General Information of Disease (ID: DIS48YMM)

Disease Name Thyroid gland papillary carcinoma
thyroid gland papillary carcinoma; thyroid papillary carcinoma; papillary carcinoma of thyroid; papillary cancer of thyroid gland; papillary carcinoma of the thyroid; papillary cancer of the thyroid; papillary cancer of thyroid; papillary cancer of the thyroid gland; thyroid gland papillary cancer; papillary thyroid carcinoma; papillary thyroid cancer; papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland; papillary thyroid gland carcinoma; papillary carcinoma of thyroid gland
A differentiated adenocarcinoma arising from the follicular cells of the thyroid gland. Radiation exposure is a risk factor and it is the most common malignant thyroid lesion, comprising 75% to 80% of all thyroid cancers in iodine sufficient countries. Diagnostic procedures include thyroid ultrasound and fine needle biopsy. Microscopically, the diagnosis is based on the distinct characteristics of the malignant cells, which include enlargement, oval shape, elongation, and overlapping of the nuclei. The nuclei also display clearing or have a ground glass appearance.
Disease Hierarchy
DISC68C7: Papillary adenocarcinoma
DIS1V20Y: Differentiated thyroid carcinoma
DISEZVFP: Thyroid gland adenocarcinoma
DIS48YMM: Thyroid gland papillary carcinoma
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 1 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Lenvatinib DMB1IU4 Approved Small molecular drug [1]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 182 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ADAMTS1 TTS2TEI Limited Altered Expression [2]
ADCY1 TTV1ZSQ Limited Altered Expression [3]
ADCYAP1R1 TT5OREU Limited Altered Expression [4]
AMACR TTLN1AP Limited Genetic Variation [5]
APOL1 TTDB8PW Limited Biomarker [6]
ARAF TT5TURO Limited Altered Expression [7]
CASP2 TT12VNG Limited Biomarker [8]
CD1A TTBGTFN Limited Biomarker [9]
CDK8 TTBJR4L Limited Biomarker [10]
CRY2 TTAO58M Limited Altered Expression [11]
CSNK1G2 TT0UZJ9 Limited Genetic Variation [12]
DCK TTJOCE4 Limited Biomarker [13]
ECE1 TTQ9RYT Limited Biomarker [14]
EML4 TT92GY4 Limited Genetic Variation [15]
ENPP2 TTSCIM2 Limited Altered Expression [16]
EPHB3 TT5LM7U Limited Biomarker [17]
EZH1 TTNJA0C Limited Genetic Variation [18]
FCER2 TTCH6MU Limited Altered Expression [19]
FPR2 TTOJ1NF Limited Genetic Variation [20]
GLA TTIS03D Limited Altered Expression [21]
GPI TT19JIZ Limited Altered Expression [22]
HBB TTM6HK1 Limited Genetic Variation [23]
HMGB2 TTA78JQ Limited Biomarker [24]
HRAS TT28ZON Limited SomaticCausalMutation [25]
HSP90AB1 TTH5YN2 Limited Altered Expression [26]
HTRA1 TT8POQR Limited Altered Expression [27]
IL11RA TTZPLJS Limited Genetic Variation [28]
KCNJ2 TTH7UO3 Limited Altered Expression [29]
KSR1 TTHL1TV Limited Altered Expression [30]
LAIR1 TTSI7A8 Limited Biomarker [31]
MCM7 TT1RM3F Limited Altered Expression [32]
MMP11 TTZW4MV Limited Altered Expression [33]
MTF1 TTTQDEO Limited Biomarker [34]
PAK4 TT7Y3BZ Limited Biomarker [35]
PARG TT39J16 Limited Genetic Variation [36]
PDGFC TTOABM9 Limited Altered Expression [37]
PHGDH TT8DRCK Limited Altered Expression [38]
PLD2 TTRLMKF Limited Altered Expression [39]
PRKACA TT5U49F Limited Altered Expression [35]
PRKCE TT57MT2 Limited Altered Expression [40]
PRLR TTBPXMA Limited Altered Expression [41]
PTGIS TTLXKZR Limited Biomarker [42]
PTPRJ TTWMKXP Limited Genetic Variation [43]
QPCT TTJ7YTV Limited Altered Expression [44]
RAPGEF3 TTOE7I0 Limited Altered Expression [45]
ROR2 TTUDPCI Limited Biomarker [46]
RSPO1 TTI9HL4 Limited Altered Expression [47]
RXRG TTH029C Limited Biomarker [48]
SERPINB5 TT1KW50 Limited Posttranslational Modification [49]
SLC26A4 TT7X02I Limited Genetic Variation [50]
SLC6A9 TTHJTF7 Limited Biomarker [51]
SP1 TTZEP6S Limited Altered Expression [52]
TAGLN2 TTP6BIJ Limited Biomarker [53]
TK1 TTP3QRF Limited Biomarker [13]
TKTL1 TTNQ1J3 Limited Altered Expression [54]
TLR6 TTWRI8V Limited Genetic Variation [55]
TSG101 TTHU7JA Limited Altered Expression [56]
TUSC2 TTJ8O14 Limited Altered Expression [57]
UGCG TTPHEX3 Limited Altered Expression [58]
UTS2R TTW5UDX Limited Biomarker [59]
WNT7A TT8NARC Limited Biomarker [60]
APOA4 TTNC3WS Disputed Biomarker [61]
CFD TT8D13I Disputed Biomarker [62]
CXCL11 TTWG0RE Disputed Biomarker [63]
FGF19 TTGCH11 Disputed Biomarker [64]
