarker [273]
DCLRE1C OTW3KB1I Strong Biomarker [274]
DENND1A OTONDAA0 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
DENND1B OT3VCNPE Strong Genetic Variation [111]
DISC1 OT43AW4H Strong Biomarker [275]
DLX4 OTLWVCN4 Strong Genetic Variation [276]
DMTN OTDTKPBW Strong Genetic Variation [277]
DNAH1 OTDZ26FJ Strong Genetic Variation [111]
DNASE1L3 OTEUIMC2 Strong Biomarker [278]
DSCAM OTL7PRMK Strong Genetic Variation [279]
DTD1 OT63V2KK Strong Genetic Variation [111]
EBPL OT59J1GY Strong Genetic Variation [117]
ELP4 OTP5GZ9V Strong Genetic Variation [111]
ERCC6L2 OTWFECWG Strong Genetic Variation [279]
EYA1 OTHU807A Strong Genetic Variation [104]
FAM120A OTLAG3VN Strong Genetic Variation [111]
FASTK OTTHFZMP Strong Genetic Variation [280]
FGD1 OTV3T64P Strong Biomarker [281]
FLVCR1 OT9XCFOC Strong Biomarker [282]
FXR1 OTEMQ1SR Strong Biomarker [283]
GALR3 OTXU6PKO Strong Genetic Variation [284]
GNAS OTMH8BKJ Strong Genetic Variation [49]
GPR42 OTEB0ROY Strong Biomarker [93]
GTF2I OTUYL1TQ Strong Genetic Variation [285]
GYPA OTABU4YV Strong Biomarker [286]
HFE OTDD93KB Strong Genetic Variation [111]
INA OT1D33T4 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
INO80C OTKXHGET Strong Biomarker [287]
INPP5K OTQFLQKA Strong Biomarker [272]
ITIH1 OTSXJGQF Strong Genetic Variation [111]
ITIH3 OT4SLMLY Strong Genetic Variation [111]
KANK2 OT3SZIWM Strong Biomarker [262]
KAT8 OT5LPQTR Strong Genetic Variation [111]
LAMA1 OTQZMP86 Strong Genetic Variation [288]
LTBP3 OTME98V7 Strong Genetic Variation [289]
MADD OTUFYVGG Strong Genetic Variation [111]
MAGI1 OTMV4ASV Strong Genetic Variation [111]
MAP6 OTPUI00F Strong Biomarker [290]
MBD5 OTFHT4MO Strong Genetic Variation [291]
MEN1 OTN6U6V0 Strong Genetic Variation [292]
MMAB OTOWOEJN Strong Genetic Variation [111]
MTCH2 OTV3E4GU Strong Genetic Variation [111]
NBEAL2 OTMCAXWR Strong Biomarker [293]
ND6 OTG47B7B Strong Biomarker [210]
NDST3 OT8TWYOG Strong Genetic Variation [111]
NFIA OTDHQ9CG Strong Genetic Variation [111]
NIPBL OTF6OOLU Strong Genetic Variation [294]
NLGN2 OTHDYL3H Strong Altered Expression [295]
NLGN4Y OT7E1S57 Strong Altered Expression [296]
NPS OTEG25A2 Strong Biomarker [297]
NPTN OTAQKSAU Strong Biomarker [298]
NSF OTKRJ2ZT Strong Genetic Variation [111]
OR2AG1 OTEITRP4 Strong Genetic Variation [299]
OTP OTS0JN6Y Strong Biomarker [300]
PALM OTTZONUX Strong Genetic Variation [111]
PANX1 OTXPEDOK Strong Altered Expression [301]
PAX6 OTOC9876 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
PDSS1 OTXGVHAB Strong Biomarker [302]
PEG3 OTHQW98S Strong Biomarker [303]
PELI1 OTMLBCLC Strong Genetic Variation [304]
PER3 OTVKYVJA Strong Genetic Variation [305]
PICALM OTQVRPMQ Strong Biomarker [263]
PPM1F OTU0MVR7 Strong Altered Expression [264]
PRDM6 OTKY12D9 Strong Genetic Variation [304]
PROS1 OTXQWNOI Strong Biomarker [306]
PROX2 OTVUW0GJ Strong Genetic Variation [111]
PTCH1 OTMG07H5 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
PVALB OTZW1WVQ Strong Biomarker [307]
RBFOX1 OTFPKEL7 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
RBM14 OTO9GMBD Strong Biomarker [262]
RBX1 OTYA1UIO Strong Genetic Variation [111]
REST OTLL92LQ Strong Altered Expression [308]
RGS1 OTGXJYMG Strong Genetic Variation [309]
RPS4Y1 OTIFRF9S Strong Genetic Variation [296]
RPS6KL1 OTAWSRPL Strong Genetic Variation [111]
RSRC1 OTFCJ4S0 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
SATB2 OT2W80XC Strong Genetic Variation [111]
SEPHS1 OTZ19I59 Strong Biomarker [302]
SGCE OT9F17JB Strong Genetic Variation [310]
SGCZ OTVGTEOD Strong Genetic Variation [111]
SLITRK5 OTTSUSB8 Strong Biomarker [311]
SMIM20 OTZI1KFR Strong Biomarker [312]
SMR3A OT6NAJJI Strong Genetic Variation [257]
SMS OT8JYKNH Strong Biomarker [313]
SNAP91 OTE3EXWZ Strong Biomarker [263]
SOSTDC1 OTAKDNSM Strong Biomarker [314]
SPI1 OTVCA1D0 Strong Genetic Variation [111]
STIMATE OTEDLKEW Strong Genetic Variation [111]
STX2 OTO2IDDR Strong Biomarker [302]
SYNGR1 OT0MBUK5 Strong Biomarker [63]
TBX4 OTW58FG4 Strong Biomarker [302]
TMEM132D OTV6I4Z0 Strong Biomarker [315]
TP53INP1 OT2363Z9 Strong Biomarker [262]
TSACC OT3QW6PH Strong Biomarker [262]
TSKU OT1XMRIM Strong Genetic Variation [316]
TSNARE1 OTTJHX9A Strong Genetic Variation [111]
TSSK1B OTRATM7R Strong Biomarker [148]
ADA2 OTGCV24S Definitive Genetic Variation [317]
ADAMTS2 OTTK22NO Definitive Biomarker [318]
BLOC1S4 OTDCFUJC Definitive Biomarker [319]
CASKIN1 OTQ9I0QU Definitive Biomarker [320]
CPZ OT5HUR28 Definitive Altered Expression [321]
CRYGD OTW29JC4 Definitive Biomarker [322]
DUSP26 OTI7WIYN Definitive Biomarker [323]
FMR1 OTWEV0T5 Definitive Genetic Variation [324]
