General Information of Disease (ID: DISJMWEY)

Disease Name Diabetic kidney disease
Synonyms type 2 diabetes nephropathy; type 1 diabetes nephropathy; diabetic nephropathy; DKD
Disease Class GB61: Chronic kidney disease
Definition Progressive kidney disorder caused by vascular damage to the glomerular capillaries, in patients with diabetes mellitus. It is usually manifested with nephritic syndrome and glomerulosclerosis.
Disease Hierarchy
DISW82R7: Chronic kidney disease
DIS71G5H: Metabolic disorder
DISJMWEY: Diabetic kidney disease
ICD Code
ICD-11: GB61.Z
Expand ICD-11
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 3 Approved Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Captopril DM458UM Approved Small molecular drug [1]
Irbesartan DMTP1DC Approved Small molecular drug [2]
Losartan DM72JXH Approved Small molecular drug [3]
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 5 Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Pyridoxamine DMVDCGZ Phase 3 Small molecular drug [4]
Pimagedine HCl DMPWH30 Phase 2/3 Small molecular drug [5]
CSL346 DMDWJCT Phase 2 Antibody [6]
LY2382770 DMH3YKJ Phase 2 Antibody [7]
CLBS201 DMIXD53 Phase 1 Cell therapy [8]
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 1 Discontinued Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
EXO-226 DMV4UIG Discontinued in Phase 3 NA [9]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 271 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
AOC3 TT7HC21 Limited Biomarker [10]
ARRB2 TT8SO2I Limited Altered Expression [11]
AXL TTZPY6J Limited Biomarker [12]
BMP7 TTKOBRA Limited Posttranslational Modification [13]
CCR1 TTC24WT Limited Genetic Variation [14]
CCR2 TTFZYTO Limited Biomarker [15]
CDKN1A TT9GUW0 Limited Altered Expression [16]
CHIT1 TTDYX6T Limited Biomarker [17]
CXCL9 TTWE5PB Limited Altered Expression [18]
EBI3 TTJF68X Limited Biomarker [19]
EGF TTED8JB Limited Biomarker [20]
ENPP1 TTZTIWS Limited Genetic Variation [21]
FN3K TTP6W8J Limited Genetic Variation [22]
GCG TT6Y4PN Limited Biomarker [23]
HIF1A TTSN6QU Limited Biomarker [24]
HNMT TT2B6EV Limited Biomarker [25]
ICAM1 TTA1L39 Limited Biomarker [26]
IGF1 TTT6LOU Limited Altered Expression [27]
KDR TTUTJGQ Limited Biomarker [28]
KLK1 TT5T3P6 Limited Altered Expression [29]
LCN2 TTKTLAI Limited Biomarker [30]
LEPR TT0HD6V Limited Biomarker [31]
MDK TTV8UE7 Limited Altered Expression [32]
MMP2 TTLM12X Limited Altered Expression [33]
MTOR TTCJG29 Limited Biomarker [34]
MYH2 TTBIL13 Limited Biomarker [35]
NCK1 TTMA3VF Limited Biomarker [36]
NMUR2 TT2L6C5 Limited Biomarker [19]
NOX4 TTQRBSJ Limited Biomarker [37]
PRKCB TTYPXQF Limited Biomarker [38]
PRKCE TT57MT2 Limited Biomarker [39]
SERPINF1 TTR59S1 Limited Biomarker [40]
SLC22A2 TT0XOJN Limited Genetic Variation [41]
SLC2A1 TT79TKF Limited Biomarker [42]
TGFBR2 TTZE3P7 Limited Genetic Variation [43]
TRPC6 TTRBT3W Limited Biomarker [44]
TXNIP TTTLDZK Limited Genetic Variation [34]
VDAC1 TTAMKGB Limited Biomarker [45]
VDAC2 TTM1I7L Limited Biomarker [45]
ADM TTV14YH Disputed Biomarker [46]
APLN TT87D3J Disputed Biomarker [47]
CETP TTFQAYR Disputed Genetic Variation [48]
ENTPD1 TTYM8DJ Disputed Genetic Variation [49]
FOXC1 TTNT3YA Disputed Altered Expression [50]
IRS1 TTAJSQ0 Disputed Genetic Variation [51]
MASP2 TTR01E9 Disputed Altered Expression [52]
MME TT5TKPM Disputed Biomarker [53]
ABCA1 TTJW1GN moderate Biomarker [54]
ABCC8 TTP835K moderate Altered Expression [55]
ACVRL1 TTGYPTC moderate Biomarker [56]
ANGPTL4 TTWALY5 moderate Biomarker [57]
APEX1 TTHGL48 moderate Biomarker [58]
APLNR TTJ8E43 moderate Biomarker [47]
APOA4 TTNC3WS moderate Biomarker [59]
APOC3 TTXOZQ1 moderate Genetic Variation [60]
APOL1 TTDB8PW moderate Genetic Variation [61]