HLA-G TTLKFB3 Disputed Biomarker [59]
MAGEA2 TTOZT28 Disputed Biomarker [65]
MOG TTQAFX5 Disputed Biomarker [66]
PINX1 TT4FJ3A Disputed Biomarker [67]
CCR7 TT2GIDQ moderate Altered Expression [68]
CUL3 TTPCU0Q moderate Biomarker [69]
DIO1 TTU3X26 moderate Biomarker [70]
DKK1 TTE3RAC moderate Altered Expression [71]
KLK7 TTE6GTB moderate Altered Expression [72]
MAPKAP1 TTWDKCL moderate Altered Expression [73]
RPE65 TTBOH16 moderate Biomarker [74]
SIRT6 TTUXYWF moderate Biomarker [75]
SPHK2 TTCN0M9 moderate Altered Expression [76]
STOML2 TTOI329 moderate Biomarker [77]
VEGFD TTOM5H4 moderate Altered Expression [78]
WNT5A TTKG7F8 moderate Altered Expression [79]
AGK TTJETQC Strong Biomarker [80]
AKT3 TTO6SGY Strong Biomarker [81]
ALK TTPMQSO Strong Biomarker [82]
CA12 TTSYM0R Strong Biomarker [83]
CASP6 TTKW4ML Strong Altered Expression [84]
CCL21 TTLZK1U Strong Biomarker [68]
CDH6 TT9QHUK Strong Altered Expression [85]
CHEK2 TT9ABMF Strong Altered Expression [86]
CTSC TT4H0V2 Strong Altered Expression [87]
CXCL12 TT4UGTF Strong Biomarker [88]
CXXC5 TTVS4C3 Strong Altered Expression [89]
CYP24A1 TT82UI1 Strong Biomarker [90]
DCN TTB3XAN Strong Biomarker [83]
DDR2 TTU98HG Strong Altered Expression [91]
DICER1 TTTEOPU Strong Altered Expression [92]
DPP4 TTDIGC1 Strong Biomarker [93]
DUSP5 TTZN92A Strong Altered Expression [94]
EBP TT4VQZX Strong Altered Expression [95]
FLT3 TTGJCWZ Strong Biomarker [96]
FOXQ1 TTEJZOL Strong Altered Expression [97]
GABRB2 TTZA1NY Strong Biomarker [98]
GCGR TT9O6WS Strong Altered Expression [99]
GPRC6A TTI1PRE Strong Genetic Variation [100]
HIPK2 TTOB49C Strong Biomarker [101]
HMBS TTT0HW3 Strong Genetic Variation [102]
IGFBP5 TTDWEA8 Strong Altered Expression [103]
IL13RA2 TTMPZ7V Strong Altered Expression [104]
IRAK1 TTXAJWN Strong Genetic Variation [105]
ITCH TT5SEWD Strong Altered Expression [106]
ITGA2 TTSJ542 Strong Altered Expression [107]
ITGA5 TTHIZP9 Strong Biomarker [107]
KDM1A TTNR0UQ Strong Biomarker [108]
KLB TTARBVH Strong Altered Expression [109]
KRAS TTM8FR7 Strong Genetic Variation [110]
KRT19 TT3JF9E Strong Biomarker [111]
LAMB3 TT2WOUQ Strong Biomarker [112]
LGR4 TTY6C71 Strong Biomarker [113]
LPAR3 TTE2YJR Strong Genetic Variation [114]
LPAR4 TT7ZMY4 Strong SomaticCausalMutation [115]
LRRC32 TT0FAYT Strong Altered Expression [116]
MAP2K7 TT6QY3J Strong Genetic Variation [117]
MAP4K3 TTI0AHJ Strong Biomarker [118]
MDK TTV8UE7 Strong Biomarker [119]
MRGPRX1 TTIX6PK Strong Genetic Variation [100]
MTDH TTH6SA5 Strong Altered Expression [120]
MUC1 TTBHFYQ Strong Altered Expression [121]
NCAM1 TTVXPHT Strong Biomarker [122]
NCOA4 TT8OY02 Strong Genetic Variation [123]
NDUFA13 TTRU1NG Strong SomaticCausalMutation [124]
NECTIN4 TTPO9EG Strong Biomarker [125]
NRAS TTW2R9X Strong Genetic Variation [126]
NRG1 TTEH395 Strong Genetic Variation [127]
NTRK1 TTTDVOJ Strong Altered Expression [123]
NTRK3 TTXABCW Strong Genetic Variation [128]
OGFR TT6IEYX Strong Biomarker [129]
OSMR TTAH0KM Strong Biomarker [130]
OXER1 TT7WBSV Strong Genetic Variation [100]
PDGFRA TT8FYO9 Strong Biomarker [131]
PDPK1 TTYMGWX Strong Altered Expression [132]
PPARG TTT2SVW Strong FusionGene [133]
PTN TTA9EJK Strong Biomarker [134]
RACK1 TTJ10AL Strong Altered Expression [135]
RARA TTW38KT Strong Altered Expression [136]
RARG TT1Q3IE Strong Altered Expression [136]
RGS4 TTGTKX9 Strong Biomarker [137]
ROCK1 TTZN7RP Strong Altered Expression [138]
RUNX2 TTD6SZ8 Strong Biomarker [139]
S100A4 TTPR5SX Strong Biomarker [140]
S100A6 TT716MY Strong Altered Expression [141]
SELL TT2IYXF Strong Altered Expression [2]
SERPINB3 TT6QLPX Strong Altered Expression [142]
SLC5A5 TTW7HI9 Strong Altered Expression [143]
SPHK1 TTOHFIY Strong Altered Expression [144]
TACSTD2 TTP2HE5 Strong Biomarker [77]
THBS1 TTKI0H1 Strong Altered Expression [145]
THRB TTGER3L Strong Altered Expression [146]
TIGIT TTWNL74 Strong Biomarker [147]
TOP2A TTCGY2K Strong Biomarker [148]
TPO TT52XDZ Strong Biomarker [149]
TRIM24 TT9Q7AE Strong FusionGene [150]
TRIM27 TTTO3QN Strong FusionGene [150]
TRPM3 TTO3TD8 Strong Altered Expression [151]
VEGFC TT0QUFV Strong Altered Expression [152]
ZEB2 TTT2WK4 Strong Biomarker [153]
ATAD2 TT9A0HI Definitive Altered Expression [154]
CBL TT7QT13 Definitive Altered Expression [106]
CDK7 TTQYF7G Definitive Altered Expression [155]
CRLF1 TT6YF5K Definitive Altered Expression [156]
