General Information of Disease (ID: DISV1LU6)

Disease Name Classic Hodgkin lymphoma
Synonyms lymphoma, Hodgkin, classic; Hodgkin lymphoma, susceptibility to; Hodgkin disease; Chl; classical Hodgkin lymphoma; classic Hodgkin disease; classical Hodgkin's lymphoma
Definition Classical Hodgkin lymphoma (CHL) is a B-cell lymphoma characterized histologically by the presence of large mononuclear Hodgkin cells and multinucleated Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells.
Disease Hierarchy
DISX2OUL: Hodgkin lymphoma
DISV1LU6: Classic Hodgkin lymphoma
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID
Orphanet ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 26 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Betamethasone DMAHJEF Approved Small molecular drug [1]
Bleomycin DMNER5S Approved Small molecular drug [2]
Brentuximab vedotin DMWLC57 Approved Monoclonal antibody [3]
Chlorambucil DMRKE63 Approved Small molecular drug [4]
Clofarabine DMCVJ86 Approved Small molecular drug [5]
Cortisone Acetate DMG8K57 Approved Small molecular drug [6]
Cyclophosphamide DM4O2Z7 Approved Small molecular drug [7]
Dacarbazine DMNPZL4 Approved Small molecular drug [8]
Dexamethasone DMMWZET Approved Small molecular drug [9]
Doxorubicin DMVP5YE Approved Small molecular drug [10]
DTI-015 DMXZRW0 Approved Small molecular drug [11]
Fludarabine DMVRLT7 Approved Small molecular drug [12]
Hydrocortisone DMGEMB7 Approved Small molecular drug [13]
Lomustine DMMWSUL Approved Small molecular drug [14]
Mechlorethamine DM0CVXA Approved Small molecular drug [15]
Melphalan DMOLNHF Approved Small molecular drug [16]
Methylprednisolone DM4BDON Approved Small molecular drug [17]
Mycophenolate mofetil DMPQAGE Approved Small molecular drug [18]
Mycophenolic acid DMRBMAU Approved NA [19]
Prednisolone DMQ8FR2 Approved Small molecular drug [20]
Prednisone DM2HG4X Approved Small molecular drug [21]
Tacrolimus DMZ7XNQ Approved Small molecular drug [22]
Thiotepa DMIZKOP Approved Small molecular drug [23]
Triamcinolone DM98IXF Approved Small molecular drug [24]
Vinblastine DM5TVS3 Approved Small molecular drug [25]
Vincristine DMINOX3 Approved Small molecular drug [26]
⏷ Show the Full List of 26 Drug(s)

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 151 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACE2 TTUI5H7 Limited Genetic Variation [27]
CASP10 TTX5HEK Limited Genetic Variation [28]
CD19 TTW640A Limited Biomarker [29]
CD27 TTDO1MV Limited Altered Expression [30]
CD70 TTNCIE0 Limited Genetic Variation [31]
CDC25A TTLZS4Q Limited Altered Expression [32]
DPP4 TTDIGC1 Limited Biomarker [33]
GAL TTXZAJ5 Limited Biomarker [34]
GAP43 TTSGLN5 Limited Biomarker [34]
GATA3 TT45KOB Limited Biomarker [35]
HEXA TTJI5JW Limited Genetic Variation [36]
KDM4C TTV8CRH Limited Biomarker [37]
TCF3 TTULOD8 Limited Genetic Variation [38]
TNNI3 TTNLDK6 Limited Biomarker [39]
GSTP1 TT40K12 Disputed Genetic Variation [40]
