General Information of Disease (ID: DISOKN4Y)

Disease Name Gastric neoplasm
gastric tumor; gastric neoplasm; tumor of stomach; stomach tumor; neoplasm of the stomach; tumor of the stomach; tumour of stomach; stomach neoplasm; neoplasm of stomach; stomach neoplasm (disease); gastric tumour; stomach tumour; tumour of the stomach
Definition A benign or malignant neoplasm involving the stomach.
Disease Hierarchy
DISTBY9Z: Tumour
DISJLJZ9: Stomach disease
DISPOJCT: Digestive system neoplasm
DISOKN4Y: Gastric neoplasm
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 207 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ADRB1 TTR6W5O Limited Biomarker [1]
ADRB2 TTG8ZWP Limited Biomarker [1]
ANXA5 TT2Z83I Limited Biomarker [2]
AREG TT76B3W Limited Therapeutic [2]
BDNF TTSMLOH Limited Biomarker [2]
BMP7 TTKOBRA Limited Biomarker [2]
BRAF TT0EOB8 Limited Biomarker [3]
CASP8 TT6SZNG Limited Biomarker [4]
CDC25C TTESBNC Limited Genetic Variation [5]
CDKN2A TTFTWQ8 Limited Posttranslational Modification [6]
CTSL TT36ETB Limited Biomarker [2]
DNMT1 TT6S2FE Limited Biomarker [7]
DNMT3B TT6VZ78 Limited Biomarker [7]
DPYD TTZPS91 Limited Altered Expression [8]
EBI3 TTJF68X Limited Biomarker [2]
F2R TTL935N Limited Biomarker [2]
FST TTDNM9W Limited Biomarker [2]
FYN TT2B9KF Limited Biomarker [2]
GREM1 TTOUZN5 Limited Biomarker [2]
HBEGF TT15SL0 Limited Therapeutic [9]
HMOX1 TTI6V2A Limited Biomarker [10]
IGFBP3 TTZHNQA Limited Genetic Variation [11]
IGFBP7 TTUQ01B Limited Biomarker [2]
IRS2 TTF95B8 Limited Biomarker [2]
JUN TTS7IR5 Limited Altered Expression [12]
KISS1R TT3KBZY Limited Biomarker [2]
KIT TTX41N9 Limited Biomarker [13]
KRAS TTM8FR7 Limited Genetic Variation [14]
MAPK3 TT1MG9E Limited Altered Expression [12]
MYC TTNQ5ZP Limited Biomarker [15]
NOS3 TTCM4B3 Limited Biomarker [2]
NT5E TTK0O6Y Limited Biomarker [2]
PRKCB TTYPXQF Limited Biomarker [1]
PSCA TT9T4AV Limited Biomarker [16]
RBP4 TT0C8BY Limited Biomarker [2]
REG4 TTVZEHU Limited Biomarker [17]
RGS2 TTKB7T3 Limited Biomarker [2]
RHOA TTP2U16 Limited Biomarker [18]
RORA TT1TYN7 Limited Biomarker [2]
SDHD TTVH9W8 Limited Biomarker [19]
SERPINE1 TTTO43N Limited Altered Expression [20]
TFF1 TTNOJIZ Limited Biomarker [21]
THBD TTAPV67 Limited Biomarker [2]
UMPS TTAFJUD Limited Altered Expression [22]
CASP2 TT12VNG Disputed Altered Expression [23]
CASP7 TTM7Y45 Disputed Altered Expression [23]
CDC20 TTBKFDV Disputed Altered Expression [24]
KLK6 TTLPF4X Disputed Altered Expression [25]
RBPJ TT72D4Z Disputed Altered Expression [26]
TUBB2A TTJ2PTI Disputed Genetic Variation [27]
AHR TT037IE moderate Altered Expression [28]
AURKA TTPS3C0 moderate Biomarker [29]
BAP1 TT47RXJ moderate Biomarker [30]
BCL2L1 TTRE6AX moderate Therapeutic [31]
BIRC2 TTQ5LRD moderate Altered Expression [32]
CASP6 TTKW4ML moderate Altered Expression [33]
CAV1 TTXUBN2 moderate Altered Expression [34]
CCKBR TTVFO0U moderate Posttranslational Modification [35]
CDH2 TT1WS0T moderate Biomarker [36]
CDK4 TT0PG8F moderate Biomarker [37]
CDKN1B TTLGFVW moderate Biomarker [38]
EPHB6 TTZEMUY moderate Biomarker [39]
ERBB2 TTR5TV4 moderate Biomarker [40]
ERBB3 TTSINU2 moderate Genetic Variation [41]
FHIT TTMS54D moderate Biomarker [42]
GAST TT4LRVO moderate Biomarker [43]
GSTP1 TT40K12 moderate Biomarker [44]
LGALS3 TTFPQV7 moderate Altered Expression [45]
MLH1 TTISG27 moderate Altered Expression [46]
MTA1 TTO4HUS moderate Altered Expression [47]
MTHFR TTQWOU1 moderate Genetic Variation [48]
MUC1 TTBHFYQ moderate Biomarker [49]
MUC5AC TTEL90S moderate Biomarker [50]
NPM1 TTHBS98 moderate Altered Expression [51]
NR4A1 TTMXE2Q moderate Biomarker [52]
PGC TT7K6AD moderate Genetic Variation [53]
PHB TT6U071 moderate Biomarker [44]
PLAU TTGY7WI moderate Altered Expression [54]
PLAUR TTNOSTX moderate Altered Expression [55]
PPARG TTT2SVW moderate Biomarker [56]
PTGS2 TTVKILB moderate Biomarker [57]
RPL15 TTQRVC9 moderate Biomarker [44]
RUNX3 TTKCVO7 moderate Biomarker [58]
SERPINB5 TT1KW50 moderate Altered Expression [59]
SHH TTIENCJ moderate Biomarker [60]
SLC16A3 TTG6VD5 moderate Biomarker [61]
STAT3 TTHJT3X moderate Altered Expression [62]
TYMP TTO0IB8 moderate Biomarker [63]
AFP TTCFEA1 Strong Biomarker [64]
AGTR2 TTQVOEI Strong Biomarker [65]
AKR1C3 TT5ZWB6 Strong Biomarker [66]
ALB TTFNGC9 Strong Biomarker [66]
ANXA1 TTUCK4B Strong Biomarker [67]
APEX1 TTHGL48 Strong Biomarker [44]
APOA1 TT5S8DR Strong Biomarker [66]
ATM TTKBM7V Strong Biomarker [16]
AURKB TT9RTBL Strong Biomarker [68]
BDKRB1 TTG5QIA Strong Altered Expression [69]
BDKRB2 TTGY8IW Strong Altered Expression [69]
BIRC5 TTTPU1G Strong Altered Expression [70]
BMP2 TTP3IGX Strong Biomarker [71]
CA1 TTHQPL7 Strong Biomarker [66]
CA2 TTANPDJ Strong Biomarker [72]
CD44 TTWFBT7 Strong Biomarker [73]
CD9 TTZEIBV Strong Altered Expression [74]
CDCA8 TT04YCM Strong Altered Expression [75]
CDH1 TTLAWO6 Strong Genetic Variation [76]
CDKN1A TT9GUW0 Strong Altered Expression [77]
CHEK2 TT9ABMF Strong Biomarker [44]
CLCN3 TT8XNZ7 Strong Biomarker [44]
CLDN4 TTMTS9H Strong Altered Expression [78]
CLN3 TTORF9W Strong Biomarker [44]
CTSC TT4H0V2 Strong Biomarker [44]
CYP2A6 TTAQ6ZW Strong Biomarker [79]
FGFR2 TTGJVQM Strong Biomarker [80]
FGG TTR31L7 Strong Biomarker [66]
FOLR1 TTVC37M Strong Genetic Variation [81]
GHRL TT1OCL0 Strong Biomarker [82]
HPSE TTR7GJO Strong Genetic Variation [83]
HRAS TT28ZON Strong Biomarker [84]
HRH4 TTXJ178 Strong Biomarker [85]