ARRB1 TTMVD4A moderate Altered Expression [62]
CALCRL TTY6O0Q moderate Biomarker [63]
CD59 TTBGTEJ moderate Biomarker [64]
DGKA TTGL8F0 moderate Altered Expression [65]
EHMT1 TTOFXD7 moderate Biomarker [23]
EPHX2 TT7WVHI moderate Genetic Variation [66]
F10 TTCIHJA moderate Biomarker [67]
F2R TTL935N moderate Altered Expression [68]
FABP4 TTHWMFZ moderate Altered Expression [69]
GAS6 TT69QD2 moderate Biomarker [70]
GDF15 TT4MXVG moderate Altered Expression [71]
GHRL TT1OCL0 moderate Genetic Variation [72]
GLO1 TTV9A7R moderate Genetic Variation [73]
GPBAR1 TTSDVTR moderate Biomarker [74]
GSK3B TTRSMW9 moderate Biomarker [75]
HPSE TTR7GJO moderate Altered Expression [76]
IL20 TTNZMY2 moderate Biomarker [77]
IRS2 TTF95B8 moderate Altered Expression [78]
JAK2 TTRMX3V moderate Biomarker [79]
KCNQ1 TT846HF moderate Genetic Variation [80]
KHDRBS1 TTAT6C7 moderate Biomarker [81]
LIN28A TTO50LN moderate Biomarker [82]
LOXL2 TTFSUHX moderate Biomarker [83]
LPAR1 TTQ6S1K moderate Biomarker [84]
LPAR3 TTE2YJR moderate Biomarker [84]
LRP6 TTSXOWE moderate Biomarker [85]
MAP3K7 TTJQT60 moderate Posttranslational Modification [86]
MCAM TTHRE05 moderate Biomarker [87]
NLRC5 TTWZC78 moderate Biomarker [88]
NOD2 TTYPUHA moderate Altered Expression [89]
NPPB TTY63XT moderate Genetic Variation [90]
NR1H4 TTS4UGC moderate Biomarker [74]
ORAI1 TTE76YK moderate Biomarker [91]
PDGFA TTSM78N moderate Altered Expression [92]
PKM TT4LOT8 moderate Biomarker [93]
PPARA TTJ584C moderate Altered Expression [94]
PPIA TTL2ADK moderate Biomarker [95]
PROC TTZUXYS moderate Biomarker [96]
PTAFR TTQL5VC moderate Altered Expression [97]
ROCK2 TTGWKQJ moderate Biomarker [98]
S100A8 TT4AF6N moderate Altered Expression [55]
SDC2 TT5H2F0 moderate Genetic Variation [99]
SEMA3A TTVKD3S moderate Biomarker [100]
SGK1 TTTV8EJ moderate Biomarker [101]
SLC12A3 TTP362L moderate Genetic Variation [102]
SLC33A1 TTL69WB moderate Biomarker [103]
SLC5A1 TT2UE56 moderate Altered Expression [104]
SMN1 TT8QL6X moderate Biomarker [105]
SYK TT2HUPM moderate Biomarker [106]
SYVN1 TT8XKYM moderate Altered Expression [107]
TREM1 TTHZQP0 moderate Altered Expression [108]
TYRO3 TTIEMFN moderate Altered Expression [109]
UCP1 TTI12YJ moderate Altered Expression [110]
ULK1 TT4D7MJ moderate Biomarker [94]
UTRN TTNO1VA moderate Biomarker [111]
ACACB TTY84UG Strong Biomarker [112]
ACVR1 TTJNBQA Strong Biomarker [113]
ADORA1 TTK25J1 Strong Biomarker [114]
AGTR2 TTQVOEI Strong Altered Expression [115]
AIMP2 TTXWHGF Strong Biomarker [116]
ALOX12 TT12ABZ Strong Genetic Variation [117]
ANGPT2 TTKLQTJ Strong Biomarker [118]
APOH TT2OUI9 Strong Biomarker [119]
ARG2 TTV1AG6 Strong Altered Expression [120]
ATP2A2 TTE6THL Strong Biomarker [121]
AVPR2 TTK8R02 Strong Biomarker [122]
B2M TTY7FKA Strong Biomarker [123]
BBOX1 TT9FOLC Strong Biomarker [124]
BDKRB2 TTGY8IW Strong Genetic Variation [125]
BDNF TTSMLOH Strong Biomarker [126]
BECN1 TT5M7LN Strong Altered Expression [127]
C3 TTJGY7A Strong Biomarker [128]
C3AR1 TTI6B3F Strong Altered Expression [128]
C5 TTKANGO Strong Biomarker [129]
C5AR1 TTHXFA1 Strong Biomarker [130]
CAMKK2 TTV298Y Strong Biomarker [131]
CASP3 TTPF2QI Strong Altered Expression [132]
CASP7 TTM7Y45 Strong Therapeutic [133]
CASP8 TT6SZNG Strong Therapeutic [134]
CCL20 TT2XAZY Strong Biomarker [135]
CCNE1 TTCEJ4F Strong Biomarker [136]
CD36 TTPJMCU Strong Genetic Variation [137]
CD38 TTPURFN Strong Biomarker [138]
CDKN1B TTLGFVW Strong Biomarker [139]
CFD TT8D13I Strong Biomarker [140]
CHN2 TT39YVO Strong Genetic Variation [141]
CMKLR1 TT4UGZL Strong Biomarker [116]
COL6A3 TT5WCAH Strong Biomarker [142]
CPB2 TTP18AY Strong Genetic Variation [143]
CPT1B TTDL0NY Strong Biomarker [144]
CR1 TTEA8OW Strong Biomarker [145]
CREB1 TTH4AN3 Strong Altered Expression [146]