ERAP2 TTVGS1C Definitive Altered Expression [87]
GAP43 TTSGLN5 Definitive Biomarker [157]
GPNMB TT7315J Definitive Altered Expression [87]
KMT5A TTGC95K Definitive Biomarker [158]
LASP1 TTZJA87 Definitive Biomarker [159]
MAP3K14 TT4LIAC Definitive Altered Expression [160]
MS4A1 TTUE541 Definitive Altered Expression [161]
PBK TTMY6BZ Definitive Altered Expression [160]
SLC1A5 TTF7WRM Definitive Biomarker [162]
SLC7A11 TTBZMIO Definitive Biomarker [163]
SMYD2 TT7YJFO Definitive Altered Expression [164]
USP33 TT4E85Q Definitive Biomarker [165]
WDR5 TT7OFWB Definitive Altered Expression [166]
⏷ Show the Full List of 182 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 2 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC16A2 DTQ8MP1 Limited Biomarker [167]
SLC5A8 DTE3TAW Strong Genetic Variation [168]
This Disease Is Related to 9 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
DHRS3 DEXPVUN Limited Biomarker [169]
PGPEP1 DEVDR46 Limited Biomarker [42]
MT1A DE5ME8A moderate Altered Expression [170]
CYP27B1 DE3FYEM Strong Altered Expression [171]
CYP2R1 DEBIHM3 Strong Genetic Variation [172]
NNMT DECVGJ3 Strong Altered Expression [173]
WARS1 DEPVE0M Strong Biomarker [153]
AKR1C2 DEOY5ZM Definitive Altered Expression [174]
PGM1 DEA3VM1 Definitive Altered Expression [175]
⏷ Show the Full List of 9 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 333 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACBD5 OT7L16DY Limited Biomarker [5]
ADAT2 OT8AG6ZN Limited Altered Expression [176]
AFAP1L2 OTJBI0VN Limited Biomarker [177]
AFM OTPOR8IO Limited Biomarker [178]
AHNAK2 OTD2X4BX Limited Biomarker [53]
AKAP13 OTOZAR14 Limited Biomarker [179]
ANKRD36B OT3MW415 Limited Altered Expression [180]
ANO5 OTOW8R6H Limited Altered Expression [181]
APC OTKV0TIK Limited Genetic Variation [182]
B4GALNT3 OT6BFB22 Limited Genetic Variation [183]
BMPR1A OTQOA4ZH Limited Genetic Variation [184]
BUB3 OTU91HAU Limited Genetic Variation [185]
CCNA1 OTX4HD45 Limited Altered Expression [186]
CD207 OTI9RUDN Limited Biomarker [9]
CDC45 OT6NNLOD Limited Biomarker [187]
CHFR OTRAD2TT Limited Biomarker [70]
CHL1 OT6E6E8P Limited Biomarker [188]
CKS2 OTPTMHIV Limited Altered Expression [189]
CLDN16 OTTHAIKR Limited Altered Expression [190]
CLPTM1L OTDJWQXI Limited Genetic Variation [191]
CPT1C OT8F1MBF Limited Altered Expression [192]
CRKL OTOYSD1R Limited Altered Expression [193]
CROT OTWK68MM Limited Altered Expression [194]
CTNNA1 OTFC725Z Limited Genetic Variation [2]
DCSTAMP OTFKRP2H Limited Biomarker [195]
DCT OTYVNTBG Limited Genetic Variation [196]
DUOX1 OTQ2AEW0 Limited Biomarker [197]
DUOX2 OTU14HCN Limited Altered Expression [197]
DUSP2 OTH54FMR Limited Altered Expression [4]
E2F4 OTB3JFH4 Limited Biomarker [198]
ECRG4 OTHZYUXX Limited Genetic Variation [199]
EGR2 OTAVQ78J Limited Biomarker [200]
EHD2 OTTX391J Limited Altered Expression [201]
EHF OTY6TPWD Limited Altered Expression [202]
EIF4EBP3 OTYY2WS5 Limited Genetic Variation [179]
EMSY OTBQ3KQE Limited Biomarker [203]
FRS2 OTDMD800 Limited Biomarker [204]
FUCA1 OTW71IK4 Limited Altered Expression [205]
FXYD5 OT81DIOD Limited Altered Expression [206]
FZD1 OTZATHVS Limited Biomarker [207]
GAGE1 OT53E50E Limited Altered Expression [208]
GAGE4 OTPB5C0O Limited Altered Expression [208]
GAGE5 OTFI6OVS Limited Altered Expression [208]
GDE1 OTU6FSBF Limited Biomarker [209]
HABP2 OTAUIPW0 Limited Genetic Variation [110]
HOOK3 OT0OE8SX Limited Genetic Variation [210]
HSPA14 OTZCA5LK Limited Altered Expression [211]
HTRA3 OTXJ0H4X Limited Altered Expression [27]
HUS1 OTY1XON9 Limited Genetic Variation [212]
IL17RA OTVVI8ER Limited Genetic Variation [213]
IL17RB OT0KDNSF Limited Genetic Variation [213]
IL22RA1 OTGVKLBR Limited Biomarker [214]
IQGAP1 OTZRWTGA Limited Genetic Variation [215]
KAZN OTPM7BYM Limited Altered Expression [216]
KLF17 OT5NWVP7 Limited Altered Expression [217]
LAT OTZC1XZ1 Limited Biomarker [218]
LBR OT1HG3HG Limited Altered Expression [219]
LDOC1 OTWZH4O9 Limited Altered Expression [220]
LOXL1 OTA0NEJU Limited Genetic Variation [70]
MARK1 OTP7KL47 Limited Genetic Variation [221]
MBIP OTORHZ9Y Limited Altered Expression [222]
MCM3 OTOOHQPM Limited Altered Expression [223]
MMUT OTBBBV70 Limited Biomarker [224]
MPPED2 OT7XLMJ6 Limited Biomarker [225]
MRPL41 OTG5URO4 Limited Biomarker [226]
MRPL44 OT27ZC26 Limited Altered Expression [227]
