General Information of Disease (ID: DISXWP4P)

Disease Name Nephropathy
Synonyms nephropathy; renal disorder; kidney disease or disorder; disease of kidney; kidney disease; disorder of kidney; disease or disorder of kidney; renal disease; kidney disorder
Disease Class GC2Z: Urinary system disease
Definition A disease involving the kidney.
Disease Hierarchy
DIS0HU8N: Urinary tract disease
DISWD40R: Disease
DISXWP4P: Nephropathy
ICD Code
ICD-11: GC2Z
ICD-9: 581.3
Expand ICD-9
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 3 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Darbepoetin alfa DMMJTYW Approved NA [1]
Valsartan DMREUQ6 Approved Small molecular drug [2]
Zidovudine DM4KI7O Approved Small molecular drug [3]
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 2 Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
NCX-4016 DMOX1CU Phase 2 Small molecular drug [4]
ION532 DMC8UPL Phase 1 Antisense oligonucleotide [5]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 253 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACACB TTY84UG Limited Genetic Variation [6]
ACKR3 TTRQJTC Limited Biomarker [7]
ATIC TT9NVXQ Limited Biomarker [8]
B2M TTY7FKA Limited Altered Expression [9]
CAD TT2YT1K Limited Biomarker [10]
CELA1 TT3NKIB Limited Biomarker [11]
CFP TTLA0VS Limited Biomarker [12]
CHIT1 TTDYX6T Limited Biomarker [13]
CUL3 TTPCU0Q Limited Biomarker [14]
CYBB TT5T8MR Limited Biomarker [15]
DDR1 TTI1FPZ Limited Biomarker [16]
EHMT1 TTOFXD7 Limited Genetic Variation [17]
EIF2AK3 TT79U1M Limited Biomarker [18]
G6PC TTBQMJ8 Limited Biomarker [19]
GCK TTDLNGZ Limited Biomarker [20]
IFNL1 TTM624L Limited Biomarker [21]
INS TTZOPHG Limited Biomarker [22]
PARP1 TTVDSZ0 Limited Biomarker [23]
PCSK5 TTPFWHU Limited Biomarker [24]
PTGS2 TTVKILB Limited Biomarker [25]
SCGB1A1 TTONPVW Limited Biomarker [26]
SELL TT2IYXF Limited Genetic Variation [27]
SIRT6 TTUXYWF Limited Altered Expression [28]
SOD2 TT9O4C5 Limited Biomarker [29]
TNFRSF1A TTG043C Limited Biomarker [30]
TRPC6 TTRBT3W Limited Altered Expression [31]
UNC13B TT948FC Limited Genetic Variation [32]
VDR TTK59TV Limited Genetic Variation [33]
FCGR2B TT5RWKQ Disputed Genetic Variation [34]
SLC25A4 TTU5A6Q Disputed Genetic Variation [35]
SORD TTLSRBZ Disputed Altered Expression [36]
ADAM17 TT6AZXG moderate Altered Expression [37]
ANGPTL3 TT59GO7 moderate Biomarker [38]
CASP1 TTCQIBE moderate Biomarker [39]
CCR5 TTJIH8Q moderate Genetic Variation [40]
CEP290 TT3XBOV moderate Biomarker [41]
CR2 TT0HUN7 moderate Biomarker [42]
EGF TTED8JB moderate Biomarker [43]
FOSL2 TT689IR moderate Biomarker [44]
FOXC1 TTNT3YA moderate Biomarker [45]
FOXC2 TTLBAP1 moderate Genetic Variation [46]
GDF15 TT4MXVG moderate Biomarker [47]
GLO1 TTV9A7R moderate Genetic Variation [48]
HAMP TTRV5YJ moderate Biomarker [49]
IRS2 TTF95B8 moderate Altered Expression [50]
KLK4 TT4319X moderate Biomarker [51]
MANF TT56RYE moderate Biomarker [52]
MAP3K14 TT4LIAC moderate Biomarker [53]
MAP3K5 TTOQCD8 moderate Biomarker [53]
MBL2 TTMQDZ5 moderate Altered Expression [54]
NPPB TTY63XT moderate Altered Expression [55]
POSTN TT8ALTZ moderate Biomarker [56]