CCR5 TTJIH8Q moderate Biomarker [41]
FASLG TTO7014 moderate Altered Expression [42]
SOCS1 TT8COJM moderate Genetic Variation [43]
SOST TTYRO4F moderate Altered Expression [44]
ADAM10 TTVXEGU Strong Biomarker [45]
AGRP TT4DE1O Strong Biomarker [46]
AHSG TTKF4WV Strong Altered Expression [47]
AICDA TTKRTP6 Strong Biomarker [48]
AOC3 TT7HC21 Strong Biomarker [49]
APOC3 TTXOZQ1 Strong Biomarker [50]
BAK1 TTFM7V0 Strong Genetic Variation [51]
BCL11A TTR61MW Strong Genetic Variation [52]
BTK TTGM6VW Strong Biomarker [53]
CALCR TTLWS2O Strong Biomarker [54]
CCR3 TTD3XFU Strong Altered Expression [55]
CCR4 TT7HQD0 Strong Genetic Variation [56]
CD274 TT8ZLTI Strong Altered Expression [57]
CD37 TTFCW29 Strong Altered Expression [58]
CD40LG TTIJP3Q Strong Biomarker [59]
CD5 TTEGYK1 Strong Biomarker [60]
CD58 TT5KSBY Strong Altered Expression [61]
CD83 TTT9MRQ Strong Biomarker [62]
CDC25C TTESBNC Strong Altered Expression [63]
CDK2 TT7HF4W Strong Biomarker [64]
CDKN2C TTBRUGA Strong Altered Expression [65]
CETP TTFQAYR Strong Genetic Variation [66]
CFLAR TTJZQYH Strong Altered Expression [67]
CSF1 TT0IQER Strong Biomarker [68]
CXCR5 TTIW59R Strong Altered Expression [69]
DDR1 TTI1FPZ Strong Biomarker [70]
DRD3 TT4C8EA Strong Biomarker [71]
EML4 TT92GY4 Strong Genetic Variation [72]
ENPP2 TTSCIM2 Strong Biomarker [73]
EPHA7 TTAHTVG Strong Biomarker [74]
FCGR3A TTIFOC0 Strong Biomarker [75]
FCGRT TTKLPHO Strong Genetic Variation [76]
FGF23 TT2IZ4K Strong Altered Expression [77]
FMNL1 TTW20PQ Strong Altered Expression [78]
FOXC1 TTNT3YA Strong Altered Expression [79]
GLO1 TTV9A7R Strong Genetic Variation [80]
GSTA1 TT4P8DE Strong Biomarker [40]
GUCY2D TTWNFC2 Strong Biomarker [81]
GZMB TTKEPHX Strong Altered Expression [82]
HAMP TTRV5YJ Strong Altered Expression [83]
HBB TTM6HK1 Strong Genetic Variation [84]
HDAC10 TTYHPU6 Strong Biomarker [85]
HDAC11 TT8K17W Strong Biomarker [85]
HLA-DRB1 TTUXSTW Strong Genetic Variation [86]
HLA-G TTLKFB3 Strong Altered Expression [87]
HTR5A TTRUFDT Strong Genetic Variation [88]
HTT TTIWZ0O Strong Biomarker [89]
ID2 TTW8A5N Strong Altered Expression [90]
IFNA2 TTSIUJ9 Strong Biomarker [91]
IFNL3 TTRF4Q2 Strong Biomarker [92]
IL11RA TTZPLJS Strong Altered Expression [93]
IL12A TTRTK6Y Strong Genetic Variation [94]
IL12B TTGW72V Strong Genetic Variation [95]
IL13 TT0GVCH Strong Altered Expression [96]
IL13RA2 TTMPZ7V Strong Altered Expression [97]
IL31 TT1RJXK Strong Altered Expression [98]
IL4R TTDWHC3 Strong Genetic Variation [99]
IL5 TTPREZD Strong Altered Expression [100]
JAK2 TTRMX3V Strong Genetic Variation [101]
KIR2DS1 TTVWAGF Strong Biomarker [102]
KIR3DL2 TTQH3N0 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
LAIR1 TTSI7A8 Strong Biomarker [103]
LGALS1 TTO3NYT Strong Altered Expression [104]
LMO2 TTFX379 Strong Altered Expression [105]
LTB TTHQ6US Strong Biomarker [106]
LY75 TTG180Q Strong Altered Expression [107]
