General Information of Disease (ID: DISF7P24)

Disease Name Head-neck squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck; carcinoma of the head and neck; squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck, somatic; HNSCC; squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck; head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; craniocervical region squamous cell carcinoma; squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck; SCCHN; squamous cell carcinomas of head and neck
Disease Class 2D60: Metastatic lymph node neoplasm
Definition A squamous cell carcinoma that arises from any of the following anatomic sites: lip and oral cavity, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, and salivary glands.
Disease Hierarchy
DISQVIFL: Squamous cell carcinoma
DISOU1DS: Head and neck carcinoma
DISF7P24: Head-neck squamous cell carcinoma
ICD Code
ICD-11: 2D60.0
ICD-10: C77.0
Disease Identifiers
MedGen ID

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA) of This Disease

Drug-Interaction Atlas (DIA)
This Disease is Treated as An Indication in 3 Clinical Trial Drug(s)
Drug Name Drug ID Highest Status Drug Type REF
Mulitkine DMLHI93 Phase 3 NA [1]
Ozuriftamab vedotin DMOI00X Phase 2 Antibody drug conjugate [2]
SB 11285 DMZ9YWG Phase 1 NA [3]

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) of This Disease

Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA)
This Disease Is Related to 368 DTT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ABCB1 TT3OT40 Limited Biomarker [4]
ABCC2 TTFLHJV Limited Altered Expression [5]
ABCG2 TTIMJ02 Limited Altered Expression [6]
AKT1 TTWTSCV Limited Biomarker [7]
ALDH2 TTFLN4T Limited Altered Expression [8]
ATG2B TTG6KCU Limited Genetic Variation [9]
BBC3 TT7JUKC Limited Biomarker [10]
BSG TT5UJWD Limited Biomarker [11]
CCND1 TTFCJ7S Limited Altered Expression [12]
CYP1A2 TTS1DTU Limited Genetic Variation [13]
DKK3 TTY2ZV6 Limited Biomarker [14]
DYRK1A TTSBVFO Limited Biomarker [15]
EIF4E TTZGCP6 Limited Biomarker [16]
ERBB4 TTWALCO Limited Biomarker [17]
FAT1 TTGUJYV Limited Altered Expression [18]
FHIT TTMS54D Limited Biomarker [19]
GPNMB TT7315J Limited Altered Expression [20]
HPGDS TTCYE56 Limited Altered Expression [21]
IL1RAP TTWS50K Limited Biomarker [22]
ITGB1 TTBVIQC Limited Biomarker [23]
KLF4 TTTI53X Limited Altered Expression [24]
MCL1 TTL53M6 Limited Altered Expression [25]
MDM2 TT9TE0O Limited Altered Expression [26]
MDM4 TT9OUDQ Limited Biomarker [27]
MMP14 TTJ4QE7 Limited Biomarker [28]
NFE2L2 TTA6ZN2 Limited Biomarker [29]
NOTCH1 TTB1STW Limited Biomarker [30]
PRKD1 TTSLUMT Limited Altered Expression [31]
PTK2 TTON5IT Limited Altered Expression [32]
RAD51 TTC0G1L Limited Biomarker [33]
RRM2 TT1S4LJ Limited Biomarker [34]
TGFBR1 TTP4520 Limited Biomarker [35]
TNFRSF10B TTW20TU Limited Autosomal dominant [36]
TNFRSF10B TTW20TU Limited Altered Expression [37]
CA9 TT2LVK8 Disputed Biomarker [38]
ACACB TTY84UG moderate Biomarker [39]
ADORA2A TTM2AOE moderate Genetic Variation [40]
ADORA2B TTNE7KG moderate Biomarker [41]
AGR2 TT9K86S moderate Biomarker [42]
ANGPTL4 TTWALY5 moderate Altered Expression [43]
ARF1 TT70KXY moderate Altered Expression [44]
ATF4 TTQCKWT moderate Biomarker [45]
BCL2A1 TTGT9C7 moderate Biomarker [39]
BIRC2 TTQ5LRD moderate Biomarker [46]
BRIP1 TTZV7LJ moderate Biomarker [47]
BST2 TT90BJT moderate Biomarker [48]
CBL TT7QT13 moderate Altered Expression [49]
CBR1 TTVG0SN moderate Biomarker [50]
CD200 TT0BE68 moderate Altered Expression [51]
CD276 TT6CQUM moderate Biomarker [52]
CD33 TTJVYO3 moderate Biomarker [53]
CD70 TTNCIE0 moderate Altered Expression [54]
CDK6 TTO0FDJ moderate Biomarker [55]
CDK7 TTQYF7G moderate Altered Expression [56]
CEACAM1 TTA9CK4 moderate Biomarker [57]
CSE1L TTTRULD moderate Biomarker [58]
CTSH TT3G406 moderate Biomarker [59]
CUL3 TTPCU0Q moderate Biomarker [60]
DCLK1 TTOHTCY moderate Biomarker [61]
DDX58 TTVB0O3 moderate Biomarker [62]
DIABLO TTN74LE moderate Biomarker [63]
DTL TT8396I moderate Altered Expression [64]
ECE1 TTQ9RYT moderate Biomarker [65]
EIF4EBP1 TTKGEBL moderate Biomarker [16]
ENTPD1 TTYM8DJ moderate Altered Expression [66]
EPHA3 TTHS2LR moderate Biomarker [67]
EPHB1 TT8MDAC moderate Biomarker [68]
EREG TTYSB89 moderate Altered Expression [69]
FANCA TTV5HJS moderate Biomarker [70]
FGF19 TTGCH11 moderate Biomarker [71]
FLT4 TTDCBX5 moderate Altered Expression [72]
FOLR2 TTT54CI moderate Biomarker [73]
FTH1 TT975ZT moderate Altered Expression [74]
GNG7 TTCMBKF moderate Posttranslational Modification [75]
GNRHR TT8R70G moderate Biomarker [76]
GRK2 TTAZ3MN moderate Altered Expression [77]
ID2 TTW8A5N moderate Altered Expression [78]
IFNAR1 TTSYFMA moderate Altered Expression [79]
IGFBP5 TTDWEA8 moderate Genetic Variation [80]
IL13RA2 TTMPZ7V moderate Biomarker [81]
IL24 TT1EPXZ moderate Genetic Variation [82]
ITGA11 TTANXZ7 moderate Altered Expression [83]
ITK TT3C80U moderate Biomarker [84]
KDM5B TTCLI75 moderate Altered Expression [85]
KIR2DL2 TTU0P73 moderate Genetic Variation [86]
KLRK1 TTLRN4A moderate Biomarker [87]
LAMB3 TT2WOUQ moderate Altered Expression [88]
LAPTM4B TTEJQT0 moderate Altered Expression [89]
LASP1 TTZJA87 moderate Altered Expression [90]
LTA TTP73TM moderate Altered Expression [91]
LTF TTSZDQU moderate Biomarker [92]
LYN TT1RWNJ moderate Altered Expression [53]
MAPK1 TT4TQBX moderate Altered Expression [93]
MAPKAPK2 TTMUG9D moderate Biomarker [94]
MLANA TT362RB moderate Altered Expression [95]
MVD TTE5J6X moderate Biomarker [96]
MYH2 TTBIL13 moderate Biomarker [97]
NEDD8 TTNDC4K moderate Biomarker [98]
NEK2 TT3VZ24 moderate Biomarker [99]
NR1H2 TTXA6PH moderate Genetic Variation [100]
NSD1 TTTSJ3H moderate Genetic Variation [101]
NTSR1 TTTUMEP moderate Biomarker [102]
OLFM4 TTK1CX7 moderate Altered Expression [103]
PFKFB3 TTTHMQJ moderate Altered Expression [91]
PNP TTMCF1Y moderate Biomarker [104]
POLB TTA0XPV moderate Altered Expression [105]
PTK7 TTXH2ZN moderate Biomarker [106]
PYGM TTZHY6R moderate Biomarker [107]
RHCG TTN5MZ3 moderate Biomarker [108]
RICTOR TT143WL moderate Altered Expression [109]
RIPK1 TTVJHX8 moderate Biomarker [110]
SLC16A3 TTG6VD5 moderate Altered Expression [111]
SLC2A4 TTP6MT5 moderate Biomarker [112]
SLC38A2 TTUSC27 moderate Altered Expression [113]
SLC47A1 TTMHCGA moderate Biomarker [114]
SLC7A11 TTBZMIO moderate Biomarker [115]
SLC9A1 TTGSEFH moderate Altered Expression [116]
SLCO1A2 TTUGD21 moderate Altered Expression [117]
SLCO1B3 TTU86P0 moderate Altered Expression [117]
SLCO2A1 TTKVTQO moderate Biomarker [117]
SLCO2B1 TTDL3UZ moderate Altered Expression [117]
SPOCK1 TTF23RE moderate Altered Expression [118]
STOML2 TTOI329 moderate Biomarker [119]
TACSTD2 TTP2HE5 moderate Biomarker [120]
TGFB3 TTWOMY8 moderate Biomarker [121]
TIGIT TTWNL74 moderate Biomarker [122]
TLR8 TT8CWFK moderate Biomarker [123]
TMSB4X TTMVAIU moderate Biomarker [124]
TNFRSF4 TTL31H0 moderate Genetic Variation [125]
TNNC2 TTYUMF5 moderate Biomarker [107]
TP53BP1 TTX4UE9 moderate Altered Expression [126]
TRIP12 TTG2CRH moderate Altered Expression [126]
ABCC1 TTOI92F Strong Altered Expression [127]
ABCC3 TTVLG21 Strong Biomarker [117]
ADH7 TT3LE7P Strong Genetic Variation [128]
AIMP2 TTXWHGF Strong Altered Expression [93]
ANO1 TTOJI4S Strong Altered Expression [129]
ANXA5 TT2Z83I Strong Biomarker [130]
AREG TT76B3W Strong Altered Expression [69]
ARG2 TTV1AG6 Strong Altered Expression [131]
ATP2A2 TTE6THL Strong Genetic Variation [132]
AURKA TTPS3C0 Strong Biomarker [133]
AURKB TT9RTBL Strong Biomarker [134]
AVP TTJ8EWH Strong Genetic Variation [135]
AXL TTZPY6J Strong Biomarker [136]
AZGP1 TTUPYLV Strong Altered Expression [137]
B2M TTY7FKA Strong Genetic Variation [138]
BUB1 TT78309 Strong Genetic Variation [139]
CALCR TTLWS2O Strong Genetic Variation [140]
CASP6 TTKW4ML Strong Genetic Variation [141]
CASP7 TTM7Y45 Strong Genetic Variation [141]
CASP8 TT6SZNG Strong Genetic Variation [142]
CCL23 TTHAPJK Strong Biomarker [143]
CCR4 TT7HQD0 Strong Altered Expression [144]
CCR7 TT2GIDQ Strong Biomarker [145]
CD163 TTTZ9DE Strong Biomarker [146]
CD1A TTBGTFN Strong Biomarker [147]
CD274 TT8ZLTI Strong Altered Expression [148]
CD46 TTMS7DF Strong Biomarker [149]
CD47 TT28S46 Strong Biomarker [150]
CD69 TTPQE9F Strong Altered Expression [151]
CD9 TTZEIBV Strong Altered Expression [152]
CDC25A TTLZS4Q Strong Biomarker [153]
CDH11 TTRGWZC Strong Biomarker [154]
CDK4 TT0PG8F Strong Biomarker [155]
CDK9 TT1LVF2 Strong Biomarker [98]
CEACAM6 TTIGH2W Strong Altered Expression [156]
CEBPA TT5LWG1 Strong Biomarker [157]
COL1A2 TTUABC1 Strong Altered Expression [158]
CREBBP TTFRCTK Strong Biomarker [159]
CRK TTFEUYR Strong Altered Expression [93]
CSNK2A2 TT7GR5W Strong Biomarker [160]
CSPG4 TT7MYXI Strong Altered Expression [161]
CTCFL TTY0RZT Strong Altered Expression [162]
CTLA4 TTI2S1D Strong Biomarker [163]
CXCL12 TT4UGTF Strong Biomarker [158]
CYP1B1 TTI84H7 Strong Genetic Variation [164]
CYP26A1 TTD7Q0R Strong Altered Expression [165]
CYP2E1 TTWVHQ5 Strong Genetic Variation [166]
CYP2J2 TTNE1C7 Strong Altered Expression [167]
DDC TTN451K Strong Altered Expression [168]
DDIT4 TTVEOY6 Strong Altered Expression [169]
DDR2 TTU98HG Strong Altered Expression [170]
DDX5 TTZKPVC Strong Altered Expression [171]
DEK TT1NMGV Strong Altered Expression [172]