PRMT1 TTVOJAI moderate Biomarker [57]
SLC19A2 TT2A1DZ moderate Biomarker [58]
SLC33A1 TTL69WB moderate Genetic Variation [59]
SPP1 TT8ME6I moderate Genetic Variation [60]
TNFRSF12A TTKPS7V moderate Biomarker [61]
TNFRSF13B TTL9OD4 moderate Genetic Variation [62]
TNFRSF4 TTL31H0 moderate Biomarker [63]
ULK1 TT4D7MJ moderate Biomarker [64]
WNK1 TTJ9UMX moderate Biomarker [65]
ABCC8 TTP835K Strong Altered Expression [66]
ACE2 TTUI5H7 Strong Biomarker [67]
ADAM10 TTVXEGU Strong Altered Expression [68]
ADIPOQ TTXKA7D Strong Biomarker [69]
ADM TTV14YH Strong Biomarker [70]
ADRB2 TTG8ZWP Strong Genetic Variation [71]
AGER TTMO9HF Strong Biomarker [72]
AGRP TT4DE1O Strong Biomarker [73]
AGTR2 TTQVOEI Strong Biomarker [74]
AHSG TTKF4WV Strong Altered Expression [75]
AKR1B1 TTFBNVI Strong Biomarker [76]
ALAD TTJHKYD Strong Biomarker [77]
ALPL TTMR5UV Strong Biomarker [78]
ANGPT1 TTWNQ1T Strong Biomarker [79]
ANXA1 TTUCK4B Strong Altered Expression [80]
APOA1 TT5S8DR Strong Genetic Variation [81]
APOA4 TTNC3WS Strong Biomarker [82]
APOC3 TTXOZQ1 Strong Biomarker [83]
ARG2 TTV1AG6 Strong Biomarker [84]
ARRB1 TTMVD4A Strong Altered Expression [85]
ARSA TTYQANR Strong Genetic Variation [86]
BBOX1 TT9FOLC Strong Altered Expression [87]
BDKRB1 TTG5QIA Strong Biomarker [88]
BGN TT0JPVF Strong Altered Expression [89]
BMP7 TTKOBRA Strong Altered Expression [90]
BTK TTGM6VW Strong Biomarker [91]
C5 TTKANGO Strong Biomarker [92]
CASP3 TTPF2QI Strong Genetic Variation [93]
CASP9 TTB6T7O Strong Biomarker [94]
CCL5 TT9DWLC Strong Altered Expression [95]
CDH5 TTXLCFO Strong Altered Expression [96]
CDKN1A TT9GUW0 Strong Biomarker [97]
CFI TT6ATLX Strong Biomarker [98]
CLCNKB TTR68GQ Strong Genetic Variation [99]
CLU TTRL76H Strong Biomarker [100]
CSF3 TT5TQ2W Strong Therapeutic [101]
CTF1 TTXGTZU Strong Therapeutic [102]
CTNS TT1W2ZS Strong Biomarker [103]
CTSD TTPT2QI Strong Biomarker [104]
CUBN TT9YLCR Strong Genetic Variation [105]
CYP24A1 TT82UI1 Strong Altered Expression [106]
CYP3A4 TTWP7HQ Strong Genetic Variation [107]
CYP3A5 TTHS0OK Strong Genetic Variation [108]
DAO TT7Y3EJ Strong Biomarker [109]
DRD3 TT4C8EA Strong Genetic Variation [110]
DUSP5 TTZN92A Strong Biomarker [111]
EDN1 TTJR60Z Strong Biomarker [112]
EDNRA TTKRD0G Strong Biomarker [7]
ELAVL1 TTPC9D0 Strong Biomarker [113]
ENPP1 TTZTIWS Strong Genetic Variation [114]
EPO TTQG4NR Strong Biomarker [115]
ESRRG TT9ZRHB Strong Biomarker [116]
FABP1 TTIV96N Strong Biomarker [117]
FABP4 TTHWMFZ Strong Biomarker [118]
FGF2 TTGKIED Strong Altered Expression [119]
FGF23 TT2IZ4K Strong Biomarker [120]
FOS TTOM5AU Strong Biomarker [121]
G6PD TTKN8W0 Strong Biomarker [122]
GH1 TTT3YKH Strong Biomarker [123]
GHR TTHJWYD Strong Altered Expression [124]
GLA TTIS03D Strong Genetic Variation [125]
GLP1R TTVIMDE Strong Biomarker [126]
GNAO1 TTAXD8Z Strong Biomarker [127]
GPBAR1 TTSDVTR Strong Altered Expression [128]
GPR182 TTT23CG Strong Biomarker [129]
GSTP1 TT40K12 Strong Biomarker [130]
HCAR2 TTWNV8U Strong Biomarker [131]
HDAC5 TTUELN5 Strong Altered Expression [132]
HLA-DQB2 TTL7VOU Strong Biomarker [127]
HNF1A TT01M3K Strong Biomarker [133]