MAPKAP1 TTWDKCL Strong Biomarker [108]
MAZ TT059DA Strong Biomarker [109]
MC1R TT0MV2T Strong Genetic Variation [110]
MSTN TTM8I2X Strong Biomarker [111]
MTNR1A TT0WAIE Strong Genetic Variation [112]
MTNR1B TT32JK8 Strong Biomarker [112]
NAAA TTMN4HY Strong Biomarker [113]
NAPRT TTVR1FW Strong Altered Expression [114]
NCK1 TTMA3VF Strong Genetic Variation [51]
NFKB2 TTKLNRV Strong Biomarker [115]
NFKBIA TTSHAEB Strong Altered Expression [116]
NME1 TTDY8JH Strong Altered Expression [117]
NPM1 TTHBS98 Strong Altered Expression [118]
NR1H3 TTECBXN Strong Genetic Variation [119]
PDCD1LG2 TTW14O3 Strong Altered Expression [120]
PIM2 TT69J2Z Strong Biomarker [121]
PMS1 TTX1ISF Strong Genetic Variation [122]
PRAME TTPH7T0 Strong Biomarker [123]
PSIP1 TTH9LDP Strong Altered Expression [124]
PSMB9 TTOUSTQ Strong Biomarker [125]
PTH TT6F7GZ Strong Biomarker [126]
PTPN1 TTELIN2 Strong Biomarker [127]
REG3A TTL4H8N Strong Biomarker [128]
REL TT1ZCTH Strong Biomarker [129]
RGS6 TTJ96M8 Strong Altered Expression [130]
RXRA TT6PEUO Strong Genetic Variation [119]
S100A12 TTQ4ESF Strong Biomarker [131]
SLC26A4 TT7X02I Strong Genetic Variation [132]
SLC27A4 TT20AYF Strong Genetic Variation [133]
SLC29A1 TTLXAKE Strong Altered Expression [134]
SLC40A1 TT6Y1PG Strong Altered Expression [135]
SLC6A8 TTYUHB5 Strong Biomarker [54]
SLCO1B3 TTU86P0 Strong Genetic Variation [136]
SNAP25 TTYQWA0 Strong Biomarker [137]
STAT6 TTWOE1T Strong Biomarker [138]
TBX21 TTNF9PH Strong Biomarker [139]
TIGIT TTWNL74 Strong Altered Expression [140]
TMPRSS6 TTL9KE7 Strong Biomarker [112]
TNFAIP3 TT5W0IO Strong Genetic Variation [141]
TNFRSF17 TTZ3P4W Strong Biomarker [142]
TNFRSF25 TTDV6BQ Strong Altered Expression [143]
TNFSF13B TTWMIDN Strong Altered Expression [144]
TRPC4 TTX0H5W Strong Biomarker [145]
TUSC2 TTJ8O14 Strong Biomarker [128]
UCHL1 TTX9IFP Strong Biomarker [146]
UCP1 TTI12YJ Strong Genetic Variation [147]
UGT1A1 TT34ZAF Strong Genetic Variation [148]
BCL2L2 TTQ79W8 Definitive Altered Expression [149]
CCL11 TTCF05Y Definitive Altered Expression [55]
CCL22 TTBTWI1 Definitive Biomarker [150]
CD79B TTBN5I7 Definitive Genetic Variation [151]
COPS5 TTSTNJR Definitive Altered Expression [152]
CR2 TT0HUN7 Definitive Biomarker [153]
CSF3 TT5TQ2W Definitive Genetic Variation [154]
FCER2 TTCH6MU Definitive Altered Expression [155]
GRM5 TTHS256 Definitive Biomarker [156]
IL3RA TTENHJ0 Definitive Biomarker [157]
LPL TTOF3WZ Definitive Biomarker [158]
NPSR1 TTV1C0Z Definitive Genetic Variation [159]
PDCD1 TTNBFWK Definitive Biomarker [160]
PIM1 TTTN5QW Definitive Altered Expression [161]
SCT TTOBVIN Definitive Biomarker [162]
SDC1 TTYDSVG Definitive Altered Expression [163]
SLC22A2 TT0XOJN Definitive Biomarker [164]
TNFRSF9 TTPW9LJ Definitive Altered Expression [165]
ZAP70 TTUMHT8 Definitive Genetic Variation [166]
⏷ Show the Full List of 151 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 1 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ABCC6 DT582KR Strong Biomarker [167]