CRTC1 TT4GO0F Strong Altered Expression [147]
CSNK2A2 TT7GR5W Strong Altered Expression [148]
CUBN TT9YLCR Strong Biomarker [149]
DCN TTB3XAN Strong Biomarker [150]
DKK1 TTE3RAC Strong Genetic Variation [151]
E2F3 TTWIJYH Strong Biomarker [152]
EDNRA TTKRD0G Strong Biomarker [153]
ELAVL1 TTPC9D0 Strong Biomarker [154]
ENPEP TT9PBIL Strong Biomarker [155]
EP300 TTGH73N Strong Genetic Variation [156]
EPAS1 TTWPA54 Strong Therapeutic [157]
EREG TTYSB89 Strong Altered Expression [158]
ESR1 TTZAYWL Strong Genetic Variation [159]
FABP1 TTIV96N Strong Biomarker [160]
FABP2 TTS4YLO Strong Genetic Variation [161]
FAS TT7LTUJ Strong Biomarker [162]
FFAR2 TT0FYAN Strong Biomarker [163]
FGF1 TTMY81X Strong Biomarker [164]
FGF21 TTQ916P Strong Biomarker [165]
FGF23 TT2IZ4K Strong Biomarker [166]
FOXO1 TTLRVIA Strong Biomarker [167]
G6PD TTKN8W0 Strong Biomarker [168]
GCK TTDLNGZ Strong Biomarker [169]
GHR TTHJWYD Strong Biomarker [170]
GIPR TTYMKBE Strong Biomarker [171]
GLP1R TTVIMDE Strong Biomarker [23]
GRB2 TTEYRJ9 Strong Biomarker [172]
GREM1 TTOUZN5 Strong Biomarker [173]
GRK2 TTAZ3MN Strong Therapeutic [174]
GRK3 TT5A4DX Strong Therapeutic [174]
GSR TTEP6RV Strong Therapeutic [175]
HCN1 TTNB6UQ Strong Genetic Variation [176]
HDAC2 TTSHTOI Strong Biomarker [177]
HDAC4 TTTQGH8 Strong Biomarker [178]
HDAC5 TTUELN5 Strong Biomarker [177]
HNF4A TT2F3CD Strong Biomarker [169]
HP TTLC8E1 Strong Biomarker [179]
HSPA5 TTW26OG Strong Altered Expression [50]
HSPB1 TT9AZWY Strong Biomarker [180]
HTR2A TTJQOD7 Strong Biomarker [181]
ID2 TTW8A5N Strong Biomarker [182]
IGF1R TTQFBMY Strong Biomarker [183]
IGF2 TTE8WGO Strong Biomarker [184]
IL19 TT87RWS Strong Altered Expression [185]
IL1RL1 TT4GZA4 Strong Altered Expression [186]
INS TTZOPHG Strong Genetic Variation [51]
IRAK4 TTILUKB Strong Genetic Variation [187]
ITGA1 TTPERWV Strong Biomarker [188]
ITPR1 TT5HWAT Strong Genetic Variation [189]
JAK1 TT6DM01 Strong Biomarker [190]
KCNJ11 TT329V4 Strong Altered Expression [191]
KEAP1 TT3Z6Y9 Strong Biomarker [192]
KHK TTPAFR9 Strong Biomarker [193]
KNG1 TTDJ4MY Strong Genetic Variation [125]
LCK TT860QF Strong Biomarker [194]
LIMK2 TTASMD8 Strong Genetic Variation [195]
LRP2 TTPH1AJ Strong Altered Expression [196]
LYZ TTAOZBW Strong Biomarker [197]
MAP2K2 TT8H9GB Strong Biomarker [198]
MAP3K1 TTW8TJI Strong Posttranslational Modification [199]
MBNL2 TTH9OLG Strong Biomarker [200]
MGAM TTXWASR Strong Biomarker [201]
MMP10 TTXLEG7 Strong Biomarker [71]
NCF1 TTZ4JC3 Strong Biomarker [202]
NFE2L2 TTA6ZN2 Strong Biomarker [203]
NOS1 TTZUFI5 Strong Therapeutic [204]
NQO1 TT8XK6L Strong Altered Expression [205]
NR1H3 TTECBXN Strong Biomarker [206]
NR3C2 TT26PHO Strong Biomarker [207]
NRG4 TTWAGKJ Strong Biomarker [208]
NTRK2 TTKN7QR Strong Biomarker [126]
NUAK1 TT65FL0 Strong Altered Expression [209]
PCSK1 TTED9LZ Strong Biomarker [210]
PGC TT7K6AD Strong Biomarker [211]
PLA2G7 TTDNFMT Strong Biomarker [212]
PLA2R1 TTHKW7D Strong Biomarker [213]
PLAU TTGY7WI Strong Biomarker [214]
PLK2 TT976FS Strong Biomarker [215]
PRMT1 TTVOJAI Strong Biomarker [216]
PRSS1 TT2WR1T Strong Altered Expression [217]
RBPJ TT72D4Z Strong Biomarker [218]
RENBP TTZCG0Q Strong Biomarker [219]
RHBDF2 TTH1ZOP Strong Biomarker [220]
RIPK2 TTCQ2E5 Strong Biomarker [221]
ROS1 TTSZ6Y3 Strong Biomarker [222]
SAA1 TTY0DN9 Strong Biomarker [223]
SETD7 TTJ0FSU Strong Biomarker [224]
SLC12A1 TTS087L Strong Biomarker [225]
SLC22A6 TTTYH7A Strong Altered Expression [226]
SLC22A8 TTTQR47 Strong Altered Expression [226]
SLC2A12 TTZO36H Strong Altered Expression [227]
SMAD1 TT9GR53 Strong Biomarker [228]
SMAD6 TTON5JB Strong Biomarker [229]
SMAD7 TT0J32Z Strong Altered Expression [230]
SOD2 TT9O4C5 Strong Biomarker [144]