HNF4A TT2F3CD Strong Genetic Variation [134]
HOXA11 TTEX4ZA Strong Biomarker [135]
HSD11B2 TT9H85R Strong Altered Expression [136]
HSPA9 TTMTPG3 Strong Biomarker [137]
HSPG2 TT5UM29 Strong Genetic Variation [138]
IFNL3 TTRF4Q2 Strong Genetic Variation [139]
IGF1 TTT6LOU Strong Altered Expression [123]
IGFBP7 TTUQ01B Strong Biomarker [140]
IL33 TT5MD4P Strong Biomarker [141]
INPP5D TTTP2Z1 Strong Biomarker [142]
ITGA8 TT1FW8B Strong Genetic Variation [143]
KEAP1 TT3Z6Y9 Strong Biomarker [144]
KLK1 TT5T3P6 Strong Biomarker [145]
KNG1 TTDJ4MY Strong Biomarker [146]
LCN2 TTKTLAI Strong Biomarker [147]
LEPR TT0HD6V Strong Biomarker [148]
LGALS3 TTFPQV7 Strong Biomarker [103]
LPA TTU9LGY Strong Biomarker [149]
LRP2 TTPH1AJ Strong Biomarker [150]
LY96 TT8S9AV Strong Biomarker [151]
LYZ TTAOZBW Strong Biomarker [152]
MASP2 TTR01E9 Strong Biomarker [153]
MIF TT6804T Strong Genetic Variation [154]
MLYCD TT9Z4YD Strong Genetic Variation [155]
MMP7 TTMTWOS Strong Altered Expression [156]
MPO TTVCZPI Strong Biomarker [157]
MUC1 TTBHFYQ Strong Biomarker [158]
NAGLU TTDM6HZ Strong Biomarker [159]
NOS2 TTF10I9 Strong Biomarker [160]
NPR1 TTM9IYA Strong Biomarker [161]
NQO1 TT8XK6L Strong Therapeutic [162]
NR1H4 TTS4UGC Strong Biomarker [128]
NR3C2 TT26PHO Strong Biomarker [163]
PLA2G1B TT9V5JH Strong Biomarker [164]
PLA2R1 TTHKW7D Strong Biomarker [165]
POMC TT21AKM Strong Biomarker [166]
PPARA TTJ584C Strong Genetic Variation [167]
PROC TTZUXYS Strong Biomarker [168]
PSMB8 TTEAD9J Strong Genetic Variation [169]
PTH TT6F7GZ Strong Biomarker [170]
RAC1 TT2M9CG Strong Biomarker [171]
RBP4 TT0C8BY Strong Biomarker [172]
RENBP TTZCG0Q Strong Biomarker [72]
RPS6KA1 TTIXKA4 Strong Biomarker [173]
SCD TT6RIOV Strong Altered Expression [174]
SDC2 TT5H2F0 Strong Genetic Variation [138]
SGK1 TTTV8EJ Strong Biomarker [115]
SIRPA TTBRJS9 Strong Altered Expression [175]
SLC11A2 TT2IS7P Strong Biomarker [176]
SLC12A1 TTS087L Strong Genetic Variation [177]
SLC12A3 TTP362L Strong Genetic Variation [178]
SLC15A2 TT27Q3A Strong Biomarker [179]
SLC17A5 TTFSUIA Strong Biomarker [180]
SLC22A2 TT0XOJN Strong Therapeutic [181]
SLC22A6 TTTYH7A Strong Altered Expression [182]
SLC22A8 TTTQR47 Strong Biomarker [182]
SLC2A9 TTIF3GB Strong Genetic Variation [183]
SLC37A4 TT1KPBZ Strong Biomarker [184]
SLC47A1 TTMHCGA Strong Biomarker [185]
SLC5A1 TT2UE56 Strong Altered Expression [186]
SLC9A3 TTFZVPO Strong Genetic Variation [187]
SMAD7 TT0J32Z Strong Biomarker [188]
SMPD1 TTJTM88 Strong Therapeutic [189]
SPARC TTBQFM7 Strong Biomarker [190]
TERT TTQY2EJ Strong Biomarker [97]
TFAP2A TTDY4BS Strong Biomarker [191]
TGFBR2 TTZE3P7 Strong Biomarker [192]
TMSB4X TTMVAIU Strong Biomarker [193]
TNFSF13 TTOI1RM Strong Biomarker [194]
TNFSF13B TTWMIDN Strong Biomarker [194]
TNFSF4 TTBW580 Strong Biomarker [195]
TREM1 TTHZQP0 Strong Biomarker [196]
TTR TTPOYU7 Strong Biomarker [197]
TXN TTZJ5U9 Strong Biomarker [198]
UTS2 TTERU0T Strong Altered Expression [199]
UTS2R TTW5UDX Strong Genetic Variation [129]
ABCC3 TTVLG21 Definitive ModifyingMutation [200]
ADRA1B TTBRKXS Definitive Biomarker [201]
ANGPT2 TTKLQTJ Definitive Biomarker [202]