DHCR24 TTTK0NH Strong Biomarker [173]
DOT1L TTSZ8T1 Strong Altered Expression [174]
DSG3 TTEO4P8 Strong Altered Expression [175]
DUSP5 TTZN92A Strong Biomarker [134]
E2F1 TTASI04 Strong Biomarker [176]
E2F2 TT5FYX0 Strong Genetic Variation [176]
E2F3 TTWIJYH Strong Altered Expression [177]
EBI3 TTJF68X Strong Altered Expression [178]
EDNRB TT3ZTGU Strong Biomarker [179]
EGF TTED8JB Strong Biomarker [180]
EIF2AK2 TTXEZJ4 Strong Biomarker [181]
ELAVL1 TTPC9D0 Strong Altered Expression [182]
EP300 TTGH73N Strong Genetic Variation [183]
EPCAM TTZ8WH4 Strong Altered Expression [184]
EPHA1 TTLFZVU Strong Biomarker [185]
EPHA2 TTRJB2G Strong Biomarker [186]
EPHA8 TTHZ2LW Strong Altered Expression [187]
EPHB3 TT5LM7U Strong Biomarker [188]
EPHB4 TTI4ZX2 Strong Altered Expression [189]
ERBB3 TTSINU2 Strong Biomarker [190]
ETS1 TTTGPSD Strong Altered Expression [191]
F11R TT3C8EG Strong Biomarker [192]
FCGR3A TTIFOC0 Strong Biomarker [193]
FGF7 TTFY134 Strong Biomarker [194]
FGFR3 TTST7KB Strong Genetic Variation [195]
FGFR4 TT1KX2S Strong Altered Expression [187]
FHL1 TTI7ENL Strong Altered Expression [196]
FOXM1 TTD3KOX Strong Altered Expression [197]
GAL TTXZAJ5 Strong Biomarker [198]
GALR1 TTX3HNZ Strong Biomarker [199]
GALR2 TTBPW3J Strong Posttranslational Modification [200]
GEM TTAZF9M Strong Biomarker [201]
GMNN TT390KA Strong Biomarker [33]
GRPR TTC1MVT Strong Altered Expression [202]
GSTO1 TTWO3SH Strong Genetic Variation [203]
HDAC9 TT8M4E1 Strong Biomarker [204]
HDGF TTKGV26 Strong Biomarker [205]
HMGA2 TTSTVM0 Strong Altered Expression [206]
HMGB2 TTA78JQ Strong Biomarker [207]
HOXA5 TTXSVQP Strong Biomarker [208]
HPSE TTR7GJO Strong Biomarker [209]
HSPB3 TTLH8WG Strong Altered Expression [210]
IFNL3 TTRF4Q2 Strong Therapeutic [211]
IGF1 TTT6LOU Strong Biomarker [212]
IGFBP3 TTZHNQA Strong Biomarker [213]
IGFBP7 TTUQ01B Strong Altered Expression [214]
IL1A TTPM6HI Strong Altered Expression [215]
IL4R TTDWHC3 Strong Biomarker [216]
INHBA TTVB30D Strong Biomarker [217]
IRS1 TTAJSQ0 Strong Biomarker [212]
KCNH1 TT9XKUC Strong Biomarker [218]
KIF11 TTBGTCW Strong Biomarker [219]
KIR2DS1 TTVWAGF Strong Biomarker [86]
KIR3DL2 TTQH3N0 Strong Altered Expression [201]
KISS1 TTU2O6T Strong Therapeutic [220]
KLK8 TTH5MRS Strong Altered Expression [221]
KNG1 TTDJ4MY Strong Biomarker [222]
KRT17 TTKV0EC Strong Altered Expression [223]
KRT19 TT3JF9E Strong Altered Expression [224]
LAMP1 TTC214J Strong Altered Expression [151]
LDHA TTW76JE Strong Biomarker [225]
LGALS1 TTO3NYT Strong Biomarker [226]
LOXL2 TTFSUHX Strong Biomarker [227]
LPAR4 TT7ZMY4 Strong Altered Expression [228]
LRP1 TTF2V7I Strong Biomarker [229]
LTB TTHQ6US Strong Genetic Variation [230]
LY6D TTINE9B Strong Altered Expression [231]
LY6K TT5GKHN Strong Biomarker [232]
LYVE1 TTG8DNU Strong Biomarker [233]
MAGEA1 TT63M7Q Strong Altered Expression [234]
MAGEA3 TTWSKHD Strong Biomarker [234]
MAP2K1 TTIDAPM Strong Biomarker [235]
MAP2K2 TT8H9GB Strong Genetic Variation [138]
MAP2K7 TT6QY3J Strong Biomarker [236]
MAP3K8 TTGECUM Strong Genetic Variation [237]
MAPK10 TT056SO Strong Altered Expression [238]
MCM7 TT1RM3F Strong Biomarker [239]
MELK TTBZOTY Strong Biomarker [240]
MERTK TTO7LKR Strong Biomarker [136]
MLH1 TTISG27 Strong Posttranslational Modification [241]
MMP1 TTMX39J Strong Biomarker [242]
MMP10 TTXLEG7 Strong Biomarker [243]
MMP17 TTVSZKN Strong Altered Expression [244]
MMP3 TTUZ2L5 Strong Genetic Variation [245]
MRC1 TTKV8W5 Strong Biomarker [246]
MSMB TTYH1ZK Strong Posttranslational Modification [247]
MTDH TTH6SA5 Strong Biomarker [248]
MTR TTUTO39 Strong Genetic Variation [249]
NAMPT TTD1WIG Strong Biomarker [250]
NCR1 TTQNRJM Strong Biomarker [251]
NDUFA13 TTRU1NG Strong Posttranslational Modification [252]
NEDD9 TT1UREA Strong Biomarker [253]
NEK7 TTJ5SWP Strong Altered Expression [254]
NGFR TTEDJN4 Strong Altered Expression [255]
NLRX1 TTKT026 Strong Biomarker [256]
NME1 TTDY8JH Strong Altered Expression [257]
NR1I2 TT7LCTF Strong Altered Expression [258]
NR4A2 TT9HKN3 Strong Biomarker [259]
NT5E TTK0O6Y Strong Biomarker [260]
NUAK1 TT65FL0 Strong Biomarker [261]
OAT TTTSCQ2 Strong Biomarker [131]
OGFR TT6IEYX Strong Biomarker [262]
OGG1 TTRU01G Strong Genetic Variation [263]
P2RX1 TTJW7B3 Strong Altered Expression [264]
P2RX3 TT2THBD Strong Altered Expression [264]
P2RX4 TT1NLOA Strong Altered Expression [264]
P2RY1 TTA93TL Strong Altered Expression [264]
P2RY2 TTOZHQC Strong Altered Expression [264]
P4HA1 TTNH25W Strong Biomarker [265]
PCSK7 TTD30LY Strong Altered Expression [266]
PDCD1 TTNBFWK Strong Biomarker [148]
PDCD1LG2 TTW14O3 Strong Altered Expression [267]
PDE5A TTJ0IQB Strong Biomarker [268]
PDK1 TTCZOF2 Strong Biomarker [30]
PECAM1 TT4EZB2 Strong Biomarker [91]
PIK3CA TTEUNMR Strong Biomarker [269]
PIK3CB TT9H4P3 Strong Biomarker [269]
PIN1 TTJNTSI Strong Genetic Variation [270]
PKN2 TTTHO0M Strong Biomarker [271]
POSTN TT8ALTZ Strong Biomarker [158]
PRDX4 TTPBL9I Strong Biomarker [272]
PRLR TTBPXMA Strong Biomarker [273]
PSMD10 TT2H4LN Strong Altered Expression [274]
PTGER3 TTPNGDE Strong Altered Expression [275]
PTGES TTYLQ8V Strong Altered Expression [276]
PTK2B TTTEFBV Strong Biomarker [225]
PTPN13 TT405FP Strong Biomarker [277]
PTPRJ TTWMKXP Strong Biomarker [278]
RAC1 TT2M9CG Strong Genetic Variation [138]
RACK1 TTJ10AL Strong Biomarker [279]
RARG TT1Q3IE Strong Altered Expression [280]
REL TT1ZCTH Strong Biomarker [281]
RHOA TTP2U16 Strong Genetic Variation [138]
RPE65 TTBOH16 Strong Biomarker [282]
RPS6KA3 TTUM2ZR Strong Biomarker [210]
S100A4 TTPR5SX Strong Altered Expression [283]
S100A8 TT4AF6N Strong Biomarker [284]
SAA1 TTY0DN9 Strong Altered Expression [285]
SEMA4D TT5UT28 Strong Biomarker [286]
SERPINB3 TT6QLPX Strong Biomarker [287]
SERPINH1 TTPSWQG Strong Altered Expression [288]
SLC1A5 TTF7WRM Strong Biomarker [113]
SLC22A3 TTG2UMS Strong Biomarker [84]
SLC3A2 TT5CZSM Strong Altered Expression [289]
SLC6A8 TTYUHB5 Strong Genetic Variation [140]
SLC7A5 TTPH2JB Strong Altered Expression [289]
SMYD2 TT7YJFO Strong Biomarker [290]
SOCS3 TTI0ME6 Strong Biomarker [291]
SOD2 TT9O4C5 Strong Altered Expression [8]
SOX2 TTCNOT6 Strong Biomarker [240]
SPHK1 TTOHFIY Strong Biomarker [292]
SRC TT6PKBN Strong Altered Expression [293]
SRPK2 TTCZEJ9 Strong Biomarker [294]
SSTR1 TTIND6G Strong Posttranslational Modification [295]
STAT1 TTN7R6K Strong Biomarker [296]
STC2 TT4EFTR Strong Altered Expression [297]
STK17A TTEYF03 Strong Altered Expression [298]
TAGLN2 TTP6BIJ Strong Biomarker [299]
TFAP2A TTDY4BS Strong Biomarker [300]
TGFA TTTLQFR Strong Genetic Variation [301]
TKTL1 TTNQ1J3 Strong Biomarker [302]
TNFRSF10A TT5WLRX Strong Biomarker [303]
TPX2 TT0PHL4 Strong Biomarker [219]
TRIM24 TT9Q7AE Strong Altered Expression [304]
TRPM3 TTO3TD8 Strong Biomarker [305]
TTK TTP7EGM Strong Biomarker [306]
TUSC2 TTJ8O14 Strong Biomarker [75]
TXNRD1 TTR7UJ3 Strong Altered Expression [229]
TYMS TTP1UKZ Strong Biomarker [307]
ULK1 TT4D7MJ Strong Altered Expression [308]
UTRN TTNO1VA Strong Altered Expression [309]
VEGFC TT0QUFV Strong Altered Expression [310]
WEE1 TTJFOAL Strong Biomarker [133]
WRN TT2H5WQ Strong Biomarker [311]
XPA TTGT87E Strong Biomarker [312]
XRCC5 TTCB9KW Strong Genetic Variation [313]
YAP1 TT8UN2D Strong Altered Expression [314]
ATP7B TTOPO51 Definitive Altered Expression [315]
CCNA2 TTAMQ62 Definitive Biomarker [55]
CCNB1 TT9P6OW Definitive Biomarker [55]
CCNE1 TTCEJ4F Definitive Biomarker [55]
CCNE2 TTLDRGX Definitive Biomarker [55]
FBXW7 TT29KY7 Definitive Biomarker [316]
⏷ Show the Full List of 368 DTT(s)
This Disease Is Related to 3 DTP Molecule(s)
Gene Name DTP ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
SLCO6A1 DTIFXNS Limited Altered Expression [317]
ABCC5 DTYVM24 moderate Altered Expression [5]
SLC25A16 DTNU9EW Strong Biomarker [318]
This Disease Is Related to 21 DME Molecule(s)
Gene Name DME ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ADH1B DEEN9RD Limited Genetic Variation [166]
AKR1C1 DE7P2FB moderate Biomarker [319]
GLS DE3E0VT moderate Altered Expression [113]
ADH1C DEM1HNL Strong Genetic Variation [135]
AKR1A1 DED2FW3 Strong Genetic Variation [135]
ALDH1A1 DE2JP1Y Strong Biomarker [320]
CRMP1 DE0EUXB Strong Altered Expression [309]
CYP2A13 DEXZA9U Strong Genetic Variation [321]
EGLN3 DEMQTKH Strong Altered Expression [322]
EPHX1 DELB4KP Strong Genetic Variation [321]
GGCT DEKW6PB Strong Genetic Variation [323]
GSTO2 DEHMPZR Strong Genetic Variation [203]
HSD17B12 DE915QP Strong Biomarker [324]
ME1 DE97WM8 Strong Altered Expression [325]
MTRR DE6NIY9 Strong Genetic Variation [326]
NAT1 DE7OAB3 Strong Genetic Variation [327]
PER1 DE9HF0I Strong Altered Expression [328]
SAT1 DEMWO83 Strong Biomarker [329]
SULT1A1 DEYWLRK Strong Genetic Variation [330]
SULT1E1 DESTKG6 Strong Genetic Variation [237]
UPRT DE20ETR Strong Biomarker [331]
⏷ Show the Full List of 21 DME(s)
This Disease Is Related to 480 DOT Molecule(s)
Gene Name DOT ID Evidence Level Mode of Inheritance REF
ING1 OTEZBRKW No Known Unknown [36]
APOBEC3A OTYO6F5P Limited Biomarker [332]
ATG10 OTVRPC5X Limited Genetic Variation [9]
CAPN6 OT8K5PR5 Limited Biomarker [333]
DCC OT2C1SHW Limited Biomarker [334]
DDB2 OTO8HVVB Limited Biomarker [335]
DSC1 OTNII6GZ Limited Biomarker [336]
E2F5 OT1XWING Limited Biomarker [337]