SORD TTLSRBZ Strong Altered Expression [231]
SPARC TTBQFM7 Strong Biomarker [232]
SPP1 TT8ME6I Strong Genetic Variation [233]
SREBF1 TTER0UB Strong Biomarker [234]
SREBF2 TTRQ4AP Strong Biomarker [235]
SUV39H1 TTUWQTK Strong Altered Expression [236]
TCF7L2 TT80QAL Strong Genetic Variation [237]
TF TT8WXAV Strong Biomarker [238]
THBS1 TTKI0H1 Strong Biomarker [239]
TKT TT04R7I Strong Biomarker [240]
TNFRSF1A TTG043C Strong Biomarker [241]
TRH TT2Z39D Strong Biomarker [242]
TRIP10 TTKHTGE Strong Biomarker [243]
TRPC5 TT32NQ1 Strong Genetic Variation [244]
UCP2 TTSC2YM Strong Biomarker [245]
UCP3 TT12RJK Strong Genetic Variation [246]
UNC13B TT948FC Strong Genetic Variation [247]
UTS2 TTERU0T Strong Biomarker [248]
UTS2R TTW5UDX Strong Biomarker [249]
VCAM1 TTHCEF6 Strong Biomarker [26]
VDR TTK59TV Strong Biomarker [250]
VEGFB TTPJQHE Strong Biomarker [251]
XDH TT7RJY8 Strong Therapeutic [252]
MAP3K5 TTOQCD8 Definitive Biomarker [253]
NLRX1 TTKT026 Definitive Biomarker [254]
PDE3A TT06AWU Definitive Genetic Variation [195]
PON1 TT9LX82 Definitive Genetic Variation [255]
SLC30A8 TTXIGT7 Definitive Genetic Variation [256]
⏷ Show the Full List of 271 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 7 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ABCC11 DTWN7FC moderate Altered Expression [55]
ABCC6 DT582KR Strong Biomarker [200]
KCNH7 DT3WXPI Strong Genetic Variation [189]
SLC2A2 DTUJPOL Strong Biomarker [257]
SLC30A7 DTQK38X Strong Biomarker [258]
SLC7A2 DTWY9RT Strong Biomarker [225]
SLC9A8 DTNY0C2 Strong Biomarker [225]
⏷ Show the Full List of 7 DTP(s)
This Disease Is Related to 10 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
PRKCSH DE073GW Limited Genetic Variation [259]
CRMP1 DE0EUXB moderate Biomarker [111]
CYP4B1 DEMF740 moderate Biomarker [260]
CYP2R1 DEBIHM3 Strong Genetic Variation [261]
DDAH1 DEY0TQC Strong Biomarker [262]
GFPT2 DERQCJM Strong Genetic Variation [263]
MEP1B DEKBXUC Strong Genetic Variation [264]
NDUFS3 DE741FI Strong Biomarker [265]
SI DE5EO4Y Strong Biomarker [201]
PON2 DEHJU7E Definitive Genetic Variation [266]
⏷ Show the Full List of 10 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 311 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ACKR2 OTWYY14H Limited Biomarker [267]
ADD2 OTRCPCD2 Limited Genetic Variation [268]
APOL3 OT95SQHR Limited Genetic Variation [269]
CCT2 OTW1VV4E Limited Biomarker [270]
COL4A1 OTL6D1YE Limited Biomarker [271]
CST3 OTNZ6AO4 Limited Altered Expression [272]
DGKH OTYNPJ4B Limited Biomarker [39]
EFNA1 OTU2NUA2 Limited Biomarker [19]
HAVCR1 OT184CRZ Limited Biomarker [273]
IGF2BP2 OT4ZSEEE Limited Genetic Variation [274]
KL OTD4VWU6 Limited Biomarker [275]
MCF2L2 OTOGFMIH Limited Genetic Variation [276]
MYH9 OT94Z706 Limited Biomarker [118]
NFAT5 OTKIE59S Limited Biomarker [277]
PICK1 OT8QE6EU Limited Biomarker [278]
POTEF OTV3WXYE Limited Altered Expression [279]
RAB38 OTU0NZU0 Limited Altered Expression [280]
SOCS5 OTN1ABYR Limited Biomarker [281]
STAP2 OTEB1VVI Limited Biomarker [282]
TINAG OTY7BSD7 Limited Biomarker [45]
TNFAIP1 OT37EWR0 Limited Biomarker [39]
CALB1 OTM7IXDG Disputed Biomarker [283]
CCHCR1 OT22C116 Disputed Genetic Variation [284]
GPRC5A OTPOCWR7 Disputed Biomarker [285]
MLLT3 OTXH4DDG Disputed Therapeutic [286]
NRK OTGR01FF Disputed Biomarker [287]
PRKAA1 OT7TNF0L Disputed Biomarker [144]
PRKAB1 OT1OG4QZ Disputed Biomarker [144]
PTX3 OTPXHRKU Disputed Biomarker [288]
RPS19 OTBKGP48 Disputed Biomarker [168]
SHBG OTPWU5IW Disputed Genetic Variation [284]
SUMO4 OT9B447E Disputed Genetic Variation [289]
THG1L OTUK054V Disputed Altered Expression [50]
ADD1 OTTF68DC moderate Genetic Variation [290]
ADIPOR1 OT65ZFZN moderate Biomarker [291]
ADIPOR2 OT2HDTL8 moderate Altered Expression [292]