NANOS1 OT3UNZZY Definitive Genetic Variation [325]
NR2F1 OTGWZWYL Definitive Biomarker [326]
P4HTM OTKELL7F Definitive Altered Expression [327]
PAGR1 OTXR5PQ8 Definitive Genetic Variation [154]
TMEM59 OTX4EKES Definitive Biomarker [328]
TMPRSS13 OTMAOAP3 Definitive Biomarker [56]
⏷ Show the Full List of 250 DOT(s)


1 Alprazolam FDA Label
2 Chlordiazepoxide FDA Label
3 Citalopram FDA Label
4 Clorazepate FDA Label
5 Diazepam FDA Label
6 Doxepin FDA Label
7 Ketamine FDA Label
8 Lorazepam FDA Label
9 Meprobamate FDA Label
10 Methamphetamine FDA Label
11 Psycho-pharmacotherapy for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder: the issue of prolonged barbiturate retention. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009 Sep;25(9):2281-5.
12 Midazolam FDA Label
13 Oxazepam FDA Label
14 Oxprenolol FDA Label
15 Prazepam FDA Label
16 Trifluoperazine FDA Label
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19 Cross-disorder risk gene CACNA1C differentially modulates susceptibility to psychiatric disorders during development and adulthood.Mol Psychiatry. 2018 Mar;23(3):533-543. doi: 10.1038/mp.2017.133. Epub 2017 Jul 11.
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32 Hsp90 Heterocomplexes Regulate Steroid Hormone Receptors: From Stress Response to Psychiatric Disease.Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Dec 25;20(1):79. doi: 10.3390/ijms20010079.
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105 Early intervention with electroacupuncture prevents PTSD-like behaviors in rats through enhancing hippocampal endocannabinoid signaling.Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2019 Jul 13;93:171-181. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2019.03.018. Epub 2019 Apr 1.
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107 Toxicity of Pexacerfont, a Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Type 1 Receptor Antagonist, in Rats and Dogs.Int J Toxicol. 2019 Mar/Apr;38(2):110-120. doi: 10.1177/1091581819827501. Epub 2019 Feb 13.
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109 Helicobacter pylori Vacuolating Cytotoxin A Causes Anorexia and Anxiety via Hypothalamic Urocortin 1 in Mice.Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 12;9(1):6011. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42163-4.
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114 Role of Dopamine D2 Receptor in Stress-Induced Myelin Loss.Sci Rep. 2017 Sep 14;7(1):11654. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10173-9.
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116 Chronic Suppression of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor (GLP1R) mRNA Translation in the Rat Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Reduces Anxiety-Like Behavior and Stress-Induced Hypophagia, But Prolongs Stress-Induced Elevation of Plasma Corticosterone.J Neurosci. 2019 Apr 3;39(14):2649-2663. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2180-18.2019. Epub 2019 Jan 25.
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128 Effects of IDO1 and TDO2 inhibition on cognitive deficits and anxiety following LPS-induced neuroinflammation. Acta Neuropsychiatr. 2020 Feb;32(1):43-53.
129 Altered aspects of anxiety-related behavior in kisspeptin receptor-deleted male mice.Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 12;8(1):2794. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-21042-4.
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132 Loss of MeCP2 in adult 5-HT neurons induces 5-HT1A autoreceptors, with opposite sex-dependent anxiety and depression phenotypes.Sci Rep. 2018 Apr 10;8(1):5788. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-24167-8.
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134 Investigating the Contribution of NPSR1, IL-6 and BDNF Polymorphisms to Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Hemodialysis Patients.Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2019 Aug 30;94:109657. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2019.109657. Epub 2019 May 25.
135 Ablation of glucocorticoid receptor in the hindbrain of the mouse provides a novel model to investigate stress disorders.Sci Rep. 2019 Mar 1;9(1):3250. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-39867-y.
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138 Interaction between the Opioid Receptor OPRM1 Gene and Mother-Child Language Style Matching Prospectively Predicts Children's Separation Anxiety Disorder Symptoms.Res Dev Disabil. 2018 Nov;82:120-131. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2018.03.002. Epub 2018 Mar 22.
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