MT1E OTXJKU4Y Limited Biomarker [170]
MT1F OTZVUYG1 Limited Biomarker [170]
MZB1 OT071TET Limited Altered Expression [4]
NAA10 OTYB9R6I Limited Biomarker [228]
NAA15 OT53SIZG Limited Altered Expression [229]
NCOA5 OTOGWTWB Limited Altered Expression [230]
NRARP OTMYHUV2 Limited Biomarker [231]
NT5C1A OTS7UF36 Limited Biomarker [232]
PIWIL2 OT1PXQIF Limited Altered Expression [233]
POU5F1B OT0FKQ51 Limited Genetic Variation [234]
PRAP1 OT48QD82 Limited Altered Expression [235]
PRDX6 OTS8KC8A Limited Biomarker [236]
PSG1 OT1U4ZZW Limited Altered Expression [200]
PSMD8 OTY6X27P Limited Altered Expression [237]
PSMG1 OTZ5I6UM Limited Altered Expression [4]
RAB23 OTBAKFBR Limited Genetic Variation [12]
RAB40B OTCA9ZF5 Limited Altered Expression [238]
RAP1GAP OTC31ONQ Limited Altered Expression [239]
RASGRP3 OTEMEV3P Limited Biomarker [240]
RBMX OTFZN66E Limited Biomarker [241]
RBP2 OTR8QG5V Limited Biomarker [242]
RMDN1 OTE1NB6U Limited Biomarker [243]
RMDN2 OTK5WSFI Limited Biomarker [243]
RMDN3 OTKO7AUM Limited Biomarker [243]
RNASE2 OT8Z4FNE Limited Biomarker [244]
RPIA OT805SMH Limited Biomarker [245]
S100A13 OT582SUS Limited Biomarker [141]
SART3 OTC1AM7S Limited Genetic Variation [246]
SCEL OT46SDNQ Limited Biomarker [247]
SDHB OTRE1M1T Limited Biomarker [248]
SERP1 OT60XXUP Limited Biomarker [244]
SERPINA5 OTTZXPGD Limited Genetic Variation [249]
SERPINE2 OTYF5340 Limited Biomarker [250]
SHMT1 OTIINA3J Limited Altered Expression [38]
SKA1 OTDYJ12A Limited Biomarker [251]
SLC35F2 OTSAD4EQ Limited Biomarker [252]
SMG1 OTTS3SXE Limited Altered Expression [16]
SNX5 OT6ZOWMU Limited Altered Expression [8]
SRRM2 OTSIMMC9 Limited Genetic Variation [253]
STK17B OT4NYNO8 Limited Biomarker [254]
STUB1 OTSUYI9A Limited Biomarker [255]
SYBU OT3FQV7N Limited Biomarker [243]
TFCP2L1 OT7QIJ0X Limited Biomarker [29]
TINF2 OT861N2N Limited Autosomal dominant [256]
TLR10 OTQ1KVJO Limited Genetic Variation [55]
TMEM50B OTWJK2XZ Limited Genetic Variation [257]
TP53I3 OTSCM68G Limited Biomarker [226]
TRAK2 OTXVA7FN Limited Genetic Variation [179]
TRIM44 OT0B1T2B Limited Biomarker [258]
CCT3 OTL6EOS1 Disputed Altered Expression [259]
CD247 OT45FGUX Disputed Biomarker [260]
CDC14B OTAESVOZ Disputed Biomarker [261]
CERS1 OT6EYRM3 Disputed Biomarker [262]
CERS2 OTRAHYYP Disputed Altered Expression [262]
E2F6 OT2PN28R Disputed Altered Expression [263]
E2F8 OTQKZGFP Disputed Altered Expression [264]
GRK6 OT4LZTP9 Disputed Altered Expression [265]
KHSRP OTDHZARB Disputed Altered Expression [266]
LMO7 OTDLY6TC Disputed Genetic Variation [267]
MAL2 OTVPEI80 Disputed Biomarker [268]
NAALADL1 OTQNOZBP Disputed Biomarker [269]
NNAT OTNRLO7G Disputed Altered Expression [261]
RASSF10 OTGB7EBG Disputed Altered Expression [270]
SOD3 OTIOZQAB Disputed Altered Expression [271]
TAS2R3 OTX8ZG2D Disputed Genetic Variation [272]
TCIM OTARUXQF Disputed Biomarker [273]
TNRC6C OTBR07PM Disputed Altered Expression [274]
TRIM8 OTS6JFR0 Disputed Biomarker [275]
ATP5F1E OTMPLAIS moderate Altered Expression [276]
BCAM OTHZOPSD moderate Altered Expression [277]
CCDC80 OTOZSYEM moderate Altered Expression [278]
CKAP4 OTDUC9ME moderate Biomarker [74]
DIO2 OTGPNSLH moderate Altered Expression [279]
HOXD13 OTWSC8TF moderate Altered Expression [280]
PDCD4 OTZ6NXUX moderate Altered Expression [281]
PPP1R13L OTNCPLWE moderate Biomarker [282]
PROX1 OT68R6IO moderate Altered Expression [283]
RBX1 OTYA1UIO moderate Biomarker [69]
RNH1 OT6EC79B moderate Biomarker [282]
RTN4IP1 OTHUZANE moderate Altered Expression [284]
SGSM3 OTIB1P8A moderate Genetic Variation [285]
SHC3 OT305NPA moderate Biomarker [282]
SOX17 OT9H4WWE moderate Altered Expression [286]
SYTL2 OTUIOWKL moderate Biomarker [77]
TTF2 OT5LJOWM moderate Genetic Variation [287]
AKAP9 OT7Z2YRP Strong Biomarker [288]
AMFR OTQRX7LC Strong Altered Expression [22]
ARFGEF1 OTPAU0L4 Strong Biomarker [289]
ATF1 OT251CI0 Strong Altered Expression [290]
BEGAIN OTT3UD2K Strong Biomarker [153]
BTRC OT2EZDGR Strong Altered Expression [291]
CD63 OT2UGZA9 Strong Genetic Variation [292]
CDC23 OTC4O83E Strong Altered Expression [293]
CENPJ OTZCQZN5 Strong Biomarker [294]
CIB1 OT4BVCRU Strong Biomarker [295]
CISH OT8T5NYL Strong Altered Expression [296]
CITED1 OTUJQ3VL Strong Altered Expression [297]
CLDN1 OT27KV99 Strong Biomarker [298]
CLDN10 OT2CVAKY Strong Altered Expression [299]
CLIP2 OTSCIQIY Strong Biomarker [300]