AOC3 TT7HC21 Definitive Altered Expression [203]
BLVRA TTJBPN3 Definitive Biomarker [204]
C3AR1 TTI6B3F Definitive Biomarker [205]
CA1 TTHQPL7 Definitive Biomarker [206]
CASP8 TT6SZNG Definitive Biomarker [94]
CETP TTFQAYR Definitive Altered Expression [207]
CFH TTUW6OP Definitive Biomarker [208]
CYP2A6 TTAQ6ZW Definitive Altered Expression [209]
DKK3 TTY2ZV6 Definitive Altered Expression [210]
FABP2 TTS4YLO Definitive Biomarker [211]
FADS2 TTT2VDU Definitive Posttranslational Modification [212]
FAT1 TTGUJYV Definitive Genetic Variation [213]
FGG TTR31L7 Definitive Biomarker [214]
GAD2 TT7UY6K Definitive Genetic Variation [215]
HIPK2 TTOB49C Definitive Biomarker [216]
IFNAR1 TTSYFMA Definitive Biomarker [217]
KIR2DS1 TTVWAGF Definitive Biomarker [218]
LCAT TTGZ91P Definitive Biomarker [219]
LTF TTSZDQU Definitive Biomarker [220]
MKI67 TTB4UNG Definitive Biomarker [221]
MYH2 TTBIL13 Definitive Biomarker [222]
NCF1 TTZ4JC3 Definitive Biomarker [223]
NEK8 TT8AH9I Definitive Biomarker [224]
NFE2L2 TTA6ZN2 Definitive Biomarker [225]
NLRP3 TT4EN8X Definitive Biomarker [226]
NR4A1 TTMXE2Q Definitive Biomarker [227]
PAH TTGSVH2 Definitive Biomarker [228]
PDGFD TTSN0GA Definitive Biomarker [229]
PKD2L1 TTAHD89 Definitive Altered Expression [230]
PLG TTP86E2 Definitive Biomarker [231]
PPP3CA TTA4LDE Definitive Biomarker [232]
PRKCB TTYPXQF Definitive Biomarker [233]
SERPINC1 TT4QPUL Definitive Biomarker [234]
SETD7 TTJ0FSU Definitive Biomarker [235]
SLC19A3 TT9BTWM Definitive Genetic Variation [236]
SREBF1 TTER0UB Definitive Biomarker [237]
SREBF2 TTRQ4AP Definitive Biomarker [237]
STAB1 TTJFEOC Definitive Biomarker [238]
SUCNR1 TT4FX9Y Definitive Biomarker [239]
TGFBR1 TTP4520 Definitive Biomarker [240]
TRPC1 TTA76X0 Definitive Biomarker [241]
TRPC3 TTNVC34 Definitive Biomarker [31]
TRPC5 TT32NQ1 Definitive Biomarker [31]
⏷ Show the Full List of 253 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 7 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLC41A1 DTB37ZE Limited Autosomal recessive [242]
SLC2A2 DTUJPOL moderate Genetic Variation [243]
ABCC11 DTWN7FC Strong Altered Expression [66]
SLC25A16 DTNU9EW Strong Biomarker [244]
SLC7A7 DTE4HJ8 Strong Biomarker [245]
SLC7A9 DTP7AEQ Strong Biomarker [246]
SLC9C1 DT9J8DO Strong Altered Expression [247]
⏷ Show the Full List of 7 DTP(s)
This Disease Is Related to 7 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ABO DESIA7R Strong Biomarker [248]
CYP2C8 DES5XRU Strong Genetic Variation [249]
DDAH1 DEY0TQC Strong Biomarker [250]
NAT8 DEA742Z Definitive Genetic Variation [251]
PON2 DEHJU7E Definitive Genetic Variation [252]
SULT1E1 DESTKG6 Definitive Biomarker [253]
UGT2B17 DEAZDL8 Definitive Genetic Variation [254]
⏷ Show the Full List of 7 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 297 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
CCT2 OTW1VV4E Limited Biomarker [255]
CD151 OTF3UZS7 Limited Genetic Variation [256]
CELA3A OT9JAL80 Limited Biomarker [11]
CFHR1 OT72R16T Limited Biomarker [257]
CFHR3 OTYL8SDO Limited Biomarker [258]
CSH1 OT33HTRR Limited Biomarker [259]
CSH2 OTW8JVAN Limited Biomarker [259]
DIAPH1 OTZBYPLH Limited Biomarker [260]