This Disease Is Related to 4 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACP3 DEDW5H6 Strong Biomarker [128]
BLMH DECH1VP Strong Genetic Variation [168]
GSTT1 DE3PKUG Strong Genetic Variation [169]
UBASH3B DE10BJ5 Strong Biomarker [170]
This Disease Is Related to 231 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACSBG1 OTM040MW Limited Biomarker [171]
ALLC OTZE4XV7 Limited Genetic Variation [172]
BATF3 OTI61WXQ Limited Biomarker [173]
CCHCR1 OT22C116 Limited Biomarker [174]
CCL4L2 OTDBSXOU Limited Altered Expression [96]
CYP4V2 OTQKNK0D Limited Biomarker [175]
ERFE OTSES1HA Limited Biomarker [176]
GLIS2 OTOUUV1X Limited Altered Expression [177]
IBTK OTB2GM4G Limited Altered Expression [178]
KLHDC8B OTKP6LCR Limited Unknown [179]
MCM3AP OT895FEC Limited Biomarker [180]
NINL OTWIK6HT Limited Genetic Variation [181]
NRSN1 OT1KKXC8 Limited Biomarker [34]
RAPH1 OTMQXW7S Limited Biomarker [171]
RASGRP1 OTX9WN2E Limited Altered Expression [182]
RELN OTLKMW1O Limited Biomarker [183]
SELENBP1 OT3NZNTR Limited Biomarker [174]
SKI OT4KJ8F6 Limited Biomarker [184]
TBP OT6C0S52 Limited Biomarker [185]
AHI1 OT8K2YWY moderate Genetic Variation [186]
EBAG9 OTTQLQCP moderate Biomarker [187]
IL10RA OTOX3D1D moderate Genetic Variation [188]
MGP OTZWU3FU moderate Biomarker [189]
NIPBL OTF6OOLU moderate Genetic Variation [190]
OPCML OT93PQ6Y moderate Posttranslational Modification [191]
ACOXL OTW680HT Strong Genetic Variation [51]
ADAM11 OTPTVW5W Strong Altered Expression [192]
ADARB1 OTGKSZEV Strong Altered Expression [193]
ADD1 OTTF68DC Strong Biomarker [194]
AGO2 OT4JY32Q Strong Genetic Variation [195]
ALG1 OTVXPA9E Strong Genetic Variation [112]
ALMS1 OTW66JKS Strong Genetic Variation [196]
AMPD1 OTU17BCI Strong Genetic Variation [197]
ANP32B OT3SQMLU Strong Altered Expression [144]
APH1A OT97F1TU Strong Biomarker [198]
ARHGAP24 OTCQCEZS Strong Genetic Variation [199]
ARHGDIB OT9PD6CS Strong Altered Expression [200]
ARHGEF7 OT9BPJCL Strong Altered Expression [124]
ASAP1 OT4DLRYY Strong Biomarker [128]
ASAP2 OTGEXULW Strong Biomarker [128]
ATF1 OT251CI0 Strong Genetic Variation [201]
ATF7IP OTU6ZA7F Strong Biomarker [202]
BCL10 OT47MCLI Strong Genetic Variation [203]
BCL3 OT1M5B95 Strong Genetic Variation [204]
BCR OTCN76C1 Strong Genetic Variation [205]
BMF OT90NSLI Strong Genetic Variation [51]
CBFA2T2 OTNOIB23 Strong Altered Expression [206]
CBFA2T3 OTOJ10S1 Strong Posttranslational Modification [207]
CCL8 OTCTWYN8 Strong Biomarker [208]
CD247 OT45FGUX Strong Altered Expression [209]
CD302 OTX580VU Strong Altered Expression [107]
CD79A OTOJC8DV Strong Biomarker [146]
CD99 OTPUZ5DE Strong Biomarker [210]
CDKN3 OTBE3H07 Strong Altered Expression [211]
CHRDL1 OTGMWVVA Strong Biomarker [212]
CIB3 OT97EYB9 Strong Genetic Variation [51]
CLTA OTLHOXMQ Strong Biomarker [81]
CMTR2 OT82FBWS Strong Biomarker [213]
COL4A2 OTJK1LKN Strong Biomarker [214]