ERCC5 OTQAKFJM Limited Genetic Variation [338]
FJX1 OT8SVTSS Limited Biomarker [339]
GNA13 OTVDL515 Limited Biomarker [340]
GSTK1 OTDNGWAF Limited Altered Expression [317]
KLF6 OTQY9S7F Limited Biomarker [341]
MAGED4B OTO37U7W Limited Altered Expression [339]
MAP3K13 OTS93BTX Limited Biomarker [342]
MED15 OT0D0JVD Limited Biomarker [343]
MTUS1 OTBPALMU Limited Biomarker [344]
MVP OTJGHJRB Limited Biomarker [345]
NBN OT73B5MD Limited Biomarker [346]
NDRG1 OTVO66BO Limited Biomarker [347]
NMU OTW9X7BQ Limited Biomarker [348]
PSD4 OTEFB87Z Limited Biomarker [340]
RPA3 OT8JAQGL Limited Altered Expression [349]
RPL14 OTZZW7TK Limited Genetic Variation [350]
S100A2 OTTGHJ1H Limited Altered Expression [351]
SERPINA5 OTTZXPGD Limited Biomarker [352]
SGSM3 OTIB1P8A Limited Genetic Variation [353]
SLPI OTUNFUU8 Limited Altered Expression [354]
TBX3 OTM64N7K Limited Altered Expression [355]
TCHP OTVDMHSY Limited Biomarker [333]
TNFRSF10B OTA1CPBV Limited Autosomal dominant [36]
TSC2 OT47LWI9 Limited Altered Expression [356]
ACTA1 OTOVGLPG moderate Biomarker [357]
ACTL6A OT0EC5BQ moderate Biomarker [282]
ACTL8 OTUDD0QT moderate Altered Expression [352]
AFF4 OTTL5Y8R moderate Biomarker [358]
AJUBA OTNW7YPK moderate Genetic Variation [359]
ALDH3A1 OTAYZZE6 moderate Altered Expression [360]
ALG3 OTPOL1QW moderate Altered Expression [361]
AP1G1 OTEO6Y9H moderate Biomarker [362]
ATG12 OTJRO09Y moderate Genetic Variation [363]
ATG16L1 OTEOYC5D moderate Genetic Variation [363]
BCL10 OT47MCLI moderate Altered Expression [364]
CCL15 OTOGZ85M moderate Altered Expression [365]
CCL18 OT7JYSK9 moderate Altered Expression [366]
CD247 OT45FGUX moderate Altered Expression [367]
CMAS OTFQJG3C moderate Biomarker [368]
COX3 OTNNGBYJ moderate Biomarker [369]
CPEB4 OTW1SCZW moderate Altered Expression [370]
CTNND1 OTUMPSHR moderate Biomarker [58]
CUL4B OT2QX4DO moderate Altered Expression [371]
CYTB OTAHB98A moderate Altered Expression [369]
DDB1 OTTR2L3Z moderate Altered Expression [372]
DDX3X OTDO4TRX moderate Biomarker [373]
DERL1 OTJUS74N moderate Altered Expression [374]
DIAPH1 OTZBYPLH moderate Altered Expression [375]
DNAJB7 OT4BOECZ moderate Biomarker [376]
DOCK5 OT63I0CL moderate Altered Expression [377]
DSPP OT1TYNDN moderate Biomarker [378]
DTX1 OTYX91DX moderate Altered Expression [379]
DUOX1 OTQ2AEW0 moderate Biomarker [380]
EIF3A OTFABY9G moderate Biomarker [373]
ELMO3 OTQHO9VM moderate Altered Expression [381]
ERCC3 OTVAW3P1 moderate Altered Expression [100]
FAM135B OTCSYBI7 moderate Biomarker [382]
FANCD2 OTVEB5LF moderate Biomarker [383]
FBXO4 OT6VYX67 moderate Biomarker [384]
FCGBP OT63T6XQ moderate Altered Expression [385]
FTL OTYQA8A6 moderate Altered Expression [74]
FXR1 OTEMQ1SR moderate Biomarker [384]
GAGE1 OT53E50E moderate Biomarker [386]
GCC1 OTDOE6U8 moderate Altered Expression [387]
GPRC5A OTPOCWR7 moderate Altered Expression [388]
GRAP OTO1P7YX moderate Biomarker [389]
GRP OT8JDFNI moderate Biomarker [31]
GTF2H1 OTCRXC6B moderate Altered Expression [390]
GTF2H2 OTK72L9I moderate Altered Expression [390]
GTF2H3 OT87W5QJ moderate Altered Expression [390]
GTF2H4 OTPD1DIU moderate Altered Expression [390]
GTF2H5 OTRL219S moderate Altered Expression [390]
HNRNPC OT47AK4C moderate Biomarker [391]
HOPX OTBSR6C9 moderate Biomarker [392]
HOXA10 OTB6GQ09 moderate Altered Expression [393]
HOXA9 OTKNK5H0 moderate Biomarker [394]
IL17B OTS86H50 moderate Biomarker [395]
IL17RA OTVVI8ER moderate Biomarker [396]
IRX1 OT0ZN9EJ moderate Biomarker [397]
JMJD6 OTILR7E4 moderate Altered Expression [398]
JMJD7-PLA2G4B OTXIGTKQ moderate Biomarker [399]
JUNB OTG2JXV5 moderate Genetic Variation [80]
JUND OTNKACJD moderate Genetic Variation [80]
KIR2DL5A OT09FZE1 moderate Biomarker [86]
KIR2DL5B OTSV0JL9 moderate Biomarker [86]
KIR2DS4 OT00N6UJ moderate Genetic Variation [86]
LAT OTZC1XZ1 moderate Altered Expression [289]
LGALS9 OT7MF91K moderate Biomarker [35]
LRG1 OTLD0KWA moderate Altered Expression [400]
LRPPRC OTXSK5LP moderate Biomarker [401]
MAGEA11 OTLT6Q3G moderate Altered Expression [386]
MAML1 OTQA4DDN moderate Altered Expression [402]
NCOR2 OTY917X0 moderate Altered Expression [258]
NEURL1 OT2C4P70 moderate Biomarker [403]
NFYA OTWFFOVH moderate Biomarker [404]
NIPBL OTF6OOLU moderate Biomarker [405]
NSUN2 OTZCNM33 moderate Genetic Variation [406]
PDHA1 OTGEU8IK moderate Biomarker [225]
PDLIM7 OTAZVODU moderate Biomarker [407]
PFN2 OT5SSSA7 moderate Altered Expression [408]
PLAAT4 OTI66SAJ moderate Altered Expression [62]
PLXNB1 OTCA7JIT moderate Biomarker [286]
POPDC3 OTN4FJ5J moderate Biomarker [409]
PTX3 OTPXHRKU moderate Biomarker [410]
PWP1 OTUKXP1E moderate Altered Expression [390]
QKI OTTAUGLB moderate Altered Expression [411]
RAB25 OTW0W6NP moderate Altered Expression [412]
RABGEF1 OTWC3Z3R moderate Biomarker [413]
RAP1A OT5RH6TI moderate Biomarker [413]
RBL2 OTBQSOE6 moderate Genetic Variation [414]
REG3G OTLIUY8Z moderate Altered Expression [415]
RFPL1 OTNQIVOJ moderate Biomarker [416]
RHPN1 OTYZ1NV8 moderate Biomarker [417]
ROBO3 OTPVG40S moderate Biomarker [62]
RPL17 OTTYMPS6 moderate Biomarker [418]
SEPTIN9 OT1VMRFQ moderate Biomarker [419]
SERPINE2 OTYF5340 moderate Genetic Variation [420]
SESN2 OT889IXY moderate Altered Expression [421]
SIGLEC1 OTNWSQA9 moderate Altered Expression [422]
SLC16A4 OT1YXBKC moderate Altered Expression [111]
SLFN11 OTJWFPMY moderate Altered Expression [67]
SLN OTERIU75 moderate Biomarker [423]
SMARCD1 OTHFFT6G moderate Altered Expression [424]
SNX5 OT6ZOWMU moderate Altered Expression [316]
SPRR2A OT62ZU6B moderate Biomarker [425]
SRI OT4R3EAC moderate Altered Expression [426]
STAMBP OTOT2OXM moderate Altered Expression [427]
STING1 OTDAP4G0 moderate Altered Expression [428]
TAT OT2CJ91O moderate Biomarker [28]
TEAD4 OTJS0T2B moderate Biomarker [429]
TENM2 OTPLUYEF moderate Biomarker [430]
TERF2IP OT3M5P3G moderate Biomarker [413]
TIMM8A OTDX9687 moderate Biomarker [431]
TLCD3B OTM6EPUS moderate Biomarker [432]
TMEM237 OTQEVL7L moderate Biomarker [387]
TRAF2 OT1MEZZN moderate Biomarker [433]
TRAF3 OT5TQBGV moderate Genetic Variation [434]
ACOT7 OT7C68YV Strong Altered Expression [435]
ACTBL2 OTD6B81U Strong Altered Expression [435]
ACTG2 OTRDWUO0 Strong Altered Expression [435]
ADAM12 OTZKOTDB Strong Biomarker [436]
AHSA1 OTC7AFHT Strong Altered Expression [93]
ALKBH3 OTS1CD9Z Strong Altered Expression [437]
ANKRD36B OT3MW415 Strong Altered Expression [438]
ANXA6 OT9KIQ0Y Strong Altered Expression [171]
APOBEC3B OTHLNI51 Strong Altered Expression [439]
ARF6 OTVV7KJO Strong Altered Expression [440]
ARHGAP1 OT0H2ZBZ Strong Altered Expression [441]
ARHGAP21 OT6XY8Y9 Strong Altered Expression [441]
ARHGAP24 OTCQCEZS Strong Genetic Variation [442]
ARHGEF28 OT3F32IU Strong Altered Expression [443]
ARID2 OTIRJXWM Strong Biomarker [305]
ARPC5 OTFNMMDL Strong Altered Expression [444]
ASAP1 OT4DLRYY Strong Altered Expression [440]
ASCC1 OTH4VAP9 Strong Biomarker [445]
ATF2 OTNIZPEA Strong Biomarker [446]
ATP2A3 OTFYDEES Strong Genetic Variation [132]
ATP5F1A OT3FZDLX Strong Altered Expression [447]
ATP5MC1 OTOLSYOI Strong Altered Expression [447]
ATP5MC2 OTA5F480 Strong Altered Expression [447]
ATP5PF OTDAE8FP Strong Altered Expression [447]
AZIN2 OT8OB7CG Strong Biomarker [448]
BCL11B OT8KKCVJ Strong Altered Expression [449]
BCL2L12 OTS6IFZY Strong Altered Expression [450]
BHLHE40 OTITX14U Strong Genetic Variation [451]
BHMT OTYB6PXZ Strong Genetic Variation [249]
BPNT1 OTPX5PSQ Strong Biomarker [239]
C1GALT1 OT2ZSZ6P Strong Altered Expression [452]
CANX OTYP1F6J Strong Biomarker [210]
CCDC54 OTW5WCX9 Strong Altered Expression [453]
CCDC8 OTO295IH Strong Biomarker [210]
CCNA1 OTX4HD45 Strong Biomarker [55]
CCNL1 OTAJSS3D Strong Genetic Variation [454]
CD151 OTF3UZS7 Strong Altered Expression [455]
CD68 OTOYEY3J Strong Biomarker [146]
CDX1 OTOHTMJE Strong Altered Expression [456]
CENPF OT7AG0SW Strong Biomarker [457]
CEP55 OTGSG2PA Strong Altered Expression [458]
CERS1 OT6EYRM3 Strong Altered Expression [459]
CERS6 OTOP4GV1 Strong Biomarker [460]
CHAC1 OTJGE772 Strong Altered Expression [461]
CHD5 OTS5EVHH Strong Biomarker [462]
CHP1 OTHTXN1A Strong Genetic Variation [463]
CIP2A OTVS2GXA Strong Biomarker [464]
CKAP4 OTDUC9ME Strong Biomarker [282]
CKMT1A OTCINHH5 Strong Altered Expression [465]
CLOCK OTNEOJY7 Strong Altered Expression [466]
CLPTM1L OTDJWQXI Strong Genetic Variation [467]
CLUH OTCDYPZV Strong Genetic Variation [468]
CMTM6 OT70T27A Strong Altered Expression [469]
COL5A1 OT24078H Strong Biomarker [239]
COMMD1 OT7WUD5R Strong Altered Expression [470]
COMMD6 OTRZQJFW Strong Biomarker [456]
COX2 OTTMVBJJ Strong Biomarker [471]
COX5B OTDP94F3 Strong Biomarker [472]
CRABP1 OTISDG5X Strong Altered Expression [165]
CRABP2 OTY01V9G Strong Posttranslational Modification [473]
CRTAP OT53H5U6 Strong Genetic Variation [141]
CSH1 OT33HTRR Strong Biomarker [474]
CSH2 OTW8JVAN Strong Biomarker [474]
CSMD1 OTIVDSC4 Strong Biomarker [475]
CST2 OTRKRW50 Strong Biomarker [476]
CST5 OTHJXNJG Strong Biomarker [476]
CST6 OTZVHJTF Strong Biomarker [476]
CSTA OT1K68KE Strong Biomarker [476]
CT55 OTQC0H27 Strong Altered Expression [234]
CTDSPL OTZJ0CZK Strong Genetic Variation [477]
CTNNA2 OTJ8G92T Strong Biomarker [478]
CTNNAL1 OTESJ6JD Strong Biomarker [443]
CTTN OTJRG4ES Strong Altered Expression [479]