EFNB2 OT0DCUOM Limited Biomarker [261]
ERCC8 OT0T4WKI Limited Biomarker [259]
HAS2 OTTD3PAL Limited Genetic Variation [262]
HAS3 OTPM8IL8 Limited Genetic Variation [262]
IFT140 OT6KO5FH Limited Genetic Variation [263]
IL17C OTKXIVNQ Limited Biomarker [264]
IL17RE OTMFTNLS Limited Biomarker [264]
INVS OT8KPESR Limited Biomarker [265]
KCNE1 OTZNQUW9 Limited Genetic Variation [266]
MCF2L2 OTOGFMIH Limited Genetic Variation [267]
NSA2 OTRU5QPO Limited Altered Expression [268]
PCBD1 OTDSRUD5 Limited Genetic Variation [269]
RETN OTW5Z1NH Limited Biomarker [270]
SLC41A1 OT4QBRK3 Limited Autosomal recessive [242]
SNRPD1 OTWKZV4E Limited Biomarker [271]
SP3 OTYDQZ1T Limited Genetic Variation [272]
THG1L OTUK054V Limited Biomarker [45]
TMEM67 OTME92T5 Limited Genetic Variation [273]
CADM1 OTRWG9QS Disputed Biomarker [274]
CLC OTYMYR85 Disputed Altered Expression [275]
DST OTHZBM4X Disputed Biomarker [276]
FCGR2C OTNLMNYB Disputed Genetic Variation [34]
FMOD OT9EJ5H8 Disputed Biomarker [277]
GNB3 OTA6HYBA Disputed Genetic Variation [278]
LDB1 OT20EAPR Disputed Genetic Variation [279]
MINDY4 OTBZ2SZB Disputed Altered Expression [280]
NR2E1 OTW47GKM Disputed Genetic Variation [281]
NXPH1 OTGKX860 Disputed Genetic Variation [282]
RAB4A OT7BL9WW Disputed Genetic Variation [283]
SACM1L OT6ORKTD Disputed Genetic Variation [284]
TESC OTI8C76M Disputed Biomarker [285]
ABCG8 OTIJ76XW moderate Genetic Variation [286]
APOL4 OTTOH86V moderate Genetic Variation [287]
AQP11 OT1IQMHV moderate Genetic Variation [288]
C1QTNF1 OT7I7KHC moderate Altered Expression [289]
CARS1 OTOUZF6O moderate Genetic Variation [290]
CHMP2B OTZA7RJB moderate Biomarker [176]
CRELD2 OTL73AO8 moderate Biomarker [52]
CYGB OTX153DQ moderate Biomarker [291]
DMRT1 OT5PU9U1 moderate Biomarker [176]
FLII OT7G9JG6 moderate Biomarker [292]
FOXD3 OTXYV6GO moderate Biomarker [293]
FRMD3 OT0CD2GG moderate Genetic Variation [294]
GFPT1 OTQBDO45 moderate Altered Expression [295]
GPRC5B OTF3S5E3 moderate Altered Expression [296]
IQCB1 OTYQ28V9 moderate Genetic Variation [297]
KIR3DS1 OTJWIO4T moderate Biomarker [298]
KLF15 OTGMQMVR moderate Biomarker [299]
MGP OTZWU3FU moderate Genetic Variation [300]
MYO16 OTMS3D8W moderate Genetic Variation [290]
NPHP1 OTZHCFFQ moderate Genetic Variation [282]
PAX2 OTKP1N8F moderate Biomarker [301]
RPGRIP1L OT6Z069I moderate Biomarker [302]
SCARB2 OTN929M8 moderate Genetic Variation [303]
SCNN1A OTE2KVZV moderate Biomarker [304]
SCNN1G OTSJYQVQ moderate Genetic Variation [305]
SPESP1 OTWXKKTJ moderate Biomarker [306]
TTC21B OTXXA87U moderate Genetic Variation [307]
ACSL1 OTB06ESI Strong Altered Expression [308]
ACTA2 OTEDLG8E Strong Biomarker [309]
ACTN4 OTCNZAJ5 Strong Biomarker [310]
ADAM19 OTH88TXU Strong Biomarker [311]
ADD1 OTTF68DC Strong Genetic Variation [312]
AGXT2 OTO6QUTM Strong Genetic Variation [313]
AHI1 OT8K2YWY Strong Genetic Variation [314]
AMBP OTLU8GU8 Strong Altered Expression [315]
ANLN OTXJY54C Strong Altered Expression [316]
ANP32B OT3SQMLU Strong Biomarker [194]
AP3B1 OTYTIH5Q Strong Biomarker [317]
APOC1 OTA58CED Strong Genetic Variation [318]
APOM OTI3FQQC Strong Biomarker [319]