CUX1 OTU1LCNJ Strong Biomarker [215]
CXCL3 OTSL94KH Strong Altered Expression [216]
CYB5B OTONNAV1 Strong Genetic Variation [217]
CYP4Z1 OTKRGJBG Strong Genetic Variation [218]
DCT OTYVNTBG Strong Biomarker [145]
DCTN6 OTI8PIN9 Strong Altered Expression [219]
DEDD OTIL349E Strong Altered Expression [220]
DIXDC1 OT87DXEG Strong Biomarker [221]
DLEC1 OTMKKBUW Strong Biomarker [222]
DRAM2 OTBOCZH8 Strong Biomarker [223]
DROSHA OTCE68KZ Strong Genetic Variation [224]
DTNB OTX1HKM7 Strong Genetic Variation [51]
E2F6 OT2PN28R Strong Altered Expression [225]
EBF1 OTZ61YYH Strong Biomarker [226]
EIF2S1 OTM0GDTP Strong Altered Expression [227]
ELL2 OTZJRTFM Strong Genetic Variation [51]
EMP1 OTSZHUHQ Strong Biomarker [228]
ENHO OT91QASK Strong Genetic Variation [119]
FCGR3B OTSLSPZG Strong Biomarker [75]
FNDC3A OTUX3S2I Strong Genetic Variation [116]
FOXD1 OT80PRHS Strong Altered Expression [79]
FOXN3 OTOJYJZP Strong Altered Expression [79]
GCSAM OTZNOPYK Strong Altered Expression [229]
GFER OTVK43OK Strong Biomarker [230]
GLRX3 OTUPAU1N Strong Biomarker [231]
GRAMD1B OTCG1GX2 Strong Genetic Variation [51]
GRHL3 OT1V4ZEH Strong Biomarker [232]
GTF2H4 OTPD1DIU Strong Altered Expression [124]
HABP4 OTU223PA Strong Biomarker [233]
HARS1 OTHOEOTS Strong Biomarker [234]
HCLS1 OTX7WGYN Strong Biomarker [235]
HERPUD1 OT9EROL6 Strong Biomarker [137]
HGS OTCYYCAC Strong Biomarker [234]
HIP1 OT7AKCFQ Strong Biomarker [236]
HJV OT4235J2 Strong Altered Expression [237]
HLA-DPB1 OTW8JHU2 Strong Biomarker [238]
HLX OT7DTH46 Strong Altered Expression [177]
HOXB9 OTMVHQOU Strong Altered Expression [239]
HRNR OT560QR5 Strong Altered Expression [240]
IFI27 OTI2XGIT Strong Altered Expression [219]
IKBKE OT5VYOSM Strong Biomarker [241]
IL17RA OTVVI8ER Strong Altered Expression [242]
IL3 OT0CQ35N Strong Altered Expression [243]
IMMT OTBDSLE7 Strong Altered Expression [244]
ISL1 OTVNVKAX Strong Altered Expression [245]
KDSR OTCIES3H Strong Biomarker [246]
KHSRP OTDHZARB Strong Biomarker [235]
KIR3DS1 OTJWIO4T Strong Genetic Variation [102]
LIPC OTZY5SC9 Strong Genetic Variation [247]
LPP OT6TU8SE Strong Genetic Variation [51]
MAL OTBM30SW Strong Altered Expression [248]
MAP1S OT5WUD4C Strong Biomarker [249]
MARCHF10 OTAYGHDM Strong Genetic Variation [250]
MBTPS2 OT67CC7W Strong Genetic Variation [251]
MCC OTQVI1EM Strong Biomarker [252]
MEF2A OTV2SF6E Strong Genetic Variation [253]
MEF2B OT880SE6 Strong Biomarker [254]
MIB1 OT5C404P Strong Biomarker [255]
MNX1 OTXP9FH1 Strong Altered Expression [256]
MORC4 OTJBEHNE Strong Altered Expression [257]
MPP1 OTA2ENZQ Strong Biomarker [235]
MRPS30 OTDXIAGG Strong Biomarker [128]
MRTFA OTCVXASM Strong Altered Expression [258]
MT1B OTUA4FFH Strong Genetic Variation [112]
MT1E OTXJKU4Y Strong Genetic Variation [112]
MT1F OTZVUYG1 Strong Genetic Variation [112]
MT1G OTAV1OCR Strong Genetic Variation [112]
MT1H OT0MVBM6 Strong Genetic Variation [112]