ATP6AP2 OT0IABVV moderate Altered Expression [293]
CARS1 OTOUZF6O moderate Biomarker [294]
CD2AP OTC76KQM moderate Altered Expression [295]
CD68 OTOYEY3J moderate Altered Expression [296]
CXCL16 OTD49T9R moderate Biomarker [297]
DAPK2 OTWODUQG moderate Biomarker [111]
DENR OTXP9HOY moderate Biomarker [111]
DNM1L OTXK1Q1G moderate Biomarker [111]
FGF13 OTHNNVSG moderate Biomarker [298]
FRMD3 OT0CD2GG moderate Biomarker [294]
GPRC5B OTF3S5E3 moderate Altered Expression [299]
HYOU1 OTBGBSOV moderate Altered Expression [300]
IL17B OTS86H50 moderate Biomarker [77]
IQGAP1 OTZRWTGA moderate Biomarker [301]
KDM6A OTZM3MJJ moderate Biomarker [302]
KLF15 OTGMQMVR moderate Biomarker [303]
KLF2 OTIP1UFX moderate Altered Expression [304]
KLF6 OTQY9S7F moderate Altered Expression [305]
LIPC OTZY5SC9 moderate Genetic Variation [306]
LRPAP1 OT6DVD2Q moderate Altered Expression [307]
MEFV OTRJ6S6K moderate Biomarker [308]
MIOX OTDD9G4E moderate Biomarker [309]
MOK OTQK7M9V moderate Biomarker [309]
MRTFA OTCVXASM moderate Altered Expression [148]
NOX1 OTZPJQCC moderate Biomarker [310]
NR2C2 OTDZWVOJ moderate Posttranslational Modification [86]
OPTN OT2UXWH9 moderate Altered Expression [311]
PAQR3 OTTKJ9Y4 moderate Biomarker [312]
PLEKHO1 OTMVUQ9W moderate Altered Expression [313]
RAMP2 OTGQXLH5 moderate Biomarker [63]
RARRES2 OT1BJE8K moderate Biomarker [116]
RMC1 OT7K8MTJ moderate Altered Expression [314]
SEMA6A OTDQ7QAW moderate Biomarker [315]
SMAD2 OTC6VB4K moderate Genetic Variation [165]
SMN2 OT54RLO1 moderate Biomarker [105]
SNRNP70 OTP52YZ3 moderate Biomarker [316]
SOCS2 OTBPNKJQ moderate Altered Expression [183]
TRIB3 OTG5OS7X moderate Genetic Variation [317]
ACCS OTHIHI9D Strong Altered Expression [94]
ADCY8 OTR1WCZX Strong Biomarker [318]
ADGRG1 OTQBB8NT Strong Biomarker [319]
AFM OTPOR8IO Strong Biomarker [320]
AHSA1 OTC7AFHT Strong Biomarker [116]
AIFM1 OTKPWB7Q Strong Altered Expression [321]
AKAP1 OTIIB2JB Strong Biomarker [322]
ALKBH1 OTADGU5D Strong Biomarker [323]
ALPK1 OTBW6SGD Strong Biomarker [324]
AMT OTQYEWZQ Strong Genetic Variation [325]
ANGPTL2 OTB6JG41 Strong Biomarker [326]
ANKRD1 OTHJ7JV9 Strong Altered Expression [327]
APOA5 OTEVKLVA Strong Altered Expression [328]
APOC1 OTA58CED Strong Genetic Variation [329]
APOM OTI3FQQC Strong Biomarker [330]
AQP11 OT1IQMHV Strong Genetic Variation [331]
AQP2 OTQLBKK6 Strong Biomarker [332]
AQP5 OT77GBY8 Strong Biomarker [332]
ARF6 OTVV7KJO Strong Biomarker [333]
ATP5F1B OTLFZUQK Strong Biomarker [334]
AZIN1 OTX5W77I Strong Therapeutic [335]
AZU1 OTHXU264 Strong Biomarker [336]
B3GALNT1 OT8GFSQL Strong Biomarker [337]
BASP1 OTF4VS5G Strong Biomarker [338]
BEST1 OTWHE1ZC Strong Biomarker [339]
CALD1 OTNJKJ6Q Strong Genetic Variation [340]
CAPN10 OTS9LJW4 Strong Biomarker [341]
CASP12 OTY2W6FG Strong Biomarker [342]
CCL1 OT23NON8 Strong Biomarker [343]
CCNG2 OTII38K2 Strong Biomarker [344]
CD5L OTPY4WQR Strong Biomarker [59]
CDC42 OT5QBC5M Strong Biomarker [345]
CDKAL1 OTA0SGNE Strong Genetic Variation [346]
CFL1 OTT6D5MH Strong Biomarker [347]
CNBP OTTGM9NK Strong Biomarker [235]
CNKSR3 OTXP4QH8 Strong Genetic Variation [189]
COL1A1 OTI31178 Strong Biomarker [265]
COL4A5 OTHG60RE Strong Biomarker [348]
COL8A1 OTWBTED2 Strong Biomarker [349]
COL8A2 OTASWJ69 Strong Altered Expression [349]
COPB2 OT82JIGC Strong Biomarker [350]
CREM OTJIJ5AL Strong Altered Expression [351]
CST2 OTRKRW50 Strong Altered Expression [352]
CUL5 OTMTZD47 Strong Altered Expression [353]
CXCL6 OTFTCQ4O Strong Biomarker [354]
DAAM1 OT0VHIYZ Strong Genetic Variation [355]
DBP OTE0W7LN Strong Biomarker [356]
DDAH2 OT8Q40G2 Strong Genetic Variation [357]
DDT OTF5HTYL Strong Biomarker [358]
DEFA1 OT5N1B9B Strong Biomarker [359]
DEFA3 OTO3N8E1 Strong Biomarker [359]