HSD17B2 TT0PT1R Strong Altered Expression [86]
HSPA8 TTMQL3K Strong Biomarker [72]
HSPB1 TT9AZWY Strong Biomarker [66]
HSPD1 TT9HL5R Strong Biomarker [66]
HTR1A TTSQIFT Strong Therapeutic [87]
IFNGR2 TT13TL0 Strong Genetic Variation [88]
IL1RN TT6GSR3 Strong Genetic Variation [89]
IL32 TTD4G7L Strong Biomarker [90]
IMP3 TTEJA2R Strong Altered Expression [91]
ITGA5 TTHIZP9 Strong Biomarker [92]
ITGA8 TT1FW8B Strong Biomarker [92]
KCNA5 TTW0CMT Strong Altered Expression [93]
KCNH1 TT9XKUC Strong Altered Expression [94]
KISS1 TTU2O6T Strong Biomarker [2]
KMT2A TT1GNDM Strong Biomarker [95]
KRT19 TT3JF9E Strong Biomarker [96]
LAPTM4B TTEJQT0 Strong Genetic Variation [97]
M6PR TT95ICL Strong Biomarker [44]
MAGEA1 TT63M7Q Strong Altered Expression [98]
MAPK1 TT4TQBX Strong Altered Expression [12]
MAPK8 TT0K6EO Strong Biomarker [99]
MET TTNDSF4 Strong Altered Expression [100]
MIA TT5HNVS Strong Biomarker [2]
MMP10 TTXLEG7 Strong Biomarker [101]
MMP7 TTMTWOS Strong Biomarker [102]
MSH2 TTCAWRT Strong Altered Expression [46]
MSLN TT4RXME Strong Biomarker [103]
MUTYH TTNB0ZK Strong CausalMutation [104]
NGFR TTEDJN4 Strong Altered Expression [105]
NOTCH2 TT82FVD Strong Biomarker [106]
NPR1 TTM9IYA Strong Altered Expression [107]
NRAS TTW2R9X Strong Genetic Variation [108]
PDGFRA TT8FYO9 Strong Genetic Variation [109]
PFKFB2 TTQYVKD Strong Altered Expression [110]
PIK3CA TTEUNMR Strong Genetic Variation [111]
PINX1 TT4FJ3A Strong Altered Expression [112]
PLA2G2A TTO8QRU Strong Biomarker [113]
PPIA TTL2ADK Strong Biomarker [66]
PRDX5 TTLPJWH Strong Biomarker [66]
PREP TTNGKET Strong Biomarker [44]
PRNP TTY5F9C Strong Altered Expression [114]
PTP4A3 TT7YM8D Strong Altered Expression [115]
RARB TTISP28 Strong Biomarker [116]
RNF43 TTD91BL Strong Biomarker [117]
RXRB TTKLV96 Strong Biomarker [44]
SERPINA1 TTA7UJC Strong Biomarker [72]
SLC1A2 TT2F078 Strong Biomarker [73]
SP1 TTZEP6S Strong Altered Expression [118]
SREBF2 TTRQ4AP Strong Biomarker [44]
SSTR3 TTJX3UE Strong Altered Expression [119]
TERT TTQY2EJ Strong Altered Expression [120]
TGFA TTTLQFR Strong Therapeutic [9]
TKTL1 TTNQ1J3 Strong Altered Expression [121]
TNFRSF9 TTPW9LJ Strong Biomarker [90]
TWIST1 TTX1MY7 Strong Biomarker [122]
TXNIP TTTLDZK Strong Biomarker [123]
TYMS TTP1UKZ Strong Genetic Variation [124]
VEGFC TT0QUFV Strong Altered Expression [125]
ADH7 TT3LE7P Definitive Altered Expression [126]
ALOX5 TTSJ6Q4 Definitive Biomarker [127]
ASPH TT2KHP7 Definitive Altered Expression [128]
CCNA2 TTAMQ62 Definitive Altered Expression [129]
CCND1 TTFCJ7S Definitive Biomarker [37]
CEACAM6 TTIGH2W Definitive Biomarker [130]
CFI TT6ATLX Definitive Biomarker [131]
CLDN18 TT6PKBX Definitive Altered Expression [132]
CSNK1D TTH30UI Definitive Posttranslational Modification [35]
CSNK1E TTA8PLI Definitive Posttranslational Modification [35]
ELAVL1 TTPC9D0 Definitive Altered Expression [133]
EREG TTYSB89 Definitive Altered Expression [134]
FHL1 TTI7ENL Definitive Altered Expression [135]
HTATIP2 TTC6IX5 Definitive Biomarker [136]
MAGEA3 TTWSKHD Definitive Altered Expression [137]
MCM7 TT1RM3F Definitive Altered Expression [138]
NEDD4 TT1QU6G Definitive Altered Expression [139]
NNT TTKIH76 Definitive Altered Expression [140]
PDX1 TT8SGZK Definitive Altered Expression [141]
PTPRZ1 TT4SEA8 Definitive Biomarker [142]
SOD2 TT9O4C5 Definitive Biomarker [90]
SRC TT6PKBN Definitive Altered Expression [143]
TDGF1 TTN7HMG Definitive Biomarker [144]
TNK2 TTIET93 Definitive Altered Expression [145]
TNS4 TT1K65C Definitive Altered Expression [146]
TP53 TT12KOD Definitive Genetic Variation [147]
TRIM59 TT613U4 Definitive Altered Expression [148]
YES1 TT0SQ8J Definitive Altered Expression [145]
⏷ Show the Full List of 207 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 1 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC4A2 DTF7GAL Definitive Biomarker [149]
This Disease Is Related to 9 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
FADS1 DE05S8C Limited Biomarker [2]
GSTM1 DEYZEJA Strong Biomarker [150]
GSTT1 DE3PKUG Strong Genetic Variation [151]
MT2A DEFKGT7 Strong Biomarker [152]
PLPP1 DE6WXTH Strong Biomarker [44]
UPP1 DEFZWAX Strong Altered Expression [153]
PGPEP1 DEVDR46 Definitive Biomarker [53]
UGT1A10 DEL5N6Y Definitive Altered Expression [154]
UGT1A9 DE85D2P Definitive Altered Expression [154]
⏷ Show the Full List of 9 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 269 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACE OTDF1964 Limited Genetic Variation [155]
ALDH1A3 OT1C9NKQ Limited Biomarker [2]
BNIP3 OT4SO7J4 Limited Biomarker [2]
CCNG2 OTII38K2 Limited Biomarker [156]
CDKN2D OT2TTZPZ Limited Biomarker [2]
CHFR OTRAD2TT Limited Posttranslational Modification [157]
CKB OTUCKOTT Limited Altered Expression [143]
CST7 OTQWZUVQ Limited Biomarker [2]
DCBLD2 OTB71I02 Limited Posttranslational Modification [158]
DCC OT2C1SHW Limited Genetic Variation [159]
E2F4 OTB3JFH4 Limited Genetic Variation [160]
EEF1A2 OT9Z23K5 Limited Biomarker [2]
EPHX3 OTU7LW2F Limited Biomarker [2]
FCGBP OT63T6XQ Limited Biomarker [2]
FILIP1 OTMZD6D4 Limited Biomarker [2]
FLCN OTVM78XM Limited Genetic Variation [161]
FSD1 OT8P6PT3 Limited Biomarker [2]
HLTF OTRX2OSF Limited Posttranslational Modification [162]
HRK OTR4GWJ0 Limited Posttranslational Modification [163]
ICAM2 OT3E070F Limited Biomarker [2]
ID4 OTPMJ39I Limited Biomarker [2]
IL6R OTCQL07Z Limited Biomarker [2]
MAL OTBM30SW Limited Posttranslational Modification [164]