MT1M OTVT8PLU Strong Genetic Variation [112]
MT1X OT9AKFVS Strong Genetic Variation [112]
MTHFD2 OT1LQSGX Strong Biomarker [259]
MTPAP OT6HQ02S Strong Biomarker [128]
MXD1 OTS5CTHX Strong Genetic Variation [197]
NAPSA OT6F8IAL Strong Altered Expression [260]
NCAPH2 OTSASNX6 Strong Genetic Variation [51]
NCKIPSD OT24UORN Strong Genetic Variation [261]
NCOR2 OTY917X0 Strong Genetic Variation [262]
NKX2-2 OTDCOYNG Strong Altered Expression [263]
NOL3 OT1K0L0D Strong Biomarker [147]
NPAT OT1ZU6JB Strong Genetic Variation [264]
OR10A4 OTYYB8SY Strong Altered Expression [265]
OTX2 OTTV05B1 Strong Altered Expression [266]
P4HB OTTYNYPF Strong Biomarker [267]
PAK3 OT80M3BV Strong Biomarker [167]
PAPOLA OTPHD65D Strong Biomarker [128]
PAPPA2 OTXYGTUZ Strong Biomarker [268]
PDAP1 OTJSWMOD Strong Biomarker [128]
PDIA6 OT8YBR17 Strong Altered Expression [269]
PIK3R2 OTZSUQK5 Strong Altered Expression [206]
PIK3R3 OTXGJ8N1 Strong Biomarker [235]
PITX3 OTE2KT8P Strong Biomarker [270]
POLG2 OTDBMZJB Strong Biomarker [235]
POLM OT0SRIP4 Strong Altered Expression [271]
POT1 OTNBXJCQ Strong Genetic Variation [272]
POU2AF1 OTOO6WHL Strong Genetic Variation [273]
POU4F3 OTILD0XS Strong Biomarker [274]
PPP1R12C OT9Q86JO Strong Altered Expression [206]
PPP1R13B OTC88VQO Strong Altered Expression [206]
PPP1R1A OTGTAGCV Strong Genetic Variation [275]
PRSS3 OTN3S5YB Strong Biomarker [276]
PSMD12 OTWICA51 Strong Biomarker [235]
PTX3 OTPXHRKU Strong Biomarker [270]
PVALB OTZW1WVQ Strong Biomarker [232]
RAG1 OTV131E4 Strong Biomarker [277]
RAG2 OTG9UYTW Strong Biomarker [277]
RANBP2 OTFG5CVF Strong Biomarker [145]
RANGAP1 OTZGD3LJ Strong Altered Expression [278]
RELB OTU3QYEF Strong Biomarker [279]
RHOH OT1J9SEB Strong Genetic Variation [280]
RING1 OTCWTAX0 Strong Biomarker [225]
RLN2 OTY3OG71 Strong Biomarker [281]
RPS2 OTSMTZVB Strong Altered Expression [282]
RPTN OTOAA25U Strong Altered Expression [240]
RPTOR OT4TQZ9F Strong Biomarker [108]
RTEL1 OTI3PJCT Strong Genetic Variation [283]
RYBP OTZZ4P2Z Strong Altered Expression [284]
SCYL1 OTQ0IN7P Strong Biomarker [285]
SEPTIN2 OT3G33TM Strong Biomarker [210]
SERPINA5 OTTZXPGD Strong Biomarker [286]
SFPQ OTLCIAPJ Strong Biomarker [198]
SH2D1A OTLU49I5 Strong Biomarker [287]
SIGLEC7 OTNDLURR Strong Biomarker [235]
SLN OTERIU75 Strong Biomarker [288]
SMPX OTLSHGBF Strong Biomarker [289]
SOAT1 OTB4Y5RJ Strong Altered Expression [290]
SOX1 OTVI1RAR Strong Biomarker [291]
SP140 OTQZHFMT Strong Genetic Variation [51]
SPIB OTO4YKYI Strong Biomarker [292]
SPON2 OTE7JLNM Strong Altered Expression [293]
SRSF5 OTC5WP98 Strong Biomarker [234]
SSX1 OTZ7NRCY Strong Altered Expression [294]
SSX2 OT2Z6RLL Strong Altered Expression [294]
STAT5A OTBSJGN3 Strong Altered Expression [281]
TBC1D9 OTSSCTB5 Strong Biomarker [295]
TCHHL1 OTAMOJGN Strong Altered Expression [240]
TCOF1 OT4BOYTM Strong Genetic Variation [296]
TICAM2 OTK7GIJ5 Strong Altered Expression [219]
TM7SF2 OTILU5S7 Strong Biomarker [27]