AQP2 OTQLBKK6 Strong Altered Expression [320]
AQP6 OTXS6UYY Strong Biomarker [321]
ARSL OTF1VTCR Strong Biomarker [322]
ARTN OTWIWGL6 Strong Biomarker [73]
ATP6 OTPHOGLX Strong Genetic Variation [323]
ATP6AP2 OT0IABVV Strong Biomarker [324]
BBS7 OTELYWDQ Strong Genetic Variation [325]
BHLHE41 OTY9GJ1Y Strong Biomarker [326]
BICC1 OTYRKIJ1 Strong Genetic Variation [327]
C1GALT1 OT2ZSZ6P Strong Biomarker [328]
CABIN1 OT4G5CIK Strong Biomarker [329]
CALB1 OTM7IXDG Strong Biomarker [330]
CALD1 OTNJKJ6Q Strong Biomarker [331]
CAMK4 OT47RDGV Strong Biomarker [332]
CAPN9 OTE4IU5U Strong Biomarker [333]
CAV2 OT1FGRQX Strong Biomarker [334]
CCHCR1 OT22C116 Strong Genetic Variation [335]
CCN3 OTOW5YL4 Strong Altered Expression [336]
CD2AP OTC76KQM Strong Genetic Variation [337]
CLCN5 OT9YXZSO Strong Altered Expression [338]
CLDN16 OTTHAIKR Strong Biomarker [339]
CMIP OTZN8Z4A Strong Altered Expression [340]
CNDP1 OTOYSQG7 Strong Biomarker [341]
CNNM2 OTZHO8WU Strong Biomarker [342]
CNTN3 OTC1274J Strong Genetic Variation [343]
COL4A4 OT9G0MCT Strong Genetic Variation [344]
COLEC11 OT4GC46Y Strong Biomarker [345]
COQ2 OTDAKEY4 Strong Biomarker [346]
COQ8B OTBY50BD Strong Genetic Variation [347]
CST3 OTNZ6AO4 Strong Biomarker [348]
CYBA OT16N9ZO Strong Genetic Variation [349]
DAB2 OTRMQTMZ Strong Biomarker [350]
DERL2 OTI3TUUZ Strong Biomarker [351]
EFNB1 OT7JJW8P Strong Biomarker [352]
ELMO1 OTY2ORXK Strong Genetic Variation [178]
ERAL1 OTSH78HD Strong Genetic Variation [353]
FAM20A OT5Z5IW8 Strong Genetic Variation [354]
FAR2 OTRYY709 Strong Biomarker [355]
FGA OTMIHY80 Strong Biomarker [356]
FGL1 OTT0QHQ1 Strong Biomarker [317]
FLI1 OT0EV3LX Strong Biomarker [357]
GABPA OT9YB2SA Strong Biomarker [225]
GADD45G OT8V1J4M Strong Altered Expression [358]
GATM OTIJ4Z11 Strong Biomarker [172]
GDF11 OTOSNMND Strong Biomarker [359]
GLIS2 OTOUUV1X Strong Genetic Variation [360]
GNMT OT0O2OQO Strong Biomarker [361]
GOLGA6A OTHU9MRX Strong Genetic Variation [362]
GPX3 OT6PK94R Strong Altered Expression [363]
GUCA2A OTUSF75G Strong Biomarker [364]
GUCA2B OTZERX04 Strong Biomarker [364]
HAP1 OT6SG0JQ Strong Altered Expression [365]
HAVCR1 OT184CRZ Strong Biomarker [366]
HBA1 OTW2BQF4 Strong Biomarker [367]
HLA-DPA1 OT7OG7Y2 Strong Biomarker [328]
HLA-E OTX1CTFB Strong Genetic Variation [368]
HORMAD2 OTL2ENWI Strong Genetic Variation [169]
HOXD11 OT9XGA4G Strong Biomarker [135]
HPS1 OTKS5I7T Strong Biomarker [317]
IFT122 OTSK3OAD Strong Biomarker [369]
JADE1 OTBPJIRI Strong Altered Expression [370]
LAMA5 OTIIXE4M Strong Genetic Variation [371]
LECT2 OTSFZ9JD Strong Biomarker [372]
LIPC OTZY5SC9 Strong Genetic Variation [373]
LRSAM1 OTOKWR6C Strong Biomarker [374]
MAGED2 OTMEWNSE Strong Biomarker [375]
MAGI2 OTXDDKZS Strong Altered Expression [376]
MCU OTQZAYWQ Strong Biomarker [377]
MDH2 OT7364GY Strong Biomarker [378]
MEFV OTRJ6S6K Strong Biomarker [379]
MKKS OTLF5T11 Strong Genetic Variation [302]
MKS1 OT83W5PB Strong Genetic Variation [302]
MLN OTBZ5SE5 Strong Biomarker [380]
MMD OTB5I4OC Strong Biomarker [381]
MOCOS OT0TL3Q5 Strong Biomarker [382]
MOK OTQK7M9V Strong Biomarker [72]