MARK1 OTP7KL47 Limited Biomarker [2]
MBD3L2 OTTG4S9O Limited Biomarker [2]
MLF1 OTC5BKHU Limited Biomarker [2]
MSX1 OT5U41ZP Limited Biomarker [2]
MTSS1 OT5DTDO2 Limited Biomarker [2]
MX1 OT6X8G5T Limited Biomarker [2]
PAX6 OTOC9876 Limited Biomarker [2]
PLAGL1 OTZAO900 Limited Biomarker [2]
PLIN2 OTRXJ9UN Limited Biomarker [2]
PPIC OTY5Q42N Limited Biomarker [2]
RBP1 OTRP1MFC Limited Biomarker [2]
SCRN1 OTELM5C2 Limited Biomarker [2]
SERPINB2 OT72QLZB Limited Biomarker [2]
SNAI1 OTDPYAMC Limited Biomarker [2]
SPRR2A OT62ZU6B Limited Biomarker [2]
SPZ1 OTQH8HJ5 Limited Biomarker [2]
TBX3 OTM64N7K Limited Biomarker [2]
TFAP2C OTUDIW05 Limited Biomarker [2]
TIA1 OTGPN3P8 Limited Biomarker [165]
TNFSF9 OTV9L89D Limited Biomarker [2]
CD247 OT45FGUX Disputed Altered Expression [166]
CLDN23 OTN5RV40 Disputed Biomarker [167]
EFNA1 OTU2NUA2 Disputed Altered Expression [168]
FXYD5 OT81DIOD Disputed Biomarker [169]
GATA5 OTO81B63 Disputed Posttranslational Modification [170]
GSPT1 OT18H1B0 Disputed Biomarker [171]
HSPA13 OTYXMC4G Disputed Biomarker [172]
ID3 OTUULW5Z Disputed Biomarker [173]
IFITM1 OTECO1G8 Disputed Altered Expression [174]
KCMF1 OTVTKFAU Disputed Altered Expression [175]
MIEN1 OTCQ8DAD Disputed Genetic Variation [176]
MZB1 OT071TET Disputed Altered Expression [177]
PAGE4 OT2VLWT0 Disputed Altered Expression [178]
PGA3 OT8EHCKQ Disputed Altered Expression [179]
PGAP3 OTH9A75E Disputed Biomarker [176]
PLCG2 OTGVC9MY Disputed Genetic Variation [180]
RPL23 OTXI1YLM Disputed Biomarker [181]
RPL6 OTRU71O4 Disputed Altered Expression [182]
RPS13 OTOMDIJ2 Disputed Biomarker [181]
SIAH1 OT29A838 Disputed Genetic Variation [183]
TP53BP2 OTOWJ2Y4 Disputed Genetic Variation [184]
TP53I11 OTFPDYZU Disputed Biomarker [185]
ALDH3A1 OTAYZZE6 moderate Altered Expression [186]
ARL6IP5 OTYZ6BEQ moderate Biomarker [187]
ASCL2 OT3D62WB moderate Altered Expression [188]
CLDN3 OT71MN9S moderate Altered Expression [132]
CST1 OTE4I83Q moderate Biomarker [189]
ECM1 OT1K65VW moderate Biomarker [190]
ERCC2 OT1C8HQ4 moderate Genetic Variation [191]
KLK10 OTD573EL moderate Altered Expression [192]
KRT20 OT4RB40L moderate Biomarker [96]
LRRC3B OT9VDGPR moderate Biomarker [193]
MAD2L1 OTXNGZCG moderate Biomarker [194]
MAGED2 OTMEWNSE moderate Altered Expression [47]
MUC2 OT3X4QVX moderate Altered Expression [195]
MUC4 OTLT11V1 moderate Biomarker [196]
NELFB OTCFH88S moderate Altered Expression [197]
PPP1R1B OTSIJMQ9 moderate Altered Expression [198]
SEM1 OTASLBM1 moderate Altered Expression [199]
SMAD4 OTWQWCKG moderate Biomarker [200]
SOX17 OT9H4WWE moderate Biomarker [201]
TFF2 OTRXB19X moderate Posttranslational Modification [202]
TIMP3 OTDGQAD1 moderate Biomarker [203]
ABT1 OT9YGIDB Strong Biomarker [44]
ACAD8 OT3JI5GB Strong Biomarker [44]
ACTC1 OTJU04B1 Strong Biomarker [66]
ADAM23 OTVWT6JZ Strong Posttranslational Modification [204]
ADAMTS9 OTV3Q0DS Strong Posttranslational Modification [205]
AKAP12 OTCVRDDX Strong Biomarker [206]
ALDH7A1 OTV57BZD Strong Biomarker [44]
ALDOB OT7FR69A Strong Biomarker [66]
ANKRD33 OTPY8R95 Strong Biomarker [207]
APC OTKV0TIK Strong Genetic Variation [208]
ARFGAP2 OTIP5ZJ7 Strong Biomarker [44]
ARID1A OTRWDV3P Strong Biomarker [117]
ARID3B OTUP9MS4 Strong Altered Expression [209]
ARPC1B OTYE3DN2 Strong Altered Expression [210]
ATOH1 OTBZYG2R Strong Altered Expression [211]
ATP6V0D2 OTMOZJO0 Strong Biomarker [90]
AXIN2 OTRMGQNU Strong Genetic Variation [76]
B4GALNT2 OT85V4QV Strong Posttranslational Modification [212]
BID OTOSHSHU Strong Biomarker [213]
BLVRB OTHCFN2C Strong Biomarker [66]
BOP1 OTMZMQDO Strong Biomarker [44]
BTRC OT2EZDGR Strong Genetic Variation [214]
CACYBP OTJMZD2T Strong Altered Expression [215]
CAVIN3 OTOLBK79 Strong Posttranslational Modification [216]
CBFB OTIAC6W4 Strong Altered Expression [217]
CCT7 OTQNM3CY Strong Biomarker [44]
CD81 OTQFXNAZ Strong Biomarker [218]
CDX2 OTCG4TSY Strong Biomarker [219]
CIAPIN1 OTWS90F9 Strong Biomarker [220]
CNDP2 OTJR9436 Strong Altered Expression [221]
CNPY2 OTGY8ESX Strong Biomarker [44]
COMMD5 OT6R7DXN Strong Altered Expression [222]
COPS7A OTLHKO3M Strong Biomarker [44]
CPSF1 OTAU1KOM Strong Biomarker [44]
CTNNA2 OTJ8G92T Strong Biomarker [117]
CTNNBIP1 OTX9SBJG Strong Altered Expression [223]
DACH1 OTMKNAGG Strong Altered Expression [224]
DACT1 OT19Z704 Strong Posttranslational Modification [225]
DDB1 OTTR2L3Z Strong Biomarker [44]
DDX53 OTHK3EGZ Strong Posttranslational Modification [226]
DES OTI09KBW Strong Biomarker [66]
DLC1 OTP8LMCR Strong Therapeutic [31]
DPAGT1 OTYEJAGZ Strong Biomarker [44]
ECHS1 OTS0593S Strong Biomarker [66]
EEF1A1 OT00THXS Strong Biomarker [66]
EFNB1 OT7JJW8P Strong Altered Expression [227]
ENO1 OTB1KWJS Strong Biomarker [72]
ERCC1 OTNPYQHI Strong Biomarker [228]
EXOSC5 OTADUQ7H Strong Biomarker [44]
FA2H OT8HA13U Strong Altered Expression [229]
FAM168A OTDXQCS5 Strong Biomarker [44]
FAT4 OT7QONNV Strong Biomarker [95]
FBP1 OTQBANEP Strong Biomarker [230]
FKBP2 OTHBZHX0 Strong Biomarker [44]
FOXD3 OTXYV6GO Strong Posttranslational Modification [231]
FOXN3 OTOJYJZP Strong Altered Expression [232]
GADD45A OTDRV63V Strong Biomarker [233]
GLI3 OTKDOE94 Strong Biomarker [117]
GMPR2 OTKZSZPE Strong Biomarker [72]
GNL3 OTILGYO4 Strong Biomarker [234]
HIKESHI OTPKV3UZ Strong Biomarker [44]
HNRNPL OT0DJX74 Strong Biomarker [44]
HOXA2 OT6G6ZIK Strong Biomarker [92]
IDH3B OTR89YF5 Strong Biomarker [44]