CXADR OT9ZP02A Strong Altered Expression [480]
CYGB OTX153DQ Strong Posttranslational Modification [481]
CYTIP OTRJ3ZC5 Strong Genetic Variation [141]
DAPK1 OTNCNUCO Strong Altered Expression [482]
DAPK2 OTWODUQG Strong Altered Expression [309]
DCTN3 OTQOSUES Strong Genetic Variation [463]
DCUN1D1 OT8UJLZU Strong Biomarker [19]
DEFB103B OT8RWY64 Strong Altered Expression [483]
DENR OTXP9HOY Strong Altered Expression [309]
DLAT OT9LBJVN Strong Biomarker [484]
DLC1 OTP8LMCR Strong Genetic Variation [485]
DLEC1 OTMKKBUW Strong Posttranslational Modification [486]
DNAJA3 OT61924T Strong Biomarker [487]
DNAJC2 OT3JDA0R Strong Genetic Variation [488]
DNER OT2GH2E5 Strong Biomarker [489]
DPPA4 OTAEOACS Strong Biomarker [490]
DST OTHZBM4X Strong Biomarker [491]
DUSP4 OT6WAO12 Strong Biomarker [492]
DYNC1H1 OTD1KRKO Strong Genetic Variation [463]
E2F7 OTWW358N Strong Biomarker [292]
ECT2 OTQDUCT6 Strong Biomarker [493]
EFNB2 OT0DCUOM Strong Biomarker [189]
ELAVL2 OT6EJ8MQ Strong Altered Expression [99]
ELF3 OTUTLEQO Strong Biomarker [494]
ERCC4 OTFIOPG1 Strong Altered Expression [312]
ERCC6 OT2QZKSF Strong Biomarker [474]
ESM1 OT331Y8V Strong Altered Expression [495]
EXT1 OTRPALJK Strong Biomarker [493]
FADD OTV7GFHH Strong Genetic Variation [496]
FANCC OTTIDM3P Strong Biomarker [497]
FANCE OTKRPBW1 Strong Biomarker [498]
FANCL OTJC7QPQ Strong Biomarker [498]
FARP2 OTNRQIMK Strong Biomarker [499]
FBLIM1 OTFHXMON Strong Biomarker [500]
FEV OTYEC4IR Strong Biomarker [501]
FGF3 OT9PK2SI Strong Biomarker [502]
FHL5 OT6C00Z1 Strong Altered Expression [435]
FLOT2 OTZ0QR5L Strong Biomarker [503]
FSD1 OT8P6PT3 Strong Biomarker [504]
FSD1L OTBQ48RF Strong Biomarker [504]
FUT1 OTODG57A Strong Genetic Variation [505]
FZR1 OT0WGWZS Strong Altered Expression [506]
GAB1 OTQKE6V4 Strong Biomarker [507]
GADL1 OTJM4A0R Strong Biomarker [448]
GATAD2B OTJL128N Strong Altered Expression [171]
GDF1 OTZ1VRBH Strong Altered Expression [459]
GEMIN2 OT4L6TLL Strong Biomarker [506]
GNAS OTMH8BKJ Strong Genetic Variation [138]
GNB3 OTA6HYBA Strong Genetic Variation [508]
GOPC OTRBGH71 Strong Biomarker [500]
GPAA1 OTWVRR35 Strong Biomarker [509]
GPD1L OTVLWW9T Strong Altered Expression [510]
GPR4 OTIBF32I Strong Biomarker [511]
GRAP2 OTS5NIZ3 Strong Altered Expression [93]
GSTM2 OTG4WT05 Strong Genetic Variation [512]
GZMM OTEC5CWT Strong Biomarker [351]
HAVCR2 OTOL603T Strong Altered Expression [513]
HCFC1R1 OTGDPS5C Strong Biomarker [514]
HELLS OTVVV668 Strong Altered Expression [515]
HELQ OTL1STJT Strong Biomarker [516]
HNRNPK OTNPRM8U Strong Altered Expression [517]
HNRNPL OT0DJX74 Strong Biomarker [518]
HOXB9 OTMVHQOU Strong Altered Expression [519]
HOXC6 OTBCRAZV Strong Altered Expression [520]
HOXD11 OT9XGA4G Strong Biomarker [208]
HRG OTPLUFOG Strong Altered Expression [521]
HSF2 OTXNJIJ9 Strong Genetic Variation [522]
HSPB2 OTS01646 Strong Altered Expression [210]
HUWE1 OTFH6BJS Strong Altered Expression [523]
HYAL1 OT2SJN0X Strong Altered Expression [524]
IDH2 OTTQA4PB Strong Genetic Variation [138]
IFI16 OT4SPU0U Strong Biomarker [525]
IL18R1 OT83XMPQ Strong Altered Expression [178]
ING2 OT6H0EWF Strong Biomarker [526]
ING3 OTDIJXFP Strong Altered Expression [527]
ING4 OT0VVG4V Strong Biomarker [528]
INTS2 OT2N5TCK Strong Biomarker [502]
IRF6 OTKJ44EV Strong Biomarker [529]
ISYNA1 OT49ONSE Strong Altered Expression [530]
ITGA3 OTBCH21D Strong Altered Expression [531]
ITGA9 OTHN1IKA Strong Genetic Variation [477]
ITGB4 OT28UK84 Strong Altered Expression [532]
IVL OT4VPNGY Strong Biomarker [515]
KIF1A OT3JVEGV Strong Biomarker [533]
KIF22 OTY6X6BL Strong Biomarker [534]
KIR3DL1 OTPOSXFX Strong Biomarker [201]
KRT13 OTTYSKGX Strong Altered Expression [223]
KRT16 OTGA0EQN Strong Altered Expression [535]
KRT18 OTVLQFIP Strong Altered Expression [536]
KRT5 OTVGI9HT Strong Biomarker [537]
LAMA3 OTFME7HT Strong Biomarker [491]
LATS1 OTOOCG4R Strong Posttranslational Modification [538]
LDOC1 OTWZH4O9 Strong Altered Expression [539]
LGALS7 OTMSVI7R Strong Altered Expression [487]
LHX6 OT47UQZ5 Strong Biomarker [397]
LIMD1 OTN1CG6R Strong Altered Expression [540]
LMLN OTQF0JPY Strong Posttranslational Modification [247]
LOXL4 OT6XY2JL Strong Altered Expression [541]
MAGEB2 OTAGUVU5 Strong Biomarker [542]
MAGEB6 OTOTV1FU Strong Genetic Variation [234]
MAK16 OTD546E5 Strong Biomarker [543]
MAL OTBM30SW Strong Biomarker [533]
MARCHF8 OTH7PNN2 Strong Biomarker [544]
MAU2 OTALDF8Q Strong Biomarker [545]
MFAP2 OTMHVBTV Strong Altered Expression [546]
MICA OTPEIEAR Strong Altered Expression [547]
MICU1 OTS7N0LE Strong Altered Expression [548]
MLXIP OT30UNI7 Strong Biomarker [544]
MPEG1 OT7DAO0F Strong Biomarker [306]
MRPL28 OT4LUTZU Strong Posttranslational Modification [549]
MRPL41 OTG5URO4 Strong Genetic Variation [550]
MSN OTZJ4J6G Strong Biomarker [551]
MTHFD1 OTMKHVWC Strong Genetic Variation [249]
MXI1 OTUQ9E0D Strong Biomarker [552]
MYBBP1A OTIVEMIU Strong Biomarker [553]
MYCBPAP OT3W21WR Strong Altered Expression [440]
MYLIP OTL0PFGV Strong Biomarker [544]
MYO1B OTGZUJ0I Strong Biomarker [554]
NAA25 OTS3QVF1 Strong Genetic Variation [516]
NAB2 OTG4BDF3 Strong Altered Expression [180]
NANS OTMQ2FUH Strong Altered Expression [116]
NCBP2 OTQNZTE4 Strong Biomarker [493]
NCOA1 OTLIUJQD Strong Altered Expression [465]
NDN OTYBYJ82 Strong Posttranslational Modification [147]
NEIL1 OTHBU5DJ Strong Posttranslational Modification [555]
NEUROD1 OTZQ7QJ2 Strong Posttranslational Modification [556]
NINL OTWIK6HT Strong Altered Expression [557]
NLRP2 OTJA81JU Strong Biomarker [346]
NOL4 OTWI587R Strong Biomarker [397]
NOVA1 OT6A9KHY Strong Biomarker [558]
NSD2 OTQ6SW4R Strong Biomarker [254]
NSD3 OT3677ZG Strong Biomarker [559]
NSDHL OTK3EJFD Strong Biomarker [560]
NTNG1 OTF48IID Strong Biomarker [561]
NXF1 OTEFHXG6 Strong Biomarker [547]
NXT1 OT0VO6AY Strong Posttranslational Modification [549]
OBP2A OTBIJ5TI Strong Biomarker [534]
OR10A4 OTYYB8SY Strong Genetic Variation [562]
OR2AG1 OTEITRP4 Strong Biomarker [563]
OXA1L OTS0BFRD Strong Biomarker [564]
P2RX2 OT0LF34A Strong Altered Expression [264]
P2RX5 OTLBR20R Strong Altered Expression [264]
P2RX6 OT1FNTXA Strong Altered Expression [264]
PBXIP1 OTEAAUBY Strong Biomarker [514]
PCDH18 OTTLQWRN Strong Biomarker [565]
PDCD4 OTZ6NXUX Strong Altered Expression [566]
PDPN OTBUV19I Strong Altered Expression [567]
PER3 OTVKYVJA Strong Altered Expression [568]
PHB2 OTCAX3AW Strong Genetic Variation [463]
PHF2 OTJCIQR2 Strong Biomarker [569]
PITX2 OTWMXAOY Strong Posttranslational Modification [570]
PIWIL1 OT7CRGZ3 Strong Altered Expression [571]
PIWIL4 OTDA9MY0 Strong Altered Expression [571]
PLAGL1 OTZAO900 Strong Biomarker [572]
PLCE1 OTJISZOX Strong Genetic Variation [573]
PLEC OTU4XDEG Strong Biomarker [574]
PMAIP1 OTXEE550 Strong Altered Expression [575]
PMPCB OTRMBHNM Strong Genetic Variation [488]
PNO1 OT010GIS Strong Biomarker [543]
POLD1 OTWO4UCJ Strong Altered Expression [576]
POLD3 OTEQEFQ2 Strong Altered Expression [171]
POLDIP2 OT8SZSJ6 Strong Altered Expression [93]
POTEM OT7L2HGH Strong Altered Expression [435]
PPFIA1 OTYYFA9C Strong Altered Expression [361]
PPP2R1A OTYA3GB4 Strong Genetic Variation [138]
PRDM9 OTWAHLUR Strong Genetic Variation [142]
PRIMA1 OT9ITT3P Strong Biomarker [577]
PRRX1 OTTZK5G8 Strong Biomarker [93]
PTPA OTRGFOI7 Strong Biomarker [578]
PTPRK OTAP5AT3 Strong Genetic Variation [579]
PTPRT OTV5TXNN Strong Biomarker [580]
PTTG1IP OTX21QTE Strong Biomarker [581]
PUF60 OTG90DYF Strong Biomarker [499]
PXN OTVMMUOF Strong Biomarker [306]
RAB40B OTCA9ZF5 Strong Biomarker [582]
RACGAP1 OTQE8IEH Strong Altered Expression [583]
RAD17 OT1I93DT Strong Altered Expression [584]
RAD21 OTQS84ZF Strong Biomarker [278]
RAD50 OTYMU9G1 Strong Genetic Variation [585]
RAD51C OTUD6SY5 Strong Genetic Variation [586]
RAP1GAP OTC31ONQ Strong Biomarker [587]
RASSF1 OTEZIPB7 Strong Posttranslational Modification [588]
RASSF3 OT4V9SRK Strong Genetic Variation [589]
RBMS3 OTFSC9MR Strong Biomarker [543]
RBP2 OTR8QG5V Strong Biomarker [590]
RBP3 OTIWM4GT Strong Biomarker [591]
RBX1 OTYA1UIO Strong Biomarker [592]
RCHY1 OTAE7504 Strong Altered Expression [593]
RECQL OTPCH3JH Strong Biomarker [311]
REV3L OT0OP8EJ Strong Posttranslational Modification [594]
RFC1 OT3L5PK3 Strong Genetic Variation [249]
RHOBTB2 OT2DATFX Strong Altered Expression [595]
RHOC OTOLE1FT Strong Altered Expression [596]
RITA1 OTUH8IPS Strong Biomarker [597]
RNF19A OTKWCV80 Strong Altered Expression [93]
RPS27 OTFXKY7P Strong Biomarker [306]
RPS29 OTCC1872 Strong Altered Expression [598]
RRM2B OTE8GBUR Strong Genetic Variation [599]
RYR2 OT0PF19E Strong Genetic Variation [600]
S100A7 OTJFVJRF Strong Biomarker [601]
SATB2 OT2W80XC Strong Biomarker [602]
SBF1 OTW6I9RV Strong Biomarker [603]
SCAF11 OTX59D0X Strong Biomarker [506]
SCYL1 OTQ0IN7P Strong Biomarker [604]
SDCBP OTS3NCC5 Strong Biomarker [605]
SDCCAG8 OTV2ZGV9 Strong Biomarker [431]
SEC62 OTCWEL5F Strong Biomarker [606]
SEPTIN4 OTD16B30 Strong Biomarker [607]
SERPINB13 OTILBHCE Strong Altered Expression [608]
SERPINB2 OT72QLZB Strong Biomarker [609]
SERPINB4 OT88LHZ8 Strong Altered Expression [610]
SERTAD1 OTBHKZQP Strong Biomarker [274]
SET OTGYYQJO Strong Altered Expression [578]
SFN OTLJCZ1U Strong Biomarker [279]
SH3BP4 OTVIRKW7 Strong Altered Expression [611]
SH3GL2 OTOE443G Strong Biomarker [612]