TMED7 OTONO8E6 Strong Altered Expression [219]
TNFSF8 OTDYGDJ3 Strong Biomarker [297]
TNPO1 OT7W2CM8 Strong Biomarker [108]
TRIM33 OT0KS4J7 Strong Biomarker [298]
TSPYL2 OTGGW2EF Strong Biomarker [299]
BAG6 OT4Z0S2U Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
CIITA OTRJNZFO Definitive Altered Expression [301]
CLEC16A OTLGV5SV Definitive Genetic Variation [186]
CLIP1 OTTGAEJE Definitive Biomarker [302]
CLSTN2 OT2PJYHX Definitive Genetic Variation [38]
COL11A2 OT3BQUBH Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
COL15A1 OTTFKK18 Definitive Biomarker [302]
DEXI OT60W9CN Definitive Biomarker [301]
HBS1L OTA3U1N6 Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
HLA-DRA OT7KZMP2 Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
IRF4 OT1DHQ1P Definitive Altered Expression [303]
LY6G6C OTV7F59X Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
LY6G6D OTG75QOC Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
MAGEH1 OTVE05K7 Definitive Biomarker [302]
MICB OTS2DVDW Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
MIXL1 OT584VOQ Definitive Altered Expression [304]
MPIG6B OTVNKQWA Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
MSX1 OT5U41ZP Definitive Genetic Variation [266]
NCOA5 OTOGWTWB Definitive Genetic Variation [273]
NFKBIE OTLAYEL9 Definitive Genetic Variation [305]
PBX2 OTEBYCAW Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
POU2F2 OTPV0J0C Definitive Altered Expression [164]
PRDM1 OTQLSVBS Definitive Altered Expression [306]
PRRC2A OTBX6FM5 Definitive Genetic Variation [300]
PTPN22 OTDCNTC3 Definitive Genetic Variation [273]
SLC12A9 OTR7VRAK Definitive Altered Expression [307]
SPI1 OTVCA1D0 Definitive Altered Expression [164]
TRAF1 OTTLM5RU Definitive Altered Expression [308]
TRAF3 OT5TQBGV Definitive Altered Expression [309]
⏷ Show the Full List of 231 DOT(s)


1 Betamethasone FDA Label
2 Bleomycin FDA Label
3 Nivolumab and brentuximab vedotin with or without bendamustine for R/R Hodgkin lymphoma in children, adolescents, and young adults. Blood. 2023 Apr 27;141(17):2075-2084.
4 Chlorambucil FDA Label
5 Clofarabine FDA Label
6 Cortisone acetate FDA Label
7 Cyclophosphamide FDA Label
8 Dacarbazine FDA Label
9 Dexamethasone FDA Label
10 Doxorubicin FDA Label
11 A standard database for drug repositioning. Sci Data. 2017 Mar 14;4:170029.
12 Fludarabine FDA Label
13 Hydrocortisone FDA Label
14 Lomustine FDA Label
15 Mechlorethamine FDA Label
16 Melphalan FDA Label
17 Methylprednisolone FDA Label
18 Mycophenolate mofetil FDA Label
19 Identification of potential drugs for diffuse large b-cell lymphoma based on bioinformatics and Connectivity Map database. Pathol Res Pract. 2018 Nov;214(11):1854-1867.
20 Prednisolone FDA Label
21 Prednisone FDA Label
22 Tacrolimus FDA Label
23 Thiotepa FDA Label
24 Triamcinolone FDA Label
25 Vinblastine FDA Label
26 Vincristine FDA Label
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