IGF2BP3 OTB97VIK Strong Altered Expression [91]
IGSF11 OTQEG2X1 Strong Altered Expression [235]
IL6ST OT1N9C70 Strong Biomarker [236]
ING1 OTEZBRKW Strong Biomarker [44]
INSIG1 OTZF5X1D Strong Altered Expression [210]
KIF2C OTJ8G3NP Strong Altered Expression [237]
KLF6 OTQY9S7F Strong Genetic Variation [238]
KLK12 OTNYK59J Strong Genetic Variation [239]
KLK13 OT8LOD2U Strong Altered Expression [240]
KMT2C OTC59BCO Strong Biomarker [95]
KRT8 OTTM4X11 Strong Biomarker [72]
LGALS7 OTMSVI7R Strong Altered Expression [241]
LIMS2 OTZ7IIPM Strong Posttranslational Modification [242]
MPHOSPH8 OTYI2WNS Strong Biomarker [243]
MRPL13 OT6D8Y9G Strong Biomarker [44]
MRPS11 OTEERNWQ Strong Biomarker [44]
MRPS18B OT1K9PFX Strong Biomarker [44]
MUC6 OTPVL723 Strong Biomarker [117]
MYCT1 OTZ8A9L3 Strong Altered Expression [244]
NAXD OTPO2GM2 Strong Biomarker [44]
NBAS OTW9IBRI Strong Biomarker [44]
NCR3LG1 OT15YWU7 Strong Altered Expression [245]
NDUFA2 OTNSTATK Strong Biomarker [44]
NDUFS1 OTTIZDFR Strong Biomarker [44]
NDUFV1 OTEVK4WW Strong Biomarker [44]
NEIL1 OTHBU5DJ Strong Altered Expression [246]
NOP56 OTT67SRZ Strong Biomarker [44]
PA2G4 OT7IG7HT Strong Biomarker [44]
PDCD6 OT2YA5M8 Strong Altered Expression [224]
PDHA1 OTGEU8IK Strong Biomarker [44]
PDIA3 OTHPQ0Q3 Strong Altered Expression [247]
PFKFB1 OTTHX4NB Strong Altered Expression [110]
PFKFB4 OTQYEXL2 Strong Altered Expression [110]
PGAM1 OTZ5DB06 Strong Biomarker [72]
PLCE1 OTJISZOX Strong Biomarker [248]
POLR3K OTZCSF6A Strong Biomarker [44]
PPP2R1A OTYA3GB4 Strong Biomarker [44]
PRDM2 OT8L7CGX Strong Genetic Variation [249]
PRKAA1 OT7TNF0L Strong Biomarker [16]
PRKAB1 OT1OG4QZ Strong Biomarker [44]
PRPF19 OTQ1STV3 Strong Biomarker [44]
PTOV1 OT94WT5X Strong Biomarker [44]
PTPA OTRGFOI7 Strong Biomarker [44]
PTPRF OTH5KF2D Strong Biomarker [44]
PTPRG OT9N2WOF Strong Posttranslational Modification [250]
PUS1 OTS2DQ0N Strong Biomarker [44]
PYCARD OT67RON3 Strong Biomarker [2]
RAD23A OTBPAWHX Strong Biomarker [44]
RANBP10 OT0ZNZ0B Strong Biomarker [44]
RARRES1 OTETUPP5 Strong Biomarker [116]
RASSF2 OT2JHDO4 Strong Posttranslational Modification [251]
RBX1 OTYA1UIO Strong Altered Expression [252]
REC8 OT6JAVXE Strong Altered Expression [253]
REG1A OTMHUH1D Strong Posttranslational Modification [254]
RHOBTB2 OT2DATFX Strong Genetic Variation [255]
RPL13 OTFKNTD6 Strong Biomarker [44]
RPL18 OTJCH62J Strong Biomarker [44]
RPS15 OT0WYZYG Strong Biomarker [44]
RPS19 OTBKGP48 Strong Biomarker [44]
RPS21 OT6P58W6 Strong Biomarker [44]
RPS26 OTBYTA6A Strong Biomarker [44]
RPS6 OTT4D1LN Strong Biomarker [44]
RRP9 OT97EAV4 Strong Biomarker [44]
SELENBP1 OT3NZNTR Strong Biomarker [66]
SERBP1 OTZVSU0X Strong Biomarker [44]
SETBP1 OTKGCOSR Strong Biomarker [256]
SNRPB OT3UJ4ZU Strong Biomarker [44]
SNX5 OT6ZOWMU Strong Biomarker [44]
SOSTDC1 OTAKDNSM Strong Biomarker [257]
SPPL2A OTCVF6MM Strong Altered Expression [91]
ST3GAL6 OTB17Q43 Strong Posttranslational Modification [212]
SUCLG1 OTDCSPXH Strong Biomarker [44]
SYMPK OTYAUDXV Strong Biomarker [44]
TACC1 OTGX20TE Strong Altered Expression [258]
TAF15 OTNE038N Strong Biomarker [44]
TINF2 OT861N2N Strong Altered Expression [259]
TMEFF2 OT1WZ2QO Strong Posttranslational Modification [260]
TMEM63A OTIUZ0C7 Strong Biomarker [44]
TNFRSF6B OTKAN9G7 Strong Altered Expression [261]
TP53INP1 OT2363Z9 Strong Altered Expression [262]
TPM3 OT5RU5G6 Strong Biomarker [72]
TRAK1 OTMQVYNP Strong Biomarker [263]
TRAP1 OTNG0L8J Strong Biomarker [44]
ABHD11 OTJE9UZY Definitive Altered Expression [264]
ADIPOR2 OT2HDTL8 Definitive Biomarker [265]
ANXA4 OTUCRYXL Definitive Biomarker [266]
ANXA7 OTLMD0TK Definitive Altered Expression [267]
AP2A1 OTEFZB21 Definitive Biomarker [268]
ARHGDIB OT9PD6CS Definitive Biomarker [269]
DHDH OTKA2AL6 Definitive Altered Expression [270]
DYNLRB1 OTWVKOFB Definitive Genetic Variation [271]
EIF4A3 OTYYFE7K Definitive Altered Expression [272]
ENDOG OT5IM7B3 Definitive Altered Expression [273]
FBLN1 OT5MHHOP Definitive Altered Expression [274]
FRZB OTTO3DPY Definitive Biomarker [275]
FZD5 OTXFFY56 Definitive Altered Expression [276]
GKN1 OT7ZYFQ9 Definitive Altered Expression [277]
HIVEP3 OTM3QT3L Definitive Altered Expression [278]
INPPL1 OTCDAVBQ Definitive Altered Expression [279]
IQGAP2 OTX2UA7P Definitive Posttranslational Modification [280]
KRT18 OTVLQFIP Definitive Biomarker [96]
MGAT5 OTU4DD4G Definitive Altered Expression [281]
MOS OTNMQPFJ Definitive Altered Expression [282]
OPCML OT93PQ6Y Definitive Altered Expression [145]
PCDH10 OT2GIT0E Definitive Biomarker [283]
PDCD5 OT6T2DDL Definitive Biomarker [284]
PITX1 OTA0UN4C Definitive Altered Expression [285]
PIWIL1 OT7CRGZ3 Definitive Biomarker [286]
POU2F1 OTK7ELJ0 Definitive Altered Expression [276]
PRKD2 OTIFSVI8 Definitive Posttranslational Modification [35]
PTPRA OTZA82J1 Definitive Biomarker [142]
RAB23 OTBAKFBR Definitive Biomarker [287]
RHOC OTOLE1FT Definitive Biomarker [288]
RNASE1 OTKZ7CO9 Definitive Altered Expression [145]
RND3 OTXMXPIH Definitive Altered Expression [289]
RPRM OTNNBAS1 Definitive Posttranslational Modification [290]
RPS27 OTFXKY7P Definitive Altered Expression [291]
SULF1 OTJCNCO0 Definitive Posttranslational Modification [292]
TSPYL5 OT7QEI2X Definitive Posttranslational Modification [293]
⏷ Show the Full List of 269 DOT(s)


1 Functional role of beta-adrenergic receptors in the mitogenic action of nicotine on gastric cancer cells. Toxicol Sci. 2007 Mar;96(1):21-9.