SH3KBP1 OTIUA60B Strong Biomarker [613]
SHMT1 OTIINA3J Strong Genetic Variation [249]
SHMT2 OT5NCAZN Strong Genetic Variation [249]
SIRT4 OT5S0J23 Strong Biomarker [344]
SIRT7 OT5M4OT4 Strong Biomarker [614]
SMAD4 OTWQWCKG Strong Biomarker [615]
SMARCA2 OTSGJ8SV Strong Genetic Variation [616]
SMG1 OTTS3SXE Strong Altered Expression [617]
SMR3A OT6NAJJI Strong Altered Expression [618]
SMUG1 OT2YIOCQ Strong Biomarker [619]
SMURF1 OT5UIZR8 Strong Altered Expression [620]
SNAI2 OT7Y8EJ2 Strong Biomarker [621]
SOAT1 OTB4Y5RJ Strong Biomarker [622]
SPA17 OT8J7T7U Strong Altered Expression [453]
SPATA2 OTOA45GL Strong Biomarker [418]
SPTLC3 OTZDX6PT Strong Altered Expression [623]
SRRM2 OTSIMMC9 Strong Biomarker [543]
SRSF3 OTOFT707 Strong Biomarker [518]
SUB1 OTK71JYU Strong Posttranslational Modification [549]
SULF1 OTJCNCO0 Strong Biomarker [205]
SUPT20H OTTMC0LH Strong Altered Expression [623]
SUPT3H OT7B6FRO Strong Altered Expression [623]
TALDO1 OTDKV2S2 Strong Genetic Variation [624]
TBP OT6C0S52 Strong Altered Expression [598]
TCF21 OT393IMA Strong Posttranslational Modification [625]
TFAM OTXXV5V7 Strong Biomarker [626]
TFDP2 OTKQFX5H Strong Genetic Variation [627]
TFE3 OTM99ZWH Strong Biomarker [628]
THEM4 OTSIZU8Y Strong Biomarker [629]
TIMP3 OTDGQAD1 Strong Genetic Variation [630]
TMC6 OTKH50J4 Strong Biomarker [631]
TMEM45A OT54KJG6 Strong Altered Expression [632]
TMPRSS11E OTO5U2TK Strong Altered Expression [633]
TMPRSS13 OTMAOAP3 Strong Posttranslational Modification [247]
TNFAIP2 OTRZH80H Strong Genetic Variation [634]
TNFAIP8 OT1G9297 Strong Biomarker [635]
TP53I3 OTSCM68G Strong Genetic Variation [550]
TP53INP2 OT0GTBXO Strong Biomarker [509]
TP73 OT0LUO47 Strong Genetic Variation [442]
TRAF4 OTJLRVMC Strong Altered Expression [636]
TRIM33 OT0KS4J7 Strong Biomarker [637]
TRIP13 OTFM3TI9 Strong Biomarker [638]
TSPAN1 OTZQPIYK Strong Biomarker [639]
TSPAN31 OT8WQ83R Strong Altered Expression [116]
HOXD10 OT0NOWU2 Definitive Altered Expression [640]
TP63 OT0WOOKQ Definitive Biomarker [641]
⏷ Show the Full List of 480 DOT(s)


1 Clinical pipeline report, company report or official report of CEL-SCI
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4 Association of drug transporter expression with mortality and progression-free survival in stage IV head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.PLoS One. 2014 Oct 2;9(9):e108908. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108908. eCollection 2014.
5 The Integration of a Three-Dimensional Spheroid Cell Culture Operation in a Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) Isolation and Purification Process: A Preliminary Study of the Clinical Significance and Prognostic Role of the CTCs Isolated from the Blood Samples of Head and Neck Cancer Patients.Cancers (Basel). 2019 Jun 6;11(6):783. doi: 10.3390/cancers11060783.
6 Notch1 signaling contributes to stemness in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Lab Invest. 2016 May;96(5):508-16. doi: 10.1038/labinvest.2015.163. Epub 2016 Feb 29.
7 A novel splice variant of LOXL2 promotes progression of human papillomavirus-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer. 2020 Feb 15;126(4):737-748. doi: 10.1002/cncr.32610. Epub 2019 Nov 13.
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50 Carbonyl reductase 1 is a new target to improve the effect of radiotherapy on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Oct 30;37(1):264. doi: 10.1186/s13046-018-0942-9.
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62 Interferon-alpha enhances the antitumour activity of EGFR-targeted therapies by upregulating RIG-I in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Br J Cancer. 2018 Feb 20;118(4):509-521. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2017.442. Epub 2018 Jan 18.
63 Apoptosis-sensitizing activity of birinapant in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.Oncol Lett. 2018 Mar;15(3):4010-4016. doi: 10.3892/ol.2018.7783. Epub 2018 Jan 12.
64 The Neddylation Inhibitor Pevonedistat (MLN4924) Suppresses and Radiosensitizes Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma Cells and Tumors.Mol Cancer Ther. 2018 Feb;17(2):368-380. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-17-0083. Epub 2017 Aug 24.
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66 Ectonucleotidase CD39 expression in regional metastases in head and neck cancer.Acta Otolaryngol. 2018 Apr;138(4):428-432. doi: 10.1080/00016489.2017.1405278. Epub 2017 Nov 26.
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76 Suitability of GnRH Receptors for Targeted Photodynamic Therapy in Head and Neck Cancers.Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Oct 11;20(20):5027. doi: 10.3390/ijms20205027.
77 G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 safeguards epithelial phenotype in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.Int J Cancer. 2020 Jul 1;147(1):218-229. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32838. Epub 2020 Jan 7.
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84 Long noncoding RNA MYOSLID promotes invasion and metastasis by modulating the partial epithelial-mesenchymal transition program in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Jun 25;38(1):278. doi: 10.1186/s13046-019-1254-4.
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86 KIR2DS4, KIR2DL2, and KIR2DS4del are linked with basaloid tumors, lymph node metastasis, advanced stage and metastatic risk in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Exp Mol Pathol. 2020 Feb;112:104345. doi: 10.1016/j.yexmp.2019.104345. Epub 2019 Nov 18.
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89 Overexpression of LAPTM4B-35 is a negative prognostic factor in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 11;9(1):18866. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-55319-z.
90 LASP1 promotes proliferation, metastasis, invasion in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and through direct interaction with HSPA1A.J Cell Mol Med. 2020 Jan;24(2):1626-1639. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.14854. Epub 2019 Dec 2.
91 Lymphotoxin- promotes tumor angiogenesis in HNSCC by modulating glycolysis in a PFKFB3-dependent manner.Int J Cancer. 2019 Sep 1;145(5):1358-1370. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32221. Epub 2019 Mar 6.
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93 PRRX1 Regulates Cellular Phenotype Plasticity and Dormancy of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Through miR-642b-3p.Neoplasia. 2019 Feb;21(2):216-229. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2018.12.001. Epub 2019 Jan 7.
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96 CD44(+) tumor cells promote early angiogenesis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer Lett. 2019 Dec 28;467:85-95. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.10.010. Epub 2019 Oct 5.
97 Non-muscle myosin II as a predictive factor in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2019 May 1;24(3):e346-e353. doi: 10.4317/medoral.22898.
98 The Nedd8-activating enzyme inhibitor MLN4924 (TAK-924/Pevonedistat) induces apoptosis via c-Myc-Noxa axis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cell Prolif. 2019 Mar;52(2):e12536. doi: 10.1111/cpr.12536. Epub 2018 Oct 19.
99 Integrative Bioinformatics Analysis Identifies NEK2 as a Potential Biomarker in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.J Comput Biol. 2020 Jan;27(1):100-108. doi: 10.1089/cmb.2019.0208. Epub 2019 Aug 28.
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101 NSD1 inactivation defines an immune cold, DNA hypomethylated subtype in squamous cell carcinoma.Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 6;7(1):17064. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-17298-x.
102 Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)-Receptor Survival Axis in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jun 14;19(6):1771. doi: 10.3390/ijms19061771.
103 Altered DNA methylation is associated with aberrant stemness gene expression in earlystage HNSCC.Int J Oncol. 2019 Oct;55(4):915-924. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2019.4857. Epub 2019 Aug 14.
104 Intratumoral generation of 2-fluoroadenine to treat solid malignancies of the head and neck.Head Neck. 2019 Jun;41(6):1979-1983. doi: 10.1002/hed.25627. Epub 2019 Jan 11.
105 Integrative genomic analysis identifies ancestry-related expression quantitative trait loci on DNA polymerase and supports the association of genetic ancestry with survival disparities in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer. 2017 Mar 1;123(5):849-860. doi: 10.1002/cncr.30457. Epub 2016 Dec 1.
106 Periostin secreted by cancer-associated fibroblasts promotes cancer stemness in head and neck cancer by activating protein tyrosine kinase 7.Cell Death Dis. 2018 Oct 22;9(11):1082. doi: 10.1038/s41419-018-1116-6.
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109 Disruption of the RICTOR/mTORC2 complex enhances the response of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells to PI3K inhibition.Mol Oncol. 2019 Oct;13(10):2160-2177. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.12558. Epub 2019 Aug 28.