CNGB1 OTA5DE38 Strong Altered Expression [116]
CPSF2 OTU6QXZE Strong Altered Expression [301]
CRABP1 OTISDG5X Strong Biomarker [302]
CUX2 OTDJTQAJ Strong Biomarker [303]
CXCL14 OTM189TA Strong Biomarker [304]
DACT2 OTNLCC0K Strong Posttranslational Modification [305]
DEUP1 OTXLM86J Strong Biomarker [306]
DPT OTINRFC7 Strong Biomarker [307]
DUSP6 OT4H6RKW Strong Biomarker [308]
DYNC1H1 OTD1KRKO Strong Biomarker [153]
EIF1AX OTWG2LAB Strong Genetic Variation [309]
ELF3 OTUTLEQO Strong Altered Expression [310]
ERC1 OTYBGGNO Strong Biomarker [311]
ETV5 OTE2OBM4 Strong Biomarker [312]
ETV6 OTCZMG61 Strong Genetic Variation [128]
FAM83F OTGGJRO7 Strong Biomarker [313]
FOXE1 OT5IR5IT Strong Altered Expression [314]
GABPA OT9YB2SA Strong Biomarker [315]
GAS1 OTKJXG52 Strong Altered Expression [316]
GDF1 OTZ1VRBH Strong Biomarker [282]
GLIS3 OTBC960E Strong Biomarker [317]
GOLGA5 OTG6HB6U Strong FusionGene [150]
GPR151 OT7EACU6 Strong Genetic Variation [100]
HOPX OTBSR6C9 Strong Altered Expression [318]
HOXA3 OTIX5XFB Strong Biomarker [319]
IHH OT1DWGXC Strong Altered Expression [320]
ITGA3 OTBCH21D Strong Biomarker [321]
IYD OT8BQWTE Strong Altered Expression [322]
KIDINS220 OTLBH2MA Strong Genetic Variation [323]
KIF5B OTT34MT8 Strong Biomarker [324]
KLK10 OTD573EL Strong Altered Expression [325]
LIPH OTRGYLKL Strong Altered Expression [326]
LMO4 OT5NDCT9 Strong Biomarker [327]
LRP4 OTO4M459 Strong Biomarker [83]
MCM5 OTAHLB62 Strong Altered Expression [328]
MRGPRX3 OTRKCCDS Strong Genetic Variation [100]
MRGPRX4 OTOBHZVA Strong Genetic Variation [100]
MT1G OTAV1OCR Strong Biomarker [170]
MT1M OTVT8PLU Strong Biomarker [329]
MT1X OT9AKFVS Strong Biomarker [170]
NECTIN1 OTTE5ZR6 Strong Altered Expression [330]
NLRP6 OTEREN4W Strong Genetic Variation [110]
NOB1 OTW0YNSL Strong Biomarker [331]
NPC2 OTE9UEJC Strong Altered Expression [332]
NRCAM OT80HHQ2 Strong Biomarker [333]
NUCB2 OTHO6JWN Strong Biomarker [334]
NUP93 OT4J2VAL Strong Genetic Variation [110]
OPN1LW OTFNUZ7O Strong Biomarker [335]
PAG1 OTFOJUIQ Strong Biomarker [335]
PC OT6O0V51 Strong Biomarker [336]
PCBP4 OTDLL4NB Strong Biomarker [335]
PCM1 OTFM133C Strong Biomarker [337]
PDPN OTBUV19I Strong Biomarker [338]
PES1 OTMZK7XE Strong Biomarker [339]
PJA2 OT45TMC4 Strong Altered Expression [340]
POLQ OTBHK0E6 Strong Altered Expression [341]
POLR2E OTH5IL2A Strong Genetic Variation [342]
PPP2R5C OTF7CGO2 Strong Biomarker [153]
PROK1 OT8S7RUG Strong Altered Expression [343]
PROK2 OT70IFEZ Strong Biomarker [343]
PRPF31 OTSJ0Z1Y Strong Genetic Variation [148]
PSD4 OTEFB87Z Strong Altered Expression [320]
PTCH2 OTOQ0K9V Strong Biomarker [344]
RAD52 OT0OTDHI Strong Genetic Variation [345]
RAPGEF5 OT53VS75 Strong Genetic Variation [346]
RASAL1 OTAHUNN7 Strong Genetic Variation [347]
RELCH OTVGTXDB Strong Biomarker [348]
REV1 OTHIKICX Strong Altered Expression [349]
RSPO2 OT3HHXU0 Strong Altered Expression [113]
RUFY2 OTT9C6SM Strong Biomarker [348]
S100A11 OTI57KDN Strong Altered Expression [350]
SCAI OTAK3TMO Strong Biomarker [351]
SFTPB OTOHS07E Strong Biomarker [352]
SIRT7 OT5M4OT4 Strong Biomarker [353]
SNAI1 OTDPYAMC Strong Altered Expression [354]
SNAI2 OT7Y8EJ2 Strong Biomarker [153]
SOX11 OT4LG7LA Strong Genetic Variation [355]
SOX12 OT93P8C9 Strong Altered Expression [356]
SPINT1 OT1CLR5L Strong Altered Expression [357]
SRF OTW18FQN Strong Altered Expression [358]
SRGAP1 OTL89HGW Strong Biomarker [359]
STON2 OT01JHHE Strong Biomarker [360]
TAB1 OTPM6F85 Strong Biomarker [361]
TENM1 OTSKSU4V Strong Altered Expression [362]
TFF3 OTJJDRTU Strong Biomarker [363]
TFG OT2KJENI Strong Biomarker [364]
TIMP1 OTOXC51H Strong Biomarker [365]
TIMP3 OTDGQAD1 Strong Altered Expression [366]
TMSB10 OTLVZ13T Strong Altered Expression [367]
TPM3 OT5RU5G6 Strong Biomarker [368]
TPR OTUBBA4W Strong Genetic Variation [369]
TRIM14 OTLQKUG0 Strong Biomarker [370]
TRIM26 OTS0DJIP Strong Altered Expression [371]
TRIM33 OT0KS4J7 Strong Altered Expression [123]
TSPAN13 OTCS9BZY Strong Altered Expression [372]
ABHD11 OTJE9UZY Definitive Altered Expression [162]
AGRN OTWJENAZ Definitive Altered Expression [87]
AMPD1 OTU17BCI Definitive Biomarker [373]
ANKRD26 OT2ENKKV Definitive Biomarker [374]
AP2A1 OTEFZB21 Definitive Biomarker [375]
ATF7IP OTU6ZA7F Definitive Biomarker [376]
BEX3 OTW1V1L5 Definitive Biomarker [377]
BRMS1 OTV5A6LL Definitive Altered Expression [378]