DERL2 OTI3TUUZ Strong Altered Expression [360]
DMP1 OTBWBWW7 Strong Biomarker [361]
DMTF1 OTDKO9OO Strong Biomarker [361]
DPYS OTLTUIVL Strong Biomarker [362]
DSEL OTVNQD3I Strong Genetic Variation [363]
DSPP OT1TYNDN Strong Genetic Variation [364]
DUOX1 OTQ2AEW0 Strong Biomarker [365]
DUOX2 OTU14HCN Strong Biomarker [365]
DUSP26 OTI7WIYN Strong Biomarker [222]
EDA OTAKS5WS Strong Biomarker [366]
EIF3M OTVWEV60 Strong Biomarker [367]
ELF3 OTUTLEQO Strong Altered Expression [368]
ERP44 OT7ZI7AG Strong Biomarker [369]
ERRFI1 OT7VZ2IZ Strong Biomarker [370]
ESAM OTF518AI Strong Biomarker [371]
ESCO1 OTZ9P12A Strong Biomarker [372]
ESM1 OT331Y8V Strong Altered Expression [373]
ETF1 OTH8C5U5 Strong Biomarker [367]
FAR2 OTRYY709 Strong Altered Expression [374]
FGF11 OT6513W2 Strong Biomarker [375]
FIS1 OT2HL10J Strong Biomarker [376]
FITM1 OTBKC6PT Strong Altered Expression [186]
FNDC5 OT5CSK9X Strong Genetic Variation [377]
FUT8 OTJJCVG1 Strong Biomarker [378]
GABPA OT9YB2SA Strong Biomarker [73]
GFPT1 OTQBDO45 Strong Altered Expression [379]
GLIPR2 OTFTH6ZY Strong Altered Expression [380]
GOLGA6A OTHU9MRX Strong Biomarker [381]
GRAP OTO1P7YX Strong Biomarker [382]
GRAP2 OTS5NIZ3 Strong Biomarker [116]
GREM2 OTE91EWT Strong Biomarker [383]
GRK4 OTUU8V2S Strong Biomarker [174]
GRK6 OT4LZTP9 Strong Therapeutic [174]
GSDMD OTH39BKI Strong Biomarker [384]
GUCY1A1 OTPTCBUN Strong Genetic Variation [189]
HAS2 OTTD3PAL Strong Biomarker [385]
HDLBP OTKDEEYX Strong Biomarker [336]
HEBP1 OTR9MPDX Strong Biomarker [336]
HHIP OT77RQYS Strong Altered Expression [386]
HLA-DPA1 OT7OG7Y2 Strong Biomarker [387]
HMCN1 OTLZAS0P Strong Genetic Variation [388]
HMGN1 OTSMGH99 Strong Altered Expression [389]
IGFBP4 OT2HZRBD Strong Biomarker [57]
IL12RB1 OTM1IJO2 Strong Biomarker [390]
IL34 OTZ15VVK Strong Genetic Variation [391]
INHBC OT8SUTZR Strong Biomarker [392]
INPPL1 OTCDAVBQ Strong Biomarker [393]
INTU OTXB13E6 Strong Biomarker [394]
IPCEF1 OTOUIHID Strong Altered Expression [189]
KPNA2 OTU7FOE6 Strong Posttranslational Modification [395]
KRT16 OTGA0EQN Strong Biomarker [210]
LAD1 OT6YGTVX Strong Biomarker [396]
LAMB2 OT71OI2Y Strong Altered Expression [397]
LCN1 OT8BWXTV Strong Biomarker [398]
LRG1 OTLD0KWA Strong Biomarker [399]
LTBP1 OTR7Q75L Strong Biomarker [400]
MAK16 OTD546E5 Strong Biomarker [401]
MAP1LC3A OTPMGIU4 Strong Biomarker [402]
MAP6 OTPUI00F Strong Genetic Variation [403]
MB OTYWYL2D Strong Biomarker [71]
MCM3 OTOOHQPM Strong Biomarker [350]
MFHAS1 OTS922CJ Strong Biomarker [404]
MFN2 OTPYN8A3 Strong Therapeutic [271]
MGP OTZWU3FU Strong Genetic Variation [405]
MIXL1 OT584VOQ Strong Biomarker [406]
MLN OTBZ5SE5 Strong Biomarker [407]
MMRN1 OT7ZNYHT Strong Biomarker [408]
MPRIP OT5FV5NS Strong Biomarker [409]
MSN OTZJ4J6G Strong Genetic Variation [294]
MSX2 OT1WDKE1 Strong Biomarker [218]
MTHFS OTZ39JNR Strong Genetic Variation [410]
MYOCD OTSJNHTH Strong Biomarker [411]
MZF1 OTMVZCPW Strong Altered Expression [412]
NAV3 OT97M1TR Strong Genetic Variation [189]
NCALD OTJZ8UEL Strong Biomarker [413]
NFIA OTDHQ9CG Strong Biomarker [372]
NFIB OTX94PD0 Strong Biomarker [372]
NFIC OTLMCUIB Strong Biomarker [372]
NFIX OT1DPZAE Strong Biomarker [372]
NLRC4 OTAIA3NA Strong Biomarker [414]
NOX3 OT0FFJH8 Strong Biomarker [415]
NOX5 OTHTH59G Strong Genetic Variation [416]
NPPA OTMQNTNX Strong Genetic Variation [417]
OGA OT7ZBWT1 Strong Biomarker [418]
OGN OTKP5S4L Strong Biomarker [419]
OR10A4 OTYYB8SY Strong Genetic Variation [420]
PACSIN2 OTC2R00C Strong Biomarker [421]
PALD1 OTLGUM8H Strong Altered Expression [422]
PALLD OTZ2MUJZ Strong Altered Expression [422]
PAX2 OTKP1N8F Strong Biomarker [423]
PEA15 OTKCKTSX Strong Altered Expression [424]
PIAS4 OTB7SVMZ Strong Biomarker [425]