110 Innate immune signaling through differential RIPK1 expression promote tumor progression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Carcinogenesis. 2016 May;37(5):522-9. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgw032. Epub 2016 Mar 18.
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116 Elevated Na(+)/H(+) exchanger-1 expression enhances the metastatic collective migration of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Apr 22;486(1):101-107. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.03.007. Epub 2017 Mar 6.
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118 Antitumor miR-150-5p and miR-150-3p inhibit cancer cell aggressiveness by targeting SPOCK1 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Auris Nasus Larynx. 2018 Aug;45(4):854-865. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2017.11.019. Epub 2017 Dec 9.
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121 Circulating extracellular vesicle-associated TGF3 modulates response to cytotoxic therapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Carcinogenesis. 2019 Dec 31;40(12):1452-1461. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgz148.
122 Blockade of TIGIT/CD155 Signaling Reverses T-cell Exhaustion and Enhances Antitumor Capability in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Cancer Immunol Res. 2019 Oct;7(10):1700-1713. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-18-0725. Epub 2019 Aug 6.
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338 Candidate apoptotic and DNA repair gene approach confirms involvement of ERCC1, ERCC5, TP53 and MDM2 in radiation-induced toxicity in head and neck cancer.Oral Oncol. 2017 Apr;67:70-76. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2017.02.003. Epub 2017 Feb 14.
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364 Regulation of HPV16 E6 and MCL1 by SF3B1 inhibitor in head and neck cancer cells.Sci Rep. 2014 Aug 20;4:6098. doi: 10.1038/srep06098.
365 Metformin enhances gefitinib efficacy by interfering with interactions between tumor-associated macrophages and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells.Cell Oncol (Dordr). 2019 Aug;42(4):459-475. doi: 10.1007/s13402-019-00446-y. Epub 2019 Apr 17.
366 CCL18 promotes the metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck through MTDH-NF-B signalling pathway.J Cell Mol Med. 2019 Apr;23(4):2689-2701. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.14168. Epub 2019 Feb 15.
367 A systematic analysis of immune genes and overall survival in cancer patients.BMC Cancer. 2019 Dec 16;19(1):1225. doi: 10.1186/s12885-019-6414-6.
368 High pretreatment neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of poor survival prognosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Systematic review and meta-analysis.Head Neck. 2019 May;41(5):1525-1535. doi: 10.1002/hed.25583. Epub 2018 Dec 30.
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372 Reduced mRNA expression of nucleotide excision repair genes in lymphocytes and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Carcinogenesis. 2017 May 1;38(5):504-510. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgx028.
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375 DIAPH1 Is Upregulated and Inhibits Cell Apoptosis through ATR/p53/Caspase-3 Signaling Pathway in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Dis Markers. 2019 Jan 14;2019:6716472. doi: 10.1155/2019/6716472. eCollection 2019.
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377 Characterization of Alternative Splicing Events in HPV-Negative Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Identifies an Oncogenic DOCK5 Variant.Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Oct 15;24(20):5123-5132. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-0752. Epub 2018 Jun 26.
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396 Association of lnc-IL17RA-11 with increased radiation sensitivity and improved prognosis of HPV-positive HNSCC.J Cell Biochem. 2019 Oct;120(10):17438-17448. doi: 10.1002/jcb.29008. Epub 2019 May 22.
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413 Inactivation or loss of TTP promotes invasion in head and neck cancer via transcript stabilization and secretion of MMP9, MMP2, and IL-6.Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Mar 1;19(5):1169-79. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-2927. Epub 2013 Jan 24.
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415 Resveratrolinduced REG III expression enhances chemo?and radiosensitivity in head and neck cancer in xenograft mice.Oncol Rep. 2019 Jul;42(1):436-442. doi: 10.3892/or.2019.7137. Epub 2019 Apr 25.
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417 Knockdown of LncRNA RHPN1-AS1 Inhibits Cell Migration, Invasion and Proliferation in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.J Cancer. 2019 Jul 5;10(17):4000-4008. doi: 10.7150/jca.29029. eCollection 2019.
418 Targeting EZH2 Enhances Antigen Presentation, Antitumor Immunity, and Circumvents Anti-PD-1 Resistance in Head and Neck Cancer.Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Jan 1;26(1):290-300. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-1351. Epub 2019 Sep 27.
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422 Loss of CD169(+) Subcapsular Macrophages during Metastatic Spread of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Jul;161(1):67-73. doi: 10.1177/0194599819829741. Epub 2019 Feb 12.
423 Sentinel Lymph Node-Targeted Therapy by Oncolytic Sendai Virus Suppresses Micrometastasis of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma in an Orthotopic Nude Mouse Model.Mol Cancer Ther. 2019 Aug;18(8):1430-1438. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-18-1372. Epub 2019 Jun 6.
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425 Comprehensive Genomic Profiling of Patient-matched Head and Neck Cancer Cells: A Preclinical Pipeline for Metastatic and Recurrent Disease.Mol Cancer Res. 2018 Dec;16(12):1912-1926. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-18-0056. Epub 2018 Aug 14.
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434 TRAF3/CYLD mutations identify a distinct subset of human papillomavirus-associated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer. 2017 May 15;123(10):1778-1790. doi: 10.1002/cncr.30570. Epub 2017 Mar 13.
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436 A positive feedback loop between HER2 and ADAM12 in human head and neck cancer cells increases migration and invasion.Oncogene. 2012 Jun 7;31(23):2888-98. doi: 10.1038/onc.2011.460. Epub 2011 Oct 10.
437 ALKBH overexpression in head and neck cancer: potential target for novel anticancer therapy.Sci Rep. 2019 Sep 13;9(1):13249. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49550-x.
438 Clinical significance of melanoma-associated antigen A1-6 expression in sputum of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and hypopharynx.Head Neck. 2016 Apr;38 Suppl 1:E736-40. doi: 10.1002/hed.24081. Epub 2015 Jul 18.
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440 High level expression of AMAP1 protein correlates with poor prognosis and survival after surgery of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients.Cell Commun Signal. 2014 Mar 12;12:17. doi: 10.1186/1478-811X-12-17.
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442 Genetic variants of the p53 and p73 genes jointly increase risk of second primary malignancies in patients after index squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Cancer. 2012 Jan 15;118(2):485-92. doi: 10.1002/cncr.26222. Epub 2011 Jun 29.
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444 Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5 (ARPC5) contributes to cell migration and invasion and is directly regulated by tumor-suppressive microRNA-133a in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Int J Oncol. 2012 Jun;40(6):1770-8. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2012.1390. Epub 2012 Feb 29.
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446 Activating transcription factor-2 in survival mechanisms in head and neck carcinoma cells.Head Neck. 2011 Nov;33(11):1586-99. doi: 10.1002/hed.21648. Epub 2010 Dec 28.
447 Impaired mitochondrial protein synthesis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Mitochondrion. 2015 Sep;24:113-21. doi: 10.1016/j.mito.2015.07.123. Epub 2015 Aug 1.
448 Data-Driven prioritisation of antibody-drug conjugate targets in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Oral Oncol. 2018 May;80:33-39. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.03.005. Epub 2018 Mar 27.
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450 Quantitative expression analysis of the apoptosis-related gene, BCL2L12, in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.J Oral Pathol Med. 2013 Feb;42(2):154-61. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0714.2012.01190.x. Epub 2012 Jul 2.
451 A novel functional DEC1 promoter polymorphism -249T>C reduces risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Carcinogenesis. 2010 Dec;31(12):2082-90. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgq198. Epub 2010 Oct 8.
452 C1GALT1 predicts poor prognosis and is a potential therapeutic target in head and neck cancer.Oncogene. 2018 Oct;37(43):5780-5793. doi: 10.1038/s41388-018-0375-0. Epub 2018 Jun 21.
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454 Cyclin L1 (CCNL1) gene alterations in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Br J Cancer. 2006 Apr 10;94(7):1041-4. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6603036.
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456 Prognosis and modulation mechanisms of COMMD6 in human tumours based on expression profiling and comprehensive bioinformatics analysis.Br J Cancer. 2019 Oct;121(8):699-709. doi: 10.1038/s41416-019-0571-x. Epub 2019 Sep 16.
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462 miRNA-24-3p promotes cell proliferation and regulates chemosensitivity in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma by targeting CHD5.Future Oncol. 2016 Dec;12(23):2701-2712. doi: 10.2217/fon-2016-0179. Epub 2016 Aug 11.
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464 Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) inhibitor CIP2A indicates resistance to radiotherapy in rectal cancer.Cancer Med. 2018 Mar;7(3):698-706. doi: 10.1002/cam4.1361. Epub 2018 Feb 14.
465 CKMT1 and NCOA1 expression as a predictor of clinical outcome in patients with advanced-stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Head Neck. 2016 Apr;38 Suppl 1:E1392-403. doi: 10.1002/hed.24232. Epub 2015 Oct 30.
466 PER1 and CLOCK: potential circulating biomarkers for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Head Neck. 2014 Jul;36(7):1018-26. doi: 10.1002/hed.23402. Epub 2013 Sep 12.
467 Genetic variations in TERT-CLPTM1L genes and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Carcinogenesis. 2010 Nov;31(11):1977-81. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgq179. Epub 2010 Aug 28.
468 Clusterin is a gene-specific target of microRNA-21 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2014 Feb 15;20(4):868-77.
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473 Epigenetic silencing of CRABP2 and MX1 in head and neck tumors.Neoplasia. 2009 Dec;11(12):1329-39. doi: 10.1593/neo.91110.
474 Expression of nucleotide excision repair genes and the risk for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Cancer. 2002 Jan 15;94(2):393-7. doi: 10.1002/cncr.10231.
475 Clinical Significance of CUB and Sushi Multiple Domains 1 Inactivation in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Dec 12;19(12):3996. doi: 10.3390/ijms19123996.
476 Cysteine proteinase inhibitor cystatin C in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: relation to prognosis.Br J Cancer. 2004 May 17;90(10):1961-8. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6601830.
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479 Cortactin Phosphorylation by Casein Kinase 2 Regulates Actin-Related Protein 2/3 Complex Activity, Invadopodia Function, and Tumor Cell Invasion.Mol Cancer Res. 2019 Apr;17(4):987-1001. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-18-0391. Epub 2019 Jan 4.
480 Antitumor effects of telomelysin in combination with paclitaxel or cisplatin on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Oncol Rep. 2010 Feb;23(2):355-63.
481 Cytoglobin is upregulated by tumour hypoxia and silenced by promoter hypermethylation in head and neck cancer.Br J Cancer. 2009 Jul 7;101(1):139-44. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605121.
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485 DLC1 is unlikely to be a primary target for deletions on chromosome arm 8p22 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer Lett. 2004 Jun 25;209(2):207-13. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2003.12.018.
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487 HSP40 co-chaperone protein Tid1 suppresses metastasis of head and neck cancer by inhibiting Galectin-7-TCF3-MMP9 axis signaling.Theranostics. 2018 Jun 13;8(14):3841-3855. doi: 10.7150/thno.25784. eCollection 2018.
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490 Copy number increase of oncoprotein CIP2A is associated with poor patient survival in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.J Oral Pathol Med. 2016 May;45(5):329-37. doi: 10.1111/jop.12372. Epub 2015 Oct 5.
491 Expression microarray analysis reveals alternative splicing of LAMA3 and DST genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.PLoS One. 2014 Mar 27;9(3):e91263. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091263. eCollection 2014.
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493 Meta-Analyses of Microarray Datasets Identifies ANO1 and FADD as Prognostic Markers of Head and Neck Cancer.PLoS One. 2016 Jan 25;11(1):e0147409. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147409. eCollection 2016.
494 miR-124 Regulates the Epithelial-Restricted with Serine Box/Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling Axis in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Mol Cancer Ther. 2015 Oct;14(10):2313-20. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-14-1071. Epub 2015 Jul 30.
495 Identification of ESM1 overexpressed in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer Cell Int. 2019 May 2;19:118. doi: 10.1186/s12935-019-0833-y. eCollection 2019.
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498 Assessing the spectrum of germline variation in Fanconi anemia genes among patients with head and neck carcinoma before age 50.Cancer. 2017 Oct 15;123(20):3943-3954. doi: 10.1002/cncr.30802. Epub 2017 Jul 5.
499 Sendai virus-mediated gene transfer of the c-myc suppressor far-upstream element-binding protein-interacting repressor suppresses head and neck cancer.Gene Ther. 2015 Apr;22(4):297-304. doi: 10.1038/gt.2014.123. Epub 2015 Jan 15.
500 Gold nanoclusters as a contrast agent for image-guided surgery of head and neck tumors.Nanomedicine. 2019 Aug;20:102011. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2019.04.014. Epub 2019 May 17.