C6orf47 OTMKBNDD Definitive Genetic Variation [379]
CAVIN2 OTFHHDRU Definitive Altered Expression [380]
CCL4L2 OTDBSXOU Definitive Biomarker [262]
CCNG1 OT17IA9L Definitive Biomarker [381]
CDK15 OT8S67QS Definitive Altered Expression [160]
CDK16 OTUBXIIT Definitive Altered Expression [160]
CEMIP OTK80FYN Definitive Biomarker [382]
CILK1 OTWOYEYP Definitive Altered Expression [160]
CNBP OTTGM9NK Definitive Biomarker [383]
COPS6 OTG9AAG0 Definitive Altered Expression [384]
CTNNBIP1 OTX9SBJG Definitive Altered Expression [385]
DNM3 OTDMUGCR Definitive Altered Expression [386]
DROSHA OTCE68KZ Definitive Genetic Variation [387]
E2F7 OTWW358N Definitive Biomarker [388]
EHD1 OTDMEKLV Definitive Altered Expression [389]
ELOVL2 OTDAF6U3 Definitive Biomarker [390]
EMX2 OT0V8OYK Definitive Biomarker [391]
EPS15 OT7NPP8U Definitive Biomarker [389]
ETV4 OT8C98UZ Definitive Biomarker [392]
FLVCR1 OT9XCFOC Definitive Biomarker [393]
FNDC5 OT5CSK9X Definitive Altered Expression [394]
FOXF1 OT2CJZ5K Definitive Genetic Variation [395]
GATAD2A OTFM8D3O Definitive Biomarker [396]
HCP5 OTV0YRI8 Definitive Biomarker [397]
HOXD10 OT0NOWU2 Definitive Posttranslational Modification [398]
HSDL2 OT4IN0MV Definitive Altered Expression [399]
IMPACT OTQ923OB Definitive Biomarker [400]
INPPL1 OTCDAVBQ Definitive Biomarker [401]
IWS1 OTF96EYX Definitive Biomarker [402]
JAZF1 OTXTYSYD Definitive Altered Expression [403]
LARP7 OTLLOZTL Definitive Altered Expression [404]
LIMD2 OTSIFTD8 Definitive Altered Expression [405]
LMLN OTQF0JPY Definitive Posttranslational Modification [398]
LRIG1 OTY5HZN5 Definitive Altered Expression [406]
MRTFA OTCVXASM Definitive Altered Expression [407]
MYO1G OTOCFS3Q Definitive Biomarker [408]
OTUB2 OTZUMPH2 Definitive Altered Expression [409]
PAQR3 OTTKJ9Y4 Definitive Altered Expression [410]
PCNX2 OT90S9W6 Definitive Genetic Variation [411]
PKHD1L1 OTREFCAA Definitive Altered Expression [412]
PLXNC1 OTJ5XKYY Definitive Biomarker [413]
PRKACG OTKOQYF8 Definitive Altered Expression [160]
PROSER3 OTOIA942 Definitive Biomarker [148]
PSME3 OTSTC4YY Definitive Biomarker [414]
RAB11FIP3 OTDFFCZA Definitive Altered Expression [389]
RRS1 OTTNCZN6 Definitive Biomarker [415]
SCOC OTPJ3RQ4 Definitive Biomarker [416]
SDC4 OTKUVUGZ Definitive Altered Expression [417]
SH3BGRL3 OTKMW34I Definitive Biomarker [87]
SOCS2 OTBPNKJQ Definitive Biomarker [296]
STRN OTLOZL5I Definitive Genetic Variation [418]
SYPL1 OTBX291E Definitive Biomarker [416]
TBX3 OTM64N7K Definitive Biomarker [419]
TCEAL9 OT4UHDB5 Definitive Biomarker [420]
TEKT4 OT1GMBOX Definitive Biomarker [421]
TFE3 OTM99ZWH Definitive Genetic Variation [422]
THAP1 OTIWUSON Definitive Biomarker [416]
TLK1 OTICTXI8 Definitive Altered Expression [160]
TMEM139 OTZA6I9L Definitive Biomarker [148]
TMPRSS13 OTMAOAP3 Definitive Posttranslational Modification [398]
TMPRSS4 OTCCGY2K Definitive Altered Expression [423]
TNFAIP8L2 OTII0RM0 Definitive Altered Expression [424]
TPI1 OT14KP4B Definitive Biomarker [425]
TRIM29 OT2DNESG Definitive Biomarker [426]
⏷ Show the Full List of 333 DOT(s)


1 Lenvatinib FDA Label
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4 Expression of PACAP and PAC1 Receptor in Normal Human Thyroid Gland and in Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma.J Mol Neurosci. 2016 Oct;60(2):171-8. doi: 10.1007/s12031-016-0823-7. Epub 2016 Aug 26.
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6 ApolipoproteinL1 is expressed in papillary thyroid carcinomas.Pathol Res Pract. 2016 Jul;212(7):631-5. doi: 10.1016/j.prp.2016.04.004. Epub 2016 Apr 24.
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8 Sorting nexin 5 of a new diagnostic marker of papillary thyroid carcinoma regulates Caspase-2.Cancer Sci. 2012 Jul;103(7):1356-62. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2012.02296.x. Epub 2012 Jun 4.
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12 A molecular expression signature distinguishing follicular lesions in thyroid carcinoma using preamplification RT-PCR in archival samples.Mod Pathol. 2007 Oct;20(10):1095-102. doi: 10.1038/modpathol.3800943. Epub 2007 Jul 27.
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22 Expression of Gp78/Autocrine Motility Factor Receptor and Endocytosis of Autocrine Motility Factor in Human Thyroid Cancer Cells.Cureus. 2019 Jun 17;11(6):e4928. doi: 10.7759/cureus.4928.