MPV17 OT579DMU Strong Biomarker [383]
MT4 OTDBOZEN Strong Biomarker [384]
MXI1 OTUQ9E0D Strong Biomarker [385]
MYBPH OTQJBPUR Strong Biomarker [386]
MYO1E OTM9YSIZ Strong Genetic Variation [387]
MYOCD OTSJNHTH Strong Altered Expression [388]
NBAS OTW9IBRI Strong Biomarker [159]
NCF2 OTAUW7L2 Strong Biomarker [389]
ND5 OT45LW1K Strong Genetic Variation [390]
NEDD4L OT1B19RU Strong Biomarker [391]
NFYA OTWFFOVH Strong Altered Expression [365]
NOX1 OTZPJQCC Strong Altered Expression [392]
NOX5 OTHTH59G Strong Altered Expression [393]
NPHP4 OTBNOA7U Strong Genetic Variation [394]
NPHS1 OT21JD3P Strong Genetic Variation [395]
NPHS2 OTLCNUII Strong Biomarker [64]
NRK OTGR01FF Strong Biomarker [396]
NT5C1A OTS7UF36 Strong Genetic Variation [397]
OGA OT7ZBWT1 Strong Altered Expression [398]
PALD1 OTLGUM8H Strong Altered Expression [399]
PALLD OTZ2MUJZ Strong Altered Expression [399]
PC OT6O0V51 Strong Altered Expression [400]
PDSS2 OTEOQBMX Strong Biomarker [401]
PGLYRP1 OTBTPR2T Strong Biomarker [402]
PHB2 OTCAX3AW Strong Biomarker [403]
PKD1 OT5ALRZ5 Strong Biomarker [404]
PKD2 OTIXBU8H Strong Genetic Variation [405]
PLXNA1 OTN0BING Strong Biomarker [406]
PODXL OTPNQXF3 Strong Biomarker [407]
PSMA6 OTJ6RPX5 Strong Biomarker [408]
PSMD9 OT6Y5CC3 Strong Genetic Variation [409]
PYCARD OT67RON3 Strong Biomarker [39]
RAMP2 OTGQXLH5 Strong Biomarker [410]
RAPGEF5 OT53VS75 Strong Biomarker [411]
RASAL1 OTAHUNN7 Strong Biomarker [412]
RCAN1 OT1MVXC7 Strong Altered Expression [413]
RCBTB1 OTAYELI8 Strong Genetic Variation [362]
RFC1 OT3L5PK3 Strong Biomarker [414]
RGCC OTYJMLWM Strong Biomarker [415]
RGN OTD04KB1 Strong Biomarker [416]
RPL10 OTBHOZGC Strong Biomarker [406]
RPL17 OTTYMPS6 Strong Genetic Variation [417]
RPS19 OTBKGP48 Strong Biomarker [418]
RRM2B OTE8GBUR Strong Biomarker [419]
RSAD2 OTCA9WCM Strong Biomarker [321]
RSC1A1 OT54EM29 Strong Biomarker [420]
RUVBL1 OTWV19L7 Strong Biomarker [421]
SCN7A OTK05PXY Strong Biomarker [159]
SDC4 OTKUVUGZ Strong Biomarker [422]
SDCCAG8 OTV2ZGV9 Strong Biomarker [423]
SIGLEC1 OTNWSQA9 Strong Biomarker [424]
SIX2 OTYOVGSC Strong Biomarker [425]
SMARCAL1 OTTKXLUZ Strong Genetic Variation [426]
SMCP OTXKY794 Strong Biomarker [382]
SNX9 OTLNQ0ZM Strong Altered Expression [427]
SOSTDC1 OTAKDNSM Strong Biomarker [428]
SPATA2 OTOA45GL Strong Genetic Variation [417]
SSBP1 OTH2PZWH Strong Biomarker [429]
STX2 OTO2IDDR Strong Biomarker [430]
SUMO4 OT9B447E Strong Genetic Variation [431]
SV2B OTAO5WIU Strong Altered Expression [432]
SYNPO OTICDJAB Strong Biomarker [433]
TAS2R13 OTSTOX5G Strong Genetic Variation [434]
TBX18 OT3BEBLN Strong Altered Expression [435]
TBX3 OTM64N7K Strong Biomarker [436]
TFF3 OTJJDRTU Strong Biomarker [100]
TGFBI OTR443C5 Strong Biomarker [437]
THSD7A OT7249HH Strong Biomarker [165]
TM7SF2 OTILU5S7 Strong Biomarker [79]
TP53INP2 OT0GTBXO Strong Altered Expression [438]
TRAP1 OTNG0L8J Strong Biomarker [45]
TREH OTJE0NOY Strong Altered Expression [439]
TREX1 OTQG7K12 Strong Genetic Variation [440]
TRIB3 OTG5OS7X Strong Genetic Variation [434]
ADD3 OTDRSHAZ Definitive Biomarker [441]
ALPK1 OTBW6SGD Definitive Biomarker [95]
ANKS1B OT26DGM9 Definitive Genetic Variation [442]