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502 Visualization of the timing of gene amplification during multistep head and neck tumorigenesis.Cancer Res. 2000 Nov 15;60(22):6496-502.
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504 Dual-receptor (EGFR and c-MET) inhibition by tumor-suppressive miR-1 and miR-206 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.J Hum Genet. 2017 Jan;62(1):113-121. doi: 10.1038/jhg.2016.47. Epub 2016 May 12.
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507 Role of GRB2-associated binder 1 in epidermal growth factor receptor-induced signaling in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Int J Cancer. 2013 Mar 1;132(5):1042-50. doi: 10.1002/ijc.27763. Epub 2012 Aug 28.
508 Association study of the G-protein beta3 subunit C825T polymorphism with disease progression an overall survival in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 Nov;17(11):3203-7. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-08-0616.
509 Alterations of GPI transamidase subunits in head and neck squamous carcinoma.Mol Cancer. 2007 Nov 21;6:74. doi: 10.1186/1476-4598-6-74.
510 The prognostic value of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Histopathology. 2014 Feb;64(3):348-55. doi: 10.1111/his.12258. Epub 2013 Nov 26.
511 The Proton-Sensing G-Protein Coupled Receptor GPR4 Promotes Angiogenesis in Head and Neck Cancer.PLoS One. 2016 Apr 14;11(4):e0152789. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152789. eCollection 2016.
512 Cytochrome P450 2E1 and head and neck cancer: interaction with genetic and environmental risk factors.Environ Mol Mutagen. 2009 Jul;50(6):473-82. doi: 10.1002/em.20488.
513 Immune-Checkpoint Blockade Opposes CD8(+) T-cell Suppression in Human and Murine Cancer.Cancer Immunol Res. 2019 Mar;7(3):510-525. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-18-0054. Epub 2019 Feb 6.
514 Knockdown of HPIP Inhibits the Proliferation and Invasion of Head-and-Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells by Regulating PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway.Oncol Res. 2016;24(3):153-60. doi: 10.3727/096504016X14612603423476.
515 FOXM1 induces a global methylation signature that mimics the cancer epigenome in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e34329. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0034329. Epub 2012 Mar 26.
516 Gene-environment interactions of novel variants associated with head and neck cancer.Head Neck. 2012 Aug;34(8):1111-8. doi: 10.1002/hed.21867. Epub 2011 Nov 2.
517 Accumulated SET protein up-regulates and interacts with hnRNPK, increasing its binding to nucleic acids, the Bcl-xS repression, and cellular proliferation.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014 Feb 28;445(1):196-202. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.01.175. Epub 2014 Feb 4.
518 Inclusion of hnRNP L Alternative Exon 7 Is Associated with Good Prognosis and Inhibited by Oncogene SRSF3 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Biomed Res Int. 2019 Nov 13;2019:9612425. doi: 10.1155/2019/9612425. eCollection 2019.
519 The role of HOXB9 and miR-196a in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.PLoS One. 2015 Apr 10;10(4):e0122285. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122285. eCollection 2015.
520 HOXC6 is deregulated in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and modulates Bcl-2 expression.J Biol Chem. 2012 Oct 12;287(42):35678-35688. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.361675. Epub 2012 Aug 15.
521 High heregulin expression is associated with activated HER3 and may define an actionable biomarker in patients with squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck.PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e56765. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056765. Epub 2013 Feb 28.
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524 Expression of tumor markers hyaluronic acid and hyaluronidase (HYAL1) in head and neck tumors.Int J Cancer. 2003 Sep 1;106(3):438-45. doi: 10.1002/ijc.11252.
525 PYHIN genes as potential biomarkers for prognosis of human papillomavirus-positive or -negative head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.Mol Biol Rep. 2019 Jun;46(3):3333-3347. doi: 10.1007/s11033-019-04795-7. Epub 2019 Apr 12.
526 Frequent deletion of ING2 locus at 4q35.1 associates with advanced tumor stage in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2009 May;135(5):703-13. doi: 10.1007/s00432-008-0507-y. Epub 2008 Nov 8.
527 ING3 is required for ATM signaling and DNA repair in response to DNA double strand breaks.Cell Death Differ. 2019 Nov;26(11):2344-2357. doi: 10.1038/s41418-019-0305-x. Epub 2019 Feb 25.
528 Downregulation and translocation of nuclear ING4 is correlated with tumorigenesis and progression of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Oral Oncol. 2011 Mar;47(3):217-23. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2011.01.004.
529 The mutational landscape of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Science. 2011 Aug 26;333(6046):1157-60. doi: 10.1126/science.1208130. Epub 2011 Jul 28.
530 Increased nitric oxide levels and iNOS over-expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma.Oral Oncol. 2005 Mar;41(3):261-7. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2004.09.007.
531 Regulation of ITGA3 by the anti-tumor miR-199 family inhibits cancer cell migration and invasion in head and neck cancer.Cancer Sci. 2017 Aug;108(8):1681-1692. doi: 10.1111/cas.13298. Epub 2017 Jul 4.
532 Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 inhibits cell adhesion via suppression of integrin 4 expression.Oncotarget. 2015 Jun 20;6(17):15150-63. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.3825.
533 KIF1A and EDNRB are differentially methylated in primary HNSCC and salivary rinses.Int J Cancer. 2010 Nov 15;127(10):2351-9. doi: 10.1002/ijc.25248.
534 Telomerase-specific oncolytic adenovirus: antitumor effects on radiation-resistant head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells.Head Neck. 2014 Mar;36(3):411-8. doi: 10.1002/hed.23309. Epub 2013 Jun 1.
535 Cytokeratins 6 and 16 are frequently expressed in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and fresh biopsies.Anticancer Res. 2005 Jul-Aug;25(4):2675-80.
536 Cytokeratin 18 expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 1996;253(4-5):227-33. doi: 10.1007/BF00171132.
537 Establishment and characterization of a novel HPV-negative laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell line, FD-LSC-1, with missense and nonsense mutations of TP53 in the DNA-binding domain.Cancer Lett. 2014 Jan 1;342(1):92-103. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2013.08.041. Epub 2013 Aug 31.
538 Methylationassociated inactivation of LATS1 and its effect on demethylation or overexpression on YAP and cell biological function in human renal cell carcinoma.Int J Oncol. 2014 Dec;45(6):2511-21. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2014.2687. Epub 2014 Sep 30.
539 LDOC1 gene expression in two patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas and Parkinson's disease.Tumori. 2012 May-Jun;98(3):86e-88e. doi: 10.1700/1125.12418.
540 LIMD1 is more frequently altered than RB1 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: clinical and prognostic implications.Mol Cancer. 2010 Mar 12;9:58. doi: 10.1186/1476-4598-9-58.
541 Lysyl oxidase like-4 monoclonal antibody demonstrates therapeutic effect against head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells and xenografts.Int J Cancer. 2016 May 15;138(10):2529-38. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29986. Epub 2016 Jan 25.
542 MAGEB2 is activated by promoter demethylation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e45534. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045534. Epub 2012 Sep 24.
543 Characterization of squamous cell carcinoma in an organotypic culture via subsurface non-linear optical molecular imaging.Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2013 Nov 1;238(11):1233-41. doi: 10.1177/1535370213502628. Epub 2013 Oct 1.
544 Identification of an epigenetic profile classifier that is associated with survival in head and neck cancer.Cancer Res. 2012 Jun 1;72(11):2728-37. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-4121-T. Epub 2012 Apr 16.
545 Replication of an adenoviral vector controlled by the human telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter causes tumor-selective tumor lysis.Cancer Res. 2003 Nov 15;63(22):7936-41.
546 MFAP2 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition in gastric cancer cells by activating TGF-/SMAD2/3 signaling pathway.Onco Targets Ther. 2018 Jul 12;11:4001-4017. doi: 10.2147/OTT.S160831. eCollection 2018.
547 Defects in the human leukocyte antigen class I antigen processing machinery in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: association with clinical outcome.Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Apr 1;11(7):2552-60. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-04-2146.
548 Targeting EZH2 regulates tumor growth and apoptosis through modulating mitochondria dependent cell-death pathway in HNSCC.Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 20;6(32):33720-32. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.5606.
549 Smoking and drinking can induce p15 methylation in the upper aerodigestive tract of healthy individuals and patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer. 2004 Jul 1;101(1):125-32. doi: 10.1002/cncr.20323.
550 Functional repeats (TGYCC)n in the p53-inducible gene 3 (PIG3) promoter and susceptibility to squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Carcinogenesis. 2013 Apr;34(4):812-7. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgs388. Epub 2012 Dec 14.
551 Tumor suppressive microRNA-133a regulates novel targets: moesin contributes to cancer cell proliferation and invasion in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 Feb 10;418(2):378-83. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.01.030. Epub 2012 Jan 12.
552 Pilot study of mucosal genetic differences in early smokers and nonsmokers.Laryngoscope. 2006 Aug;116(8):1375-9. doi: 10.1097/01.mlg.0000228133.08067.f8.
553 Opposing function of MYBBP1A in proliferation and migration of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells.BMC Cancer. 2012 Feb 17;12:72. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-12-72.
554 Passenger strand of miR-145-3p acts as a tumor-suppressor by targeting MYO1B in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Int J Oncol. 2018 Jan;52(1):166-178. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2017.4190. Epub 2017 Nov 6.
555 Epigenetic screen of human DNA repair genes identifies aberrant promoter methylation of NEIL1 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Oncogene. 2012 Dec 6;31(49):5108-16. doi: 10.1038/onc.2011.660. Epub 2012 Jan 30.
556 Hypermethylation of the retinoic acid receptor-beta(2) gene in head and neck carcinogenesis.Clin Cancer Res. 2004 Mar 1;10(5):1733-42. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-0989-3.
557 Ninein-like protein is overexpressed in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and contributes to cancer growth and resistance to apoptosis.Oncol Rep. 2009 Oct;22(4):789-98. doi: 10.3892/or_00000501.
558 NOVA1 induction by inflammation and NOVA1 suppression by epigenetic regulation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 2;9(1):11231. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47755-8.
559 WHSC1L1-mediated EGFR mono-methylation enhances the cytoplasmic and nuclear oncogenic activity of EGFR in head and neck cancer.Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 19;7:40664. doi: 10.1038/srep40664.
560 Targeting C4-demethylating genes in the cholesterol pathway sensitizes cancer cells to EGF receptor inhibitors via increased EGF receptor degradation. Cancer Discov. 2013 Jan;3(1):96-111. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-12-0031. Epub 2012 Nov 2.
561 Axon guidance molecule semaphorin3A is a novel tumor suppressor in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Oncotarget. 2016 Feb 2;7(5):6048-62. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.6831.
562 The prognostic utility of haptoglobin genotypes in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Clin Chem Lab Med. 2009;47(10):1277-83. doi: 10.1515/CCLM.2009.275.
563 Cox-2 and IL-10 polymorphisms and association with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in a Korean sample.J Korean Med Sci. 2010 Jul;25(7):1024-8. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2010.25.7.1024. Epub 2010 Jun 17.
564 Enhancing radiosensitization in EphB4 receptor-expressing Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas.Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 12;6:38792. doi: 10.1038/srep38792.
565 Decreased expression of cell adhesion genes in cancer stem-like cells isolated from primary oral squamous cell carcinomas.Tumour Biol. 2018 May;40(5):1010428318780859. doi: 10.1177/1010428318780859.
566 Human papillomavirus-stratified analysis of the prognostic role of miR-21 in oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.Pathol Int. 2014 Oct;64(10):499-507. doi: 10.1111/pin.12201. Epub 2014 Sep 19.
567 Correlation between podoplanin expression and extracapsular spread in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity using subjective immunoreactivity scores and semiquantitative image analysis.Head Neck. 2017 Jan;39(1):98-108. doi: 10.1002/hed.24537. Epub 2016 Jul 20.
568 Altered expression of circadian clock genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Tumour Biol. 2012 Feb;33(1):149-55. doi: 10.1007/s13277-011-0258-2. Epub 2011 Nov 15.
569 Inactivation of 9q22.3 tumor suppressor genes predict outcome for patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Anticancer Res. 2013 Mar;33(3):1215-20.
570 Clinical performance validation of PITX2 DNA methylation as prognostic biomarker in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.PLoS One. 2017 Jun 15;12(6):e0179412. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179412. eCollection 2017.
571 Identification and characterization of dysregulated P-element induced wimpy testis-interacting RNAs in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Oncol Lett. 2019 Mar;17(3):2615-2622. doi: 10.3892/ol.2019.9913. Epub 2019 Jan 9.