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31 Polyclonal B-cell expansion in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with pseudotumor cerebri.J Clin Immunol. 2004 Nov;24(6):674-82. doi: 10.1007/s10875-004-6242-5.
32 Mitogenic effects of the up-regulation of minichromosome maintenance proteins in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Aug;90(8):4703-9. doi: 10.1210/jc.2004-2459. Epub 2005 May 17.
33 miR-125a-3p suppresses the growth and progression of papillary thyroid carcinoma cell by targeting MMP11.J Cell Biochem. 2020 Feb;121(2):984-995. doi: 10.1002/jcb.29333. Epub 2019 Sep 6.
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39 Modulatory role of phospholipase D in the activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-3 by thyroid oncogenic kinase RET/PTC.BMC Cancer. 2008 May 23;8:144. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-8-144.
40 MicroRNA-146a targets PRKCE to modulate papillary thyroid tumor development.Int J Cancer. 2014 Jan 15;134(2):257-67. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28141. Epub 2013 Sep 18.
41 Expression of PAX8 Target Genes in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.PLoS One. 2016 Jun 1;11(6):e0156658. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156658. eCollection 2016.
42 Role of COX-2, thromboxane A2 synthase, and prostaglandin I2 synthase in papillary thyroid carcinoma growth.Mod Pathol. 2005 Feb;18(2):221-7. doi: 10.1038/modpathol.3800285.
43 Role of PTPRJ genotype in papillary thyroid carcinoma risk.Endocr Relat Cancer. 2010 Oct 29;17(4):1001-6. doi: 10.1677/ERC-10-0143. Print 2010 Dec.
44 FN1, GALE, MET, and QPCT overexpression in papillary thyroid carcinoma: molecular analysis using frozen tissue and routine fine-needle aspiration biopsy samples.Diagn Cytopathol. 2011 Aug;39(8):556-61. doi: 10.1002/dc.21423. Epub 2010 Jul 6.
45 Expression of the cAMP binding protein EPAC1 in thyroid tumors and growth regulation of thyroid cells and thyroid carcinoma cells by EPAC proteins.Horm Metab Res. 2015 Mar;47(3):200-8. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1390484. Epub 2014 Nov 5.
46 Higher expression level of tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2 and Wnt member 5a in papillary thyroid carcinoma is associated with poor prognosis.Oncol Lett. 2017 Nov;14(5):5966-5972. doi: 10.3892/ol.2017.6989. Epub 2017 Sep 18.
47 LGR5 is associated with tumor aggressiveness in papillary thyroid cancer.Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 27;6(33):34549-60. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.5330.
48 Retinoid X receptor up-regulation is correlated with dedifferentiation of tumor cells and lymph node metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma.Pathol Int. 2011 Mar;61(3):109-15. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1827.2010.02623.x. Epub 2010 Dec 8.
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51 LncRNA-SLC6A9-5:2: A potent sensitizer in 131I-resistant papillary thyroid carcinoma with PARP-1 induction.Oncotarget. 2017 Apr 4;8(14):22954-22967. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.14578.
52 Long noncoding RNA SAMMSON promotes papillary thyroid carcinoma progression through p300/Sp1 axis and serves as a novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarker.IUBMB Life. 2020 Feb;72(2):237-246. doi: 10.1002/iub.2158. Epub 2019 Sep 3.
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56 Overexpression of tumor susceptibility gene TSG101 in human papillary thyroid carcinomas.Oncogene. 2002 Jul 18;21(31):4830-7. doi: 10.1038/sj.onc.1205612.
57 TWIST1/miR-584/TUSC2 pathway induces resistance to apoptosis in thyroid cancer cells.Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 25;7(43):70575-70588. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.12129.
58 Upregulation of glucosylceramide synthase protein in papillary thyroid carcinoma.Chin Med J (Engl). 2013;126(24):4660-4.
59 HLA-G 3' untranslated region polymorphic sites associated with increased HLA-G production are more frequent in patients exhibiting differentiated thyroid tumours.Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2017 Apr;86(4):597-605. doi: 10.1111/cen.13289. Epub 2017 Jan 10.
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62 Genetic expression profile-based screening of genes and pathways associated with papillary thyroid carcinoma.Oncol Lett. 2018 Nov;16(5):5723-5732. doi: 10.3892/ol.2018.9342. Epub 2018 Aug 21.
63 The paramount role of cytokines and chemokines in papillary thyroid cancer: a review and experimental results.Immunol Res. 2018 Dec;66(6):710-722. doi: 10.1007/s12026-018-9056-x.
64 Alteration in the serum concentrations of FGF19, FGFR4 and Klotho in patients with thyroid cancer.Cytokine. 2018 May;105:32-36. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2018.02.013. Epub 2018 Feb 10.
65 Applicability of sentinel lymph node biopsy in papillary thyroid cancer.Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2020 Dec;64(4):400-405. doi: 10.23736/S1824-4785.18.03097-2. Epub 2018 Jul 9.
66 Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-positive optic neuritis masquerading as pseudotumor cerebri at presentation.J Neurol. 2018 Sep;265(9):1985-1988. doi: 10.1007/s00415-018-8956-y. Epub 2018 Jun 25.
67 The clinical significance of PINX1 expression in papillary thyroid carcinoma.Hum Pathol. 2018 Nov;81:176-183. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2018.07.004. Epub 2018 Jul 17.
68 Iodine regulates G2/M progression induced by CCL21/CCR7 interaction in primary cultures of papillary thyroid cancer cells with RET/PTC expression.Mol Med Rep. 2016 Oct;14(4):3941-6. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2016.5686. Epub 2016 Aug 29.
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72 Long noncoding RNA NEAT1 regulate papillary thyroid cancer progression by modulating miR-129-5p/KLK7 expression.J Cell Physiol. 2018 Oct;233(10):6638-6648. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26425. Epub 2018 May 10.
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75 SIRT6/HIF-1 axis promotes papillary thyroid cancer progression by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition.Cancer Cell Int. 2019 Jan 16;19:17. doi: 10.1186/s12935-019-0730-4. eCollection 2019.
76 Long noncoding RNA LINC00460 promotes carcinogenesis via sponging miR-613 in papillary thyroid carcinoma.J Cell Physiol. 2019 Jul;234(7):11431-11439. doi: 10.1002/jcp.27799. Epub 2018 Nov 27.