PIK3C2B OTY2PROB Strong Genetic Variation [426]
PIK3R2 OTZSUQK5 Strong Biomarker [427]
PLA2G15 OT6VJTPA Strong Altered Expression [94]
PLEKHH2 OT3TK3NN Strong Altered Expression [428]
PLIN2 OTRXJ9UN Strong Biomarker [429]
PNO1 OT010GIS Strong Biomarker [401]
PNPLA2 OTR3ERMR Strong Altered Expression [430]
POLDIP2 OT8SZSJ6 Strong Biomarker [116]
POU2F3 OTIOOJWD Strong Genetic Variation [431]
PPARGC1A OTHCDQ22 Strong Biomarker [144]
PPBP OT1FHGQS Strong Biomarker [432]
PPP1R8 OTH5KB2P Strong Altered Expression [433]
PRKAA2 OTU1KZPV Strong Biomarker [144]
PROS1 OTXQWNOI Strong Biomarker [70]
PRSS2 OTOMVUWL Strong Altered Expression [217]
PSMA6 OTJ6RPX5 Strong Altered Expression [434]
RAB3A OT2GIUO5 Strong Biomarker [435]
RABGEF1 OTWC3Z3R Strong Biomarker [436]
RB1CC1 OTZK8PFX Strong Biomarker [402]
RCAN1 OT1MVXC7 Strong Altered Expression [437]
RCBTB1 OTAYELI8 Strong Biomarker [381]
RDX OTNSYUN6 Strong Biomarker [294]
RMDN1 OTE1NB6U Strong Genetic Variation [402]
RMDN2 OTK5WSFI Strong Genetic Variation [402]
RMDN3 OTKO7AUM Strong Genetic Variation [402]
RNF19A OTKWCV80 Strong Biomarker [116]
RPL36A OT1LYV85 Strong Biomarker [438]
RPLP0 OT3XKD6Y Strong Biomarker [367]
RPS27A OTIIGGZ2 Strong Biomarker [367]
RPS6 OTT4D1LN Strong Biomarker [439]
RRAS OTBBF28C Strong Genetic Variation [440]
SAA2 OTYAVJWG Strong Biomarker [223]
SCAF4 OTFGHB1E Strong Genetic Variation [441]
SCAF8 OTSCFMK3 Strong Biomarker [442]
SELENBP1 OT3NZNTR Strong Genetic Variation [284]
SEPTIN7 OTJI08YX Strong Biomarker [443]
SFI1 OTI1P52G Strong Genetic Variation [195]
SIRT4 OT5S0J23 Strong Biomarker [444]
SIRT7 OT5M4OT4 Strong Biomarker [445]
SKIL OTNBXH32 Strong Altered Expression [86]
SLBP OTVYYQRT Strong Biomarker [336]
SMAD5 OTQNSVCQ Strong Biomarker [446]
SMG1 OTTS3SXE Strong Biomarker [447]
SMPDL3B OTZ3KNFJ Strong Biomarker [448]
SMURF2 OT3TRVL7 Strong Altered Expression [449]
SOAT1 OTB4Y5RJ Strong Biomarker [450]
SORBS1 OTWH8762 Strong Genetic Variation [451]
SRGAP2 OTUWFMCQ Strong Altered Expression [452]
SRRM2 OTSIMMC9 Strong Biomarker [401]
SRXN1 OTYDBO4L Strong Biomarker [453]
ST3GAL4 OTNENJZQ Strong Biomarker [454]
STAM2 OT9OBWPH Strong Biomarker [336]
SYBU OT3FQV7N Strong Genetic Variation [402]
TALDO1 OTDKV2S2 Strong Biomarker [22]
TAS2R13 OTSTOX5G Strong Biomarker [455]
TBC1D31 OT0LF0OW Strong Genetic Variation [189]
TBX1 OTQLBPRA Strong Biomarker [456]
TCF7 OT1ID822 Strong Biomarker [457]
TERF2IP OT3M5P3G Strong Biomarker [436]
TFG OT2KJENI Strong Biomarker [458]
TGFBI OTR443C5 Strong Altered Expression [209]
TGIF1 OTN9VHAG Strong Biomarker [459]
TIMM44 OTXP7MXN Strong Biomarker [460]
TIMP2 OT8S1RRP Strong Altered Expression [461]
TIMP3 OTDGQAD1 Strong Altered Expression [462]
TNFAIP8 OT1G9297 Strong Biomarker [463]
TNFRSF10D OTOSRDJT Strong Biomarker [464]
TNMD OTHLVA9G Strong Biomarker [465]
TNS2 OTP72P0F Strong Biomarker [466]
TPD52 OTPKSK43 Strong Biomarker [210]
TRAF5 OTSBTLO0 Strong Altered Expression [467]
TRDN OTXVE9SF Strong Biomarker [468]
TRIAP1 OTEAUJXN Strong Biomarker [469]
TRIM11 OTMD6IM2 Strong Biomarker [470]
TSC22D1 OTN4GFWD Strong Genetic Variation [471]
TSPYL2 OTGGW2EF Strong Biomarker [472]
ARAP1 OTINOJJ7 Definitive Biomarker [473]
ARID2 OTIRJXWM Definitive Biomarker [474]
BTRC OT2EZDGR Definitive Biomarker [475]
CDAN1 OTCVZRG6 Definitive Biomarker [472]
CORO2B OTCJG5WM Definitive Altered Expression [476]
DRG1 OTIFYMI3 Definitive Genetic Variation [195]
DUSP4 OT6WAO12 Definitive Altered Expression [477]
EFHD2 OTM9VMN3 Definitive Biomarker [478]
ENOX1 OT4WOLA8 Definitive Genetic Variation [195]
GPR158 OTYOC1RQ Definitive Genetic Variation [256]
LARGE1 OTUH7H9F Definitive Genetic Variation [195]
MLXIPL OTR9MLLW Definitive Biomarker [479]
NSA2 OTRU5QPO Definitive Biomarker [480]