2 Chemical genomic screening for methylation-silenced genes in gastric cancer cell lines using 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine treatment and oligonucleotide microarray. Cancer Sci. 2006 Jan;97(1):64-71.
3 [Effect of B-RAF-specific RNA interference on gastric cancer BGC823 cell line].Yi Chuan. 2007 May;29(5):537-40. doi: 10.1360/yc-007-0537.
4 A six-nucleotide insertion-deletion polymorphism in the CASP8 promoter is associated with susceptibility to multiple cancers.Nat Genet. 2007 May;39(5):605-13. doi: 10.1038/ng2030. Epub 2007 Apr 22.
5 Somatic mutations in the DNA damage-response genes ATR and CHK1 in sporadic stomach tumors with microsatellite instability.Cancer Res. 2001 Nov 1;61(21):7727-30.
6 Methylation pattern analysis using high-throughput microarray of solid-phase hyperbranched rolling circle amplification products.Electrophoresis. 2008 Feb;29(3):626-33. doi: 10.1002/elps.200700375.
7 DNA methyltransferase 1 as a predictive biomarker and potential therapeutic target for chemotherapy in gastric cancer.Eur J Cancer. 2011 Aug;47(12):1817-25. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2011.02.024. Epub 2011 Mar 31.
8 Construction of possible integrated predictive index based on EGFR and ANXA3 polymorphisms for chemotherapy response in fluoropyrimidine-treated Japanese gastric cancer patients using a bioinformatic method.BMC Cancer. 2015 Oct 16;15:718. doi: 10.1186/s12885-015-1721-z.
9 Gefitinib ("Iressa", ZD1839) inhibits SN38-triggered EGF signals and IL-8 production in gastric cancer cells. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2005 Apr;55(4):393-403. doi: 10.1007/s00280-004-0904-0. Epub 2004 Oct 5.
10 Expression and function of heme oxygenase-1 in human gastric cancer.Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2012 Apr;237(4):362-71. doi: 10.1258/ebm.2011.011193. Epub 2012 Apr 4.
11 The role of IGFBP3 functional polymorphisms in the risk of gastric cancer in a high-risk Chinese population.Eur J Cancer Prev. 2008 Apr;17(2):82-7. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0b013e32809b4cff.
12 EGF stimulates uPAR expression and cell invasiveness through ERK, AP-1, and NF-kappaB signaling in human gastric carcinoma cells.Oncol Rep. 2008 Dec;20(6):1569-75.
13 Epithelioid gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the stomach with liver metastases in a 12-year-old girl: aspiration cytology and molecular study.Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2002 Jul-Aug;5(4):386-94. doi: 10.1007/s10024-001-0250-8. Epub 2002 Jun 17.
14 Novel oncogene and tumor suppressor mutations in KIT and PDGFRA wild type gastrointestinal stromal tumors revealed by next generation sequencing.Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2015 Mar;54(3):177-84. doi: 10.1002/gcc.22230. Epub 2014 Nov 27.
15 YAP/TAZ Initiates Gastric Tumorigenesis via Upregulation of MYC.Cancer Res. 2018 Jun 15;78(12):3306-3320. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-3487. Epub 2018 Apr 18.
16 Loss-of-function variants in ATM confer risk of gastric cancer.Nat Genet. 2015 Aug;47(8):906-10. doi: 10.1038/ng.3342. Epub 2015 Jun 22.
17 Reg IV enhances peritoneal metastasis in gastric carcinomas.Cell Prolif. 2009 Feb;42(1):110-21. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2184.2008.00577.x.
18 Recurrent gain-of-function mutations of RHOA in diffuse-type gastric carcinoma.Nat Genet. 2014 Jun;46(6):583-7. doi: 10.1038/ng.2984. Epub 2014 May 11.
19 Reduced expression and loss of heterozygosity of the SDHD gene in colorectal and gastric cancer.Oncol Rep. 2003 Sep-Oct;10(5):1375-80.
20 PAI-1 expression levels in gastric cancers are closely correlated to those in corresponding normal tissues.Hepatogastroenterology. 2008 Jul-Aug;55(85):1480-3.
21 Integrated Analysis of Mouse and Human Gastric Neoplasms Identifies Conserved microRNA Networks in Gastric Carcinogenesis.Gastroenterology. 2019 Mar;156(4):1127-1139.e8. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.11.052. Epub 2018 Nov 28.
22 Decreased orotate phosphoribosyltransferase activity produces 5-fluorouracil resistance in a human gastric cancer cell line.Oncol Rep. 2008 Dec;20(6):1545-51.
23 Loss of caspase-2, -6 and -7 expression in gastric cancers.APMIS. 2004 Jun;112(6):330-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0463.2004.apm1120602.x.
24 Identification of gastric cancer-related genes using a cDNA microarray containing novel expressed sequence tags expressed in gastric cancer cells.Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Jan 15;11(2 Pt 1):473-82.
25 Clinicopathologic and biological significance of kallikrein 6 overexpression in human gastric cancer.Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Oct 1;11(19 Pt 1):6800-6. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-05-0943.
26 The Ku antigen-recombination signal-binding protein Jkappa complex binds to the nuclear factor-kappaB p50 promoter and acts as a positive regulator of p50 expression in human gastric cancer cells.J Biol Chem. 2004 Jan 2;279(1):231-7. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M308609200. Epub 2003 Oct 21.
27 Absence of beta-tubulin gene mutation in gastric carcinoma.Gastric Cancer. 2003;6(2):108-12. doi: 10.1007/s10120-003-0235-6.
28 Concurrent expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor and CYP1A1 but not CYP1A1 MspI polymorphism is correlated with gastric cancers raised in Dalian, China.Cancer Lett. 2006 Aug 28;240(2):253-60. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2005.09.020. Epub 2005 Dec 6.
29 Aurora kinase A promotes inflammation and tumorigenesis in mice and human gastric neoplasia.Gastroenterology. 2013 Dec;145(6):1312-22.e1-8. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2013.08.050. Epub 2013 Aug 29.
30 Germline BAP1 Mutational Landscape of Asbestos-Exposed Malignant Mesothelioma Patients with Family History of Cancer.Cancer Res. 2016 Jan 15;76(2):206-15. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-0295. Epub 2015 Dec 30.
31 Genomic alterations in BCL2L1 and DLC1 contribute to drug sensitivity in gastric cancer.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Oct 6;112(40):12492-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1507491112. Epub 2015 Sep 23.
32 Modulation of anti-apoptosis by endogenous IAP expression in MKN45 human gastric cancer cells.Anticancer Res. 2005 Jul-Aug;25(4):2713-7.
33 Mutational analysis of the CASP6 gene in colorectal and gastric carcinomas.APMIS. 2006 Sep;114(9):646-50. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0463.2006.apm_417.x.