572 Loss of expression of ZAC/LOT1 in squamous cell carcinomas of head and neck.Head Neck. 2004 Apr;26(4):338-44. doi: 10.1002/hed.10386.
573 Association between novel PLCE1 variants identified in published esophageal cancer genome-wide association studies and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.BMC Cancer. 2011 Jun 20;11:258. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-11-258.
574 Plectin promotes migration and invasion of cancer cells and is a novel prognostic marker for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.J Proteomics. 2012 Mar 16;75(6):1803-15. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2011.12.018. Epub 2011 Dec 30.
575 Combination of fenretinide and ABT-263 induces apoptosis through NOXA for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma treatment.PLoS One. 2019 Jul 5;14(7):e0219398. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219398. eCollection 2019.
576 S100A8/A9 (calprotectin) negatively regulates G2/M cell cycle progression and growth of squamous cell carcinoma.PLoS One. 2013 Jul 9;8(7):e69395. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069395. Print 2013.
577 Dysregulated cholinergic network as a novel biomarker of poor prognostic in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.BMC Cancer. 2015 May 10;15:385. doi: 10.1186/s12885-015-1402-y.
578 SET protein accumulation prevents cell death in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma through regulation of redox state and autophagy.Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2019 Apr;1866(4):623-637. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2019.01.005. Epub 2019 Jan 16.
579 AlloDriver: a method for the identification and analysis of cancer driver targets.Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jul 2;47(W1):W315-W321. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz350.
580 Frequent promoter hypermethylation of PTPRT increases STAT3 activation and sensitivity to STAT3 inhibition in head and neck cancer.Oncogene. 2016 Mar 3;35(9):1163-9. doi: 10.1038/onc.2015.171. Epub 2015 May 18.
581 PTTG and PBF Functionally Interact with p53 and Predict Overall Survival in Head and Neck Cancer.Cancer Res. 2018 Oct 15;78(20):5863-5876. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-0855. Epub 2018 Aug 28.
582 RAR beta2 suppression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma correlates with site, histology and age.Oncol Rep. 2007 Jul;18(1):105-12.
583 RacGAP1 Is a Novel Downstream Effector of E2F7-Dependent Resistance to Doxorubicin and Is Prognostic for Overall Survival in Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Mol Cancer Ther. 2015 Aug;14(8):1939-50. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-15-0076. Epub 2015 May 27.
584 The miR-205-5p/BRCA1/RAD17 Axis Promotes Genomic Instability in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas.Cancers (Basel). 2019 Sep 11;11(9):1347. doi: 10.3390/cancers11091347.
585 Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma targeted chemosensitization.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009 Aug;141(2):177-83. doi: 10.1016/j.otohns.2009.04.024.
586 RAD51C--a new human cancer susceptibility gene for sporadic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC).Oral Oncol. 2014 Mar;50(3):196-9. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2013.11.007. Epub 2013 Dec 6.
587 The tumor suppressor gene rap1GAP is silenced by miR-101-mediated EZH2 overexpression in invasive squamous cell carcinoma.Oncogene. 2011 Oct 20;30(42):4339-49. doi: 10.1038/onc.2011.141. Epub 2011 May 2.
588 Aberrant Methylation of RASSF1A Closely Associated with HNSCC, a Meta-Analysis.Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 9;6:20756. doi: 10.1038/srep20756.
589 Functional single nucleotide polymorphisms of the RASSF3 gene and susceptibility to squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Eur J Cancer. 2014 Feb;50(3):582-92. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2013.11.009. Epub 2013 Nov 29.
590 Transcriptional regulation of retinoic acid responsive genes by cellular retinoic acid binding protein-II modulates RA mediated tumor cell proliferation and invasion.Anticancer Res. 1998 Jan-Feb;18(1A):217-24.
591 Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 suppresses vascular endothelial growth factor expression and tumor angiogenesis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer Sci. 2012 Jul;103(7):1259-66. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2012.02301.x. Epub 2012 May 25.
592 Disruption of KEAP1/CUL3/RBX1 E3-ubiquitin ligase complex components by multiple genetic mechanisms: Association with poor prognosis in head and neck cancer.Head Neck. 2015 May;37(5):727-34. doi: 10.1002/hed.23663. Epub 2014 Jun 18.
593 High expression of Pirh2, an E3 ligase for p27, is associated with low expression of p27 and poor prognosis in head and neck cancers.Cancer Sci. 2009 May;100(5):866-72. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2009.01122.x.
594 Exome sequencing reveals recurrent REV3L mutations in cisplatin-resistant squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck.Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 21;6:19552. doi: 10.1038/srep19552.
595 The atypical Rho GTPase RhoBTB2 is required for expression of the chemokine CXCL14 in normal and cancerous epithelial cells.Oncogene. 2008 Nov 20;27(54):6856-65. doi: 10.1038/onc.2008.317. Epub 2008 Sep 1.
596 RhoC expression and head and neck cancer metastasis.Mol Cancer Res. 2009 Nov;7(11):1771-80. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-08-0512. Epub 2009 Oct 27.
597 The p53-reactivating small molecule RITA induces senescence in head and neck cancer cells.PLoS One. 2014 Aug 13;9(8):e104821. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104821. eCollection 2014.
598 Reference gene selection for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma gene expression studies.BMC Mol Biol. 2009 Aug 3;10:78. doi: 10.1186/1471-2199-10-78.
599 Investigation of the association of hRRM1 and p53R2 gene polymorphisms in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.Med Oncol. 2014 Jul;31(7):12. doi: 10.1007/s12032-014-0012-x. Epub 2014 May 27.
600 Somatic mutations and promotor methylation of the ryanodine receptor 2 is a common event in the pathogenesis of head and neck cancer.Int J Cancer. 2019 Dec 15;145(12):3299-3310. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32481. Epub 2019 Jun 19.
601 Nuclear S100A7 is associated with poor prognosis in head and neck cancer.PLoS One. 2010 Aug 3;5(8):e11939. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011939.
602 SATB2 augments Np63 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.EMBO Rep. 2010 Oct;11(10):777-83. doi: 10.1038/embor.2010.125. Epub 2010 Sep 10.
603 DNA microarray reveals ZNF195 and SBF1 are potential biomarkers for gemcitabine sensitivity in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014 Mar 15;7(4):1514-23. eCollection 2014.
604 Flow cytometric quantification of the proliferation-associated nuclear antigen p105 and DNA content in advanced head & neck cancers: results of RTOG 91-08.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1994 Jul 1;29(4):661-71. doi: 10.1016/0360-3016(94)90552-5.
605 Syntenin-1 is a promoter and prognostic marker of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma invasion and metastasis.Oncotarget. 2016 Dec 13;7(50):82634-82647. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.13020.
606 Expression of 3q oncogene SEC62 in atypical fibroxanthoma-immunohistochemical analysis of 41 cases and correlation with clinical, viral and histopathologic features.Oncol Lett. 2019 Feb;17(2):1768-1776. doi: 10.3892/ol.2018.9767. Epub 2018 Nov 27.
607 MART-10, a novel vitamin D analog, inhibits head and neck squamous carcinoma cells growth through cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 with upregulation of p21 and p27 and downregulation of telomerase.J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2013 Nov;138:427-34. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.09.002. Epub 2013 Sep 14.
608 Downregulation of SERPINB13 expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas associates with poor clinical outcome.Int J Cancer. 2009 Oct 1;125(7):1542-50. doi: 10.1002/ijc.24507.
609 SERPINB2 down-regulation contributes to chemoresistance in head and neck cancer.Mol Carcinog. 2014 Oct;53(10):777-86. doi: 10.1002/mc.22033. Epub 2013 May 9.
610 Technical and clinical performance of a new assay to detect squamous cell carcinoma antigen levels for the differential diagnosis of cervical, lung, and head and neck cancer.Tumour Biol. 2018 Apr;40(4):1010428318772202. doi: 10.1177/1010428318772202.
611 Tristetraprolin regulates interleukin-6, which is correlated with tumor progression in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer. 2011 Jun 15;117(12):2677-89. doi: 10.1002/cncr.25859. Epub 2011 Jan 10.
612 SNP rs1049430 in the 3'-UTR of SH3GL2 regulates its expression: Clinical and prognostic implications in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 May;1852(5):1059-67. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2015.02.009. Epub 2015 Feb 26.
613 A critical role of c-Cbl-interacting protein of 85 kDa in the development and progression of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas through the ras-ERK pathway.Neoplasia. 2010 Oct;12(10):789-96. doi: 10.1593/neo.10396.
614 The potential of SIRT6 and SIRT7 as circulating markers for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Anticancer Res. 2014 Dec;34(12):7137-43.
615 Inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity of SMAD4 loss in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.Mol Carcinog. 2019 May;58(5):666-673. doi: 10.1002/mc.22958. Epub 2019 Jan 16.
616 Association of two BRM promoter polymorphisms with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma risk.Carcinogenesis. 2013 May;34(5):1012-7. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgt008. Epub 2013 Jan 15.
617 Downregulation of SMG-1 in HPV-positive head and neck squamous cell carcinoma due to promoter hypermethylation correlates with improved survival.Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Mar 1;18(5):1257-67. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-2058. Epub 2012 Jan 13.
618 Regulation of submaxillary gland androgen-regulated protein 3A via estrogen receptor 2 in radioresistant head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells.J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Feb 6;36(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s13046-017-0496-2.
619 Inter-observer and segmentation method variability of textural analysis in pre-therapeutic FDG PET/CT in head and neck cancer.PLoS One. 2019 Mar 28;14(3):e0214299. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214299. eCollection 2019.
620 SMURF1 silencing diminishes a CD44-high cancer stem cell-like population in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Mol Cancer. 2014 Dec 3;13:260. doi: 10.1186/1476-4598-13-260.
621 Np63/SRC/Slug Signaling Axis Promotes Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Squamous Cancers.Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Aug 15;24(16):3917-3927. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-3775. Epub 2018 May 8.
622 A prognostic mRNA expression signature of four 16q24.3 genes in radio(chemo)therapy-treated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC).Mol Oncol. 2018 Dec;12(12):2085-2101. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.12388. Epub 2018 Oct 26.
623 p38 MAPK mediates epithelial-mesenchymal transition by regulating p38IP and Snail in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Oral Oncol. 2016 Sep;60:81-9. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2016.06.010. Epub 2016 Jul 15.
624 Genetic variation in Transaldolase 1 and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Cancer Detect Prev. 2008;32(3):200-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cdp.2008.08.008. Epub 2008 Sep 20.
625 Protein expression and promoter methylation of the candidate biomarker TCF21 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Cell Oncol (Dordr). 2013 Jun;36(3):213-24. doi: 10.1007/s13402-013-0129-5. Epub 2013 Mar 26.
626 Decreased mitochondrial copy numbers in oral squamous cell carcinoma.Head Neck. 2016 Aug;38(8):1170-5. doi: 10.1002/hed.24194. Epub 2016 Apr 15.
627 Gene expression profiles in HPV-infected head and neck cancer.J Pathol. 2007 Nov;213(3):283-93. doi: 10.1002/path.2227.
628 Hypoxia induces TFE3 expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.Oncotarget. 2016 Mar 8;7(10):11651-63. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7309.
629 Carboxyl-Terminal Modulator Protein Positively Acts as an Oncogenic Driver in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma via Regulating Akt phosphorylation.Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 22;6:28503. doi: 10.1038/srep28503.
630 Impact of HPV infection on gene expression and methylation in oral cancer patients.J Med Microbiol. 2019 Mar;68(3):440-445. doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.000898. Epub 2019 Jan 9.
631 Variants of EVER1 and EVER2 (TMC6 and TMC8) and human papillomavirus status in patients with mucosal squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Cancer Causes Control. 2016 Jun;27(6):809-15. doi: 10.1007/s10552-016-0749-y. Epub 2016 Apr 20.
632 Characterization of the role of TMEM45A in cancer cell sensitivity to cisplatin.Cell Death Dis. 2019 Dec 4;10(12):919. doi: 10.1038/s41419-019-2088-x.
633 Human DESC1 serine protease confers tumorigenic properties to MDCK cells and it is upregulated in tumours of different origin.Br J Cancer. 2007 Jul 16;97(2):201-9. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6603856. Epub 2007 Jun 19.
634 A functional variant at the miR-184 binding site in TNFAIP2 and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.Carcinogenesis. 2011 Nov;32(11):1668-74. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgr209. Epub 2011 Sep 20.
635 Identification of seven differentially displayed transcripts in human primary and matched metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines: implications in metastasis and/or radiation response.Oral Oncol. 1997 May;33(3):197-203. doi: 10.1016/s0964-1955(96)00065-6.
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