PES1 OTMZK7XE Definitive Biomarker [480]
PHLPP1 OTIFXW8D Definitive Biomarker [475]
RNF185 OTU1NS9O Definitive Genetic Variation [195]
SASH1 OTQA8BD4 Definitive Genetic Variation [195]
SOD3 OTIOZQAB Definitive Altered Expression [481]
⏷ Show the Full List of 311 DOT(s)


1 Captopril FDA Label
2 Irbesartan FDA Label
3 Losartan FDA Label
4 (NCT02156843) Pyridorin in Diabetic Nephropathy. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
5 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800006816)
6 (NCT04419467) A Phase 2a, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Proof of Concept Study of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)-B Blockade With the Monoclonal Antibody CSL346 in Subjects With Diabetic Kidney Disease. U.S.National Institutes of Health.
7 (NCT01113801) A Study in Participants With Diabetic Kidney Disease. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
8 (NCT04990427) A Phase 1 Open-Label, Proof-of-Concept Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of CLBS201 Autologous Peripheral Blood-Derived CD34+ Cells in Subjects With Chronic Kidney Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. U.S.National Institutes of Health.
9 Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800008954)
10 Synthesis and structure activity relationships of carbamimidoylcarbamate derivatives as novel vascular adhesion protein-1 inhibitors.Bioorg Med Chem. 2017 Nov 1;25(21):6024-6038. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2017.09.036. Epub 2017 Sep 23.
11 -Arrestins promote podocyte injury by inhibition of autophagy in diabetic nephropathy.Cell Death Dis. 2016 Apr 7;7(4):e2183. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2016.89.
12 Growth arrest-specific gene 6 is involved in glomerular hypertrophy in the early stage of diabetic nephropathy.J Biol Chem. 2003 May 16;278(20):18229-34. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M213266200. Epub 2003 Mar 17.
13 Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) 7 expression is regulated by the E3 ligase UBE4A in diabetic nephropathy.Arch Physiol Biochem. 2020 Dec;126(5):416-419. doi: 10.1080/13813455.2018.1551905. Epub 2019 Jan 19.
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19 Genome-wide pathway analysis for diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes.Endocr Res. 2016;41(1):21-7. doi: 10.3109/07435800.2015.1044011. Epub 2015 Jul 13.
20 Associations of urinary epidermal growth factor and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 with kidney involvement in patients with diabetic kidney disease.Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2020 Feb 1;35(2):291-297. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfy314.
21 Association between the ENPP1 K121Q polymorphism and risk of diabetic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.PLoS One. 2015 Mar 20;10(3):e0118416. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118416. eCollection 2015.
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23 Pharmacological Management of Diabetic Nephropathy.Curr Vasc Pharmacol. 2020;18(2):139-147. doi: 10.2174/1570161117666190405164749.
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25 Role of Epigenetic Histone Modifications in Diabetic Kidney Disease Involving Renal Fibrosis.J Diabetes Res. 2017;2017:7242384. doi: 10.1155/2017/7242384. Epub 2017 Jun 13.
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48 Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Genetic Variants Associated with Risk for Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetic Kidney Disease in Taiwanese Population.Genes (Basel). 2019 Oct 8;10(10):782. doi: 10.3390/genes10100782.
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