34 Bidirectional alteration of Cav-1 expression is associated with mitogenic conversion of its function in gastric tumor progression.BMC Cancer. 2017 Nov 15;17(1):766. doi: 10.1186/s12885-017-3770-y.
35 Phosphorylation at Ser244 by CK1 determines nuclear localization and substrate targeting of PKD2.EMBO J. 2007 Nov 14;26(22):4619-33. doi: 10.1038/sj.emboj.7601891. Epub 2007 Oct 25.
36 Up-regulation of gastric cancer cell invasion by Twist is accompanied by N-cadherin and fibronectin expression.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Jul 6;358(3):925-30. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2007.05.023. Epub 2007 May 15.
37 Cyclin D1/cdk4, estrogen receptors and , in N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced rat gastric carcinogenesis: immunohistochemical study.J Toxicol Sci. 2011 Jun;36(3):373-8. doi: 10.2131/jts.36.373.
38 P27kip1 regulates the apoptotic response of gastric epithelial cells to Helicobacter pylori.Gut. 2004 Jun;53(6):797-804. doi: 10.1136/gut.2003.032144.
39 Reduced EphB6 protein in gastric carcinoma and associated lymph nodes suggests EphB6 as a gastric tumor and metastasis inhibitor.Cancer Biomark. 2017 Jul 4;19(3):241-248. doi: 10.3233/CBM-160256.
40 Antibody-drug conjugates with HER2-targeting antibodies from synthetic antibody libraries are highly potent against HER2-positive human gastric tumor in xenograft models.MAbs. 2019 Jan;11(1):153-165. doi: 10.1080/19420862.2018.1541370. Epub 2018 Nov 8.
41 Oncogenic ERBB3 mutations in human cancers.Cancer Cell. 2013 May 13;23(5):603-17. doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2013.04.012.
42 Helicobacter pylori infection and family history of gastric cancer decrease expression of FHIT tumor suppressor gene in gastric mucosa of dyspeptic patients.Helicobacter. 2009 Oct;14(5):126-34. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-5378.2009.00715.x.
43 Gastrin-induced miR-222 promotes gastric tumor development by suppressing p27kip1.Oncotarget. 2016 Jul 19;7(29):45462-45478. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.9990.
44 A gene expression signature of acquired chemoresistance to cisplatin and fluorouracil combination chemotherapy in gastric cancer patients.PLoS One. 2011 Feb 18;6(2):e16694. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016694.
45 Deregulated expression of annexin-A2 and galectin-3 is associated with metastasis in gastric cancer patients.Clin Exp Med. 2015 Aug;15(3):415-20. doi: 10.1007/s10238-014-0299-0. Epub 2014 Jul 18.
46 Overexpression of hMSH2 and hMLH1 protein in certain gastric cancers and their surrounding mucosae.Oncol Rep. 2008 Feb;19(2):401-6.
47 Utility of molecular genetic signatures in the delineation of gastric neoplasia.Cancer. 2006 Apr 1;106(7):1480-8. doi: 10.1002/cncr.21758.
48 Thymidylate synthase and methylenetetrahy-drofolate reductase gene polymorphisms and gastric cancer susceptibility in a population of Northern Brazil.Genet Mol Res. 2015 Aug 21;14(3):10001-6. doi: 10.4238/2015.August.21.6.
49 Multicellular Human Gastric-Cancer Spheroids Mimic the Glycosylation Phenotype of Gastric Carcinomas.Molecules. 2018 Oct 30;23(11):2815. doi: 10.3390/molecules23112815.
50 Potential application of alternatively glycosylated serum MUC1 and MUC5AC in gastric cancer diagnosis.Biologicals. 2009 Jan;37(1):18-25. doi: 10.1016/j.biologicals.2008.08.002. Epub 2008 Oct 10.
51 Deregulated expression of Nucleophosmin 1 in gastric cancer and its clinicopathological implications.BMC Gastroenterol. 2014 Jan 10;14:9. doi: 10.1186/1471-230X-14-9.
52 Orphan nuclear receptor Nur77 translocates to mitochondria in the early phase of apoptosis induced by synthetic chenodeoxycholic acid derivatives in human stomach cancer cell line SNU-1.Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Dec;1010:171-7. doi: 10.1196/annals.1299.029.
53 Helicobacter pylori infection and serum level of pepsinogen are associated with the risk of metachronous gastric neoplasm after endoscopic resection.Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Oct;46(8):758-767. doi: 10.1111/apt.14263. Epub 2017 Aug 11.
54 The effects of cyclooxygenase2-prostaglandinE2 pathway on Helicobacter pylori-induced urokinase-type plasminogen activator system in the gastric cancer cells.Helicobacter. 2008 Jun;13(3):174-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-5378.2008.00597.x.
55 Expression of uPAR mRNA in peripheral blood is a favourite marker for metastasis in gastric cancer cases.Br J Cancer. 2009 Jan 13;100(1):153-9. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6604806. Epub 2008 Dec 2.
56 Effects of ciglitazone and troglitazone on the proliferation of human stomach cancer cells. World J Gastroenterol. 2009 Jan 21;15(3):310-20.
57 A genetic variant in 3'-untranslated region of cyclooxygenases-2 gene is associated with risk of gastric cancer in a Chinese population.DNA Cell Biol. 2012 Jul;31(7):1252-7. doi: 10.1089/dna.2012.1615. Epub 2012 Mar 2.
58 Phosphorylation of the gastric tumor suppressor RUNX3 following H. pylori infection results in its localization to the cytoplasm.J Cell Physiol. 2012 Mar;227(3):1071-80. doi: 10.1002/jcp.22820.
59 Maspin and p53 protein expression in gastric adenocarcinoma and its clinical applications.Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2008 Jan;16(1):13-8. doi: 10.1097/PAI.0b013e31802c4f21.
60 Sonic hedgehog signaling promotes motility and invasiveness of gastric cancer cells through TGF-beta-mediated activation of the ALK5-Smad 3 pathway.Carcinogenesis. 2008 Mar;29(3):480-90. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgm281. Epub 2008 Jan 3.
61 MCT4 as a potential therapeutic target for metastatic gastric cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis.Oncotarget. 2016 Jul 12;7(28):43492-43503. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.9523.
62 Regulation of CD44v6 expression in gastric carcinoma by the IL-6/STAT3 signaling pathway and its clinical significance.Oncotarget. 2017 Jul 11;8(28):45848-45861. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17435.
63 Angiogenic factor thymidine phosphorylase increases cancer cell invasion activity in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma.Mol Cancer Res. 2008 Oct;6(10):1554-66. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-08-0166.
64 Expression of AFP and STAT3 is involved in arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation in AFP-producing gastric cancer cells. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e54774. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054774. Epub 2013 Jan 30.
65 Expression of the local angiotensin II system in gastric cancer may facilitate lymphatic invasion and nodal spread.Cancer Biol Ther. 2007 Aug;6(8):1218-26. doi: 10.4161/cbt.6.8.4412. Epub 2007 Aug 10.
66 Two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis for identification of gastric cancer-specific protein markers.Oncol Rep. 2009 Jun;21(6):1429-37. doi: 10.3892/or_00000371.
67 Myenteric denervation in gastric carcinogenesis: differential modulation of nitric oxide and annexin-A1.Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2013;6(1):13-23. Epub 2012 Nov 20.
68 Rebamipide inhibits gastric cancer growth by targeting survivin and Aurora-B. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Aug 19;334(1):207-12. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2005.05.204.
69 Comparison of tissue kallikrein and kinin receptor expression in gastric ulcers and neoplasms.Int Immunopharmacol. 2001 Nov;1(12):2063-80. doi: 10.1016/s1567-5769(01)00118-7.