77 The diagnostic value of TROP-2, SLP-2 and CD56 expression in papillary thyroid carcinoma.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Aug;275(8):2127-2134. doi: 10.1007/s00405-018-5045-x. Epub 2018 Jun 27.
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79 MicroRNA-26a-5p inhibits proliferation, invasion and metastasis by repressing the expression of Wnt5a in papillary thyroid carcinoma.Onco Targets Ther. 2019 Aug 16;12:6605-6616. doi: 10.2147/OTT.S205994. eCollection 2019.
80 AGK-BRAF is associated with distant metastasis and younger age in pediatric papillary thyroid carcinoma.Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2019 Jul;66(7):e27707. doi: 10.1002/pbc.27707. Epub 2019 Mar 29.
81 A novel lncRNA n384546 promotes thyroid papillary cancer progression and metastasis by acting as a competing endogenous RNA of miR-145-5p to regulate AKT3.Cell Death Dis. 2019 Jun 3;10(6):433. doi: 10.1038/s41419-019-1637-7.
82 Characterization of thyroid cancer driven by known and novel ALK fusions.Endocr Relat Cancer. 2019 Nov;26(11):803-814. doi: 10.1530/ERC-19-0325.
83 Identification of potential pathogenic candidates or diagnostic biomarkers in papillary thyroid carcinoma using expression and methylation profiles.Oncol Lett. 2019 Dec;18(6):6670-6678. doi: 10.3892/ol.2019.11059. Epub 2019 Nov 5.
84 MiR-630 inhibits papillary thyroid carcinoma cell growth, metastasis, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition by suppressing JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway.Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2019 Mar;23(6):2453-2460. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_201903_17392.
85 Cadherin-6 promotes EMT and cancer metastasis by restraining autophagy.Oncogene. 2017 Feb 2;36(5):667-677. doi: 10.1038/onc.2016.237. Epub 2016 Jul 4.
86 CHK2 Promotes Anoikis and is Associated with the Progression of Papillary Thyroid Cancer.Cell Physiol Biochem. 2018;45(4):1590-1602. doi: 10.1159/000487724. Epub 2018 Feb 21.
87 Integrated analysis of fine-needle-aspiration cystic fluid proteome, cancer cell secretome, and public transcriptome datasets for papillary thyroid cancer biomarker discovery.Oncotarget. 2018 Jan 4;9(15):12079-12100. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.23951. eCollection 2018 Feb 23.
88 MicroRNA-101 Targets CXCL12-Mediated Akt and Snail Signaling Pathways to Inhibit Cellular Proliferation and Invasion in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.Oncol Res. 2019 Jun 21;27(6):691-701. doi: 10.3727/096504018X15426763753594. Epub 2019 Mar 4.
89 CXXC5 expression in prostate cancer: implications for cancer progression.Int J Exp Pathol. 2017 Aug;98(4):234-243. doi: 10.1111/iep.12241.
90 Cyp24a1 Attenuation Limits Progression of Braf(V600E) -Induced Papillary Thyroid Cancer Cells and Sensitizes Them to BRAF(V600E) Inhibitor PLX4720.Cancer Res. 2017 Apr 15;77(8):2161-2172. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-2066. Epub 2017 Feb 27.
91 DDR2 facilitates papillary thyroid carcinoma epithelial mesenchymal transition by activating ERK2/Snail1 pathway.Oncol Lett. 2017 Dec;14(6):8114-8121. doi: 10.3892/ol.2017.7250. Epub 2017 Oct 23.
92 GABPA inhibits invasion/metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma by regulating DICER1 expression.Oncogene. 2019 Feb;38(7):965-979. doi: 10.1038/s41388-018-0483-x. Epub 2018 Sep 4.
93 Predictive significance of serum dipeptidyl peptidase-IV in papillary thyroid carcinoma.Cancer Biomark. 2019;24(1):7-17. doi: 10.3233/CBM-170908.
94 Integrated analysis identifies DUSP5 as a novel prognostic indicator for thyroid follicular carcinoma.Thorac Cancer. 2020 Feb;11(2):336-345. doi: 10.1111/1759-7714.13270. Epub 2019 Dec 10.
95 Induction of sodium iodide symporter gene and molecular characterisation of HNF3 beta/FoxA2, TTF-1 and C/EBP beta in thyroid carcinoma cells.Br J Cancer. 2008 Sep 2;99(5):781-8. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6604544.
96 Discontinuation of sorafenib can lead to the emergence of FLT3-ITD-positive acute myeloid leukemia.J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2019 Dec;25(8):2010-2015. doi: 10.1177/1078155218816768. Epub 2018 Dec 4.
97 Overexpression of Forkhead box Q1 correlates with poor prognosis in papillary thyroid carcinoma.Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2019 Feb;90(2):334-342. doi: 10.1111/cen.13896. Epub 2018 Dec 17.
98 GABRB2 plays an important role in the lymph node metastasis of papillary thyroid cancer.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Oct 21;492(3):323-330. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.08.114. Epub 2017 Aug 30.
99 Tumor promoting effects of glucagon receptor: a promising biomarker of papillary thyroid carcinoma via regulating EMT and P38/ERK pathways.Hum Cell. 2020 Jan;33(1):175-184. doi: 10.1007/s13577-019-00284-y. Epub 2019 Nov 28.
100 GPCR-mediated PI3K pathway mutations in pediatric and adult thyroid cancer.Oncotarget. 2019 Jun 25;10(41):4107-4124. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.26993. eCollection 2019 Jun 25.
101 The loss of the p53 activator HIPK2 is responsible for galectin-3 overexpression in well differentiated thyroid carcinomas.PLoS One. 2011;6(6):e20665. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0020665. Epub 2011 Jun 17.
102 Oncofoetal fibronectin--a tumour-specific marker in detecting minimal residual disease in differentiated thyroid carcinoma.Br J Cancer. 2005 Sep 5;93(5):565-70. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6602741.
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420 Clinicopathological and Prognostic Significance of WW Domain Binding Protein 5 Expression in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.Biomed Res Int. 2019 Nov 19;2019:1791065. doi: 10.1155/2019/1791065. eCollection 2019.
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