AQP5 OT77GBY8 Definitive Biomarker [443]
ARF6 OTVV7KJO Definitive Biomarker [444]
ARHGEF11 OTDOMEH6 Definitive Genetic Variation [445]
ARID2 OTIRJXWM Definitive Biomarker [446]
BBS12 OT43DTAV Definitive Biomarker [447]
C1GALT1C1 OTRTZUF5 Definitive Biomarker [448]
CCL28 OTY6XNQ7 Definitive Genetic Variation [449]
CD5L OTPY4WQR Definitive Altered Expression [450]
CEP97 OTX7ELQ0 Definitive Biomarker [451]
CLDN19 OTVD6IBL Definitive Genetic Variation [452]
CLEC4E OT7P8ICY Definitive Biomarker [453]
CNDP2 OTJR9436 Definitive Biomarker [454]
COL4A2 OTJK1LKN Definitive Genetic Variation [455]
COMMD5 OT6R7DXN Definitive Biomarker [456]
CORO2B OTCJG5WM Definitive Altered Expression [457]
COX3 OTNNGBYJ Definitive Genetic Variation [458]
COX7A2L OTY21FKV Definitive Genetic Variation [442]
CRB2 OTG0L2CE Definitive Genetic Variation [459]
DDAH2 OT8Q40G2 Definitive Biomarker [460]
DDN OTM52ZF5 Definitive Biomarker [461]
DDOST OT39PDMS Definitive Biomarker [462]
DECR1 OTCDIR6X Definitive Altered Expression [463]
DNASE2 OT6RC1BL Definitive Genetic Variation [464]
EDA OTAKS5WS Definitive Biomarker [465]
EFHD2 OTM9VMN3 Definitive Altered Expression [466]
ELOVL5 OT375W1Z Definitive Posttranslational Modification [212]
EPB41L5 OTPPQPLU Definitive Biomarker [467]
ETFA OTXX61VZ Definitive Genetic Variation [468]
EYA1 OTHU807A Definitive Genetic Variation [469]
FBLIM1 OTFHXMON Definitive Biomarker [470]
FERMT2 OTZNPWWX Definitive Biomarker [471]
GAS1 OTKJXG52 Definitive Genetic Variation [401]
GCKR OTSIWXGG Definitive Genetic Variation [472]
GOLGB1 OT2S0GK8 Definitive Biomarker [473]
GOPC OTRBGH71 Definitive Biomarker [470]
HHIP OT77RQYS Definitive Altered Expression [474]
HMCN1 OTLZAS0P Definitive Biomarker [475]
INHBC OT8SUTZR Definitive Genetic Variation [476]
ITPKC OT73T6T6 Definitive Genetic Variation [477]
KCNK5 OT68V64E Definitive Genetic Variation [478]
KIR2DS3 OT3PSLDL Definitive Biomarker [218]
LAMB2 OT71OI2Y Definitive Genetic Variation [479]
LIMS1 OT729S0T Definitive Biomarker [480]
MAPRE1 OTCVQD60 Definitive Genetic Variation [442]
MAPRE2 OTAE3MX4 Definitive Genetic Variation [442]
MTHFS OTZ39JNR Definitive Biomarker [481]
NOSIP OTQTNFPJ Definitive Biomarker [220]
NPS OTEG25A2 Definitive Genetic Variation [482]
OR10A4 OTYYB8SY Definitive Genetic Variation [483]
PROZ OTI3TXBE Definitive Altered Expression [484]
PSD4 OTEFB87Z Definitive Genetic Variation [485]
RELB OTU3QYEF Definitive Biomarker [221]
RNLS OTVP2WJM Definitive Biomarker [486]
RTN1 OTCX1SMK Definitive Biomarker [487]
SALL1 OTYYZGLH Definitive Genetic Variation [488]
SEMA3G OTBLVF8V Definitive Biomarker [489]
SGF29 OTTE5GOJ Definitive Genetic Variation [490]
SH2B2 OTEDHHDH Definitive Biomarker [491]
SMPDL3B OTZ3KNFJ Definitive Altered Expression [492]
SMURF2 OT3TRVL7 Definitive Altered Expression [493]
SOD3 OTIOZQAB Definitive Biomarker [494]
SORCS1 OTP8PAKU Definitive Genetic Variation [495]
SRL OT7IEBWZ Definitive Biomarker [496]
STATH OTQHBHM9 Definitive Genetic Variation [442]
TNMD OTHLVA9G Definitive Biomarker [497]
⏷ Show the Full List of 297 DOT(s)


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