70 Chemoresponse to docetaxel correlates with expression of the survivin splicing variants in patients with gastric cancer.Hepatogastroenterology. 2007 Oct-Nov;54(79):1934-40.
71 Frequent epigenetic silencing of the bone morphogenetic protein 2 gene through methylation in gastric carcinomas.Oncogene. 2006 Apr 27;25(18):2666-73. doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1209297.
72 Diverse proteomic alterations in gastric adenocarcinoma.Proteomics. 2004 Oct;4(10):3276-87. doi: 10.1002/pmic.200300916.
73 CD44-SLC1A2 gene fusions in gastric cancer. Sci Transl Med. 2011 Apr 6;3(77):77ra30. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3001423.
74 CD9 expression in gastric cancer and its significance.J Surg Res. 2004 Apr;117(2):208-15. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2004.01.014.
75 Borealin/Dasra B is a cell cycle-regulated chromosomal passenger protein and its nuclear accumulation is linked to poor prognosis for human gastric cancer.Exp Cell Res. 2006 Apr 15;312(7):962-73. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2005.12.015. Epub 2006 Jan 19.
76 Clinical relevance of breast and gastric cancer-associated polymorphisms as potential susceptibility markers for oral clefts in the Brazilian population.BMC Med Genet. 2017 Apr 4;18(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s12881-017-0390-y.
77 CDKN1A histone acetylation and gene expression relationship in gastric adenocarcinomas.Clin Exp Med. 2017 Feb;17(1):121-129. doi: 10.1007/s10238-015-0400-3. Epub 2015 Nov 14.
78 Expression of matrix metalloproteinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 in gastric cancer and their relation to claudin-4 expression.Histol Histopathol. 2008 May;23(5):515-21. doi: 10.14670/HH-23.515.
79 CYP2A6 and ERCC1 polymorphisms correlate with efficacy of S-1 plus cisplatin in metastatic gastric cancer patients.Br J Cancer. 2011 Mar 29;104(7):1126-34. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.24. Epub 2011 Mar 1.
80 Three-gene predictor of clinical outcome for gastric cancer patients treated with chemotherapy.Pharmacogenomics J. 2012 Apr;12(2):119-27. doi: 10.1038/tpj.2010.87. Epub 2010 Dec 21.
81 Polymorphisms and mutations of the folate receptor-alpha gene and risk of gastric cancer in a Chinese population.Int J Mol Med. 2005 Apr;15(4):627-32.
82 Adipokines and ghrelin in gastric cancer cachexia.World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Jun 21;14(23):3633-41. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.3633.
83 Association of heparanase gene (HPSE-1) single nucleotide polymorphisms with gastric cancer.J Surg Oncol. 2010 Jul 1;102(1):68-72. doi: 10.1002/jso.21584.
84 Gene expression analysis in the lung of the rasH2 transgenic mouse at week 4 prior to induction of malignant tumor formation by urethane and N-methylolacrylamide.J Toxicol Sci. 2015 Dec;40(6):685-700. doi: 10.2131/jts.40.685.
85 Deletion and down-regulation of HRH4 gene in gastric carcinomas: a potential correlation with tumor progression. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31207. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031207. Epub 2012 Feb 20.
86 Sex steroid metabolism in human gastric mucosa: 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in normal, inflamed and neoplastic gastric tissues.Anticancer Res. 2003 Sep-Oct;23(5A):3889-97.
87 HtrA1, a potential predictor of response to cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy in gastric cancer.Histopathology. 2011 Apr;58(5):669-78. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2011.03818.x. Epub 2011 Mar 30.
88 Polymorphisms in Th1-type cell-mediated response genes and risk of gastric cancer.Carcinogenesis. 2007 Jan;28(1):118-23. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgl130. Epub 2006 Aug 2.
89 Inflammatory cytokine gene polymorphisms in gastric cancer cases' and controls' family members from Chinese areas at high cancer prevalence.Cancer Lett. 2008 Nov 8;270(2):250-9. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2008.05.013. Epub 2008 Jun 18.
90 Expression of acidosis-dependent genes in human cancer nests.Mol Clin Oncol. 2014 Nov;2(6):1160-1166. doi: 10.3892/mco.2014.344. Epub 2014 Jul 11.
91 Oncofetal protein, IMP-3, a potential marker for prediction of postoperative peritoneal dissemination in gastric adenocarcinoma.J Surg Oncol. 2012 Jun 15;105(8):780-5. doi: 10.1002/jso.22108. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
92 Quantitative expression of the homeobox and integrin genes in human gastric carcinoma.Int J Mol Med. 2007 Oct;20(4):621-9.
93 Detection of potassium currents and regulation of multidrug resistance by potassium channels in human gastric cancer cells. Cell Biol Int. 2007 Jul;31(7):741-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cellbi.2007.01.008. Epub 2007 Jan 21.
94 Aberrant expression of Eag1 potassium channels in gastric cancer patients and cell lines.Med Oncol. 2007;24(3):345-50. doi: 10.1007/s12032-007-0015-y.
95 Exome sequencing of gastric adenocarcinoma identifies recurrent somatic mutations in cell adhesion and chromatin remodeling genes.Nat Genet. 2012 May;44(5):570-4. doi: 10.1038/ng.2246.
96 Detection of circulating gastric cancer cells in peripheral blood using real time quantitative RT-PCR.Hepatogastroenterology. 2008 May-Jun;55(84):1131-5.
97 Relationship between LAPTM4B gene polymorphism and susceptibility of gastric cancer.Ann Oncol. 2007 Feb;18(2):311-6. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdl394. Epub 2006 Oct 30.
98 Melanoma-associated antigen-A1 expression predicts resistance to docetaxel and paclitaxel in advanced and recurrent gastric cancer.Oncol Rep. 2007 Aug;18(2):329-36.
99 c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase 1 is a critical regulator for the development of gastric cancer in mice.Cancer Res. 2008 Jul 1;68(13):5031-9. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-07-6332.
100 Volumetric parameters on (18)F-FDG PET/CT predict the survival of patients with gastric cancer associated with their expression status of c-MET.BMC Cancer. 2019 Aug 8;19(1):790. doi: 10.1186/s12885-019-5935-3.
101 Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid inhibit macrophage-induced gastric cancer cell migration by attenuating the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 10. J Nutr Biochem. 2012 Nov;23(11):1434-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2011.09.004. Epub 2012 Jan 27.
102 Association of MMP7 -181AG Promoter Polymorphism with Gastric Cancer Risk: INFLUENCE OF NICOTINE IN DIFFERENTIAL ALLELE-SPECIFIC TRANSCRIPTION VIA INCREASED PHOSPHORYLATION OF cAMP-RESPONSE ELEMENT-BINDING PROTEIN (CREB).J Biol Chem. 2015 Jun 5;290(23):14391-406. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.630129. Epub 2015 Apr 6.
103 Luminal membrane expression of mesothelin is a prominent poor prognostic factor for gastric cancer.Br J Cancer. 2012 Jun 26;107(1):137-42. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2012.235. Epub 2012 May 29.
104 Germline variation in cancer-susceptibility genes in a healthy, ancestrally diverse cohort: implications for individual genome sequencing.PLoS One. 2014 Apr 11;9(4):e94554. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094554. eCollection 2014.
105 p75 neurotrophin receptor inhibits invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer.Mol Cancer Res. 2007 May;5(5):423-33. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-06-0407.
106 Long Noncoding RNA (lncRNA) MIR22HG Suppresses Gastric Cancer Progression through Attenuating NOTCH2 Signaling.Med Sci Monit. 2019 Jan 23;25:656-665. doi: 10.12659/MSM.912813.
107 Natriuretic peptide receptor A inhibition suppresses gastric cancer development through reactive oxygen species-mediated G2/M cell cycle arrest and cell death.Free Radic Biol Med. 2016 Oct;99:593-607. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2016.08.019. Epub 2016 Sep 12.
108 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.J Mol Diagn. 2014 Nov;16(6):660-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jmoldx.2014.06.004. Epub 2014 Aug 23.
109 GISTs with PDGFRA exon 14 mutations represent subset of clinically favorable gastric tumors with epithelioid morphology.Lab Invest. 2006 Jan;86(1):94-100. doi: 10.1038/labinvest.3700360.
110 Hypoxic regulation of PFKFB-3 and PFKFB-4 gene expression in gastric and pancreatic cancer cell lines and expression of PFKFB genes in gastric cancers.Acta Biochim Pol. 2006;53(4):789-99. Epub 2006 Dec 4.
111 Mutations in PI3K/AKT pathway genes and amplifications of PIK3CA are associated with patterns of recurrence in gastric cancers.Oncotarget. 2016 Feb 2;7(5):6201-20. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.6641.
112 Loss of heterozygosity and histone hypoacetylation of the PINX1 gene are associated with reduced expression in gastric carcinoma.Oncogene. 2005 Jan 6;24(1):157-64. doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1207832.
113 Inhibition of gastric cancer invasion and metastasis by PLA2G2A, a novel beta-catenin/TCF target gene.Cancer Res. 2008 Jun 1;68(11):4277-86. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-07-6517.
114 Cellular prion protein promotes proliferation and G1/S transition of human gastric cancer cells SGC7901 and AGS.FASEB J. 2007 Jul;21(9):2247-56. doi: 10.1096/fj.06-7799com. Epub 2007 Apr 4.
115 High expression of PRL-3 can promote growth of gastric cancer and exhibits a poor prognostic impact on patients.Ann Surg Oncol. 2009 Jan;16(1):208-19. doi: 10.1245/s10434-008-0214-6. Epub 2008 Nov 14.
116 DNA methylation of genes linked with retinoid signaling in gastric carcinoma: expression of the retinoid acid receptor beta, cellular retinol-binding protein 1, and tazarotene-induced gene 1 genes is associated with DNA methylation.Cancer. 2005 Oct 15;104(8):1609-19. doi: 10.1002/cncr.21392.
117 Whole-genome sequencing and comprehensive molecular profiling identify new driver mutations in gastric cancer.Nat Genet. 2014 Jun;46(6):573-82. doi: 10.1038/ng.2983. Epub 2014 May 11.
118 Altered expression of transcription factor Sp1 critically impacts the angiogenic phenotype of human gastric cancer.Clin Exp Metastasis. 2005;22(3):205-13. doi: 10.1007/s10585-005-5684-3.
119 Expression of somatostatin receptor subtype 3 in the gastric mucosa of dyspeptic patients in relation to Helicobacter pylori infection and a family history of gastric cancer.J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 Mar;23(3):424-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2007.05094.x. Epub 2007 Aug 7.
120 Abacavir induces the transcriptional activity of YY1 and other oncogenic transcription factors in gastric cancer cells.Antiviral Res. 2020 Feb;174:104695. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104695. Epub 2019 Dec 14.
121 Expression of the mutated transketolase TKTL1, a molecular marker in gastric cancer.Oncol Rep. 2006 Oct;16(4):657-61.
122 Metastasis-induction and apoptosis-protection by TWIST in gastric cancer cells. Clin Exp Metastasis. 2009;26(8):1013-23. doi: 10.1007/s10585-009-9291-6. Epub 2009 Oct 6.
123 Vitamin D3 up-regulated protein 1 (VDUP1) expression in gastrointestinal cancer and its relation to stage of disease.Anticancer Res. 2002 Nov-Dec;22(6C):4045-8.
124 The polymorphisms of TS and MTHFR predict survival of gastric cancer patients treated with fluorouracil-based adjuvant chemotherapy in Chinese population.Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2009 Apr;63(5):911-8. doi: 10.1007/s00280-008-0815-6. Epub 2008 Aug 15.
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215 Calcyclin-binding protein inhibits proliferation, tumorigenicity, and invasion of gastric cancer.Mol Cancer Res. 2007 Dec;5(12):1254-62. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-06-0426.
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217 Frequent downregulation of the runt domain transcription factors RUNX1, RUNX3 and their cofactor CBFB in gastric cancer.Int J Cancer. 2005 Jan 10;113(2):221-8. doi: 10.1002/ijc.20551.
218 CD81 is a candidate tumor suppressor gene in human gastric cancer.Cell Oncol (Dordr). 2013 Apr;36(2):141-53. doi: 10.1007/s13402-012-0119-z. Epub 2012 Dec 21.
219 Nuclear transcription factor CDX2 inhibits gastric cancercell growth and reverses epithelialtomesenchymal transition in vitro and in vivo.Mol Med Rep. 2015 Oct;12(4):5231-8. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2015.4114. Epub 2015 Jul 22.
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224 Identification of prognostic biomarkers in gastric cancer using endoscopic biopsy samples.Cancer Sci. 2008 Nov;99(11):2193-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2008.00935.x. Epub 2008 Jan 11.
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226 Promoter hypomethylation of a novel cancer/testis antigen gene CAGE is correlated with its aberrant expression and is seen in premalignant stage of gastric carcinoma.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Jul 18;307(1):52-63. doi: 10.1016/s0006-291x(03)01121-5.
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230 Promoter hypermethylation mediated downregulation of FBP1 in human hepatocellular carcinoma and colon cancer. PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e25564. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0025564. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
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232 Interleukin 1 Up-regulates MicroRNA 135b to Promote Inflammation-Associated Gastric Carcinogenesis in Mice.Gastroenterology. 2019 Mar;156(4):1140-1155.e4. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.11.059. Epub 2018 Nov 30.
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236 Therapeutic inhibition of Jak activity inhibits progression of gastrointestinal tumors in mice.Mol Cancer Ther. 2014 Feb;13(2):468-74. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-13-0583-T. Epub 2014 Jan 7.
237 Clinicopathological and biological significance of mitotic centromere-associated kinesin overexpression in human gastric cancer.Br J Cancer. 2007 Aug 20;97(4):543-9. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6603905. Epub 2007 Jul 24.
238 Genetic alterations of the KLF6 gene in gastric cancer.Oncogene. 2005 Jun 30;24(28):4588-90. doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1208670.
239 Splice-site genetic polymorphism of the human kallikrein 12 (KLK12) gene correlates with no substantial expression of KLK12 protein having serine protease activity.Hum Mutat. 2004 Sep;24(3):273-4. doi: 10.1002/humu.9270.
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241 Galectin-7 is epigenetically-regulated tumor suppressor in gastric cancer.Oncotarget. 2013 Sep;4(9):1461-71. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.1219.
242 The epigenetic silencing of LIMS2 in gastric cancer and its inhibitory effect on cell migration.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Oct 27;349(3):1032-40. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2006.08.128. Epub 2006 Aug 30.
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244 Expression of MTLC gene in gastric carcinoma.World J Gastroenterol. 2003 Oct;9(10):2160-3. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v9.i10.2160.
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246 Inactivating mutations of the human base excision repair gene NEIL1 in gastric cancer.Carcinogenesis. 2004 Dec;25(12):2311-7. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgh267. Epub 2004 Aug 19.
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251 RASSF2, a potential tumour suppressor, is silenced by CpG island hypermethylation in gastric cancer.Br J Cancer. 2005 Dec 12;93(12):1395-9. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6602854.
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255 Genetic analysis of the DBC2 gene in gastric cancer.Acta Oncol. 2008;47(3):366-71. doi: 10.1080/02841860701644094. Epub 2007 Sep 28.
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257 SOSTDC1 down-regulation of expression involves CpG methylation and is a potential prognostic marker in gastric cancer.Cancer Genet. 2013 May;206(5):174-82. doi: 10.1016/j.cancergen.2013.04.005. Epub 2013 Jul 5.
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